Showing posts with label Ayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayers. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: Beware of Men Like Brooks Ayers! He"s Like Dirty John!

Many people have had a toxic ex. Most have been lucky enough to avoid an ex who fabricated medical paperwork in order to fake having cancer.

In that regard, Vicki Gunvalson has been very unlucky.

In this video, she"s talking about hearing from fans who"ve been through the same thing — 

Vicki gunvalson and brooks ayers snap

"The truth always comes out," Vicki says optimistically.

"Karma is a b–ch, baby," she adds with a smile.

She is speaking about her own experience with Brooks Ayers, who dated her for four years and ended up faking cancer, chemo, and chemo symptoms.

She is also speaking about the experiences that others have had — experiences that eerily mirror her own.

Dirty John is true crime anthology series based upon a podcast of the same name, and it tells a very similar story to Vicki"s.

Vicki gunvalson at home

"Well, I"ve gotten a lot of letters from people," Vicki shares, before specifying: "Women, mostly women."

Vicki says that these letters were "saying what a sociopath, what a narcissistic man is."

While buzzwords like sociopath can lose thier meaning or be used to demonize people with mental illness, she is speaking of toxic manipulators.

Vicki says that these letters spoke of their struggles "and what they experienced, and our stories were exactly the same."

"The love letters, the flowers, the ‘Baby, we got this, they’re the enemy,’ you know," Vicki says.

Vicki brooks

That practice, known as "love bombing," can be used as a weapon to manipulate a victim and ot mask a lack of genuine affection.

Vicki acknowledges that Brooks was "really shielding me from my safe people which was my daughter, which was my cast members."

These, she says, were people "who loved me."

"And I didn"t see it as that," Vicki admits.

"My daughter would have probably really hurt him if he"d kept pushing into my life," Vicki says.

Vicki gunvalson for season 13

Vicki is still awed by the sheer scope of how common this can be.

"But the amount of letters I received from people, emails, and letters in the mail," Vicki says.

All of these were "from people that have gone through what I went through …"

That shows how common this sort of thing can be.

This is probably why the Dirty John podcast was so popular that it"s becoming a Bravo series — with a companion docuseries on Oxygen.

Vicki gunvalson is not impressed

"Dirty John, that is my life," Vicki laments. "He portrayed he was somebody he wasn’t."

"That happened to me, and we’re intelligent women," she says, referring to herself and to other women.

"It happened to me with my eyes wide open," Vicki says.

To be clear, victims are never to blame. They"re not stupid or deserving of the attention of creeps.

"So if it can happen to me," Vicki says. "Can you imagine how many women it’s happening to?"

Vicki gunvalson at the reunion special

"And," Vicki adds. "I’m a smart cookie."

You know what? That"s true. Say what you will about Vicki, she"s not dumb.

"Everybody told me he was a bad boy," she says. "And I didn’t see it till it was over."

Vicki knows that her warning will fall on deaf ears: "I guess I can’t say ‘Listen to me’ because you can’t listen to anybody when you’re in it."

"You gotta really trudge through it," she concludes.

Vicki flips her s t

Of course, being familiar with the red flags in advance could help a lot of women — and others — to avoid toxic relationships.

The differences can be subtle, of course. Not everyone who buys someone a bunch of presents is trying to manipulate a victim.

But if someone is trying to isolate you from your loved ones and convince you that they"re really enemies, that is almost always a bad sign.

Vicki"s story clearly resonated with a lot of people who have had brushes with these same sorts of manipulators.

Brooks Ayers may be out of her life, but he"s left a stain on her story.

Of course, Brooks doesn"t care what Vicki thinks. At all.

Vicki gunvalson beware of men like brooks ayers hes like dirty j

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Former Miss USA Olivia Jordan and Model Allie Ayers Hit Miami Swim Week for S.I. Photo Shoot

Former Miss USA Olivia Jordan and model Allie Ayers partnered up in Miami Beach … in pastel swimsuits incredibly easy on the eyes. The bubbly blondes teamed up for a Sports Illustrated photo shoot during Miami Swim Week … and they…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson Ex Brooks Ayers: I Don"t Care What Vicki Thinks!

There are some long-term relationships that end, but on some level, both parties will always feel affection for each other.

