Showing posts with label Sextuplets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sextuplets. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Kate and Jon Gosselin Celebrate Sextuplets" 13th Birthday, Manage to Be Sweet

On this day, 13 years ago, Kate Gosselin was recovering from giving birth to six babies.

And you know what that means: it means that we as a people have somehow survived being aware of the Gosselins for nearly a decade and a half.

Oh, it also means that yesterday was the sextuplets’ 13th birthday.

What a special day, huh?

Kate is now the mother of eight teenagers, which sounds like a special kind of hell, and she now has eight teenagers to withhold from Jon Gosselin.

And the woman is pretty happy about the whole thing.

In an uncharacteristically touching post she shared on Instagram yesterday, Kate wrote “HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel!!”

“At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births!”

“I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you,” she promised.

“I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend!”

“I love you guys! I got six times what I planned on, but I’d NEVER EVER go back! You’re the final six pieced of my heart that I never knew I was looking for,” she finished.

In another post just before their birthday, she shared a photo of a tiny diaper — the same kind they wore when they were born.

“Sitting in my room with the kids… thinking back to almost 13 years ago,” she wrote in the caption.

“I pulled out this extra small preemie diaper from the NICU.. I’ve kept in my bedside table drawer, wherever we moved….to always remind me of how far we’ve come!”

She added that “the kids were awed,” which makes sense — it’s hard to believe that diaper would fit an actual human baby.

In the hashtags, she reminded us that when they were born, the sextuplets weighed between two and three pounds. Oh, how far they’ve come!

But Kate wasn’t the only one to share the celebratory spirit with us. Jon shared a photo of the birthday cake he got for the kids:

“I can’t believe my little kids will be 13 tomorrow!!!” he wrote in the caption.

He even took things a step further, giving a quick interview to E! News about the special occasion.

Jon explained that he was able to celebrate the kids’ birthday on Monday, and that “I had four of them: Hannah, Lean, Joel and Aaden.”

“I cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill and we did presents and played football in the backyard,” he said. “After that, we did cake and ice cream. It was good.”

When asked how it feels to be the parent of eight teenagers now, he said “It’s only been a couple of hours, so we’ll see. It’s going to be interesting!”

Yeah, Jon. We bet it will be.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Recap: The Sextuplets Turn Twelve!

Tuesday on Kate Plus 8, the controversial mom of eight and tabloid mainstay reflected on the milestone of the sextuplets turning 12.

Yes … the Gosselins are twelve years old!

“The last year before the year of eight teenagers,” Kate Gosselin mused, adding “the year I’ve been dreading since they were all born.”

Based on her attitude, we’d think that would apply to every year since they’ve been born, but … that’s neither here nor there right now.

After all, she has a family to expand.

Yes, expand. Welcome, Nanook and Mack! Kate and the family got a pair of new dogs, then set about planning a big birthday celebration.

For the kids. Not the dogs. Every day is a celebration if you’re a dog that has that many kids to play with and is reasonably taken care of.

Of course, there was inevitable, and uncomfortable subject of the proverbial elephant in the room … or not in the room, or home, as it were:

Collin Gosselin.

With Collin being treated for special needs – or being hidden from Jon Gosselin, to hear him tell it – he will obviously not be at the party.

What kind of issues does the child have?

“I was not able with my own resources here to meet his needs,” she explained, pretty much as vaguely as she has in the past.

“He needs to be in an environment to help him learn the skills and help gain the insight to be the best Collin that he can be.”

Is Kate lying about his whereabouts? Or being intentionally misleading through omission? We can’t say with any certainty.

Whatever his behavior problems may consist of, having a party without Collin was “tough” for the kids and “tough for mom.”

Still, however, the show must go on.

After arguing with their mom briefly, the two older girls, Mady and Cara, performed their decorating duties as instructed by the taskmaster.

Mady said they “slayed” the job no less. Sweet.

When the party finally arrived, Kate gave instructions about the scavenger hunt theme she planned to a bunch of disinterested ‘tweens.

Or so it appeared at the time. But it went well.

The hunt mainly consisted of two Gosselin “teams” traveling to local businesses owned by parents of the kids’ friends, hunting for goodies.

Because there were more girls than boys in this Battle of the Sexes, Kate gave the boys a head start, which they used to their advantage.

They won. The boys WON!!!

Afterward, it was time to hit the party venue at last, and Kate gave some sage advice to girls about the virtues of sportsmanship.

“Inside, you can think the most horrible things you want, but outside you say, ‘Good game,"” she explained, somewhat ironically.

The only person who puts that attitude into practice less effectively than Kate might be her former boss on Celebrity Apprentice.

Just saying. Practice what you preach much? At all?

Anyway, the kids proceeded to play games, take photo booth pics and beat a piñata harder worse than Kate used to whomp Jon.

So to speak. They had a blast is the point.

The money booth, in which the kids grabbed as many floating dollars as they could, was the biggest hit, and an appropriate metaphor.

Kate, after all, is back where she likes to be.

With her trials and tribulations airing on TV, and garnering media attention left and right, she’s smack dab in the Money Booth of Life.
