Showing posts with label Toxic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toxic. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Plans to End Her Toxic Friendships in Order to Recover

On Sunday, Demi Lovato released her first statement in the aftermath of her hospitalization for a devastating overdose.

Though we know that Demi has agreed to enter rehab, she is also taking additional steps to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.

A huge part of that is severing ties with toxic people in her life — even if they’re her own blood relatives.

According to TMZ, Demi Lovato’s team is going to help her weed out negative or toxic influences in her life that made it so easy for her to relapse after six years of sobriety.

That means that, after she leaves rehab, they’re going to help her sever ties with people — including friends of hers.

Specifically, they’re looking to exclude the real party animals and those who use drugs.

They’re also seeking to cut her off from “yes friends.”

That is, friends who will just say yes to anything because it’s in their nature or because she’s Demi. Separating celebrities from enablers can be a tricky business.

The team’s broad mandate for ending some of these perilous relationships has some people in mind in particular.

They apparently intend to cut her off from one toxic friend in particular — though we can only speculate as to which friend that might be.

(Some would say that, since Demi was partying with G-Eazy following her relapse and he’s been heavily associated with drugs, that smart money is on him)

What’s more is that Demi’s team intends to sever her relationship with a distant relative.

It sounds like they mean business.

But while Demi’s team held a meeting this week to determine who should be cut off and how, ultimately, this will all be up to Demi.

All that they can do is advise.

Sources say that the team is going to suggest to Demi that she get a new phone number and only give it out to the people whom she trusts the most.

After all, it doesn’t do much good to cut people out of her life physically if they can still reach her — or she can still reach them — at any given moment.

Addiction is an illness that is always lurking and ready for just the right opportunity. Part of recovery is avoiding the most dangerous opportunities.

As we previously reported, plans are already set up for Demi to enter a live-in rehab facility when she exits the hospital.

The plan is for her to have zero down-time to recover at home before she goes to rehab — which is probably smart.

It is not yet known where her rehab facility will be (which is totally fine — that’s her business!), though it is believed that she probably won’t do rehab in L.A. as there are too many triggers for her there.

At present, we don’t even know if she’ll be recovering in California.

What we do know is that her family’s intention is for her to be able to attend a facility that can accommodate a huge star without her standing out too much. Fortunately, there are places that specialize in just that.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist blamed her friends for her overdose, castigating anyone who was with her that night.

This was followed by Demi’s friends receiving death threats — even those of them who had not been with her.

Demi Lovato’s BFF Dani Vitale had to plead for the death threats to stop. Yes, Demi had been celebrating her birthday with her hours earlier. But no, she had not been with her for the overdose.

We hope that fans will remember that they can support Demi without harassing or threatening the lives of those who love her.

Everyone just wants Demi to be okay.


Demi Lovato"s Team Wants to Weed Out Her Toxic Relationships After Rehab

Demi Lovato’s team is hell-bent on getting her back to good health and keeping her there … which is why they plan to help her weed out all of her bad influences. Sources close to Demi tell us … there will be a major focus on separating her from…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Kim Kardashian Vilified as "Toxic and Terrible" for Ridiculous Lollipop Promotion

Kim Kardashian has promoted some very unsavory things over the years:

A waist trainer. A selfie light for one’s phone. Kanye West.

But a handful of social media users are in agreement that Kardashian reached a new low this week via her latest Instagram shill.

On Tuesday, Kim shared a photo of herself sucking on a lollipop.

Was this a way to promote the next Kim Kardashian sex tape? Or to bump up her follower count via a form of seduction?

Nope, neither of the above.

It was a way for Kim to promote a piece of candy that she claimed helped suppress one’s appetite.

We really wish we were kidding.

“You guys… @flattummyco just dropped a new product,” Kardashian wrote as a caption to the following image.

“They’re Appetite Suppressant Lollipops and they’re literally unreal.

“They’re giving the first 500 people on their website 15% OFF so if you want to get your hands on some… you need to do it quick! #suckit.”