And then there’s Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers. Just this week, Vicki did not mince words about how little affection she has for her ex, because apparently playing diss tracks about her rival isn’t conflict for her.

And now Brooks Ayers has come out with a response. …

Vicki Gunvalson, the reigning queen bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County, appeared on Watch What Happens Live and told Andy Cohen about her former relationship.

She was more than a little blunt.

“I don’t love Brooks anymore.”


It’s understandable, but she’s so much more direct about it than we’re used to hearing from celebrities.

“There’s no love. He was a person in my life and my past and I cared for him at that time, but no, I don’t love Brooks.”

That’s pretty cold.

Especially for a woman who once declared that she hates him.

She was even very dismissive of the role that Brooks played to begin with.

“I dated Brooks for four and a half [years]. It’s like, come on.”

Four years is kind of a long time to be friends, and it’s definitely a long time to date.

Maybe four years seems like the blink of an eye at Vicki’s age.

But most people don’t date someone for four years and then brush it off.

“We weren’t engaged, we weren’t married, [he] was a boyfriend for a limited bit of my time.”


And, in case she didn’t sufficiently spell out how donezo they are, she starts talking like a robot:

“There is no status with Brooks.”

Brooks Ayers tells Us Weekly that he doesn’t care what Vicki Gunvalson thinks.

“I’ve moved on with my life.”

That sounds like a healthy, functional level of detachment, right?

And he continues:

“I don’t really care what she thinks or says.”

It’s interesting that he’s bothered to respond at all, if that’s how he really feels.

Though note that he says “thinks or says.”

It may be that Brooks Ayers is suggesting that Vicki might not be saying exactly what she thinks.

Though he does seem to mean that he doesn’t care about either because she’s no longer relevant to his life.

(Again, they dated for four years — that’s a long-ass time to anyone who isn’t a vampire)

Brooks has previously described Vicki as a “driven workaholic who demands perfection.”

He’s also blasted her, saying that Vicki Gunvalson is “too toxic.”


Of course, this is the guy who once fabricated medical documents to “prove” that he has cancer.

So … we’ll take his words with a grain of salt.

Vicki Gunvalson seems mad all the time on The Real Housewives of Orange County, but it’s hard to tell how much of that is just drama because she’s on camera.

Especially when she seems so cold and unfeeling sometimes during interviews.

But we have to wonder if they’re protesting too much.

Could it be that they’re still caught up with resentments and lingering feelings?

Some of those feelings might even be positive.

But we don’t even know if they understand how they really feel — introspection is hard work.

So guessing what they really mean is an almost impossible task.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brooks Ayers: Vicki Gunvalson is Too Toxic For ME!

The Real Housewives of Orange County villain Brooks Ayers is back, and he’s not pulling punches when it comes to ex Vicki Gunvalson.

The two barely speak anymore, after the whole Brooks lying about cancer thing and Vicki alienating herself from the cast whilst defending him.

Not that there’s any love lost at all, it sounds like.

“I’ve moved on and am very happy,” Ayers said to RealMRHousewife (dot) com on Tuesday, June 29. “I wish her the best.”

“I have no desire to be involved with her or her family. Too toxic for me,” Ayers added. “Once and for all, we are done as a couple.”

Ayers told the site that when the former lovebirds do exchange pleasantries, they are simply business related these days, not romantic.

Or even friendly, for that matter. Strictly legal.

“I’m only talking to Vicki because of the Vodka lawsuit from 2013,” Brooks says, referring to the couple’s infamous legal woes.

“All of the claims against me have been dropped,” Ayers insists, “yet my counterclaims against the plaintiff still remain.”

The duo’s joint entrepreneurial endeavor went defunct after a third partner, Robert Williamson III, fired off a slew of lawsuits and allegations.

He sued Ayers and Gunvalson for breach of contract and fraud – to name a few supposed offenses – and she’s still fighting that fight.

“Unfortunately, Vicki is still having to deal with claims for and against her,” Ayers added. “So we do talk strategy to help each other.”

“It’s all business between us now.” 

Despite his insistence that it’s over for good, or Vicki insisting she hates Brooks and will never get back together, one co-star disagrees.

Tamra Barney Judge, in a June 27 appearance on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live, says she believes Vicki will one day take him back.

