Showing posts with label Gunvalson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gunvalson. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Kelly Dodd: Fire Vicki Gunvalson! She"s Past Her Expiration Date!

Season 14 of The Real Housewives of Orange County will be here before any of us know it.

Kelly Dodd is well aware, but revealed on The Talk she thinks that the cast needs one major mix-up before filming begins.

She thinks that most of her colleagues should return, and she has specific reasons for that.

But she thinks that Vicki Gunvalson needs to go.

And her metaphor in explaining why will be enough to curdle your blood.

Take a look:

1. Kelly Dodd says Vicki is old news

Kelly dodd and vicki gunvalson

And she has a very specific analogy to share — after she shares why her other castmates deserve to remain on the show

2. Kelly on Shannon:

Shannon beador speaks to the camera

“I’m obviously friends with Shannon [Beador],” Kelly says. “I talk to her every day.”

3. Kelly on Tamra:

Tamra judge rocking sunglasses

“I talk to Tamra [Judge] every day,” Kelly adds.

4. The show wouldn’t be the same without those two

Tamra judge and shannon beador

“So,” Kelly continues. “I want them to be back for sure.”

5. Kelly on the new girls:

Emily simpson image

“I like Emily and Gina,” Kelly notes of Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter.

6. Kelly welcomes her newest castmates

Gina kirschenheiter

“I think they should get a second chance,” Kelly says of the newcomers.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 5, 2018

Shannon Beador and Vicki Gunvalson Wake Up From Surgery on This Sneak Peek

In the aftermath of Shannon Beador flipping out and then apologizing to her fellow Housewives, the show needs some levity.

In this The Real Housewives of Orange County sneak peek, Shannon and Vicki have both undergone surgery.

When they come to, however, their experiences are very different. One of them is deeply hilarious.

Shannon beador speaks to the camera

"In a perfect world, would I like to have my partner waiting for me when I get out of surgery?" Shannon asks.

She asks if she would love to have such a partner "putting his arm around me, saying ‘I’m going to take care of you and everything’s going to be OK?’"

She answers her own questions: "Absolutely."

Obviously, anyone wants emotional support, especially when they"re just coming out of surgery.

Since Shannon is currently single, however, she doesn"t have that.

Shannon beador is pampered post op

Fortunately, Shannon knows how to keep things in perspective.

"But you know what?" Shannon asks rhetorically.

"I have a driver," Shannon says. "And Sophie and the kids are waiting for me when I get home."

That"s more than a lot of people have.

Shannon concludes: "And that’s all I can ask for."

It"s always good to focus on the positives in your life, rather than simply on what you don"t have.

Shannon beador stares post op

We promised that there would be some levity in this clip, and there absolutely is.

Vicki Gunvalson also went into the hospital to have some face-fillers removed.

Her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, arrived to show her moral support — you know, the kind that Shannon would have liked.

Vicki was still a little loopy, however, and immediately asks Steve some awkward questions.

"Do you love me?" Vicki asks. "Am I pretty?"

It sounds like Shannon might be better off. People aren"t always at their best when they"re under the influence.

Vicki then tells Steve that she has "no panties on right now."

Vicki gunvalson is not wearing any panties

Earlier this year, Vicki explained why she intended to have her face fillers removed.

"I had a lot of fillers in my face and I didn’t feel like it was me anymore," Vicki said.

"I had too many doctors, too many different times say ‘let’s do this, let’s do that, let’s fill here, let’s do Voluma, let’s do Sculptra,’" Vicki continues.

You know, on the very first episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County that I ever saw, she was having a botox party.

It seems that she"s changed her tune.

"And," Vicki says. "By the time I was done I looked in the mirror and was like COMMA ‘I don’t even look like myself.’"

Steve is vicki gunvalsons boyfriend

Apparently, part of that has been Steve"s supportive influence. 

"I said to him the other day, ‘My boobies are a little bit lower. I want them higher up here,’" Vicki shares.

Vicki says that Steve didn"t agree: "He goes, ‘You promised me you wouldn’t do anything else,’"

"No," Vicki decides. "For right now I’m at peace."

Good for her!

Vicki gunvalson wakes up post op

It"s always easy to poke fun at women who undergo multiple cosmetic procedures on their faces and breasts.

