Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lamar Odom: Khloe Kardashian Brings Camera Crew to Comatose Ex"s Bedside

As you’ve probably heard, Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at Denis Hof’s Love Ranch in Nevada last night.

Sources say Khloe Kardashian rushed to Lamar’s side immediately upon learning that her estranged husband was lying comatose and in critical condition at a hospital outside of Las Vegas.

She’s since been joined by Kris Jenner, and she’s reportedly kept in constant contact with her siblings.

The family’s display of love and concern might be touching, were it not for the reports that Khloe and her mother are using the opportunity to shoot scenes for their reality show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

“It’s [a] sh-t show,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “The Kardashians are trying to run everything. They walked into the hospital with cameras rolling. It was shocking, but hardly a surprise.

“The doctors have been working non-stop to make sure Lamar pulls through and the Kardashians are making everything a circus. It is ridiculous. They’re bossing people around. They are trying to take over the situation, so typical.”

The insider adds that Khloe and Kris have been “crying and pretending like they care.”

To make matters worse, sources close to Lamar claim that this most recent relapse was triggered by the latest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Sadly, there has reportedly been no improvement in Lamar’s condition since he arrived at the hospital unconscious last night. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.