“I can only speculate but I do think they’re still talking,” Judge told Andy Cohen. “I think it’s a matter of time before they get back together.”

Hmm. Given the guy’s propensity for telling white lies or outright fabrications, and Vicki’s track record of going along with them?

TBJ may have a point.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Brooks Ayers and Jim Marchese: Still Bitter, Planning Tells-Alls

“It’s a small universe for husbands who are abused by Bravo!”

Those are the words of a disgruntled Housewives husband who blames his storyline on “editing.”

Jim Marchese does not give a rootin’ tootin fig about what Andy Cohen and Co. think of his idea: A gathering of tell-alls from disgruntled former Housewives stars.

On November 10th, Amber Marchese confirmed to People Magazine that she and Jim wouldn’t be returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Brooks Ayers recently reached out to Jim about shopping a tell-all after admitting that he had faked cancer treatment documents.

“Basically he and I connected on Twitter,” Jim told Radar Online.  “He started retweeting some things, and we talked on the phone in the last two weeks.”

“He was interested in talking about ideas for a book.”

Prior to their Twitter meet-cute, the two men had never met.

“It was really the fist time we spoke,” Jim said. “It was more introducing each other because he doesn’t watch New Jersey and I don’t watch OC.”

Ayers joins a list of jilted househusband, one which I would love to see.

“It’s funny because he’s not the first one to reach out to me: But he’s the first one to make it public on Twitter,” Jim continued.

“To put it this way, pretty much every disgruntled Bravo husband or housewife has reached out, so I have struck quite a cord with the community because apparently not everyone drinks the Kool-Aid.”


Friday, November 13, 2015

Brooks Ayers to Meghan King Edmonds: F--k Off, How About That?!

It was never a good idea to give Brooks Ayers a platform.

For some reason, Andy Cohen thought it best to air a special in which he let Ayers flip off anyone who questioned him for claiming he had cancer.

Brooks Tells All was a joke from the get-go, even before he admitted to producing fake medical records from cancer treatment center City of Hope.

The special featured a smug Ayers answering questions likes a sociopath, and responding like the dirtbag when Cohen asked what he would say if Meghan King Edmonds was there.

Ever the gentleman, Ayers suggested, “‘F*** Off.’  How about that?”

As for Tamra Judge, Ayers has lost faith in her for questioning his fake records from a Newport, CA imaging center.

“I’ve forgiven her for all the hurt that she’s caused but I haven’t forgotten, nor can I,” Brooks said.

On November 11th, Ayers confessed that he was never treated at City of Hope.  Needless to say, Judge said she wasn’t surprised.

“I’ve always said, ‘If he has cancer I hope he gets better and if he doesn’t…I still hope he gets better,"” Judge said in a statement. “From day one I called him out. I felt he was a con man.

“I could see it in his eyes and nothing he said was making sense.”

Ya burnt, Ayers.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Brooks Ayers: OK I Did Lie About Cancer Records, But ...

Alrighty, so Brooks Ayers sits on a throne of lies.

In an attempt to convince viewers that he is battling cancer, Ayers presented E! News with medical records from City of Hope.

Unfortunately, the renowned medical center confirmed with E! that they never treated Ayers for anything cancer-related.  

With his back against the wall, Ayers ran out of excuses and ways to defend himself.  So, he admitted that he presented fake documents.

“Words cannot express the deep regret that I have in fabricating documents to ‘prove’ to the world that I, in fact, have cancer,” Ayers told E! News today (November 11th).

“What I did was wrong and inexcusable. I acted alone, without Vicki’s knowledge, to produce documents for a reality TV show in hopes of putting doubts about my cancer to rest. I never intended to disclose my actual medical records or details about my private and personal medical history, thus the rationalization of presenting documents that weren’t true simply for a ;storyline for the show.” 

Halfway through the statement I thought to myself, “So, you have cancer?”

Ayers carried on.

“From this day forward, my own personal journey with this disease will remain private as I initially intended over a year ago.  My sincerest apologies to my family, friends, loved ones, and those who are battling this horrid disease for any additional pain and/or stress that I have caused. 

“As [University of Louisville basketball coach] Rick Pitino once said, ‘Mistakes can be good. They are fertilizer. Everything I’ve learned about coaching [life], I’ve learned from making mistakes.’ I made a mistake yet I have learned a huge lesson as well.”

