Showing posts with label Dust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dust. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Another Friendship Bites the Dust

The ladies of Orange County have been battling it out like never before on The Real Housewives of Orange County. 

Monday’s episode of chronicled the fraught friendship between Tamra Judge and Gina Kirschenheiter. 

The pair were still at odds over Gina dishing the goodies to Shannon about what was being said about her. 

But Gina wanted to let bygones be bygones and wanted Tamra to attend her birthday bash, but Judge had an agenda of her own. 

Tamra made her way over to Vicki’s house and revealed all about the growing tension between her and Gina. 

“So I got a call from Shannon who said that Gina told her that I was talking all this stuff about her in Jamaica,” Tamra told Vicki. 

But Vicki was so over what happened in Jamaica, saying:

“Hello! Jamaica why are we still talking about Jamaica. We are done we are home now. I told Shannon if she has to get on anti-depressants than do it. But Shannon is not mentally ill.”

In a hilarious segment, the two women decided against attending Gina’s party, and while it seemed more about Shannon being there, it was still pretty rude. 

As for Gina, she was moving out of her family home and into her own bachelorette pad following her decision to divorce her husband.

“I am realizing that Mrs. Kirschenheiter is no more,” Gina said before claiming this would be her first birthday as a single woman. 

Gina then told her new BFF Kelly Dodd that she was keeping her divorce on the down low from her children. 

The ladies subsequently met up at Emily Simpson’s for a fortune reading party, and things quickly got out of hand. 

“I have texted Shannon to ask how her surgery went. She did not answer, but I just wanted her to know how it went,” Emily said. “Hopefully you are on the up and up,” Tamra said to Emily about Shannon.

“I feel bad, but I am honestly over Shannon at this point,” said Gina who was still in hot water with Tamra.

“I am trying to help, and you are trying to help her, and now this whole thing is about me and you and do I think you are a sh***y friend.”  

All seemed to go quiet on the Shannon front until the fortune reader told the ladies that a “woman with an S in her name needed help.”

Okay then, Bravo to the producers for this random twist. 

The episode’s final moments focused on Gina questioning where Shannon, Tamra, and Vicki were after everyone but them arrived at her birthday party. 

We cut away to a scene with Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon together having a party of their own. 

“So I told you both what happened. The one thing that kind of upset me was that Emily said, ‘Because I grew up with a mentally ill mom, I saw some similarities with Shannon,’” Tamra said. 

That’s when Shannon lost it. 

“This is a person that threatened to kill Kelly! How dare she? Mentally ill? F**k her,” Shannon yelled as the episode faded to black. 

Oh yes, it’s on!

What are your thoughts on the latest big twist?

Hit the comments. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo!


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Kevin Hart Once Left Alleged Extortionist JT Jackson in the Dust

Kevin Hart once had a fun guys’ night out on the town with J.T. “Action” Jackson — the guy charged with extorting Kevin in the sex tape case — and a TMZ photog captured the whole hilarious scene.  J.T. and Kevin were leaving dinner at…


Kevin Hart Once Left Alleged Extortionist JT Jackson in the Dust

Kevin Hart once had a fun guys’ night out on the town with J.T. “Action” Jackson — the guy charged with extorting Kevin in the sex tape case — and a TMZ photog captured the whole hilarious scene.  J.T. and Kevin were leaving dinner at…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Another One Bites the Dust

It was back to the 2016 Presidential Election on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10

When the episode got underway, we picked up with a flashback that took us to the final debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. 

That was the night Kai realized he wanted world domination and he was going to find a way to make it happen … even if it meant killing multiple people to get there. 

Kai went at it with one of Winter’s friends because of their differing views about Americans. He smacked the chick in the face, and that’s how he found himself in anger management.

This meeting helped connect the dots somewhat when it emerged that the coach was Bebe Babbitt. She was the woman who tried to reel the women in a few weeks back, but it was revealed she was working with Kai. 

She seemed to think that Kai needed to know his true purpose in the world was to give up his own life to help all American women have their way. 

“The women of the world are waiting for you, legs spread, on their backs,” she told him. “Impregnate them! Help them give birth to their rage!”

Back in the present, a protestor hit Kai in the face at one of his political rallies, so it was up there with the other crazy ones that have occurred this season. 

Kai then told his cult about Charles Manson, and noted that he “wasn’t thinking big enough.” Kai then took his latest propaganda to Planned Parenthood, and everyone stabbed the man working there. 

As if that was not bad enough, they wrote: “Stop the Slaughter” on the door. From then on, it became apparent to Kai that someone from the cult was about to try and take him down. 

Bebe visited him to find out what he was going to do now that he’s gone off course. 

“You really thought I was going to drown myself in female rage?” he asked.

“You thought I’d die for some dead bitch’s cause? … Women can’t run things. They’re too emotional, too irrational. … Women need to be grabbed by their p–s and led, preferably into the kitchen to make me a sandwich.”

Ally appeared with a gun and took Bebe right out of the equation. Yes, we’re still surprised at how crazy Ally has become. For Ally, her revenge plan was not over. 

She made it look like Winter was recording conversations with Kai and that meant Kai thought his sister could be the one ready to jump ship. 

Kai murdered Winter, and it solidified the fact that Kai and Ally are a match made in heaven. What will they do next?!

Hit the comments below!


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Kendall Jenner Robbery, Another Security Guard Bites the Dust

Kendall Jenner fired her security guard one day after she was robbed blind in her own home. Our Kardashian sources say the guard was posted outside the house, which raises the question … why fire him if it was an inside job and the thief was…


Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 6 Recap: Another One Bites The Dust

Wow, you guys. Is it safe to assume that absolutely no one is safe on this show?