Hopefully, we need not explain why this is just a disgusting thing for Kim to write.

For starters, the idea that sucking on a lollipop would suppress one’s appetite is sheer lunacy.

It may even even worse than claiming that cinching a waist trainer around one’s body will help one lose weight.

Second, even if this somehow did work as Kim and the company describe… WHAT THE EFF?!? You should absolutely never suppress your appetite!

Being hungry is your body’s way of saying it needs food and eating food is good for you!!!!!

Thankfully, enough people out there agreed with our assessment of this terrible ad campaign and product that Kim has actually deleted the post.

“Eating disorders are a very real issue for a lot of young people and to see Kim Kardashian actively encouraging her fans to develop an unhealthy relationship with food is terrifying and gravely concerning,” activist Liam Hackett Tweeted.

“You are setting the worst example to girls all over the world. No one should have to feel the need to suppress their appetite to fit to ridiculous beauty standards. So offended right now,” someone else wrote.

And then another:

“Completely irresponsible and a really sad message to be projecting. You can have a fit and healthy body without starving yourself and listening to your body when it needs food.”

Jameela Jamil, an actress on The Good Place and the founder of a social media campaign encourages men and women to focus on achievements other than looks and weight, really laid into Kim.

In response to this ad, she wrote:

No. F— off. No. You terrible and toxic influence on young girls.

I admire their mother’s branding capabilities, she is an exploitative but innovative genius, however this family makes me feel actual despair over what women are reduced to.

And also:

MAYBE don’t take appetite suppressors and eat enough to fuel your BRAIN and work hard and be successful. And to play with your kids.

And to have fun with your friends. And to have something to say about your life at the end, other than ‘I had a flat stomach.’

Amen, Jameela.

(On a related note, The Good Place is positively genius. You should watch it.)

We’ve railed against the Kardashians for years for this same reason.

The sisters continue to set awful examples after they give birth, for instance, by focusing so heavily and so publicly on their need to lose weight as quickly as possible.

Khloe is the latest sibling to bring this topic up again and again and again.

We really wish these stars would use their platform for the promotion of positive body issues, not of the cliche and unhealthy notion that all women must be as thin as humanly possible at all times.

We mean… a lollipop appetite suppressant?!?

WTH is the world coming to?


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Johnny Depp Sued by Ex-Bodyguards for Unpaid Wages, Toxic Work Environment

Johnny Depp used and abused a couple of his security guards, then screwed them over on payday … according to a new suit. The now former bodyguards, Eugene Arreola and Miguel Sanchez, claim they took personal jobs with the actor in early 2016 after…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Sammi Giancola: I"m Not Doing Jersey Shore Family Vacation, It"s Toxic!!

We’ve all seen the insane trailer for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, and this reunion looks like it’s going to be bonkers.

But while most of the cast was begging MTV to make this happen, Sammi Sweetheart isn’t even going to show up.


Sammi Giancola took to Instagram to explain her reasoning.

“I have chosen not to join the show this season because I am at a completely different place in my life right now focusing on my businesses and relationship.”

Her statement continues to emphasize that, like many of her castmates, she is in a different stage of her life than she was when she first attained stardom.

“I am not the same person as I was when I was 22. At 31.”

And she says something cryptic that many fans found to be alarming.

“I am currently extremely happy in every aspect of my life and want to avoid potentially TOXIC SITUATIONS.”


But, despite dropping the word “toxic,” it sounds like she’s not trying to bash anyone.

“However, it was a difficult decision as I love my roomies.”

She announces what she’ll be doing instead of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

“I’ve decided to focus on me, my future and what truly makes me happy.”

And she makes it clear that she holds no ill will.

“I will forever be grateful to ‘Jersey Shore’ and everything it has brought to me!”

We have to wonder if the “toxic” situation to which she referred was the party atmosphere or reality television itself, not the people.

She explains why she’s left reality stardom behind.

