Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Another Friendship Bites the Dust

The ladies of Orange County have been battling it out like never before on The Real Housewives of Orange County. 

Monday’s episode of chronicled the fraught friendship between Tamra Judge and Gina Kirschenheiter. 

The pair were still at odds over Gina dishing the goodies to Shannon about what was being said about her. 

But Gina wanted to let bygones be bygones and wanted Tamra to attend her birthday bash, but Judge had an agenda of her own. 

Tamra made her way over to Vicki’s house and revealed all about the growing tension between her and Gina. 

“So I got a call from Shannon who said that Gina told her that I was talking all this stuff about her in Jamaica,” Tamra told Vicki. 

But Vicki was so over what happened in Jamaica, saying:

“Hello! Jamaica why are we still talking about Jamaica. We are done we are home now. I told Shannon if she has to get on anti-depressants than do it. But Shannon is not mentally ill.”

In a hilarious segment, the two women decided against attending Gina’s party, and while it seemed more about Shannon being there, it was still pretty rude. 

As for Gina, she was moving out of her family home and into her own bachelorette pad following her decision to divorce her husband.

“I am realizing that Mrs. Kirschenheiter is no more,” Gina said before claiming this would be her first birthday as a single woman. 

Gina then told her new BFF Kelly Dodd that she was keeping her divorce on the down low from her children. 

The ladies subsequently met up at Emily Simpson’s for a fortune reading party, and things quickly got out of hand. 

“I have texted Shannon to ask how her surgery went. She did not answer, but I just wanted her to know how it went,” Emily said. “Hopefully you are on the up and up,” Tamra said to Emily about Shannon.

“I feel bad, but I am honestly over Shannon at this point,” said Gina who was still in hot water with Tamra.

“I am trying to help, and you are trying to help her, and now this whole thing is about me and you and do I think you are a sh***y friend.”  

All seemed to go quiet on the Shannon front until the fortune reader told the ladies that a “woman with an S in her name needed help.”

Okay then, Bravo to the producers for this random twist. 

The episode’s final moments focused on Gina questioning where Shannon, Tamra, and Vicki were after everyone but them arrived at her birthday party. 

We cut away to a scene with Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon together having a party of their own. 

“So I told you both what happened. The one thing that kind of upset me was that Emily said, ‘Because I grew up with a mentally ill mom, I saw some similarities with Shannon,’” Tamra said. 

That’s when Shannon lost it. 

“This is a person that threatened to kill Kelly! How dare she? Mentally ill? F**k her,” Shannon yelled as the episode faded to black. 

Oh yes, it’s on!

What are your thoughts on the latest big twist?

Hit the comments. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Twin Tweaks

Vick Gunvalson and Shannon Beador went under the knife. 

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County chronicled each of the two women’s cosmetic surgery procedures.

Vicki went with a lower face and neck life, which was scheduled to last five hours. Yes, that’s a long time to go under the knife. 

There was an especially scary moment at the top of the hour when Vicki was asked if she wanted to be resuscitated if her surgery went south. 

“‘I do want to be resuscitated. I’ve got a lot of things to do this week,” she said with a grin in response. 

You can always rely on the OG of the OC to throw in some comic relief to an otherwise serious scene. 

The nurse went on to admit that the drugs could pose some side effects, and Vicki was not done making fun of it. 

“It makes your hoo-ha buzz?” she quipped.

“Because I’ve had so many surgeries, I kinda sorta know what the hoo-ha buzz is.”

If you wanted to know what procedures Vicki had in the past, then she was all too happy to dish the goodies in a confessional. 

She had work done on her chin, nose, tummy, eyes, and her breasts. We’re inclined to believe she already knew all about the side effects. 

As for Shannon, she opted for an eye procedure because she wanted to look the best as she continued her return to the dating game. 

Vicki woke up shortly after her procedure and continued to have some of the wittiest responses ever. 

“Am I pretty? Do I look like Vicki?” she questioned.

“Yeah you look like Vicki wrapped up in a towel,” Steve told her. 

“And ten years younger,” yelled a nurse. 

Steve then took the love of his life to the Monarch Beach Resort because she wanted to recover in luxury, but she was cautious that anyone laid eyes on her. 