Ok, you may not quote a basketball coach if you have lied about cancer in any way, shape or form.  If this were a private matter, why didn’t you just NOT mention it in the first place?  

I’m going to go watch puppy videos on Youtube, because this story is too much.

"The Real Housewives of Orange County" Stars Respond To Brooks Ayers" Cancer Lie

Hell hath no fury like Housewives scorned, amiright?

Yesterday, E! News revealed that Brooks Ayers, who appeared on The Real Housewives of Orange County, did not receive cancer treatment at City of Hope medical center.  This revelation comes after Ayers insisted all season long that he was being treated at COH.

The Housewives cast responded to this latest development, and it seems none of them were surprised.

“I pray for him,” Meghan King Edmonds said in a statement to E! News.  “I would want to tell him that I hope he finds the truth somewhere in his life. The truth will set you free.”

Edmonds was especially interested in Ayers’ cancer story, since her husband, Jim Edmonds’ first wife, LeAnn Edmonds Horton, passed away in July from cancer.

“It’s a very sad and disgusting situation. I never believed I would be surrounded by such lies but hopefully now we can focus on the truth.”

Tamra Judge told E! that she wasn’t at all surprised by the news:

“I’ve always said, ‘If he has cancer I hope he gets better and if he doesn’t…I still hope he gets better,"” Judge said.

“From day one I called him out. I felt he was a con man. I could see it in his eyes and nothing he said was making sense. He’s a charmer, but then you get to know him and after a while his stories don’t add up. In the end, I stopped questioning him as much, started accepting him for Vicki [Gunvalson]. I knew that if I let go, he would do it to himself.

“It’s very hard to tell exactly what Vicki did or didn’t know.”

Judge found herself stuck in the middle as Ayers presented her with allegedly false medical records this season.

“My original thought was that he told her he had cancer so that she would stay with him, and at some point she figured out it wasn’t true. But then she made the decision to keep the lie going. That’s the part I don’t understand…why would someone do that?

“If someone in the public followed his treatment and his cancer was faked, and that person died, then that would be heartbreaking and tragic.”

And finally, Shannon Beador‘s reaction:

“I am still trying to connect the dots. It doesn’t make sense that Vicki would say she spent four hours with Brooks for chemo at the City of Hope when he was never treated there. The truth always comes out.”

Today, a fan asked Gunvalson via Twitter if she still speaks to Ayers after this latest development.

“I don’t talk to him nor will I ever speak to him again,” Gunvalson wrote.  “This man is sick.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Brooks Ayers: Did He Really Lie About Cancer on RHOC?

This dude makes my skin crawl.

Brooks Ayers, he who cast a love spell on The Real Housewives of Orange County‘s Vicki Gunvalson, hijacked last season in its entirety with the classic, edge-of-your-seat storyline: “Does he Or Does He Not Have Cancer?”

While it may sound very inappropriate to question whether or not someone has cancer, you have to remember that these are Housewives and they survive off this bullsh*t.  Kind of like how a shark needs to keep swimming or it will die.

Anyway, Ayers said he had cancer and claimed to have undergone treatment at City of Hope medical center outside LA.

A rep from from COH confirmed to E! News that Ayers had never received treatment for anything at their center.  

During the three-part reunion special, one could definitely tell that the light had left Gunvalson’s eyes.  

Back in August, Gunvalson had confirmed that she and Ayers split up.  The Midwest native had also lost her mom this year, the heartbreaking moment she found out captured on tape (and aired, with Gunvalson’s consent).

Ayers was so hell-bent on making people believe he was battling cancer that he agreed to a sit down with E!‘s Melanie Bromley. 

During the interview, Ayers showed Bromley documents (complete with COH’s logo) to show that he was receiving treatment.  E! was able to obtain the documents, and compare them to verified records from the medical center.

“These are the three bills that reference the days I got my treatment,” Ayers said. “I’m not going to say I’m in remission. That’s not going to be the case until my numbers have normalized and that’s the word that was used to me.

“I have more tests coming up in two months. I go back every 90 days. I don’t get a scan every 90 days but I get blood work done every 90 days.”

