Showing posts with label Plus'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plus'. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Michael C. Hall"s "Dexter" Stalking Costume Up For Auction, Plus "Star Trek" Props

There’s an online bidding war about to erupt, and “Dexter” fans will have the opportunity to take home Michael C. Hall’s famous stalker getup from the psychological thriller … if they have the cash.  The Dexter Morgan stalker ensemble from…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Charlie Sheen Says "Hooker" Knew He Had HIV, Plus She Signed an NDA

Charlie Sheen says the “hooker” suing him for exposing her to HIV is an extortionist, who rolls the dice with STDs on the regular because she’s banged “hundreds, if not thousands,” of guys. Sheen is responding to the lawsuit filed anonymously last…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Little Aaden Gosselin on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" "Memba Him?!

Aaden Gosselin was only 3 years old when he gained fame for being the adorable glasses-wearing sibling — alongside his 7 other brothers and sisters — in the TLC hit show, ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8.’ Guess what he looks like now ten years later!


Friday, August 18, 2017

Plus Size Instagram Model Rocks a Crop Top, Fights Back Against Body-Shamers!

People are just the worst.

It’s been proven time and time again, and at this point, we have absolutely no reason to question it.

People can be cruel, insensitive, heartless, and many of them go out of their way to hurt others.

And while there are many stories that that little intro could preface, today it’s going to go along with the story of a plus size Instagram model named Noonie Regardless.

Noonie, as you can see in the photo above, is absolutely gorgeous.

She’s also really into body positivity, and in inspiring others to love themselves, no matter what size they may be.

Just for an example of the kind of good this woman is doing, let’s take a glance at the powerful message she shared along with that cute picture up there.

“Growing up I used to be the skinniest,” Noonie began. “I ate so much but never would gain weight.”

That all changed about the time she began the second grade, when “I began to get bigger and when I say big I mean big. I was already wearing a size XL in shirts and a 20 in women pants.”

She wrote that she used to hate herself for the way she looked, and that even though she was kind to others, she would still get teased.

Eventually she began playing volleyball, which helped her lose some weight, and as she began to get older she finally began to love herself.

Until, that is, “I seen on social media how the IG famous girls looked so small and beautiful or thick and beautiful and then there was me.”

“I had no big boobs to show, no big butt to show, all I had was thighs and hops. My stomach still was overflowed and I wanted to look like the girls on IG.”

So she got herself some detox teas and began working out vigorously, “and I thought to myself months later, why are you trying to be someone you’re not, why can’t you accept who you are and love you.”

And finally she found a middle ground. How wonderful, right?

“Moral of the story is if you’re struggling with loving yourself step back and point out the things you love about yourself and start accepting you as a person,” she concluded.

“Is it easy? F-CK NO! But I promise you once you love who you are and accept who you are you will feel like the baddest bitch walking and not a not a negative goblin can stop you.”

It’s a lovely message, right?

But then those negative goblins she was talking about saw the photo and did things like this:

“Leave the bralette and crop top wearing to us skinny girls,” some miserable soul wrote above Noonie’s cute picture, along with the vomiting emoji and the whale emoji.

Humanity is doomed, isn’t it?

There are people out there who can see that photo, see that personal, uplifting message she wrote, and then turn her into a body-shaming meme.

It hurts, it really does.

Enough people made similar memes, or circulated this one, that Noonie heard about it, and she reposted it herself.

And her response was just glorious.

“No I don’t have the flat stomach to flex in a crop top/bralette but I have a muffin top to do so,” she explained.

“I don’t know why people still body shame at this point. It’s quite pointless if you ask me.”

Get ‘em, girl!

“You don’t have to be skinny to rock a crop top or bralette,” she said — and you know she’s telling the truth.

“To my ladies with stomachs wear whatever the hell you want and make everybody feel uncomfortable. As women we have to learn to build each other up instead of trying to break each other down.”

A novel idea, at this point, it seems.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Collin Gosselin Absent From Own Birthday Party; Kate Plus 8 Fans Concerned, Livid on Twitter

Where is Collin Gosselin? One of Kate’s eight kids was missing from his own birthday party on last night’s show, and fans were not happy.