“I’ve just decided to live my life for me these days.”

And she gives a big shoutout to everyone who’s been part of her life.

“Also I am forever grateful & thankful for all of you!!!”

She singles out her fans in particular.

“Special shoutout to my fans, but I’m not going anywhere! Follow me and stay tuned, you never know what I could be up to NEXT!”

After posting that, Sammi wrote in the captions:

“I love you guys! Thank you all so much for your DMs, comments, messages & kind words.”

She says that they really do mean a lot to her.

“I read them all and am forever grateful and thankful for you guys!!”

And she got support in the comments from none other than JWoww’s husband, Roger Matthews, who wrote:

“Lots of respect for this as I said to you. Minus the money I see absolutely zero benefits to participating. You look happy and at peace. Stay blessed.”

Matthews did clear up that he wasn’t condemning his wife or anyone else:

“Different circumstances for different households. My wife is a grown adult and can make her own choices. Very proud of the businesswoman and mother my wife has become.”

He sounds like a very supportive husband.

“I would never tell my wife what she can and can’t do. Free will should always prevail. I wasn’t aware of what the show would be.”

In his mind, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation was going to be something very different.

“I thought the powers that be might want to show a new side to them. A mature side with [families] and children.”

That is adorably naive.

“I was wrong but to be clear I love my wife very much. Drama sells. I get it. Just not my thing anymore.”

It sounds like Sammi’s former castmates aren’t really clear on why she decided to opt out.

But Pauly D tells TooFab his theory:

“She must be rich! Maybe she doesn’t need the money. I’m trying to think about it, like, maybe she’s rich? I don’t know. We wanted everybody to do it.”

Honestly, most people would assume that anyone who would turn up their nose at a reality TV gig must be wealthy enough that they just don’t need money.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blake Griffin Had "Toxic" Relationship With Clippers Teammates, Ex Says

Blake Griffin had a “toxic” relationship with several teammates on the Clippers — and things got so bad, Doc Rivers had to mediate disputes in private meetings, this according to Blake’s ex.  TMZ Sports broke the story … Brynn Cameron is…


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott Domestic Violence Accuser Speaks Out, "Very Toxic Relationship"

The woman who accused Ezekiel Elliott of domestic violence in July 2016 is breaking her silence …. saying the incident changed her life forever and calls her relationship with the Dallas Cowboys RB “very toxic.” For the record, Elliott was never…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Britney Spears: Raw Vocals for "Toxic" LEAKED!

Have you needed a reminder that Britney Spears is and always will be supreme.

We kid — no one could forget.

But here"s one any way, in the form of a recently leaked recording of "Toxic" … of her raw, pre-autotuned voice.

Britney spears is toxic

Britney has produces so many phenomenal songs that they are intensely difficult to rank.

"Toxic" is absolutely legendary.

We don"t know how to rank it, musically, because comparing Britney"s greatest hits is a little like choosing a favorite child.

Except actually difficult instead of just being something that you"re not supposed to do.

Do you go with the thinly veiled autobiographical ballad of "Lucky," or the unstoppable powerhouse of "… One More Time."

"Crazy" spawned a whole movie of the same name. "If You Seek Amy" was a hit and also had Megyn Kelly up in arms.

"Womanizer" was a tremendous comeback hit after Britney bravely suffered for the world"s transgressions had a breakdown.

Britney spears in crop top

But then there"s "Toxic." You can"t talk about Britney without talking about that track.

Admittedly, a huge part of its cultural impact comes from its music video — arguably Britney"s best and perhaps even most iconic.

"Toxic" has inspired a dance in World of Warcraft and countless affectionate parodies.

Honestly, it would make a great inspiration for a film.

Britney spears is supreme

Autotune can be controversial, with some listeners decrying it and the stars who use it as "fake."

Others describe it as just another tool to tweak the music before a song is released.

We generally tend to side with the latter, because technology has made music even better in recent decades than it has ever been.

But there"s something to be said for powerful raw vocals.