Of course, it starts to get considerably less funny once you think about the powerful social forces that demand that women look a certain way.

These cultural pressures are compounded for women who are on television, for older women, and for women who are trying to date.

Some would say that Vicki and Shannon almost had no choice but to go under the knife a time or two if they wanted to remain on television.

That is a grim thought.

Shannon beador and vicki gunvalson wake up from surgery on this

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson Defends Shannon Beador, Slams Gina and Emily

Maybe a year and a half ago, Shannon Beador was blaming Vicki Gunvalson’s rumor-mongering for her weight gain. Now, things are very different.

On the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Shannon Beador flipped out.

Vicki is riding to Shannon’s defense, saying that the situation was unfair — and was Gina and Emily’s fault.

Vicki Gunvalson took to her Bravo blog to defend Shannon.

First and foremost, Vicki set the stage for Shannon snapping the way that she did.

“We were all miserable in Jamaica, as it was way too hot,” Vicki shares.

She writes: “And the hotel rooms did not have air conditioning due to an air compressor being broken.”

(I wouldn’t wish for even my worst enemy to be in Virginia without air conditioning. Jamaica? I’d have quit the show and flown back right away)

“They were able to eventually accommodate us on the last few days and moved us to a new villa where it was nice and cool,” Vicki says.

“I think all of our nerves were shot,” Vicki explains. “And things heated up and got out of control.”

Now that she’s explained everyone’s frayed nerves and Shannon’s ponytail, she starts in on the actual conflict.

“I think we should have calmly discussed our concerns or issues with Shannon, without going on the attack mode,” Vicki writes.

“I’ve been on the receiving end of this type of argument when people go after you,” she says. “And it’s not fun by any means.”

Vicki wants to make it very clear that she was not a deliberate participant in this, and that her concern about Shannon appearing to be drinking alone was genuine.

“I told Shannon just today that she is in a much better place than she was six months ago when this was filmed,” Vicki adds.

“And,” she continues. “I’m proud of her strength and accomplishments.”

“It was taken out of context when I said Shannon has ‘rich girl problems’ when she was talking about having to move again,” Vicki writes.

“She was not discussing the amount of support she receives,” Vicki clarifies. “Or that she was ungrateful for it.”

Vicki says: “she was just saying she just got settled in her home and now she had to look for a new place.”

You know what? That’s valid.

Also, has anyone noticed how much Vicki is trying to hold herself accountable for her words these days? Good for her.

Hey, so, remember that part of this week’s episode when Tamra responded to Shannon by screaming at her? Vicki remembers.

“I don’t know all the history of why Tamra got so upset with Shannon,” Vicki says. “Other than what I have heard from Tamra.”

“She was truly concerned for Shannon,” Vicki continues. “And felt Shannon wasn’t there for Tamra during that time.”

Vicki continues: “I just think the delivery could have been a little ‘softer."”

“Like Shannon said, she thought it was resolved at their lunch date at Roger’s Garden,” Vicki notes. “So clearly there was more that transpired after that, which I wasn’t aware of.”

As we discussed, Tamra no longer feels sorry for Shannon, which is quite a thing to say about your BFF.

Vicki sounds fed up: “I don’t know why Gina and Emily are so obsessed with ‘being friends with Shannon."”

“It’s clear that they don’t have an authentic interest in her life or what she is going through,” Vicki assesses.

“Nor do I think it’s fair to continue to talk about it,” Vicki says. “Friendships happen naturally and are never good if they are forced.”

(Spoken like a woman who’s never used overt friendliness as a weapon to get her way, we take it)

Real talk, though, Gina and Emily probably want to forge these friendships to cement their place on the show.

“It’s like they are obsessed with talking about it,” Vicki continues.

In Vicki’s eyes, “Just because they are hanging out with Shannon doesn’t mean they have to be BFF’s.”

“My feeling,” Vicki writes. “Is to let it flow naturally.”

It can be difficult to very naturally form friendships while on camera, however.

“Shannon and I don’t see much of Gina and Emily,” Vicki shades. “So I don’t know why they are so focused on it.”

In Vicki’s eyes: “For some of the girls to continue to prod Tamra on her friendship with Shannon when they knew it was issue is just plain mean.”

“It is disingenuous of Gina to purposely try to drive a wedge between Tamra and Shannon and then claim to be some victim,” Vicki accuses.

