Showing posts with label Size. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Size. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Giannis Antetokounmpo Takes "Freaky" Boxing Lesson With Guy Half His Size

Giannis Antetokounmpo is reminding us all why his nickname is the “Greek Freak” … ‘cause the NBA superstar took his first boxing lesson Thursday — and it was pretty freakin’ scary. The 6-foot-11 Bucks forward — lookin’ as jacked as ever –…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Lionel Messi Plays Soccer Keep-Away With Dog Twice His Size

Who’s a good boy?!? Lionel Messi’s dog, apparently. The 31-year-old soccer superstar played a little keep-away from his furry friend in his yard Monday … and it’s all fun and cute — until you realize the dog could end him at any time. Hulk…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Photo of Cynthia Bailey"s Removed Tumor, It"s Orange and Size of a Golf Ball

Cynthia Bailey’s breathing a sigh of relief now that a mini-pumpkin looking tumor is out of her back and locked away in a container. We got these shots of the Lipoma tumor recently removed from the ‘RHOA’ star’s back. The tumor turned out,…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mama June Shannon Flaunts Her Size 4 Body!

Some people lose weight for themselves, Some people lose weight for their health.

But, really, what’s the point of losing a massive amount of weight if you don’t trot yourself out to show it off?

That’s exactly what Mama June Shannon is doing at the Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta premiere. And she even brought her daughters with her.

June Shannon’s weight loss journey has taken her so far!

Surgeries to limit how much food she can eat, another surgery to remove nine pounds of excess skin …

(Dramatic weight loss like hers can leave a lot of rolls of leftover skin; yet another sick joke that the human body plays)

… combined with diet and exercise gave her a stunning physical transformation.

In fact, her transformation is so complete that, in her show’s new season, June is going to be a beauty queen!

Of course, Mama June has more reasons to smile than just her total body transformation.

There is, as we’ve recently seen, a new man in her life.

We don’t know much about him yet, but June Shannon’s secret lover taught her how to love again, apparently.

In the teaser for her show’s new season, we found out very little other than that he exists.

Oh, and that June is apparently a terrible liar, because she kissed the guy and then tries to tell her daughters that they haven’t kissed yet.

Like … her kids had already seen it. Their house has windows.

So, Mama June Shannon strutted her stuff in a form-fitting blue dress at the premiere for Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta. It’s pretty standard for reality stars to promote their “sister shows.” It’s good for the network.

But premieres aren’t just a time to mingle with other whatever-list celebrities, folks.

They’re a time to get photographed. They’re a time to build your brand and remind everyone else that you exist and, oh by the way, you have a show, too.

Mama June didn’t come alone, either.

She may have left her mystery man at home (well, not at home — you get the idea).

But she brought her family, including the daughter who made her whole family famous in the first place.

Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson is growing up so quickly!

Kids will do that.

Her lustrous red outfit wasn’t quite her mother’s dress, but that’s okay. Not everybody dresses up; this was not the Golden Globes.

And honestly, we’re glad that neither of them were wearing black, because between June’s cobalt dress and Alana’s burgundy, we were living for their bold color choices.

Honey Boo Boo wasn’t June’s only daughter there, however.

From left to right, you’re looking at June Shannon, Alana Thompson, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, Lauryn’s one-month old daughter, Ella, and Joshua Brandon Efird.

On the first season of From Not to Hot, Mama June lost 300 pounds, which is how she now fits into a Size 4 dress.

She can’t exactly lose another 300 pounds, which is why the second season is going to focus on her new life. On her continued dieting and exercise, on her romantic life.

And, again, on her journey to become a beauty queen. It’s going to be wild.

We can’t wait.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Florida Man Calls 911 Over Size of Clams at Restaurant

Let’s give Florida Man credit in the following story:

At least this time he didn’t throw an alligator through a Wendy’s drive-thru window.

But he did cause a different sort of stink at a different kind of restaurant.