Yes, Kate Plus 8 Season 6 Episode 3 marked a milestone as the sextuplets turned 13, but the elephant not in the room was the big story.

If you watch Kate Plus 8 online, you will see a big party celebrating five of the six Kate Gosselin sextuplets officially becoming teenagers.

Of course, with Collin not there, TLC may we well rename the show Kate Plus 7 these days … like a reverse 17, 18, 19 Kids & Counting.

Kate’s show hasn’t featured son Collin Gosselin in ages, as he no longer lives in the family home due to his unspecified “special needs.”

While it’s well known that he is living away from the family in a program for kids who need special treatment, it’s never been clear why.

Moreover, viewers were really hoping he wouldn’t be absent from his own birthday party and would reunite with his sextuplet siblings.

Apparently not.

Instead, Aaden, Alexis, Hannah, Leah and Joel were all on hand for a celebratory camping trip with their brother nowhere to be seen.

The five kids had a blast, it appeared, with the girls getting pampered with facials and the boys embarking on a fun scavenger hunt.

Their older sisters, 16 year-old twins Mady and Cara, were along for the ride, and Kate had a freakout here and there, but it was great.

Minus the Collin thing.

The kids turned 13 on May 10, and the party was one of the focal points of this new season catching fans up on what Kate is doing.

Yet Collin’s absence and continued struggles have been such a letdown for viewers that many are questioning why the show airs at all.

K8 Fan Tweet

More than a few viewers took note of his absence and how the troubled youngster is basically not even part of the family/cast anymore.

Obviously, he is, but it doesn’t feel like it.

The fact that he was turning 13, a pretty major life milestone, and still not present really underscored this sad situation like never before.

Collin also missed out on the family ski trip that aired on July 17, but this a much bigger deal and doubly painful to longtime supporters.

But life goes on, apparently, and just because Collin didn’t get to be a part of his own birthday celebration doesn’t mean there wasn’t one.

Fans took to Twitter in droves to express their feelings about it, however, making something that didn’t happen the night’s top storyline.

Kate Fan Tweets

His whereabouts are shrouded in mystery, which would be understandable, given the private and sensitive nature of the situation.

But estranged father Jon Gosselin recently shocked fans when he suggested Kate Gosselin is holding Collin hostage essentially.

Jon claimed he had no information about his son’s whereabouts, and said Kate is refusing to tell even him where the boy lives:

“I have an idea but I don’t really know where he is. I mean, I ask but she doesn’t tell me. She doesn’t answer any of my texts.”

Kate responded in an interview that Collin is just fine, thank you, and took the opportunity to throw some serious shade at Jon.

Obviously. This is Kate after all.

She said it’s a sad state of affairs that Jon is using Collin’s recent behavioral issues as an excuse to question her competency as a mother.

“I’m really focused less on what Jon has to say,” Kate said, accusing Jon of a transparent attempt to look like the more concerned parent.

“I don’t really pay attention, to be honest.”

Jon’s attorney responded that he is “very upset by certain statements made to the press” and feels “the whole story is not being told.”

Insiders say Jon was not exaggerating when he claimed to be unaware of Collin’s whereabouts; Kate says obviously he knows where he is.

Kate said she is prohibited from saying anything more by court order, though the situation is being handled as best as it can be.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Kate Plus 8 Recap: Yes, It"s Actually Still on TV Somehow!

Last night on TLC, Kate Plus 8 returned as the Gosselins celebrated Halloween and strived to throw the best party in the neighborhood.

In other news, Kate Plus 8 is STILL on the air!

So what did we learn on Kate Plus 8 Season 6 Episode 1?

Well, we learned that the family is closer together.

That’s a good thing when you consider how far apart they seemed on Season 5. Working on their relationships is a good thing for any family.

The kids, being a lot older nowadays and aware of such things, have even been quizzing Kate about why she is still single.

No questions about Jon Gosselin’s career as a stripper … on air, at least. (They have to be at least vaguely aware of that, right?)

To reward the kids for being awesome, Kate wanted to make them a Haunted House for Halloween, but as is always the case, nothing ever goes to plan. 