Like, you can appreciate a finished product but also be floored by someone"s unfiltered, unedited singing voice.

Britney"s been accused of being "fake" for lipsyncing her performances — which is all kinds of dumb.

She"s one of the world"s greatest performers, pulling off grueling and iconic dance routines.

Whatever she needs to do to put on the greatest shows on the planet is worth it, and doesn"t make her any less of an artist.

And autotune is an expected part of the business. No singer should be begrudged for using it.

Britney spears vmas 2016 red carpet

It"s no secret that Britney"s had some rough times in the past, but now she"s living her best life.

And we don"t just mean her dreamy boyfriend, though obviously he"s part of that.

She"s also being a fantastic mother to her two sons.

Britney also seems to be genuinely happy and content in her life, a welcome change from her years as a troubled younger star.

And it"s worth mentioning that she"s still, just, all kinds of hot.

Britney spears performs her greatest hits 2016 billboard music a

Are you ready to listen to Britney"s unfiltered voice singing "Toxic?"

You probably aren"t.

We sure weren"t prepared.

Raw us, Britney.

Britney spears leaked raw vocals for toxic better than autotune

Ariel Winter Slams "Toxic" Mom: I"ll Wear What I Want!

Yesterday, we reported on a bizarre interview in which Ariel Winter’s mother criticized the clothing (or lack thereof) that her daughter sports in some of her most popular Instagram photos.

Ariel became legally emancipated from her mother back in 2012 after accusing her of verbal and physical abuse.

Needless to say, they’re not terribly close, and on the rare occasions when they have something to say to each other, they usually communicate through public channels.

“She needs to grow up. I would tell her to dress properly, be the beautiful person she is. I feel sad that she feels the need to expose herself when it’s not necessary,” Chrystal Workman told In Style when asked about Ariel’s racy selfies.

“Ariel is smart, beautiful and talented. She is a legitimate actress. She does not need to do this. She is beautiful with her clothes on.”

Clearly, one of those ironic statements in which the speaker exposes her lack of class while accusing another of lacking class.

Initially, it looked as though Ariel wouldn’t dignify her mother’s criticism with a response.

Last night, however, the 19-year-old fired back on Twitter, and not surprisingly, she’s no fan of Chrystal’s unsolicited critique.

“What’s sad is that you lie consistently,” Ariel tweeted.

“Also, why is it that you only choose to talk to me through the press? I’m doing just fine. Toxic.”

She didn’t call her mother out by name, but we think there’s little doubt as to who she’s referring to.

Ariel also defended her choice of attire on Instagram.

Seemingly provoked by her mother’s ignorant comments, she posted this meme yesterday:

Winter has long been a critic of body- and slut-shaming mentalities, and she’s publicly complained about being derided for the way she dresses.

So we suppose it’s not surprising that she would take particular offense when the derogatory remarks come not from some anonymous Instagram commenter, but from her own mother.

We’d like to say that after being on the receiving end of such a high-profile clap-back, Chrystal will likely keep her negative comments to herself going forward.

Sadly, Ariel’s mom has already demonstrated in the past that she has no qualms about making herself look like a jackass in public.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kailyn Lowry on Baby Daddy: He"s Toxic!

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, you’re probably aware of the ongoing drama surrounding Kailyn Lowry’s third pregnancy.

Kailyn has chosen not to divulge the identity of her baby daddy, but while she won’t say his name, she’s spilled plenty of tea about what kind of guy he is.

It seems Kailyn and the mystery man recently went through a bad breakup, possibly as a result of his disinterest in being a part of his child’s life.

Last week, Kailyn confirmed she’ll be raising the child alone in a justifiably outraged social media rant:

“I think I’m most worried about the changes ahead, but also that I will have this baby 24/7 by myself with no help,” Kailyn tweeted.

“I’m going to be a single parent from the beginning!”

Fortunately, Kailyn is in a better financial position than most single moms, but raising three kids with three different fathers all by herself certainly won’t be easy.