As for Shannon, she made her way home after the surgery and was visited by Kelly Dodd and Gina Kirshenheiter when she got home. 

Things took an awkward turn when Gina started talking about the Jamaica trip, admitting that there was “a lot of talk about your mental health.”

Gina continued to talk about it, even going as far as throwing Tamra under the bus for talking smack about her supposed friend. 

Shannon seemed happy to know what was being said but admitted in a confessional that her recovery was no the time or the place to open up about it. 

In true Real Housewives fashion, it didn’t take long for Tamra to get wind of what was being said. 

“I would like to hear your side before I lose my s***,” said Tamra to Gina as she sharpened her blade. 

We are obviously kidding about the blade part, but Tamra was pissed. 

“I said your best friends are concerned for you,” Gina countered, before saying that she wanted to make Shannon aware that she was being spoken about. 

“I didn’t expect this from Gina at all, she is New York Gina with her loyalty, and you are going to throw me under the bus? Oh no,” said Tamra.

But Gina was adamant she was not trying to cause drama, and swiftly realized that the issue here was Shannon. 

Shannon apparently took what Gina said and made it into something it wasn’t. 

While Tamra was furious with her friends, she got a little bit of good news in her home life. 

Eddie was still struggling with his heart defect but found out he was going to be treated for it. 

He was tired of not being able to do what he wanted but vowed to be back to doing normal things as soon as possible. 

“Like b**ing your wife?” laughed Tamra.

Okay, that’s all for another week.

What did you think of all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Shannon Beador Flips Out

Shannon Beador has been battling to stay in control of her emotions throughout the most recent season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. 

With a messy divorce dragging her down, she’s been taking it out on her friends, and things went nuclear on Monday’s episode of the Bravo hit thanks to claims that her attitude, well, stinks. 

When the episode got underway, the ladies were still in Jamaica, and Gina Kirschenheiter was still going on about how Beador did not give their friendship a chance. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Shannon has been distant from the new additions to the cast, and despite their best efforts to make friends with her, she’s shut them down at every turn. 

Tamra Judge, Vicki Gunvalson, Kelly Dodd, and Emily Simpson started to chat about Shannon’s wellbeing in her company, and things quickly got heated. 

“Are you serious? So we’re going to do a goddamn f—— straight-jacket intervention right now? Are you kidding me?” Beador yelled in her defense after being accused of turning to alcohol to cope with everything that’s going on. 

“I feel blindsided,” a clearly irate Beador complained as she tried to get away from the situation, and she did not want to be filmed.

“I just need a minute. Stop, I mean it. Stop following me, I swear to God, I will take the mic off. You guys need to stop. … I need a minute, and I deserve it,” she continued to yell. 

As we’ve reported on several times, Judge felt like Shannon was neglecting her friendships as she has become absorbed by all the things going in her personal life. 

“I love Shannon, but the constant negativity and dwelling on things that really don’t matter is tiresome to me,” Judge explained in a confessional, adding:

“We all have a hard time when we’re getting divorced. We all have outbursts, I did. But it’s been six months. She can’t keep treating people badly because she’s getting divorced.”

“This has been months of buildup. She wants to bitch and complain all the time and not fix anything,” Judge continued.

“In her head, she’s the busiest person in the world, and she doesn’t get it. She’s never worked. David took care of everything. … She cries every single night. … I’m legit 100 percent worried about her.”

Always one to throw in her two cents, Vicki was there to stick the knife into her pal. 

“That was a big red flag for me … it just masks the pain,” Gunvalson stated when the others claimed she was using alcohol to mask her pain.

“I think she needs us. … She should get on something because sometimes you can’t handle your feelings,” she continued.

“When Don and I were going through our separation and divorce, I did go on an anti-depressant because I couldn’t function, I was crying so much. It got me through the bumps.”

“It’s depression, she’s depressed,” added Dodd.

“David must have been kind of a saint to stay up with that. She’s a good girl, and I think the world of her. But to have to deal with that day in and day out? It’s got to be draining,” she continued.

“I only have to deal with Shannon on a friendship level. I couldn’t imagine being married to that and having to live with that every single day. It affects everybody.”

When Tamra and Shannon actually got to chat about how they felt, Shannon was not willing to accept what happened. 

“I am so beyond hurt, Tamra,” Beador admitted after hearing that Gina and her friend were talking smack about her.