Vicki has a theory: “It’s like she thinks she is going to win Tamra over if she is friends with her and not Shannon?”

“Are we in grade school?” Vicki asks. “Is this a game?”

“Gina does not have the history Tamra and Shannon do,” Vicki says. “And my advice is to leave them be and let them sort this out on their own.”

“They sure don’t need Gina’s advice on this,” in Vicki’s opinion.

“Shannon’s situation is completely different than anyone else’s,” Vicki affirms. “Her divorce is nasty and very difficult to handle.”

“Kelly stirred the pot by telling Shannon that Tamra thinks Shannon isn’t a good friend,” she accuses. “That’s not being a friend at all.”

“She threw that out there and then walked away smirking, which is extremely mean,” Vicki writes. “It is NOT ok talking ‘crap’ on your friend behind her back.”

“And,” Vicki continues. “When Kelly said ‘David must have been a saint’ is wrong and NOT ok.”

“She owes Shannon an apology,” Vicki concludes. “As they are very good friends still.”

Who’d have thought this time last year that Vicki would come riding to Shannon’s defense?


Friday, October 5, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: I Still Think Gina Kirschenheiter is Lying ...

On the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Vicki Gunvalson was feeling very argumentative and accused Gina of being “selfish.”

Vicki is trying to clear the air, now.

But she still insists that it’s frustrating to hear Gina speak so casually of her divorce.

Taking to her Bravo blog, Vicki Gunvalson writes about her blowup fight with Gina Kirschenheiter.

“I did feel like I was too hard on her when we all had dinner at my house,” Vicki admits.

“And,” she continues. “I regret saying anything to her that may have hurt her feelings.”

“It’s been frustrating for me to see her so casual about divorcing her husband,” Vicki expresses.

“It doesn’t make sense to any of us,” Vicki says. “And I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a lot we don’t know.”

Vicki then shares her personal conspiracy theory about the Kirschenheiter divorce.

“My personal take on this is,” Vicki writes. “They were probably separated when we met her and that is why he decided to move to LA without her.”

“I don’t know if that’s true,” Vicki admits. “But that’s what makes sense to me.”

“If there is anything I do know, it’s the mistakes I made in my two marriages,” Vicki acknowledges.

“And if there is anything I could do to help her or anyone else,” Vicki says. “I feel inclined to speak up.”

“I have spent my entire professional life of almost 30 years helping people ‘plan for the unplanned‘,” Vicki writes.

And my goal is to always make sure their financial future is secure,” she says, referring to her insurance work.

“It’s hard for me not to want to offer my advice to Gina,” she confesses.

In other words, if she knew how to keep out of other people’s business, she wouldn’t be a Real Housewife.

“This is not my first rodeo,” Vicki says. “I know how this ends and it’s hard.”

“I want the best for Gina and her family,” she says. “And in the future I will not dismiss her reasons but will be there to help her if she needs me.”

“When Gina asked me a question about regretting my decision to be divorced,” Vicki writes. “Knowing that I am in a better place got me really thinking about it.”

Divorce is complicated, and everyone has different thoughts on the difficult process.

“I think it comes down to not making the same mistakes I made before,” Vicki suggests. “And being the best partner for Steve I can be.”

“I’m in an amazing place,” Vicki says. “And I’m incredibly grateful and thankful that such a solid, gorgeous, loving, ‘no drama’ man came in my life.”

That’s certainly an improvement over that total creep Brooks Ayers.

“We both live with the decision of divorce,” Vicki writes. “And we talk openly about it.”

“The truth is we both agree we should have done things differently in our past marriages to have saved them,” she continues.

“Divorce is difficult on the kids,” Vicki acknowledges. “Difficult financially and emotionally.”

“And,” she concludes. “I’m much clearer now than I was 10 years ago on what it truly takes to make a marriage work.”

After that, Vicki plugs her business and then encourages readers to follow her on Instagram.

Gina Kirschenheiter has really resonated with a sizable chunk of fans and viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

She is, quite frankly, relatable.

Divorce can be difficult, but a lot of viewers were happy to see someone speaking casually about a difficult process.

Not every unpleasant experience is the end of the world.

If Gina is pretty chill about her split, maybe that’s a good thing.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: Beware of Men Like Brooks Ayers! He"s Like Dirty John!