As documented by The New York Post, Nelson Agosto ordered a seafood meal at Crabby’s Seafood Shack in Stuart, Florida a few days ago… only to create a major raucous when the food arrived.

According to the incident report of what transpired, an employee warned Agosto about the size of the clams before he placed his order, yet he still insisted on including them in his dinner.

Fair enough.

A man is certainly entitled to eat some small clams if he so desires.

After the 51-year-old received his food, however, he whined to the manager about the exact issue the waiter had discussed: the less-than-ideal size of the clams in his meal.

“He was complaining that the clams he was eating were so small, he didn’t want to pay for them,” police spokesman Sgt. Brian Bossio said last week, per local news outlets.

misuse badge

The establishment responded to Agosto’s complaints by giving him another order of clams, free of charge, but this still did not satisfy the patron.

So he called 911.

In the emergency call transcript released by the police department, Agosto tells the dispatcher: “I ordered something, and it was extremely so small.”

The operator calmly replied that this wasn’t an appropriate reason to dial 911 and gave him the number for the non-emergency line.

Shortly afterward, Agosto called 911 twice more to complain about the clams, claiming he “couldn’t get through” to the alternative line given to him by the dispatcher.

When police responded to Agosto’s calls, he explained he called 911 because he forgot the non-emergency phone number after the first call, according to King 5.

small clam

Eventually, police officers arrested Agosto via summons on a misdemeanor charge of misusing 911.

“It was an arrest, but the officer did not take the guy to jail,” Bossio told a reporter.

We suppose he didn’t really deserve to spend time behind bars for this act.

But he definitely should be banned from ever eating seafood, like, ever again.

In Agosto’s’ defense, too, this wasn’t the dumbest act ever committed by a Florida resident.

Click below to see his competition:


Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Mountain from "Game of Thrones" has Hot Canadian Girlfriend Half His Size

The real-life giant who plays The Mountain on “Game of Thrones” has something new to brag about … his girlfriend’s a smoke show, and a relatively tiny one at that. Hafthor Julius Bjornsson is dating Kelsey Henson from Canada. We’re told…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Migos" Quavo and Offset Tried Jumping a Guy Twice Their Size, Failed Miserably

Quavo and Offset from Migos took a couple of hard swings at a guy twice their size  … and came up short. The 2 members of the rap trio got into a scuffle Thursday night at the W Hotel off Lexington Ave. in NYC, after their show at the…


Migos" Quavo and Offset Tried Jumping a Guy Twice Their Size, Failed Miserably

Quavo and Offset from Migos took a couple of hard swings at a guy twice their size  … and came up short. The 2 members of the rap trio got into a scuffle Thursday night at the W Hotel off Lexington Ave. in NYC, after their show at the…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Plus Size Instagram Model Rocks a Crop Top, Fights Back Against Body-Shamers!

People are just the worst.

It’s been proven time and time again, and at this point, we have absolutely no reason to question it.

People can be cruel, insensitive, heartless, and many of them go out of their way to hurt others.

And while there are many stories that that little intro could preface, today it’s going to go along with the story of a plus size Instagram model named Noonie Regardless.

Noonie, as you can see in the photo above, is absolutely gorgeous.

She’s also really into body positivity, and in inspiring others to love themselves, no matter what size they may be.

Just for an example of the kind of good this woman is doing, let’s take a glance at the powerful message she shared along with that cute picture up there.

“Growing up I used to be the skinniest,” Noonie began. “I ate so much but never would gain weight.”

That all changed about the time she began the second grade, when “I began to get bigger and when I say big I mean big. I was already wearing a size XL in shirts and a 20 in women pants.”

She wrote that she used to hate herself for the way she looked, and that even though she was kind to others, she would still get teased.

Eventually she began playing volleyball, which helped her lose some weight, and as she began to get older she finally began to love herself.

Until, that is, “I seen on social media how the IG famous girls looked so small and beautiful or thick and beautiful and then there was me.”

“I had no big boobs to show, no big butt to show, all I had was thighs and hops. My stomach still was overflowed and I wanted to look like the girls on IG.”