Kailyn is pissed, and she has every right to be.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Lowry is still throwing shade online:

“Cut out those toxic to you & you’ll see what you’ve been missing out on,” she tweeted over the weekend.

She then underscored her point by retweeting a fan’s thoughts on the matter:

“If the person you are with is not your #1 fan, recruit one of the regulars in your iMessages,” the tweet read.

“There is just absolutely no reason anyone should show more love than the person you’re with.”

While little is known about Kailyn’s absentee baby daddy, we do know that he and Kailyn dated briefly and that she seemed quite smitten with him during their time together. 

These days, Kailyn is not quite so keen on the dude, and she’s understandably freaked out by the prospect of raising a third child without a father figure in the home.

Fortunately, those closest to Kailyn say that she’s getting all the love and support that she needs from her large network of friends:

“All of her friends support her. Her friends have been very supportive,” a source tells Radar Online.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Kailyn handle the challenges of single motherhood like a boss.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Flight Attendant Makes Like Britney, Recreates "Toxic" Video

It"s Britney, bitch?

More like… it"s Assraf Nasir, bitch!

In a viral video that has been viewed on Instagram over 263,000 times, this AirAsia flight attendant makes like Britney Spears in this music video for "Toxic," slithering up and won the aisles of a plane just like the pop star back in 2003.

He dances around. He lip-syncs to the track. And he"s earned the appreciation of AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes in the process.

"Classic," Fernandes captioned the video on his own Instagram account, adding:

"The talent in Airasia never fails to amaze me. @assrafnasir is the best. Love it that staff can just have fun and be themselves."

Where did this idea come from for Nasir?

He spoke to The Huffington Post about the video shortly after it blew up on the Internet.

"I used to be a performing arts teacher before I became a flight attendant and dance has always been my passion," he explains.

"Once a dancer, always a dancer. The video was meant to be for some close friends and I didn’t expect it would go viral and receive such an overwhelming response, but I guess when you work for a fun company, fun is never far away."

Someone give this man a raise!

Or… someone give this man a different job!

His talents seem to be wasted in his current capacity, don"t you think?

Watch the "Toxic" re-creation below and we think you"ll agree:

Awesome flight attendant makes like britney spears recreates tox

Friday, January 13, 2017

Uma Thurman"s Custody War Testimony, Toxic Relationship Hurting Child (PHOTO)

Uma Thurman’s relationship with her ex-fiance is so toxic they shouldn’t be in the same room together with their daughter … according to a court-ordered psychologist. Uma and Arpad Busson were in court Friday for their custody war over 4-year-old…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Chyna Autopsy Shows Toxic Cocktail of Rx Pills and Booze

WWE legend Chyna had traces of multiple prescription drugs in her system — including oxycodone and valium — along with alcohol when she died … this according to the autopsy report obtained by TMZ Sports.  The L.A. County Coroner report…


Friday, July 8, 2016

13 Most Toxic Relationships in Reality TV History

Reality TV shows feature a lot of couples. 

They make up the bulk of the action that comes from these programs, on a typical basis. 

Some of the relationships are just plain toxic, making us question why they even tried in the first place.

We"ve compiled a gallery of some of the most toxic reality TV relationships below:

1. Sammi and Ronnie – Jersey Shore

Sammi and ronnie jersey shore

These two were constantly fighting. Their relationship has been on and off like a light switch, but there’s word that the two of them are back together… AGAIN!

2. Spencer and Heidi – The Hills

Spencer and heidi the hills

Remember when Heidi was a great character on The Hills before Spencer Pratt came around? He turned her against her BFF and made it clear that she would abide by everything he said. They constantly bickered, but they’re still together.

3. Rachel and Brendan – Big Brother

Rachel and brendan big brother

It was love at first sight for these two, but things changed out of the house when Brendan sent pics of his nether regions to another chick. They’re now married, but we don’t know just how toxic they still are.