When Kate opened up about her ambitious Halloween plans, the kids seemed scared but mostly happy about the idea.

They wanted the Haunted House to exist, but they were considerably less enthusiastic about helping out to get it ready.

If you watch Kate Plus 8 online, you may recall that the Gosselin matriarch has a barn that is in need of a good clean.

This was her planned location for the Haunted House, so she needed assistance in getting it ready a lot of assistance.

Kate asked the children if they would like to help her, but they all conveniently chose to do their homework for school.

Yes, they are smart children.

Kate was not taking no for an answer, though, and the kids capitulated. When that was all over, she realized she was running out of time. 

Fortunately, she turned to her best friend Jamie, who was ecstatic at the opportunity of helping the Gosselins out with the party planning.

At times, it became too much, but that’s what happens when everything is left until the last minute, especially with lofty goals like this.

On the day of the event, tensions were high.

A bird legit tried to fly into the cake. Kate looked like she was ready to explode, and it did not help matters that the guests arrived early. 

Still, ultimately the event was a success.

One of the more comical moments found the oldest teen finding a rat in the Haunted House, and it was real. Spooky stuff right there!

At the end of the party, everyone relaxed by the bonfire, a good bonding experience for everyone at the end of a stressful day.

What will Kate and the gang find themselves up to next week? Does the TLC series really have enough storylines for a full season?

We have our doubts, but we said that a couple of years ago and here we are, so we’ve learned to never discount Kate. Ever.

What did you think of the premiere?


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

12 Craziest Twists in PLL History (Plus, 1 Question We Need Answered)

Pretty Little Liars has shocked and stunned us over the years.

But what was the biggest twist on a show best known for its totally crazy twists?

Consider the 12 wildest developments in Pretty Little Liars history below and decide for yourself:

1. A TWIN!

A twin

Mrs. DiLaurentis might be dead. But Mary Grace, her mysterious twin who viewers learned about on the Season 6 finale, is very much alive.

2. Alison is Alive!

Alison is alive

Many viewers out there may have seen this one coming, but did they see her acting as the “good” version of Red Coat coming?

3. Mona is A!

Mona is a

Well, one version of A. The impact of this stunner has lessened over time as Mona’s allegiances remain murky.

4. Toby is a Member of the A Team!

Toby is a member of the a team

Our jaws crashed to the floor when we saw it was Toby undernearth that hood. But we then learned he was just acting evil in order to help Spencer.

5. Spencer is Also on the A Team!

Spencer is also on the a team

Again, not really. She just faked being a member in order to help out the other Liars, but we weren’t certain of this when the bombshell dropped in Season 3.

6. Ezra is a Stalker!

Ezra is a stalker

Once again, not really. (Are you sensing a pattern here?). While it seemed at first as if Ezra were a villain, he was actually just writing a crime novel about Alison and that was his reasoning for why he was stalking them and had two creepy lairs with surveillance.

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Britney Spears" VMAs "Slave 4 U" Costume Hits eBay, Plus 6 Others (PHOTO GALLERY)

Britney Spears’ old costumes are about to net one of her superfans $ 1 million … or at least that’s the hope of the collector who’s unloading 7 vintage Brit looks. The crown jewel of Dana Proctor’s collection is the iconic outfit Brit wore…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Collin Gosselin: Kate Plus 8 Return Explained ... and Not What You Think

Jon and Kate Gosselin’s troubled son Collin made a sudden, and surprising, appearance on the season finale of her reality show this week.

Now, in the wake of the Kate Plus 8 finale, we know why.

As fans who watch Kate Plus 8 online or read celebrity gossip on the reg know by now, the boy’s absence has been a frequent topic.

Collin, 12, has been in a program away from home.

In order to treat his unspecified “special needs” and “help him reach his full potential,” he’s been largely MIA from the current season.

The show, which chronicles Kate’s life with 16-year-old twins Mady and Cara and 12-year-old sextuplets, was essentially Kate Plus 7.

However, Collin appeared on Tuesday’s episode.

Somewhat of the blue, he showed up in a family game night scene, as well as a joint interview with his two brothers Joel and Aaden.