Many people have had a toxic ex. Most have been lucky enough to avoid an ex who fabricated medical paperwork in order to fake having cancer.

In that regard, Vicki Gunvalson has been very unlucky.

In this video, she"s talking about hearing from fans who"ve been through the same thing — 

Vicki gunvalson and brooks ayers snap

"The truth always comes out," Vicki says optimistically.

"Karma is a b–ch, baby," she adds with a smile.

She is speaking about her own experience with Brooks Ayers, who dated her for four years and ended up faking cancer, chemo, and chemo symptoms.

She is also speaking about the experiences that others have had — experiences that eerily mirror her own.

Dirty John is true crime anthology series based upon a podcast of the same name, and it tells a very similar story to Vicki"s.

Vicki gunvalson at home

"Well, I"ve gotten a lot of letters from people," Vicki shares, before specifying: "Women, mostly women."

Vicki says that these letters were "saying what a sociopath, what a narcissistic man is."

While buzzwords like sociopath can lose thier meaning or be used to demonize people with mental illness, she is speaking of toxic manipulators.

Vicki says that these letters spoke of their struggles "and what they experienced, and our stories were exactly the same."

"The love letters, the flowers, the ‘Baby, we got this, they’re the enemy,’ you know," Vicki says.

Vicki brooks

That practice, known as "love bombing," can be used as a weapon to manipulate a victim and ot mask a lack of genuine affection.

Vicki acknowledges that Brooks was "really shielding me from my safe people which was my daughter, which was my cast members."

These, she says, were people "who loved me."

"And I didn"t see it as that," Vicki admits.

"My daughter would have probably really hurt him if he"d kept pushing into my life," Vicki says.

Vicki gunvalson for season 13

Vicki is still awed by the sheer scope of how common this can be.

"But the amount of letters I received from people, emails, and letters in the mail," Vicki says.

All of these were "from people that have gone through what I went through …"

That shows how common this sort of thing can be.

This is probably why the Dirty John podcast was so popular that it"s becoming a Bravo series — with a companion docuseries on Oxygen.

Vicki gunvalson is not impressed

"Dirty John, that is my life," Vicki laments. "He portrayed he was somebody he wasn’t."

"That happened to me, and we’re intelligent women," she says, referring to herself and to other women.

"It happened to me with my eyes wide open," Vicki says.

To be clear, victims are never to blame. They"re not stupid or deserving of the attention of creeps.

"So if it can happen to me," Vicki says. "Can you imagine how many women it’s happening to?"

Vicki gunvalson at the reunion special

"And," Vicki adds. "I’m a smart cookie."

You know what? That"s true. Say what you will about Vicki, she"s not dumb.

"Everybody told me he was a bad boy," she says. "And I didn’t see it till it was over."

Vicki knows that her warning will fall on deaf ears: "I guess I can’t say ‘Listen to me’ because you can’t listen to anybody when you’re in it."

"You gotta really trudge through it," she concludes.

Vicki flips her s t

Of course, being familiar with the red flags in advance could help a lot of women — and others — to avoid toxic relationships.

The differences can be subtle, of course. Not everyone who buys someone a bunch of presents is trying to manipulate a victim.

But if someone is trying to isolate you from your loved ones and convince you that they"re really enemies, that is almost always a bad sign.

Vicki"s story clearly resonated with a lot of people who have had brushes with these same sorts of manipulators.

Brooks Ayers may be out of her life, but he"s left a stain on her story.

Of course, Brooks doesn"t care what Vicki thinks. At all.

Vicki gunvalson beware of men like brooks ayers hes like dirty j

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Flips Out

Vicki Gunvalson and Kelly Dodd’s friendship might never be the same again. 

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County picked up in the aftermath of the fight that found new housewife, Emily Simpson, threatening to kill Kelly. 

But Vicki wanted to know how her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, wound up being put on blast. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly was livid to learn that Steve was friends with her ex-husband. 

For Kelly, it was like a betrayal, and it was made worse that her then-BFF Vicki failed to see the issue with all of it. 

Gunvalson unpacked what went down with Tamra Judge and Emily. 

“Kelly thinks Steve’s mad at her, and I don’t know what’s going on,” Gunvalson solemnly said to her friends. “And now, Steve doesn’t want anything to do with her.”

