Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Shannon Beador to Brooks Ayers: I Can PROVE You Don"t Have Cancer!

Shannon Beador stood by Vicki Gunvalson’s side all season, but now it looks like she’s switching allegiances in the Brooks Ayers cancer saga.

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 was marred by allegations that Vicki Gunvalson’s boyfriend Brooks has been faking cancer.

Why would he do that? It’s unclear, but to worm his way back into Vicki’s good graces – and home – feels like a theory that makes some sense.

In the wake of the Sesaon 10 finale, we know Tamra Barney doesn’t believe Brooks. Now Beador may be ready to jump ship from Vicki, too.

According to reports, she came to the reunion taping armed with a document she says proves Brooks Ayers is faking his cancer diagnosis!

So what does Shannon Beador have on him? Get a load of this:

Radar claims she went to the clinic in Newport Beach, Calif., where Ayers claimed he had undergone a PET scan, and she got a scan herself.

“Shannon brought her report from the clinic to the [reunion] and pointed out differences from what Brooks had given to Tamra on camera,” the source said.

“The letterhead was completely different, along with the spacing.”

“Shannon also pointed out that she specifically asked if her report reflected a universal format used by the clinic for all patients, and she was told it did.”

“In her mind, this was the [proof] to prove Brooks was lying.”

How did Vicki handle this? You can probably answer that.

When Beador walked in and unleashed her claims at The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion, “Vicki was stunned!” the source said.

“She really had nothing to say about the differences.”

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online know that Gunvalson and Ayers had asked Judge to review a medical report.

However, the plan backfired after it raised more questions – like why they would show only Tamra and not the rest of the skeptical cast members.

Tamra herself spoke out on this, believing she was being used as a pawn because they knew she would not know what she was reading.

As such, she would blindly believe Vicki and Brooks.

In any case, the other ladies “pounced on Shannon’s claims,” the source said. “Tamra felt betrayed by Vicki, and was setting her up to lie for her.”

“Heather Dubrow was especially disgusted,” furthermore, “accusing Vicki of looking the other way while Brooks lied about the cancer diagnosis.”

Game on next Monday night. Game f–king on.