So she got herself some detox teas and began working out vigorously, “and I thought to myself months later, why are you trying to be someone you’re not, why can’t you accept who you are and love you.”

And finally she found a middle ground. How wonderful, right?

“Moral of the story is if you’re struggling with loving yourself step back and point out the things you love about yourself and start accepting you as a person,” she concluded.

“Is it easy? F-CK NO! But I promise you once you love who you are and accept who you are you will feel like the baddest bitch walking and not a not a negative goblin can stop you.”

It’s a lovely message, right?

But then those negative goblins she was talking about saw the photo and did things like this:

“Leave the bralette and crop top wearing to us skinny girls,” some miserable soul wrote above Noonie’s cute picture, along with the vomiting emoji and the whale emoji.

Humanity is doomed, isn’t it?

There are people out there who can see that photo, see that personal, uplifting message she wrote, and then turn her into a body-shaming meme.

It hurts, it really does.

Enough people made similar memes, or circulated this one, that Noonie heard about it, and she reposted it herself.

And her response was just glorious.

“No I don’t have the flat stomach to flex in a crop top/bralette but I have a muffin top to do so,” she explained.

“I don’t know why people still body shame at this point. It’s quite pointless if you ask me.”

Get ‘em, girl!

“You don’t have to be skinny to rock a crop top or bralette,” she said — and you know she’s telling the truth.

“To my ladies with stomachs wear whatever the hell you want and make everybody feel uncomfortable. As women we have to learn to build each other up instead of trying to break each other down.”

A novel idea, at this point, it seems.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Stop What You"re Doing. Check Out the Size of This Baby.

Chrissy Corbitt is the mother of five.

That"s an impressive enough fact on its own.

But the Florida native is making news this week for something even more impressive: The size of that fifth child!

Little Carleigh was born via C-Section, so neither Chrissy nor father Larry could see the miraculous event as it took place.

But Larry says he could hear the gasps of the nurses and doctors as they were pulling her out. And for an understandable reason:

She weighed 13.5 ounces at birth!

Hospital personnel later told the proud dad that Carleigh was the largest baby girl ever born in Clay County, only trailing the largest baby boy by about 2 ounces.

Ready to meet the not-so-little newborn and learn what sort of challenges she is posing for her parents? Let"s do this!

1. This is Chrissy

This is chrissy

She had a feeling a large baby was on the way, considering the size of her belly prior to giving birth. Yes, only one child is in there!

2. A Mini Celebrity is Born!

A mini celebrity is born

So the photographer had to dub her in her Facebook post/announcement.

3. This Baby is a Day Old!

This baby is a day old

For real! She really is!

4. From Another Angle

From another angle

Large and in charge… of being cute!

5. So Adorable!

So adorable

She really is. She just looks like an adorable six-month old!

6. A Long Way To Go

A long way to go

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world’s heaviest baby was born at 22 pounds in Seville, Ohio, in 1879. YIKES!

View Slideshow

Friday, May 26, 2017

Cris Carter Gives Hand Advice to Odell Beckham, Size Matters! (VIDEO)

Cris Carter had a private 1-on-1 training session with Odell Beckham Jr. — and told the NY Giants superstar the 5-fingered secret to dominating in the NFL.  The two WRs hooked up at Brick gym in L.A. — where Carter dished out a few…


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Tiny Trump: Internet Cuts President Down to Size!

It can be hard to find a silver lining in the ominous black cloud that is Donald Trump"s first four weeks in office.

Sure, the Donald"s first solo press conference was amusing in a terrifying way, and we"ll never get sick of Melissa McCarthy"s Sean Spicer impression.

(Unless SNL decides to run that bit into the ground. Which it almost certainly will.)

But sometimes we"ve been feeling the need for a way to poke fun at Trump"s rampant insecurities that doesn"t also take the fun out of it by reminding us he"s one of the most powerful humans on the planet.

Enter Tiny Trump: a photoshop game that started on Reddit and made its way into our hearts.

