Friday, August 18, 2017

Plus Size Instagram Model Rocks a Crop Top, Fights Back Against Body-Shamers!

People are just the worst.

It’s been proven time and time again, and at this point, we have absolutely no reason to question it.

People can be cruel, insensitive, heartless, and many of them go out of their way to hurt others.

And while there are many stories that that little intro could preface, today it’s going to go along with the story of a plus size Instagram model named Noonie Regardless.

Noonie, as you can see in the photo above, is absolutely gorgeous.

She’s also really into body positivity, and in inspiring others to love themselves, no matter what size they may be.

Just for an example of the kind of good this woman is doing, let’s take a glance at the powerful message she shared along with that cute picture up there.

“Growing up I used to be the skinniest,” Noonie began. “I ate so much but never would gain weight.”

That all changed about the time she began the second grade, when “I began to get bigger and when I say big I mean big. I was already wearing a size XL in shirts and a 20 in women pants.”

She wrote that she used to hate herself for the way she looked, and that even though she was kind to others, she would still get teased.

Eventually she began playing volleyball, which helped her lose some weight, and as she began to get older she finally began to love herself.

Until, that is, “I seen on social media how the IG famous girls looked so small and beautiful or thick and beautiful and then there was me.”

“I had no big boobs to show, no big butt to show, all I had was thighs and hops. My stomach still was overflowed and I wanted to look like the girls on IG.”

So she got herself some detox teas and began working out vigorously, “and I thought to myself months later, why are you trying to be someone you’re not, why can’t you accept who you are and love you.”

And finally she found a middle ground. How wonderful, right?

“Moral of the story is if you’re struggling with loving yourself step back and point out the things you love about yourself and start accepting you as a person,” she concluded.

“Is it easy? F-CK NO! But I promise you once you love who you are and accept who you are you will feel like the baddest bitch walking and not a not a negative goblin can stop you.”

It’s a lovely message, right?

But then those negative goblins she was talking about saw the photo and did things like this:

“Leave the bralette and crop top wearing to us skinny girls,” some miserable soul wrote above Noonie’s cute picture, along with the vomiting emoji and the whale emoji.

Humanity is doomed, isn’t it?

There are people out there who can see that photo, see that personal, uplifting message she wrote, and then turn her into a body-shaming meme.

It hurts, it really does.

Enough people made similar memes, or circulated this one, that Noonie heard about it, and she reposted it herself.

And her response was just glorious.

“No I don’t have the flat stomach to flex in a crop top/bralette but I have a muffin top to do so,” she explained.

“I don’t know why people still body shame at this point. It’s quite pointless if you ask me.”

Get ‘em, girl!

“You don’t have to be skinny to rock a crop top or bralette,” she said — and you know she’s telling the truth.

“To my ladies with stomachs wear whatever the hell you want and make everybody feel uncomfortable. As women we have to learn to build each other up instead of trying to break each other down.”

A novel idea, at this point, it seems.