Collin remained mostly quiet, allowing his siblings to do most of the talking, though he seemed happy and engaged in the team trivia.

But fans who have been speculating about Collin’s appearance, and reappearance, may be disappointed to learn the following fact:

It was filmed before he was enrolled in the program.

“The reason he was on the show is that it was shot before he went away,” says the insider, “and sometimes footage airs out of order.”

Simple as that. A byproduct of reality TV editing.

In August, Kate opened up, albeit vaguely and carefully, about her decision to enroll Collin in the program for his “special needs.”

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things,” Kate said.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this.”

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted.”

“We miss him so much, so it’s been hard because there is a huge hole in our family without him here,” she added.

“But it comforts us to know he’s where he needs to be right now,” Kate concluded, “and I can feel good about that.”

Well, that’s a huge relief.

Kate went on to say:

“I don’t know what the road ahead entails, but I’m very happy with the care that he’s getting, and [that he is] exactly where he needs to be.”

“It comforts me as a mother … when you, as a mom, can’t give your kids what they need, it is a huge comfort to find people who can.”

Somehow we doubt this will quiet the controversy, or put an end to debate over whether Kate is lying about Collin and his whereabouts.

Moreover, Jon Gosselin (remember him?) has alleged that she’s hiding their son from him, and threatened to take her to court over it.

We wish the boy the best, wherever he may be. We just wish he had parents who had their acts together and truly put his interests first.

We’re not sure that’s the case.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Kate Plus 8 Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: Sweet Sixteen

A Sweet Sixteen is a time to have a great time, not for drama. 

Well, in this instance the drama appeared to surround the planning of the party because Kate Gosselin left all of the planning to Cara and Mady. 

We kicked things off with Kate showing both of her daughters how to drive. To do this, she set some cones along the driveway to prevent them from knocking her house down. 

Mady screwed up and shattered Kate’s beautiful plants, but Cara performed a little better. However, it was clear the pair had a long way to go before they could ever hit the road. 

The two kids then went through Pinterest with Kate to find some party ideas, but the kids were not impressed with any of Kate’s ideas. 

“The requirements for their birthday was that if they had it, they had to do it their way,” Kate said.

Mady decided to go with the them of “Fall.” It was clear she had some big ideas for the party, so she was all too happy to plan the whole thing. 

When she tried to involve Cara, Cara made it clear she did not care for the planning process. In fact, she did not even like parties. 

The person who was responsible for orchestrating the party was Kate, apparently. It makes sense. Maybe she does not want her reality show to feature her sitting about the house being boring. 

As the planning continued, Kate started getting salmon burgers ready. Yeah, half of the kids probably did not eat at the party. There is such a thing as going too far and Kate Gosselin definitely went there. 

Kate then felt the need to let the world know she did not have a nanny, or any help for that matter. 

“Contrary to belief, I don’t have help. I don’t have a nanny. I don’t have a housekeeper. I have me,” the single-mom of 8 revealed.

At the last minute, Kate was forced to change the party venue due to the weather. 

When the party kicked off, Kate seemed to think all of the stress was worth it. She got to witness her children have the time of their lives. 

Yeah, but not all of them were invited to the actual party. Instead, the other children were treated with an ice cream truck. 

That kind of makes up for it, we guess. 

As you probably expected, Jon Gosselin was nowhere in sight. Whether this was a result of the cameras rolling, or him just being the worst father ever, we will probably never know. 

What did you think of all the drama? 

Sound off below!


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Recap: Poconos, Puppies, Etc.

On Kate Plus 8 Season 5 Episode 3, the controversial mother of eight and her gargantuan-ass brood went on more adventures together.

If you thought it was just Kate and the kids going away, you were wrong. She even decided it would be best to take the two dogs with them on the trip. 

Yeah, that was always going to be difficult with her big brood, but she went with it. The drama started pretty much immediately when it emerged that the family almost left without the dogs. 

One of the more odd developments was that Kate played lifeguard to her children, even though she could not swim. Surely, there must be some health and safety laws against that. 

Leah was quick to call her mother out about her lack of swimming skills, and the fact she did not even help her daughter out. 