“I drop everything to answer the phone. … I’m a kind friend, and I always want to help,” Shannon said in defense of her actions.

“You have no idea what I go through on a daily basis; I don’t even share half the s— with you. Half.”

“I hurt. I’m sensitive,” she said. “But I’m excited about my life, and I’ve let you guys know that, so don’t sit there and say I’m goddamn crying every night, ’cause I’m not.”

Dodd chimed in, telling her friend to go on medication to help her, but that caused even more problems. 

“I’m not going on medication! I’m not doing it,” she shouted.

“I am entitled to feel what I’ve been feeling. I’m entitled to feel my pain. … I am who I am, and I’m going through a lot of pain.” 

“And I get it; everybody’s going through a lot of pain. …[But] stop acting like I’m some goddamn mental case.”

But Judge was not prepared to listen anymore. There’s only so many times you can try help someone who does not want to accept there’s something wrong. 

“Then cry every night, I don’t care anymore because nobody can help you,” Judge shrieked.

“You don’t want to take any help. I’m trying to help you. Just listen. Stop screaming for one f—— time in your life and listen. Listen! You won’t listen!”

“I can’t do this anymore,” Judge yelled at Beador.

“You want to be sad your whole life, be sad your whole life. You don’t want any help, don’t get any help. I don’t give a s— anymore. … Nobody can help you. Nobody can give you any criticism. I’m trying to help you.”

That was enough for Beador to realize the trip was a bust and she was done trying with the ladies, so she disappeared. 

“There’s nothing worse than to feel abandoned and hurt by your friends,” said a deeply concerned Vicki. “I want Shannon to know that I love her and that I’m there for her and she’s going to get through this.”

Who knew Vicki was so friendly?

But Gina did not seem to care about Shannon at all. 

“Why do we feel sad for Shannon?” she asked. “She’s got a lot of money. She’s got business deals. She’s got best friends. Okay, you’re 10 lbs. Overweight. Get over it; you’re not bed-ridden!”

What are your thoughts on the big blow up?

Hit the comments below. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo. 


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Shannon Beador vs. The World

Shannon Beador is not a fan of Gina Kirschenheiter or Emily Simpson.

Ever since the two new housewives debuted on this Bravo hit, they’ve tried to get through the wall Shannon has up. 

On Monday’s episode, the heat was turned up when the women made their way to Jamaica. 

The ladies were given two penthouses, meaning they would have to split up. 

“Shannon’s [rooming] with those two,” Kelly Dodd said with a grin, looking at Gina and Emily. 

“No. The tres amigas,” Shannon countered, referring to Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson. 

Who would have thought these three would ever be this close?

In any case, Gina wanted to try and stop all of the drama, but it fell on deaf ears. 

“Are you sure? It’s not too late!” she said to Shannon about rooming with her. 

“Sorry,” Shannon said with the least apologetic look on her face.

“We’ll be in the sorority house. You guys will be in the old folks home,” Emily said, chiming in with a huge grin.

Gina added, “The retirement villa!”

It was like Shannon just wanted the two women to disappear because she fails to acknowledge their existence at the best of times. 

This trip is going to be fun!

“Shannon’s so rude! It’s ballsy, you know? I commend her rude balls,” Gina said in a confessional. 

“Of all the people on this trip, I know Gina and Emily the least, and I wanna enjoy myself,” Shannon countered in a confessional of her own, adding:

“Who I do know quite well are the tres amigas!”

But Shannon was not done yet. When they were in their separate penthouses, she continued to make horrid comments about the two newcomers. 

Tamra Judge, Shannon’s BFF, picked up on the way she was acting and told her to “pull out” whatever was in her butt. 

The tension continued to mount at dinner when Tamra noticed the way Shannon checked out of all conversations that related to Gina or Emily. 

“Everybody listens when Shannon is venting, but when other people are, it’s like she’s checked out,” Tamra said to viewers. 

After another awkward night, Emily and Gina thought it was time to get some intel on Shannon because they felt like they made every effort to be friends. 

“She’ll warm up, it just takes her a little time,” Tamra said the next morning to the women.

“The funny thing is, though, I understand it takes time,” Gina said. “But it’s like, she will tell us everything about her, but it takes her time to give a shit about us.”