RHOC‘s Shannon Beador made a similar comparisons between an alleged medical document Ayers showed Tamra Barney and one from Newport Imaging in Orange County.

That is so awkward for you, Brooks.  You’re going to have to explain yourself all over again in hell.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Brooks Ayers Defends Cancer Diagnosis AGAIN: Watch

The drama surrounding The Real Housewives of Orange County’s Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers is never ending.   Vicki and Brooks split in August of this year, but the pair continues to make headlines as critics slam Ayers" alleged cancer diagnosis.

Though she vehemently defended Brooks on the last season of RHOOC, Vicki Gunvalson finally admitted on the reunion special that she had a hunch Brooks was lying about his cancer diagnosis.

As a result, Heather Dubrow doesn’t want to film with Vicki next season.  And neither do any of the other ladies.

Now, in the midst of the conversation, Brooks wants to be heard. He sat down with E! News’ Melanie Bromley to confront the naysayers who have doubted and criticized his cancer diagnosis.

"These are the three bills that reference the days I got my treatment," he told E! News while sharing that one chemo treatment cost $ 33,000.

He added, ”I"m not going to say I"m in remission. That"s not going to be the case until my numbers have normalized and that"s the word that was used to me.”

Though it is unclear if Vicki will return to the show now that no one will film with her, we bet this will still be the highlight of next season.

Brooks ayers confronts claims of lying about cancer diagnosis wa

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion: Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Daughter Lash Out!

If you’ve spent any time watching The Real Housewives of Orange County, you know that Vicki Gunvalson’s daughter, Briana Wolfsmith-Culberson, loathes her mom’s ex-boyfriend.

And in case you didn’t know, Briana is making clear (again) on The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion.

Briana took a seat on the reunion couch to open up about her mom’s relationship with ex-boyfriend Brooks Ayers.  

She made it clear that she despises Brooks.  And, once again, she brought up the allegations about Brooks hitting her at Vicki’s birthday celebration.

Briana said, ”And I told her that he did and she called me a liar and said that he would never want me.”

Her account of Brooks got even more disturbing when she claimed that Brooks wanted her his junk and claimed that his nickname was “Girth Brooks.”

Brooks isn’t taking Briana’s accusations very lightly.  In fact, he struck back telling E! News that Briana is trying to put Vicki in the middle of things.

“It’s a typical Briana move, creating a ‘He Said, She Said’ scenario that once again puts her mother in the middle of a no-win situation,” Brooks told E! News.

“I’m glad that I no longer have to deal with this unnecessary drama. I categorically deny having said anything like that to Briana.”

He also said, “Vicki and I dated a year prior to Briana ever meeting me. She never gave me a chance.”

“And one thing led to another and the first time I met Briana was the very night that she told her mom that she was married, and I think that Briana had some significant issues as a child growing up with some ‘Daddy issues,’” Brooks added.

On a separate interview for the reunion show, Andy Cohen sat down with Brooks.  During the interview, Brooks claimed that Briana is manipulative and is taking advantage of Vicki.

Despite Briana’s criticism about Brooks over the years, Vicki continually sided with her boyfriend.  It’s tough to tell if Vicki truly wants to defend Brooks, or if it is part of a legal agreement.

According to sources, Vicki and Brooks signed a legal contract that requires them to refrain from negatively talking about each other in public.

Vicki and Brooks split in August of this year. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Brooks Ayers: I WISH My Cancer Was Fake!

Controversial Real Housewives of Orange County star Brooks Ayers is opening up about the cancer he claims he has, and the drama it has caused.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know all too well by now that Brooks" diagnosis was the subject of much debate.

The longtime boyfriend of Vicki Gunvalson was grilled by their co-stars on numerous occasions about whether he was feigning the disease.

"Absolutely I"m sticking by that," Ayers shared with E!  "Unfortunately, I wish it wasn"t true. It would be a lot easier if I didn"t have cancer."

"To be honest with you. The daily grind, the routines, reminding yourself that I"m sick and need to do certain things, not do certain things."

Brooks and Vicki broke up right before this storyline aired, but throughout the season, Gunvalson was adamant in her boyfriend"s defense.

The more defiant she grew toward his critics, the more unsettled the whole situation became, and the more fans grew suspicious of Ayers.