Finally, Donnie"s appearance matches his temperament.

And the best part is, it"s impossible to be scared of a knee-high toddler  – even when that toddler is rocking a spray tan that brings to mind a nuclear event:

1. Tiny Trump, Big Obama

Tiny trump big obama

A historic meeting of the minds. Note: Minds pictured are actual size.

2. Tiny Trump Selfie!

Tiny trump selfie

Just because he’s little doesn’t mean he should be left out of your selfies.

3. Tiny Trump With Melania

Tiny trump with melania

Something tells us she’s been thinking of him as Tiny Trump for years…

4. Tiny Trump, Big Golf Course

Tiny trump big golf course

When Tiny Trump is involved, it’s always mini golf.

5. Vlad the Carresser

Vlad the carresser

Who knew Big Bad Vlad could be so gentle? Maybe we SHOULD make friends with Russia!

6. Tiny Trump, Tall Ivanka

Tiny trump tall ivanka

“Why must she always wear heels around me?” – Lil T

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Scott Disick: Internet Flips Over Size of the Lord"s Dong

What do Scott Disick and Don Draper have in common?

Several things, actually:

They’re both blackout drunks; they both have trouble keeping it in their pants; and the equipment that they struggle to keep sheathed is the subject of endless fascination on the Internet.

Yes, the year is young, but it looks like we already have a winner for the 2017 Jon Hamm Giant Penis Award.

The Lord himself, Scott Disick, stepped out wearing a pair of flattering sweatpants recently, and the world was immediately reminded that you can’t spell “Disick” with D-I-C-K.

You can check out Scott’s package for yourself, or you can enjoy several hundred words of in-depth analysis below.

Seems like an obvious choice, if you ask us:

Like the Bieber Wang before it, the Disick Dong proves that a genetic link between douchiness and 

So if you’re a young woman who’s considering kicking your habit of dating self-obsessed jack-holes and finding yourself one of those mythical “nice guys” – don’t do it!

Is the increase in your peace of mind worth the the absence of an extra-large helping of manmeat in your life?

We think not.

Sure, there’s been talk of Orlando Bloom having a bigger penis than Justin, but that might be the exception that proves the rule.

Citing that example is like saying, “Where’s your climate change now, Obummer?” on a cold day in January.

We have no choice but to defer to the scientific community on such important and complex matters, and right now, all we know is that 100% of the two biggest jerk-asses in Hollywood are packing between the legs.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Oh, what about Jon Hamm? I heard he’s a nice guy.”

To which we reply, “You’re wrong, and Hamm is reportedly kind of a DB.”

We rest our case.

Anyway, let’s get to the really important matter here, which is what all this tells us about Kourtney Kardashian’s vagina:

In short: it’s clearly magic.

The latest reports have Kourtney hooking up with Bieber again, just weeks after her latest reconciliation with Disick crashed and burned.

When two of the industry’s most sizable douche dongs just can’t stay away from your hoo-hah, you’re clearly working with something special down here.

We’ll have further updates on these supernatural celebrity genitals as more information becomes available.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Big Mac Inventor -- Two All-Beef Patty Salute! "Super Size Me" Guy Downs 28,984th Big Mac (PHOTO)

Big Mac creator Jim Delligatti got the ultimate tribute from his biggest fan — the guy who famously eats 2 Macs per day come hell or high water. “Super Size Me” star Don Gorske rolled into his fave Mickey D’s on Wednesday, as soon as he heard…


Friday, June 3, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals Size of Her Waist: What Is It?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian shared a photo of her bare butt.

But that wasn’t the only body part this self-absorbed reality star decided to put on display for fans.

For multiple months now, Kardashian has obnoxiously kept followers apprised of her weight loss progress.

She has been determined to get herself back down to her pre-baby weight, which, as we’ve said non-stop, is totally fine and awesome if that’s what she wants to do.