“Eddie tells me I’m an enabler when it comes to her,” Tamra said in response, and it’s easy to get on board with that. 

But what followed was an epic rant about her supposed BFF. 

“I feel sorry for her! I feel bad for her! Every day, she wakes up with a negative comment,” Tamra complained.

“Every single day. Every day, I’ll get a text, and it’s like, ‘Last night was horrible!’ As soon as she gets here, ‘I’m gonna get Zika!’ That’s just her personality, and I think I’ve just adapted to her personality.”

Emily wondered whether Shannon’s much-publicized divorce to David was to blame for the way she was acting. 

“She’s been sad since I’ve known her,” said Tamra in response to that. 

Okay then. 

Could this be the end of the line for Shannon and Tamra, or could they patch things up?

It’s not looking good. 

What are your thoughts on the episode?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: The Shade Queen

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County was light on the nice, and heavy on the mean. 

It picked up in the immediate aftermath of Shannon Beador’s QVC debut, and she was on a high. 

She invited all of the ladies over to her house for a celebratory dinner. 

Gina Kirschenheiter was in attendance, and as you know if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, she has butted heads with some of the ladies over her looming divorce. 

The 34-year-old admitted that she was scared at the thought of “being a grown-up” when the divorce gets finalized. 

“I’ve never been alone…I’m scared,” cried Gina as she continued to speak to the ladies about it. 

Gina immediately took issue with the fact that Shannon did not ask her how things were. 

“Just ask me how my f***ing day was,” Gina yelled as she cried.

“‘I’m glad I’m out of this one,” complained Shannon as Gina continued to sob.

“I am noticing a pattern in Shannon’s behavior, of her really not caring about me at all…Shannon does have this way of just looking through you,” said Gina.

“It shouldn’t take this much time for her to acknowledge my existence, it shouldn’t take this much time for her to not be an a**hole,” she continued.

But Shannon was quick to tell Kelly Dodd the real reason why she did not care for Gina. 

“She’s 20 years younger than me… and she stirred the pot a few times with me,” Shannon said to her friend. 

It makes sense that Shannon would want to keep the new additions away from her because she wants to maintain some sort of storyline to have her contract picked up for another year. 

If these new women have a more significant presence, she runs the risk of being demoted to the dreaded “friend” status. 

What’s more, the new housewives come at a lower price tag because they haven’t been part of the show for as long. 

Elsewhere, Emily questioned whether it would be a wise decision to attempt to have another baby with one of the embryos she had left from her fertility treatments. 

Emily was open about her almost dying after suffering six miscarriages on a recent episode of the Bravo hit, so it’s fully understandable that her husband would be apprehensive about trying to conceive again. 

“I don’t think it’s right that you keep pushing me in that direction,” Shane said, but Emily wasn’t ready to back down.

“But I’ve always wanted more than one girl,” she said.

Emily was told that carrying another child could kill her following what happened the last time, so it’s a difficult situation for anyone to be in. 

It remains to be seen whether Shane will change his stance on the matter, but we’re inclined to believe he won’t. 

What are your thoughts on all the latest action?

Hit the comments below. 

RHOC continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Flips Out

Vicki Gunvalson and Kelly Dodd’s friendship might never be the same again. 

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County picked up in the aftermath of the fight that found new housewife, Emily Simpson, threatening to kill Kelly. 

But Vicki wanted to know how her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, wound up being put on blast. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly was livid to learn that Steve was friends with her ex-husband. 

For Kelly, it was like a betrayal, and it was made worse that her then-BFF Vicki failed to see the issue with all of it. 

Gunvalson unpacked what went down with Tamra Judge and Emily. 

“Kelly thinks Steve’s mad at her, and I don’t know what’s going on,” Gunvalson solemnly said to her friends. “And now, Steve doesn’t want anything to do with her.”

“Shane neither,” said Simpson as though anybody cared whether her pot stirrer husband would be friends with the newest cougar in Orange County, adding “he doesn’t have time for it.”

In all honesty, Shane was the one who butted in when Dodd was trying to get the answers from Steve, so if anything, he should be apologizing to Kelly for trying to sink her storyline to get one of his own. 

Emily then went on to say that she was wrong about the way she reacted to Kelly. 