“Shane neither,” said Simpson as though anybody cared whether her pot stirrer husband would be friends with the newest cougar in Orange County, adding “he doesn’t have time for it.”

In all honesty, Shane was the one who butted in when Dodd was trying to get the answers from Steve, so if anything, he should be apologizing to Kelly for trying to sink her storyline to get one of his own. 

Emily then went on to say that she was wrong about the way she reacted to Kelly. 

“I probably shouldn’t have said, ‘I’m going to kill you, but obviously it’s a figure of speech,” she said, trying to defend her actions. 

“[Kelly] said the entire time, ‘I just wanna go talk to Steve and fix it,"” added Tamra of the whole scenario. 

“She doesn’t give a rat’s a— about Steve, and I guarantee you she wants to see our relationship fold because she doesn’t want anyone happy,” Gunvalson balked, adding:

“Miserable people like miserable people. I was there.”

That’s when Tamra opted to light the fuse on the dynamite and secure her contract with the show for another season. 

“She said that Steve is only with you for your money,” she said while acting like it was not going to cause another war between the housewives. 

“I thought it appropriate to tell Vicki about what’s being said because the worst thing in this group is a rumor going to another person, another person, another person and not the person who’s directly involved,” Tamra said in defense of her actions. 

“Of course Kelly says that!” Gunvalson screamed as she stopping chopping vegetables.

“Shame on her for talking about my relationship. It’s bulls— that everybody’s always after what I have! Leave me alone! And by the way, I don’t have that much money.”

For what it’s worth, we did get to see Kelly and Tamra have that conversation earlier in the episode. 

“Do you think that guy is hitting it and quitting it?” Kelly asked, of Steve to Tamra.

“My friend was dating the girl that Steve was dating. He told the girlfriend that he’s only using Vicki for money. Swear to God. Dinero! Money talks and bulls— walks.”

“In my book, Steve’s a bad guy,” she added. “He’s hiding something. And everyone should know what kind of a person he is.”

While Tamra was trying to imply she was being nice to Vicki by telling her about the earlier comments, there was also footage that suggested she, too, was not taken in by Steve. 

“She doesn’t love him,” Judge said during a group dinner sans Gunvalson. “I’m sorry, she does not love that man.”

Never one to come to a party without some proof, she reminded the ladies of Shannon’s matchmaker.

“When I was talking with the matchmaker with her, she was like ‘Maybe I should go to him too?’” Judge recalled.

While everyone seemed to be against Gunvalson’s relationship, it was all playing out swimmingly for the cameras. 

“You better not let me down,” she told Lodge as they celebrated her birthday.

“I feel great at 56. It’s been a bumpy couple last three years, but now that Steve’s in my life, I finally feel like I’m at peace.”

 “I don’t need a man for money, and he doesn’t need me for money,” she continued. “I don’t care about stuff. I care about the person.“

“I would date a trash collector if that’s who I fell in love with.”

Lodge seemed to agree. “I think in her mind she feels, ‘I’m successful I don’t need another man’s money, so I’m going to fall in love not because he has money,’ ” he said. “Unlike some other people we know.”

That last little bit of word salad was very likely a jab at Kelly. 

Oh yes, it’s on. 

What are your thoughts on the latest action?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Monday on Bravo.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: My Daughter Almost Lost Her Leg ... And Her LIFE!

Even though The Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson blocked her son-in-law on FaceTime over a feud back in May, she loves her family.

She especially loves her daughter, Briana Culberson, and misses her. They live on opposite coasts.

Now, Vicki is reflecting on what it was like to almost lose Briana to a dangerous infection just a few years ago. These details are chilling.

Even if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you won’t have seen this particular story.

Speaking to the Daily Dish podcast this week, Vicki Gunvalson relives the painful memory of daughter Briana Culberson’s brush with death.

“We almost lost her a couple years ago,” Vicki shares about her 31-year-old daughter.

“That was one of the biggest fears I had in my life while I was filming,” Vicki admits. And that’s no surprise — it’s every parent’s worse fear.

Vicki says: “It’s my ‘Oh, my God,’ moment.”

Vicki elaborates, revealing some of the details of her daughter’s ailment.

“She was super, super sick,” Vicki shares, explaining that Briana “got a very, very bad infectious disease from the hospital.”