On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 6, the race was on to save Josie and Lizze from Seline, but just how far were Caroline and Alaric willing to go in order to save their kids?

Well, Caroline called off her engagement and told Stefan she did not want him anywhere near the mission. 

The reason?

She didn’t want him there because he could prove to be a liability if it came to killing Damon, and Caroline made it crystal clear she was killing Damon if the opportunity popped up. 

Then there was Alaric, who was a little too hard on Stefan because of what his brother done. I mean, I get they were both pissed with Damon, but he and Stefan are the polar opposite. 

They may be brothers, but they could not be more different from each other. 

As the police continued their investigation into what happened to the twins, Seline met up with Sybil and Damon. Seline revealed her master plan and the news that she was going to atone for what she did to Sybil on the island. 

Sybil could not help but think Sybil was only saying it to get away from her because of the 100 years of misery she went through. 

Seline tried to offer the twins to Cade in return for her and Sybil being free. However, Sybil had another plan up her sleeve and it involved Stefan. 

Somehow, one or both of the Salvatore brothers are always on tap to hang around with the latest evils in town. When Stefan showed up to save the day, he managed to save the kids and return them to their parents. 

It’s good when things end on a happy note. Right?

Well, things are NEVER happy on this show. Just as Caroline was calling the engagement back on and apologizing, Stefan dropped the bomb that he had signed up for an eternity of misery with Cade to save the twins. 

This meant he would be leaving after 24 hours of freedom. Caroline was super pissed because she had just sent the twins away with Alaric because they had to be safe. 

Alaric and Matt joined forces to rid Mystic Falls of Damon Salvatore, so they murdered him. Yes, you guys, Damon Salvatore is DEAD

Well, for now, at least. The CW’s promo that aired right after the big death confirmed he was very much alive, so it ruined whatever suspense the show still had. 

The episode definitely succeeded in upping the action, but the characters are getting a little too annoying for my liking. Take Enzo, for example. He seemed out of the woods and now he’s in deeper than ever before with Sybil. 

It’s time for Bonnie to get her magic back and find a loop hole to save this mess before it ends with a terrible finale. This show has been on the air for 8 years. 

The fans deserve an ending that celebrates the previous seasons. Thus far, it’s been full of back and forth with the new villains and it’s tiring. 

If you watch The Vampire Diaries online, you’ll know the show was one of the best shows on TV at one point, so it sucks to see it go out this way. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!


Monday, November 7, 2016

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 1 Recap: The House of Shade and Dust

The ladies of the ATL are back, and Sunday on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 1, boy did they return with a vengeance.

There’s plenty of tea to spill, if you will, so let’s get to it …

We got the reveal that Kenya Moore and Matt Jordan were over and there was no chance of them reuniting. 

Kenya revealed that splitting was the driving force behind getting her home renovated. If you lose your significant other, that’s probably as good an excuse as any to spend some money. 

Most people would purchase something that doesn’t really break the bank, but Kenya thinks revamping her home is a good substitute. 

The reason their relationship ended was that Matt was completely jealous when he didn’t know who she was texting and his anger exploded while they were in Mexico. He proved he was not the best guy for her when he kicked her door in, and threw things around in her room. 

“I am not going to be in the presence of someone who cannot control their anger,” she noted. It’s very true. No one should settle for that sort of behavior, so we’re really glad she kicked ditched him. 

Kenya was having a housewarming party in just two weeks and was worried that the renovations would not be completed in time. There is such a thing as delaying a party, but clearly that’s a foreign concept when the Bravo cameras are looking for some drama. 

Kenya sent a memorable invite over to Phaedra Park’s house. Unfortunately, Porsha Williams did not make the cut to be invited, but that didn’t stop Phaedra revealing that Porsha could go as her date. 

The two ladies then brought us up to speed with what had changed for them between seasons. 

Phaedra revealed that she wanted to remain single until her divorce from Apollo Nida was finalized. it makes sense. I mean, it’s not like someone will get serious with her while things are still going on with Apollo. 

Elsewhere, we got the reveal that Cynthia Bailey and Peter Thomas were at war, and that Cynthia was ready to end her marriage. 

Cynthia told the audience that the warring couple had been living apart for “about five months.” It’s no wonder that she’s ready to end things. 

“I just want to move on,” she said, while making it known that she really wants the house. The two have a prenup, but Cynthia had no idea where it was, so she quickly got on Facetime with Peter, but it did not go well. 

“Why are you FaceTiming me?” Peter asked. “You know I haven’t seen you in three months.”

“The only thing I wanted from you, was you,” Peter said. “This is f–ked up.”

It was clear Cynthia could not be bothered arguing with him, so she terminated the call, looking drained. 

If that wasn’t enough drama, we then followed the action to Kenya’s housewarming party. 

Cynthia showed up and she and Kenya had a heart-to-heart about life, but it was clear Kenya was upset about Matt not being there. 

“He loved it,” she said. Matt, however, was also feeling sentimental and sent Kenya a text before the party kicked off. 

“I love you and I’m sorry,” it read. 

“He doesn’t always do well, but I think he always means well,” Cynthia said. “Except for kicking down the door.”

Sheree Whitfield did not hold back when she arrived, because the place was far from complete. After Kenya claimed to be working on the home for five years, Sheree corrected her, saying she was not working on it that long.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you’ll know we can expect fireworks between these two. 

We ended things with Porsha and Matt showing up. What will happen next?

Hit the comments below!