“I probably shouldn’t have said, ‘I’m going to kill you, but obviously it’s a figure of speech,” she said, trying to defend her actions. 

“[Kelly] said the entire time, ‘I just wanna go talk to Steve and fix it,"” added Tamra of the whole scenario. 

“She doesn’t give a rat’s a— about Steve, and I guarantee you she wants to see our relationship fold because she doesn’t want anyone happy,” Gunvalson balked, adding:

“Miserable people like miserable people. I was there.”

That’s when Tamra opted to light the fuse on the dynamite and secure her contract with the show for another season. 

“She said that Steve is only with you for your money,” she said while acting like it was not going to cause another war between the housewives. 

“I thought it appropriate to tell Vicki about what’s being said because the worst thing in this group is a rumor going to another person, another person, another person and not the person who’s directly involved,” Tamra said in defense of her actions. 

“Of course Kelly says that!” Gunvalson screamed as she stopping chopping vegetables.

“Shame on her for talking about my relationship. It’s bulls— that everybody’s always after what I have! Leave me alone! And by the way, I don’t have that much money.”

For what it’s worth, we did get to see Kelly and Tamra have that conversation earlier in the episode. 

“Do you think that guy is hitting it and quitting it?” Kelly asked, of Steve to Tamra.

“My friend was dating the girl that Steve was dating. He told the girlfriend that he’s only using Vicki for money. Swear to God. Dinero! Money talks and bulls— walks.”

“In my book, Steve’s a bad guy,” she added. “He’s hiding something. And everyone should know what kind of a person he is.”

While Tamra was trying to imply she was being nice to Vicki by telling her about the earlier comments, there was also footage that suggested she, too, was not taken in by Steve. 

“She doesn’t love him,” Judge said during a group dinner sans Gunvalson. “I’m sorry, she does not love that man.”

Never one to come to a party without some proof, she reminded the ladies of Shannon’s matchmaker.

“When I was talking with the matchmaker with her, she was like ‘Maybe I should go to him too?’” Judge recalled.

While everyone seemed to be against Gunvalson’s relationship, it was all playing out swimmingly for the cameras. 

“You better not let me down,” she told Lodge as they celebrated her birthday.

“I feel great at 56. It’s been a bumpy couple last three years, but now that Steve’s in my life, I finally feel like I’m at peace.”

 “I don’t need a man for money, and he doesn’t need me for money,” she continued. “I don’t care about stuff. I care about the person.“

“I would date a trash collector if that’s who I fell in love with.”

Lodge seemed to agree. “I think in her mind she feels, ‘I’m successful I don’t need another man’s money, so I’m going to fall in love not because he has money,’ ” he said. “Unlike some other people we know.”

That last little bit of word salad was very likely a jab at Kelly. 

Oh yes, it’s on. 

What are your thoughts on the latest action?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Monday on Bravo.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 6 Recap: Rumors

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 6 confirmed what we all expected:

Shannon Beador’s relationship with her delusional ex-husband, David is in tatters. 

The 53-year-old revealed that David thought she was doing everything in her power to try and turn the tide against him in the courtroom. 

“David’s shown quite a bit of anger towards me,” she said after saying that David thought she was using the abusive texts he sent her as leverage. 

The evidence is evidence. However, it may appear, so we can’t even begin to imagine why the loser thought Shannon would not use them. 

On the way to court during Monday’s episode, Shannon was so scared to face him that she ran a red light while on the phone to her mother about what was going to happen at the court. 

Shannon has been open up about David’s abuse and kept all of the details in the court filings, but this further scared her. 

“I feel like I’m walking into the unknown,” she said after saying she worried about how it “might set him off.”

She then met up with her lawyer Ben and continued to worry about what could happen. 

“I don’t know what David I’m going to see today,” she said. 

“My wish is that a weight is going to be lifted off my shoulders after this court date. My reality is telling me, nah, it’s just gonna make things worse,” she admitted, adding: “He’s not going to be happy no matter what decision is made.”

Things went Shannon’s way in the courtroom, and she called Tamra Judge to let her know her thoughts on it after admitting she was “shaken up, emotional, and just very uneasy.”

That would certainly make one think it did not go her way, but it really did. 