Then the couple broke up, but Brooks says that cancer aside, "we made the decision that we probably weren"t going to be forever."

He then suggests that one co-star had it out for him:

"Given the fact that Tamra [Barney] made the comments that she did after Season 9 that this was going to be Vicki"s year in the ‘box" so to speak?"

"It made me an easy target."

While Tamra insisting he doesn"t have cancer didn"t help matters, Brooks says things with Vicki ran their course, despite counseling.

Whatever "proof" Tamra and Shannon Beador say they have, Brooks says of course he has cancer, by the way, and is fighting to this day.

He"s just no longer fighting Vicki or anyone else on Bravo.

"I am [dating]. Vicki is as well. It could be very serious," Ayers shared. "I"m just living life with a lot less drama from that perspective."

Brooks ayers i wish my cancer was fake

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Shannon Beador to Brooks Ayers: I Can PROVE You Don"t Have Cancer!

Shannon Beador stood by Vicki Gunvalson’s side all season, but now it looks like she’s switching allegiances in the Brooks Ayers cancer saga.

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 was marred by allegations that Vicki Gunvalson’s boyfriend Brooks has been faking cancer.

Why would he do that? It’s unclear, but to worm his way back into Vicki’s good graces – and home – feels like a theory that makes some sense.

In the wake of the Sesaon 10 finale, we know Tamra Barney doesn’t believe Brooks. Now Beador may be ready to jump ship from Vicki, too.

According to reports, she came to the reunion taping armed with a document she says proves Brooks Ayers is faking his cancer diagnosis!

So what does Shannon Beador have on him? Get a load of this:

Radar claims she went to the clinic in Newport Beach, Calif., where Ayers claimed he had undergone a PET scan, and she got a scan herself.

“Shannon brought her report from the clinic to the [reunion] and pointed out differences from what Brooks had given to Tamra on camera,” the source said.

“The letterhead was completely different, along with the spacing.”

“Shannon also pointed out that she specifically asked if her report reflected a universal format used by the clinic for all patients, and she was told it did.”

“In her mind, this was the [proof] to prove Brooks was lying.”

How did Vicki handle this? You can probably answer that.

When Beador walked in and unleashed her claims at The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion, “Vicki was stunned!” the source said.

“She really had nothing to say about the differences.”

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online know that Gunvalson and Ayers had asked Judge to review a medical report.

However, the plan backfired after it raised more questions – like why they would show only Tamra and not the rest of the skeptical cast members.

Tamra herself spoke out on this, believing she was being used as a pawn because they knew she would not know what she was reading.

As such, she would blindly believe Vicki and Brooks.

In any case, the other ladies “pounced on Shannon’s claims,” the source said. “Tamra felt betrayed by Vicki, and was setting her up to lie for her.”

“Heather Dubrow was especially disgusted,” furthermore, “accusing Vicki of looking the other way while Brooks lied about the cancer diagnosis.”

Game on next Monday night. Game f–king on.

Tamra Barney to Brooks Ayers: You SO Don"t Have Cancer!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Barney is opening up about the Brooks Ayers cancer storyline, and she is not mincing words.

Simply put, she “doesn’t believe” he has cancer.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know the extent to which this topic dominated the second half of Season 10.

You also know how contentious things became.

Bravo firebrand Tamra leaves little doubt, in her first post-season interview, where she stands on the allegations of Brooks Ayers faking cancer:

She ain’t buying it. Barney unloaded this week:

“There were so many inconsistent stories circulating on camera and off. We all started noticing them immediately. Things just didn’t make sense!”

“Why wouldn’t he see Shannon’s doctor? He was scheduled to film with her until she wanted to see his medical records,” Tamra adds.

Barney asks, “Where was this big binder full of medical records? Why did Vicki say she called Terry in the middle of the night?”

While circumstantial, Tamra says she definitely thought Ayers’ actions weren’t typical for a cancer victim throughout the season.

“There are many unanswered questions,” she said.

“Why was Brooks drinking and traveling all over the place? Who stops chemo after three rounds when you’re not having secondary issues from it?”

Gunvalson and Ayers showed Tamra the test results of his PET/CT scan, but not the other ladies, a move that she now questions.