Your mind might jump to a staph infection, but this was no ordinary situation, as we’ll explain in a moment.

Revealing how bad things became at one point, “They almost amputated her leg.”

We are relieved that it didn’t come to that — but Vicki and Briana herself have to be much more relieved.

“The viewers don’t know” the details, Vicki says. “But we can share it now because she survived it.”

That entire ordeal must have been scary and nightmarish.

“But it was horrible,” Vicki says, stating the obvious.

This isn’t the first time that she’s mentioned this terrifying ordeal.

Back in 2017, Vicki said that Briana contracted the infection during a surgery that she received in Oklahoma.

“It almost killed my daughter,” Vicki revealed at the time.

Vicki shared: “[The scalpel was infected] with feces from a previous surgery the day they put inside her body.”

“So, not good,” Vicki said. “She almost lost her leg.”

“I mean she almost died,” Vicki clarified. “And all this stuff.”

Briana actually works as a nurse at UNC Medical Center. The Triangle area of North Carolina is home to a number of world-class hospitals, and we’re sure that they’re lucky to have her.

“[That] is actually where she works,” Vicki gushed. “She’s an ER trauma nurse.”

Briana lives in North Carolina with her husband, Ryan Culberson, and their sons, Troy and Owen.

Briana also has lupus, a dangerous autoimmune disease.

“They’ve got a great lupus center out there,” Vicki says. “So if God brought her out there to help her get through this, that was the good thing from it.”

Vicki misses her daughter but is glad that she’s where she wants to be with her loving family and where she can receive the medical treatments that she needs.

Still, with this happening just a few years ago, we imagine that the trauma and heartbreak of that near miss are still haunting Vicki.

She is probably still processing it — and extra anxious about her family.

We are so sorry that Briana had to go through this, and so sorry for her entire family — her husband, her children, and her mother — that they had to endure that harrowing experience with her.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 2 Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Did WHAT?

Battle lines were drawn on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 2, and we’re surprised to report that Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson are officially on the outs. 

No, we’re not talking about one of them getting mad about not being invited out for some cocktails. In fact, Kelly threw Vicki out of her house at one point during this hour. It was wild, so let’s get to it. 

Vicki was the woman who helped set up Kelly’s ex-husband, Michael Dodd with his current girlfriend. As if that was not bad enough, Vicki had even indulged in double dates with the new couple. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly and Vicki have been like two peas in a pod since laying eyes on each other a few years back. 

So, this is a pretty big deal. Vicki went behind her BFFs back and failed to tell her about it. That’s pretty low, but is that not what Vicki has done since the show debuted? 

Even after all these years, it’s hard to imagine her changing her ways. Despite being back in good graces with Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador, Vicki needed a storyline to remain relevant. 

“Kelly’s dating, she’s fine,” Gunvalson said defending herself when the truth came out.

“She said [to Michael], ‘I want you to find somebody else. I want you to date.’ … The fact is, he’s moving on. And if I’ve got some single girlfriends who want to meet her ex-husband, so what? It has nothing to do with Kelly. She’s the one who dumped him!”

“You’re my friend,” Kelly told Vicki. “I’m getting all these text messages and everything that you hooked up Michael, and you didn’t tell me? … You’ve gone out with them a couple times? And you never told me? Why would you not tell me?”

But Vicki was not ready to accept that she was the one who set them up. Yes, OG Vicki is back. 

“I had a BBQ four months ago. My friend was there, and he was there. And I didn’t hook up anybody,” she explained. “They communicated afterward and I was out. I didn’t know where it was going and it was none of my business.”

“I thought he would tell you. It’s his responsibility to tell you,” Gunvalson said of Michael. “Don’t blame me. You take that up with Michael.”

Um, what? 

Are best friends not supposed to communicate about, like, everything? 

Vicki then uttered her stupidest come back yet:

“I’m not telling you. I’m not going to tell you. I’m never going to tell you. … It is not my fault that your husband is dating somebody. I care so much about you that I didn’t tell you.”

“Are you kidding me? Anybody would say that’s f—– up. Anybody would say,” Kelly yelled upon hearing this sub-par excuse. 

“That breaks my heart. That actually breaks my heart,” she said. “You tell me that you’re friends with them? You’ve gone on double dates? That’s wrong.”

