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Showing posts with label Retract. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Brooks Ayers to Meghan King Edmonds: Retract Cancer-Faking Claims or Get SUED!

The Real Housewives of Orange County’s Brooks Ayers is firing back at Meghan King Edmonds and her accusations regarding his cancer treatments.

Supposed cancer treatments, if you believe Meghan.

As allegations that Brooks Ayers could be faking cancer continue to grow, he is mounting a counteroffensive against his most vocal critic.

Ayers sent Edmonds a cease and desist letter warning her to stop talking about his illness or face the legal consequences of her actions.

Edmonds, as you know if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, has said Ayers’ claims of cancer are “suspicious.”

That’s one of her more nicely-worded takes on the issue. At one point, the cast member admitted, “I did not believe Brooks had cancer.”

Brooks’ attorney calls such statements “defamatory.”

In particular, Vicki Gunvalson’s ex called her remarks about him “faking” or lying about his diagnosis and records “false and defamatory.”

Such comments “have caused significant damage to Mr. Ayers’ reputation,” not to mention “extreme emotional distress,” his letter states.

Edmonds’ gossip has roiled Vicki all season (see below), but does that make her actions illegal? Ayers’ attorney says unequivocally yes.

Ayers’ attorney even claimed that Edmonds has acted “with actual malice and intent to harm” and “with reckless disregard for the truth.”

What’s more, since Bravo’s Housewives has “a tremendous public following,” and thus, her harsh comments have cut especially deep.

Now, the letter claims, Ayers “intends to file suit” against Edmonds “unless a mutual agreement can be reached to resolve this matter.”

Brooks, who has gone on record since this storyline began airing to say that yes, he does have cancer, wants Meghan to do the following:

  1. An apology and promise to refrain from all future commentary;

  2. Retract any and all statements that Ayers is “faking” cancer;

  3. State that all claims that he forged medical record are false;

  4. Publicly declare that she has “no personal knowledge” of Brooks’ health condition … oh, and this must be done “on national television.”

Ayers’ attorney said he expected a response by The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion filming on October 1, and he got one, alright.

Edmonds told People she wouldn’t back down in her crusade, saying Brooks “knows he’s a liar,” and he “doesn’t have the balls to sue.”

Game on.