“Last year [Gunvalson] was telling everyone to ‘Watch out for Tamra, she will stab you in the back!’ More like expose YOUR lies!”

“And this year she wants to show me Brooks’ PET/CT scan because I am closest to her?” Judge said of that obvious contradiction.

“My gut tells me that she knew I didn’t know what I was reading, and that I would be a puppet and go to the other girls and say ‘Brooks has cancer."”

Tamra concludes, “I don’t think he has cancer.”

“But that is not my problem to worry about.”

Oh, and Vicki knows he’s been lying.

“How could she NOT [know]? That is the million dollar question!” Tamra concludes, and it does beg a number of additional questions:

Why would Brooks make that up? To win sympathy from Vicki and use it as a foothold to move in and save their fractured relationship?

If Vicki did know, or harbor suspicions about Brooks’ lies, was she living in denial or willingly lying to the rest of the cast to save face?

Hit the comments below with your thoughts.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Brooks Ayers to Meghan King Edmonds: Retract Cancer-Faking Claims or Get SUED!

The Real Housewives of Orange County’s Brooks Ayers is firing back at Meghan King Edmonds and her accusations regarding his cancer treatments.

Supposed cancer treatments, if you believe Meghan.

As allegations that Brooks Ayers could be faking cancer continue to grow, he is mounting a counteroffensive against his most vocal critic.

Ayers sent Edmonds a cease and desist letter warning her to stop talking about his illness or face the legal consequences of her actions.

Edmonds, as you know if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, has said Ayers’ claims of cancer are “suspicious.”

That’s one of her more nicely-worded takes on the issue. At one point, the cast member admitted, “I did not believe Brooks had cancer.”

Brooks’ attorney calls such statements “defamatory.”

In particular, Vicki Gunvalson’s ex called her remarks about him “faking” or lying about his diagnosis and records “false and defamatory.”

Such comments “have caused significant damage to Mr. Ayers’ reputation,” not to mention “extreme emotional distress,” his letter states.

Edmonds’ gossip has roiled Vicki all season (see below), but does that make her actions illegal? Ayers’ attorney says unequivocally yes.

Ayers’ attorney even claimed that Edmonds has acted “with actual malice and intent to harm” and “with reckless disregard for the truth.”

What’s more, since Bravo’s Housewives has “a tremendous public following,” and thus, her harsh comments have cut especially deep.

Now, the letter claims, Ayers “intends to file suit” against Edmonds “unless a mutual agreement can be reached to resolve this matter.”

Brooks, who has gone on record since this storyline began airing to say that yes, he does have cancer, wants Meghan to do the following:

  1. An apology and promise to refrain from all future commentary;

  2. Retract any and all statements that Ayers is “faking” cancer;

  3. State that all claims that he forged medical record are false;

  4. Publicly declare that she has “no personal knowledge” of Brooks’ health condition … oh, and this must be done “on national television.”

Ayers’ attorney said he expected a response by The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion filming on October 1, and he got one, alright.

Edmonds told People she wouldn’t back down in her crusade, saying Brooks “knows he’s a liar,” and he “doesn’t have the balls to sue.”

Game on.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge: Tamra Claims Brooks Ayers Lied About Cancer

It might be the Real Housewives franchise’s longest friendship, and it is now OVER.

The Real Housewives of Orange County’s Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge have called finally ended their on-and-off again friendship.

We’ve heard this before—maybe a million times.  But this time, it might be for real.  Though we’ve heard that before too.

Just a few weeks ago, Tamra and Vicki were fighting because Tamra claimed that Brooks Ayers dumped Vicki.  That started (another) war between the two because Vicki said she kicked Brooks to the curb.

The most recent frenemy drama occurred after Vicki witnessed Tamra trash talking her (now ex) boyfriend, Brooks Ayers, on recent episodes of the show.

Ayers was diagnosed with cancer in October of last year. But Tamra conjured up the idea that Ayers was faking his diagnosis.

Of course, Vicki is super p*ssed.  According to an insider, “Vicki isn’t talking to Tamra and is vowing to cut her out of her life for good this time.”

“Vicki had been willing to give Tamra another chance after all of the divorce drama with ex-husband, Simon Barney, but this was the final straw.”