Hurricane Gunvalson then shocked Kelly to the very core. 

“Oh Kelly, don’t make this drama about you. You don’t love your husband. He’s dating somebody else. So what?”

“You want to do stuff with drama? I’m out! You want to do drama because Steve and Michael said let’s go out to dinner?” she continued, before screaming.

“You are causing problems where there doesn’t need to be any. Stop it. Stop it. Who cares who he goes out with!”

“Obviously you are not my friend. You know what, I don’t roll with girls like that,” Kelly barked back while fighting tears.

“You know what, Vicki, why don’t you just leave. You know, you’re just not my friend. That’s it. You’re not my friend. … I’m just; I’m done with you.

“I didn’t hook him up. Kelly, you’re out of line,” Vicki yelled as she got ready to leave.

“I’m out. I don’t get talked to like that. F— her.”

“I think Kelly’s overreacting,” she told viewers. “I think Kelly’s still in love with Michael.”

Yes, Vicki Gunvalson is once again, at the center of the drama. It only took two episodes. 

While Vicki was burning bridges with Kelly, she was trying to get back in Eddie’s good books. You know the man she claimed was gay. 

She started this off by sending some food to the house after his surgery, before showing up uninvited to try and help him build a bridge to get over it. 

Eddie accepted, and they moved on from this needless drama. Go figure. 

The rest of the episode was subdued, but we got to meet Gina Kirschenheiter aka the one who just divorced her husband!

If we did not already know about the parting of ways, we would probably have had suspicions after Gina’s entrance. 

We got to see her home life, her kids, but nothing of her husband, Matt. All of the wedding pictures showed nothing of him, but much of Gina. 

We learned that he lived in Los Angeles through the week and returned home at the weekend. That’s hella odd, but could that have played a part in the relationship breaking down?

We have no idea, but we’ll surely find out. 

What are your thoughts on this latest episode? Hit the comments. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo. 


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson Blocks Her Son-in-Law: I Am NOT a Bad Grandmother!!

Sunday was Mother’s Day. That’s a day near and dear to many hearts, and Real Housewives are no exception.

But apparently Vicki Gunvalson was very busy that day. Too busy to FaceTime with her young grandsons.

When her son-in-law called her out on it on social media, she blocked him. Wow.

Vicki commented on a photo of her daughter, Briana, and Briana’s husband, Ryan Culberson. They are the parents to her two grandchildren, Troy and Owen.

“Miss you guys.”

Replying publicly, son-in-law Ryan wrote:

“Your grandkids tried to FaceTime you 20 times yesterday. Glad to see you’re still alive!”

That is … incendiary, to say the least.

When someone replied that it was a “burn,” Ryan replied:

“She blocked me after this.”

Vicki Gunvalson on Instagram

Others were able to see and confirm that Vicki was no longer following Ryan on Instagram.

On her own page, Vicki wrote about Mother’s Day, saying:

“I had such a beautiful Mother’s Day yesterday with @stevelodge_oc family and @mikewolfsmith and @danigoldenstate.”

She did not forget her daughter Briana or her grandchildren, obviously.

“Missed Briana across the miles but know she has a good day with her family.”

And she showed her appreciation for her flowers.

“Thanks to my kids for the beautiful roses from @passionroses. #thankful #mothersday #passionroses”

So she spent Mother’s Day being busy … but still got shamed for not answering the phone.

A number of fans leapt to Vicki’s defense.

One day of being unreachable — especially a day in which you are being celebrated — hardly seems like an excuse for a public attack by your own family.

(Especially because, let’s be honest, we’re talking about a grandmother — Vicki probably doesn’t cling to her phone the way that most of us do)

Even though Kelly Dodd and Vicki have been feuding, Kelly came to Vicki’s defense on Twitter.

“Vicki and I have had our differences but this I know for sure!! she is an excellent Mother and Grandmother!”

When someone asked if she had further thoughts on Vicki’s son-in-law’s statement, Kelly wrote:

“I don’t think you should write anything via social media!”

Vicki Gunvalson grandson Troy

In a post that many fans saw as an attempt to quiet the rumors of this new family feud, Vicki shared a picture of her eldest grandson, Troy.

“Where has the time gone? My sweet little Troy is graduating kindergarten next week.”

She then included plenty of tags.