4. Kailyn and Javi – Teen Mom 2

Kailyn and javi teen mom 2

These two just always seemed to be arguing about something, so it came as no surprise that they finally parted ways.

5. Dustin and Heather – The Real World

Dustin and heather the real world

Dustin and Heather seemed like the perfect couple on The Real World, but things took a crazy turn when Dustin just couldn’t stop lying to Heather. They reunited shortly after the show concluded, but they’re apart right now.

6. Marcus and Lacy – Bachelor In Paradise

Marcus and lacy bachelor in paradise

Marcus and Lacy seemed like the perfect couple, but that was far from the case and it came out that their relationship turned toxic shortly after the cameras stopped rolling. They are no longer a thing.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brooks Ayers: Vicki Gunvalson is Too Toxic For ME!

The Real Housewives of Orange County villain Brooks Ayers is back, and he’s not pulling punches when it comes to ex Vicki Gunvalson.

The two barely speak anymore, after the whole Brooks lying about cancer thing and Vicki alienating herself from the cast whilst defending him.

Not that there’s any love lost at all, it sounds like.

“I’ve moved on and am very happy,” Ayers said to RealMRHousewife (dot) com on Tuesday, June 29. “I wish her the best.”

“I have no desire to be involved with her or her family. Too toxic for me,” Ayers added. “Once and for all, we are done as a couple.”

Ayers told the site that when the former lovebirds do exchange pleasantries, they are simply business related these days, not romantic.

Or even friendly, for that matter. Strictly legal.

“I’m only talking to Vicki because of the Vodka lawsuit from 2013,” Brooks says, referring to the couple’s infamous legal woes.

“All of the claims against me have been dropped,” Ayers insists, “yet my counterclaims against the plaintiff still remain.”

The duo’s joint entrepreneurial endeavor went defunct after a third partner, Robert Williamson III, fired off a slew of lawsuits and allegations.

He sued Ayers and Gunvalson for breach of contract and fraud – to name a few supposed offenses – and she’s still fighting that fight.

“Unfortunately, Vicki is still having to deal with claims for and against her,” Ayers added. “So we do talk strategy to help each other.”

“It’s all business between us now.” 

Despite his insistence that it’s over for good, or Vicki insisting she hates Brooks and will never get back together, one co-star disagrees.

Tamra Barney Judge, in a June 27 appearance on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live, says she believes Vicki will one day take him back.

“I can only speculate but I do think they’re still talking,” Judge told Andy Cohen. “I think it’s a matter of time before they get back together.”

Hmm. Given the guy’s propensity for telling white lies or outright fabrications, and Vicki’s track record of going along with them?

TBJ may have a point.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Kylie Jenner & Tyga: Is Their Relationship Toxic?

The drama surrounding Kylie Jenner and Tyga continues to get crazier. 

There’s no denying that Tyga is not someone who should be trusted. He has the WORST track record. 

Now, with word of Tyga and Kylie rekindling their romance, there are fresh reports that Tyga is treating Kylie badly in order to keep her keen. 

Okay then. We didn’t know THAT was still a thing, but this is Tyga. 

“He’s a total control freak and totally working her into a jealous frenzy whenever he gets the chance,” an insider told Radar.

“It’s how he’s always kept her hooked — by playing on her insecurities.”

Kylie has every reason to have doubts about him. Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that there were reports of him giving her an STD?

He deserves to be under a microscope if he wants to go around treating his woman like trash. 

Why does Kylie put up with it all?

“She’s young. When you’re young, you’re going to make mistakes,” the insider noted.

“All of those mistakes are going to be in the public eye, so that puts a lot of strain on the relationship.”

He even went as far as going out with a Kylie lookalike named Demi Rose. It’s obvious he’s trying to get under her skin. 

“Tyga’s been boasting to pals that he knew Kylie would come back if he treated her bad,” the insider told Radar. “Now he’s got the upper hand.”