“I don’t even have any words for it,’ she said through tears. “‘The judge ordered him to pay me a lot of money every month — $ 30,000-a-month.”

However, we quickly learned why Shannon was so shaken up. 

“We went out in the hallway, and David came around the corner where I was talking to Ben, and he just went off on Ben and me.”

“And Ben had to scream for the bailiff. He was so livid. He came around the corner and said, ‘You f*****g happy Ben?’”

It certainly sounds like an awkward encounter, to say the least, but Shannon opted to throw her devious ex a bone. 

She said that she agreed to lower the $ 30,000 pay down to $ 22,500 “because that’s what I need at this point.”

“So we went back into the courtroom, and he was shaking with anger. If anything, I was fair in cutting down the order. I just want him out of my life,” she continued. 

It’s great that Shannon has her friends at her side, but we learned early into the episode that the texts could be the thing that saved her case. 

She said they were so bad “I guarantee you I will never have to talk to him again.”

“‘F**k you, you f*****g b***h,” and “You f*****g disgust me, you fat a**. Get off your f*****g lazy fat a**. Did you get out of bed today, you f***ing b***h"” she said of the torrent of abuse. 

“That’s what I get, all the time,” she said with a sad look on her face. 

“Believe it or not, I had David over to my house for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But he says that he lived through 17 years of hell with me,” said Shannon in a confessional. 

“So, I’m sorry you feel that way. Thank God you’re out.”

While things with her and David were over, the ladies wanted her to return to the dating scene. 

“I think Shannon definitely needs a kick in the a** to start dating. She needs to get laid,” said Tamra who seemed more excited by the prospect of it than Shannon herself. 

“I think that what I’ve come to realize is that what I’m looking for is a partnership,” Shannon told matchmaking experts. “I’m not going to go and meet a guy at a bar and then make out with him at that night. I need to know somebody before we’re going to touch lips.”

“She loves sex — she does,” Tamra instead insisted. “She needs a guy who can get it on.”

‘I don’t know if I’m ready to date,’ Shannon countered. ‘The whole thought panics me. Just panics me.”

Meanwhile, newcomers Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter were still bringing all the drama thanks to Gina’s husband yelling at Emily for being a little too loud at a party. 

“No guy should be yelling at any woman,” insisted Tamra. “He’s having a party in his house. Did he expect everyone to be quiet?”

Kelly Dodd had a whole different outlook on the matter. 

“No wonder why he was upset — everyone was drinking, having fun, gambling… and they don’t swear. S**t. I’m going straight to hell.”

We’re happy to report that Kelly was having a joke with Vicki Gunvalson. 

Okay then. 

What did you think of the latest episode?

Hit the comments. 

RHOC airs Mondays on Bravo.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 5 Recap: Orange County Hold "Em

Shannon Beador has been through the mill of late. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 5, she opened up to both viewers and Kelly Dodd about what it was like to end her 17-year marriage to David. 

“I want to have a partner … [but] I don’t know if I’m ready,” she said as she contemplated the future. 

Beador went on to confirm that she’s still struggling with her body. 

“I think that part of the reason why I can’t imagine myself with somebody or dating somebody is because I’m not comfortable in my body,” she told fellow Housewife Kelly Dodd, tearing up.

“If I were to take my clothes off, I don’t want to see it, so I don’t want somebody else to see it.”

“I know I’m a good catch, but it’s hard for me to say,” she added.

“I was just told for all these years that I’m selfish and I’m worthless, and I’m fat. I know I’m not, but when you hear it for so long…”

As for Dodd, she was facing similar battles because she recently got divorced, and that’s likely why these two women are so close now. 

“I’ve heard all of those things for so long too, Shannon,” she said to her friend. 

“There’s not days I don’t cry or [feel] depressed. I’m lonely. I don’t have anybody having my back. It’s sad. I want somebody that’s there for me.”

“It looks like I go out and have a good time with guys, but the reality is, I just got out of a 13-year marriage, and I am not used to being alone,” Dodd said in a confessional. 

“Kelly and I have gone through hell and back,” Beador said.

“Who would have thought that I’d be sitting, having a nice conversation. And her supporting me, shows you how you can evolve.”

“The best and right thing is happening for the both of us,” she said.