“My goodness, you’re not very much help,” said Leah. That kid definitely gets that wit from her mother. 

Heck, Kate still did not quite understand the tubing incident, so she decided the best course of action was to scream as loud as she possibly could. 

It was typical Kate. She reacts by screaming when she finds something difficult. Even her kids were quick to point out that she was over-dramatic about everything. 

Maybe it’s time Kate sat down and watched her TV shows back to find out how everyone really feels about her. There’s a thought. 

When the family tried their hand at archery, Kate was so desperately trying to play the cool mom role, but her kids were anything but impressed when it came to picking teams. 

Hannah had the best response to the way Kate was trying to pick the teams.

“Mom, you’re trying to make this fun. But no one wants to be on your team, so this isn’t fun,” Hannah said. 

Basically, the kids were talking about how bad Kate was at everything throughout the trip. It was sad, but Kate does act pretty juvenile at the best of times. 

The only fun the kids seemed to have was when they were trashing their mother and that’s pretty sad. 

At one point, Kate even had to eat alone. She put it down to her having sore ears, but something tells me the kids just wanted a break from her complaining at them for the slightest thing. 

At the end, Kate recapped the trip and acted like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Yeah, we believe you, Kate!

What did you think of the trip?

Sound off below in the comments!


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Recap: The Sextuplets Turn Twelve!

Tuesday on Kate Plus 8, the controversial mom of eight and tabloid mainstay reflected on the milestone of the sextuplets turning 12.

Yes … the Gosselins are twelve years old!

“The last year before the year of eight teenagers,” Kate Gosselin mused, adding “the year I’ve been dreading since they were all born.”

Based on her attitude, we’d think that would apply to every year since they’ve been born, but … that’s neither here nor there right now.

After all, she has a family to expand.

Yes, expand. Welcome, Nanook and Mack! Kate and the family got a pair of new dogs, then set about planning a big birthday celebration.

For the kids. Not the dogs. Every day is a celebration if you’re a dog that has that many kids to play with and is reasonably taken care of.

Of course, there was inevitable, and uncomfortable subject of the proverbial elephant in the room … or not in the room, or home, as it were:

Collin Gosselin.

With Collin being treated for special needs – or being hidden from Jon Gosselin, to hear him tell it – he will obviously not be at the party.

What kind of issues does the child have?

“I was not able with my own resources here to meet his needs,” she explained, pretty much as vaguely as she has in the past.

“He needs to be in an environment to help him learn the skills and help gain the insight to be the best Collin that he can be.”

Is Kate lying about his whereabouts? Or being intentionally misleading through omission? We can’t say with any certainty.

Whatever his behavior problems may consist of, having a party without Collin was “tough” for the kids and “tough for mom.”

Still, however, the show must go on.

After arguing with their mom briefly, the two older girls, Mady and Cara, performed their decorating duties as instructed by the taskmaster.

Mady said they “slayed” the job no less. Sweet.

When the party finally arrived, Kate gave instructions about the scavenger hunt theme she planned to a bunch of disinterested ‘tweens.

Or so it appeared at the time. But it went well.

The hunt mainly consisted of two Gosselin “teams” traveling to local businesses owned by parents of the kids’ friends, hunting for goodies.

Because there were more girls than boys in this Battle of the Sexes, Kate gave the boys a head start, which they used to their advantage.

They won. The boys WON!!!

Afterward, it was time to hit the party venue at last, and Kate gave some sage advice to girls about the virtues of sportsmanship.

“Inside, you can think the most horrible things you want, but outside you say, ‘Good game,"” she explained, somewhat ironically.

The only person who puts that attitude into practice less effectively than Kate might be her former boss on Celebrity Apprentice.

Just saying. Practice what you preach much? At all?

Anyway, the kids proceeded to play games, take photo booth pics and beat a piñata harder worse than Kate used to whomp Jon.

So to speak. They had a blast is the point.

The money booth, in which the kids grabbed as many floating dollars as they could, was the biggest hit, and an appropriate metaphor.

Kate, after all, is back where she likes to be.

With her trials and tribulations airing on TV, and garnering media attention left and right, she’s smack dab in the Money Booth of Life.