“#myfirstgrandson #almost6 #lovehischeeks #kindergarten #ca2nc”

Does this mean that she and Ryan made nice behind the scenes?

Or is she just trying to prove to her followers and fans that she’s not a neglectful grandmother?

Being away from family can put a strain on your relationship.

Briana and Ryan moved to North Carolina because Briana had never been especially happy in Orange County.

Though they chose a remote property with a lot of wooded surroundings, the couple is said to not be too far from Raleigh.

So they’re probably too far out of the way for convenient takeout options, but close enough to a major city for good schools, plenty of first-rate university options, a major airport, and, in the case of an emergency, a few world-class hospitals.

And they also get the benefit of not living in a desert hellscape.

But Vicki misses them — and we’re sure that she misses her grandbabies.

We hope that Troy and Owen can understand that their grandmother being busy on Mother’s Day does not mean that she doesn’t love them.

Maybe someone can explain that to Ryan, too.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson: Feuding Over Ex"s Hookup

Kelly Dodd finished her divorce from Michael Dodd, but responded with understandable outrage when Vicki Gunvalson appeared to be playing wingman for Michael and helping him hook up on a Vegas trip.


The upside to this whole messy situation is that we’ll get to see it all play out next season on The Real Housewives of Orange County. But here’s what we know:

There’s some great news in Kelly Dodd’s personal life that she’s been just bursting to share.

On February 23rd, the Real Housewife took to Twitter to make the happy announcement:

“My divorce is final today!! Over the moon happy!”

Divorces are among the most stressful experiences that a person can have — short of staying in a doomed, miserable marriage.

That’s not really a surprise, since we all saw Kelly Dodd’s marriage in shambles on The Real Housewives of Orange County last November.

Some divorces take years of court battles, so it’s wonderful news that Kelly Dodd got her divorce in such a short time.

However, Kelly’s (former?) friend, Vicki Gunvalson, has become the subject of Kelly’s ire over her ex’s hookup.

See, while in Vegas, apparently Vicki and her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, more or less set up Kelly’s ex, Michael, with a mutual friend.

Kelly was furious to see Vicki appear to give Michael aid and comfort. That’s pretty understandable.

RadarOnline has the scoop on this drama that is unfolding between Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson.

For starters, it sounds like Vicki is denying everything.

“Vicki has tried doing everything she can to back pedal on this one, and she insists that she did not purposely try to set Michael up with her and Steve’s mutual friend.”

So … it just happened?

“She told Kelly that the hookup happened organically while they were on vacation, and that she didn’t mean to hurt her at all.”

We wonder how Kelly took those assurances.

Just kidding — no need to wonder.

“Kelly obviously thinks that Vicki is full of s–t and so does the rest of the cast.”

That’s a bold claim. 

“Vicki was supposed to be her friend, and now Kelly just thinks that she is nothing but a backstabbing b—h.”

There are clearly a lot of emotions at play, here.

“But Kelly is moving on from this and is not going to waste any more time worrying about her ex-husband — and ex-friend!”

Oh goodness. Will this be a new longstanding feud, or will they mend fences at the end of this storyline?

Unfortunately, it sounds like Vicki’s stubbornness might cost her a friendship.

“Vicki isn’t even trying to kiss Kelly’s a– at this point because she really believes that she did not do anything wrong.”

Even if you don’t think that you did anything wrong, sometimes it helps to apologize and take steps in that direction.

It sounds like Vicki’s loyalties are torn.

“Vicki honestly likes Michael, and she cannot change the fact that Michael and Steve are close friends now.”

A lot of people end up being friends with each other’s exes. It’s part of life. Most don’t vacation with them, but still.

And it looks like some are just blaming Steve.

“Kelly knows that the two are friends, so for her to try and put the blame on Vicki is just complete crap!”

It’s worth noting that RadarOnline reports that this drama will play out, on camera, on the next season of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

In other words, viewers and fans will get to see Kelly Dodd explode over this on camera.

Is Kelly Dodd right — did Vicki betray her (and the unwritten “girl code”) by enabling Michael Dodd to hook up?

Is Vicki Gunvalson right — is Kelly freaking out over something that was beyond Vicki’s control, with Vicki merely being polite to her boyfriend’s friend and an organic hookup taking place?

Perhaps, as the storyline plays out on television, we’ll all find out together.