“I’m just grateful we’ve reached the point in our relationship where we totally understand each other. You have such a big heart, and I’m really grateful that we’re at this place.”

“I’m grateful to you too. I mean, who knew?” said a shocked Kelly. 

While that particular friendship was flourishing, there was still beef between Vicki and Kelly. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly was mad Vicki and her boyfriend was going on double dates with her ex-husband.

Tamra and Shannon tried to play the peacemakers at Emily’s party, but it was clear the rift was growing between them. 

Poor Emily didn’t know what she was getting herself into when she invited them over to the party. The odd thing about Emily is that she doesn’t seem like a real housewife. 

It’s almost like the producers thought throwing her in would shake things up and add a new dynamic. Instead, her scenes are really difficult to get through. 

As for Tamra, she was still trying to find the balance between looking after her husband, Eddie, and keeping all of the women from ripping each other apart. 

Eddie’s still not better, and the doctor is determined to give him a drug that will essentially stop his heart and then he will be shocked back to life. 

It’s a horrifying reality and one that anyone would be terrified of it. The most surprising aspect is that he’s allowing it all to be filmed in front of the cameras. 

Maybe this is more about raising awareness than being a storyline for a Bravo reality series. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 has been somewhat subdued. There have been many arguments, but they all seem to center on the same thing, and that’s problematic. 

We need the OG of the OC to bring the drama back!

What are your thoughts on the new episode?

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 4 Recap: Judge, Jury and Gina

“Call animal control, ‘cause there’s a cougar on the loose in the OC.”

That’s the tagline for Kelly Dodd on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13

While it’s natural for someone just out of a marriage to want to spread their wings and prove they can still find themselves some loving, the tagline was a bit out there. 

Kelly lived up to that tagline on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 4 which found her getting a little bit too close for comfort with one man. 

Kelly joined Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador, Vicki Gunvalson, Emily Simpson, or Gina Kirschenheiter for a dinner date during the episode, and wasted no time in opening up about her new beau. 

“I’m dating a guy. He’s pulling in, he’s a spine doctor,” Dodd told her gal pals. 

“He’s coming in!” she continued, clearly trying to give them all the information they needed to know to chat with him. “I met him in Aspen!”

“You look, beautiful honey, really beautiful,” Rick Paicius, the man said to Kelly as he pulled up a seat beside her. 

“Aww that’s sweet,” she responded after a kiss. “I miss you.”

They were all over each other. It was rather embarrassing when you consider the fact that they had only met each other two weeks before these scenes were filmed. 

“Make it stop,” Judge said when the duo continued to kiss each other. “We’ll leave you two alone!”

“Some guy comes in, and they start making out. It’s like, ‘Okay bye!’ ” Judge joked. “That was awkward. This is the weirdest ending to a dinner ever, even for us.”

Added Simpson: ‘I felt like I was on their date. I was like, ‘Okay this is uncomfortable, maybe we should leave….’ ”

“Literally needed to run as well,” laughed Kirschenheiter.

While the other women found it funny, Vicki tried to dole out some words of wisdom in an attempt to make it seem like she still knew her former friend. 

“Kelly is very confused right now,” said Gunvalson.

“She’s really upset that Michael dated someone else, but she’s okay flaunting her new boyfriend in the midst of a girl’s night? … Kelly divorced Michael. He’s allowed to date whoever he wants. And if he wants Steve and I to go out with him, we will.”

As previously reported, Kelly lashed out at Vicki for going on double-dates with her ex-husband and his new girlfriend. 

“That’s girl code,” said Kirschenheiter, who was firmly Team Kelly.

“What girl is in a situation where she’s like, ‘We have to keep this whole thing secret because I’m friends with his ex-wife?’ What a f—ing loser is she? I would personally say, ‘F— you, I’m not even hooking you up.’ ”

Kelly did forgive Vicki for her actions, but it was obvious she was not going to forget about them. 

“I want Vicki to know what other people’s opinions are because she thinks that only hers are right,” Dodd explained to viewers.

“I hope Vicki learned her lesson because everybody schooled her that she was wrong, which she is.”

Something tells us the pair are going to be going at it for much of the rest of the season and likely beyond. 

What are your thoughts on Kelly sucking the face of a man at a dinner table?

Hit the comments below!

RHOC airs Mondays on Bravo!