“Tamra went behind Vicki’s back for months betraying her confidence about Brooks’ cancer,” the source added.  “Even though Vicki and Brooks are no longer together, she can’t forgive Tamra for this ultimate betrayal.”

On Monday night’s episode, Judge came face-to-face with Gunvalson about Brooks.  Vicki warned Tamra, “If you’re my friend, you don’t talk about Brooks.”

Judge responded, “That’s not what a friend is.”  Vicki demanded that Tamra shouldn’t be discussing the sensitive issue with others.

Shannon Beador even jumped into the accusations by asking Vicki why Brooks didn’t use the cancer doctors she had recommended.

Gunvalson, exhausted of defending Brooks asked, “What does Brooks need to do: Die to prove everyone wrong?” 

After the drama of accusations, Vicki said she felt betrayed and saddened by the constant accusations of lying. She stated, “I’m trying to be as strong as I can be … when you’re a friend, you’re a friend. I don’t know how to end this, I just don’t.”

The insider also added, “There is no coming back for Vicki and Tamra. Their relationship was already on a very fragile ground, and this was the nail in the coffin.”

Tamra has been open about disliking Brooks.  In early September, she told fellow housewife Lizzie Rovsek that she didn’t approve of Brooks. In response, Vicki called Tamra a bitter, miserable individual.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

RHOC Star Brooks Ayers SLAMS Accusations That He"s "Faking" His Cancer! Claims The Rumors Are Created For THIS Reason!

Why would someone lie about having cancer?!

Well, that’s exactly what Real Housewives of Orange County star Brooks Ayers is trying to clarify — he wouldn’t.

On Monday, Vicki Gunvalson‘s ex confirmed in an interview that he does in fact have cancer — despite the claims made otherwise by co-stars Meghan King Edmonds and Tamra Judge.

Related: Beverly Hills Meets The O.C. In This Fabulous Real Housewives Crossover!

He shared:

“I think they do it to create drama. It’s useless drama that brings on stress that quite frankly no one needs and in particular my situation. I’m not running from anything.”

Tell us how you really feel. LOLz!

Though for someone who’s sick with cancer, we could understand how frustrating it must be to be doubted about your illness. Brooks was diagnosed with stage 3 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma back in 2013 but recently revealed that he stopped receiving chemotherapy in order to pursue an alternative form of treatment.

This news obviously became a hot button issue with the ladies of the popular show.

He continued:

“My lesion, my inflammations were gone. Gone! So I’m encouraged. Cancer doesn’t mean I should be lying around in a hospice bed.”

Well, we’re happy to hear that the Bravolebrity is doing much better. In fact, the reality star even took to Twitter to address some Real Housewives fans’ doubt regarding his disease.

He posted:

Fair point.

It’ll be inneresting to see how this all plays out for the rest of the season. Be sure to ch-ch-check out all the drama on Mondays at 9 p.m. E.T./P.T. on Bravo.

[Image via Instagram.]

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tamra Judge on Vicki Gunvalson: Brooks Ayers DUMPED Vicki!!!

It’s hard to keep up with the status of The Real Housewives of Orange County’s frenemies Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson.

But we can confirm that Tamra and Vicki are far from friends right now. And we aren’t sure if they will be able to recover from this fallout. Or the other dozen they’ve had.

On August 16, Vicki and Brooks Ayers called it quits, ending their on-and-off relationship for good. The former couple’s official announcement claimed the split was amicable.

But earlier this week, Tamra slammed the claim that the split was mutual and said Brooks actually dumped Vicki. She stated on the social media site that “he broke up with her.”

Of course, Vicki’s friends are running to her rescue.  A close friend of the newly single reality star said, “Tamra is full of sh*t and has no idea how Vicki and Brooks’ breakup went down.”

The source added, “When Vicki and he got back from Miami in early August, they sat down together and just opened up their hearts about the way things were going and both of them, equally, decided that it was best for the both of them if they went on separate paths.”

According to Radar Online, Vicki and Brooks are still separated, but they are communicating.

“Of course they still talk and they probably always will,” the source insisted.

“She will love again one day, but not right now. Right now she is focusing on loving those around her, including her children and her friends that she keeps close to heart.”

“This past year has been so trying on Vicki,” the friend added. “But the negative comments made about her from the other housewives have only helped to make her stronger.”