Being so open about the mission, however, is far more annoying, because she makes it sound as if the goal is so darn hard to accomplish… despite her flexible schedule and giant bank account.

Moreover, the extreme focus on post-pregnancy weight loss is setting a bad example for other new mothers around the world.

Still, this hasn’t stopped Kardashian from posting actual pictures of her scale.

She’s down to 132 pounds, folks!

In order to mix it up, meanwhile, Kim went ahead and revealed the size of her waist in a Snapchat video on Thursday.

“26 W!!!” the mother of two wrote as a caption to the above photo of herself getting measured.

She also shared a long-distance self of her sleek stomach in the mirror:

kim faraway

Kardashian says she is 12 pounds away from her goal of weighing the same amount as she weighed in 2010.

She has been open about going on the Atkins diet to assist with this feat because she was paid a lot of money to shill for that diet.

And she’s been open for years about how she also uses a waist trainer because she gets paid a lot of money to name drop the type of waist trainer that she ridiculously straps on every now and then.

Do you sense a pattern here?

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has said that she weighed 190 pounds at the peak of her pregnancy with son Saint.

She wants to get all the way down to 120 pounds, which is what she clocked in at when she married Kanye West in 2014.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Melissa McCarthy Reveals NEW Dress Size, Credits Boring Life

Melissa McCarthy has been looking pretty freaking incredible lately, but she’s mostly kept mum about her weight loss – until now.

While she’s been constantly working in films and designing a fashion line, the actress recently revealed her new dress size.

“I am a size 14,” she said during a press conference for her new movie The Boss.

The star reportedly lost 50 pounds, but remained somewhat coy by telling Extra there was really no “trick” to her transformation.

“No trick, nothing to tell, just super boring life,” she joked. “You bring it real down, you don’t do anything fun and you go to bed at 7:30 — that’s the trick.”

We suspect she hasn’t discussed her recent slim down because she wants to focus on more important things, like the launch of her new clothing line Melissa McCarthy Seven7, which she says is “going great.”

However, please don’t refer to it as “plus size,” a term McCarthy despises.

“Every time someone says, ‘You make a plus-size line,’ I just correct them: ‘I make clothes for women,"” she told E! News.

McCarthy also finds it tiresome and sad that women are constantly being “ranked” against one another when it comes to bodies and appearance.

“We’re always being ranked and when we come together, you know, women are amazing together,” she said.  

“Women are friends. Women are not really competing with each other. I think everyone wants to make it seem that way with who wore it better, whose butt is better, whose glasses are crazier. I’ve never had any of those conversations in my life.”

Melissa McCarthy Seven7 features dresses, knits and separates in sizes 2-26W.

Regardless of what she’s wearing or what size she is, we adore Melissa all the same.

Selena Gomez: It"s Not the Size of Your Instagram That Counts!

What’s the difference between Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian?

What about between Selena Gomez and Kendall Jenner?

The answer may be obvious, but Gomez has gone ahead and emphasized it with her response to her latest social media accomplishment.

Earlier this week, the singer proved that her popularity is not connected to ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, shooting past Taylor Swift and becoming the most followed person on all of Instagram.

If you’ll recall, Kardashian and Jenner celebrated various Instagram follower milestones of their own over the past year with semi-naked pictures because that’s pretty much how they garnered so many fans in the first place.

But not Selena.

She always keep her clothing on and, as evidenced by her reaction to this exciting news, she also keeps her head screwed on very straight.

“Yo just know that I’m fully aware having the ‘most’ of anything isn’t what’s important,” Gomez Tweeted, adding by way of explanation:

“It’s how you use your platform. [Not] how big it is.”

How perfectly awesome of a response is that?!?

Gomez has become the first celebrity to reach 70 million followers and she’s done it by remaining fully dressed at all times. What a crazy concept, right?!?

Swift, Bieber, Kardashian and Beyonce are not very far behind, but we’re rooting for Selena to hold on to this distinction for as long as she can.

We love her selfies. We love the photos of her and her famous friends. And, most of all, we love her attitude.