“If she starts acting out he just has to mention Demi’s name or ‘accidentally’ let her see a picture of her on his cell,” added the insider. “Kylie’s really just a kid and can’t see through his games — it’s a toxic situation.”

The dude sure tries to act like he’s this master manipulator. 

Kris Jenner wouldn’t take too kindly to her daughter being used like this, so expect her to throw her two cents in soon enough. 

What do you think about the latest drama for the couple?

Would Kylie be wise to move on from Tyga?

Have your say in the comments.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Britney Spears Opens Billboard Music Awards: She"s Toxic!

The 2016 Billboard Music Awards opened up on Sunday night with three simple words:

It"s Britney, bitch.

More or less, that is.

The beloved singer took to the stage at the outset of the ceremony in order to sing a medley of her top hits.

One can debate whether or not Britney actually sang these hits, or if she was lip-syncing the entire time, but there"s no real question that the performance was highly entertaining.

Donning an uncharacteristically modest red trench coat, Britney kicked off her set with “Work Bitch,” prior to getting down a lot dirtier for "Womanizer.”

The artist also showed off her impressive flexibility on this one.

From there, it back to her Crossroads days for a great cover of “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll,” followed by a lesser-known gem, “Breathe on Me.”

The audience, which was already on its feet, then truly went nuts when Spears broke into “Slave 4 U" and then lost it completely when it was time for those familiar “Toxic” strings.

Spears, of course, has been performing her "Britney: Piece of Me" show in Las Vegas for the past four years.

There"s also talk of a new studio album on the way.

Later in the night, meanwhile, Spears was given the Billboard Millennium Award as a form of recognition for her outstanding accomplishments over the course of her influential music career.

She is only the third person to earn the award, following Beyonce in 2011 and Whitney Houston, posthumously, in 2012.

Check out the mesmerizing medley below:

Britney spears lip syncs her hits to open billboard music awards

Britney Spears Opens Billboard Music Awards: She"s Toxic!

The 2016 Billboard Music Awards opened up on Sunday night with three simple words:

It"s Britney, bitch.

More or less, that is.

The beloved singer took to the stage at the outset of the ceremony in order to sing a medley of her top hits.

One can debate whether or not Britney actually sang these hits, or if she was lip-syncing the entire time, but there"s no real question that the performance was highly entertaining.

Donning an uncharacteristically modest red trench coat, Britney kicked off her set with “Work Bitch,” prior to getting down a lot dirtier for "Womanizer.”

The artist also showed off her impressive flexibility on this one.

From there, it back to her Crossroads days for a great cover of “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll,” followed by a lesser-known gem, “Breathe on Me.”

The audience, which was already on its feet, then truly went nuts when Spears broke into “Slave 4 U" and then lost it completely when it was time for those familiar “Toxic” strings.

Spears, of course, has been performing her "Britney: Piece of Me" show in Las Vegas for the past four years.

There"s also talk of a new studio album on the way.

Later in the night, meanwhile, Spears was given the Billboard Millennium Award as a form of recognition for her outstanding accomplishments over the course of her influential music career.

She is only the third person to earn the award, following Beyonce in 2011 and Whitney Houston, posthumously, in 2012.

Check out the mesmerizing medley below:

Britney spears lip syncs her hits to open billboard music awards

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Has a Message for "Toxic People"

Khloe Kardashian is dropping truth bombs left and right these days.

We’ve recently learned that Khloe likes dirty talk during sex and also that she once hid under the bed while Kris and Bruce Jenner got it on.

Gross and grosser, we know.

Now, in a manifesto posted to Instagram, the reality star has gone off on all the negative influences in her life.

First, Khloe shared a photo of the following quote:

“You never really see how toxic someone is until you breathe fresher air.”

Then, without naming names or getting very specific, Khloe added in her own words:

Let me remind you that we don’t need anybody’s approval to be happy in life. It’s on you to validate and accept your version of happiness. Take the control back. You choose your life.

Don’t let anyone else decide for you. We are no victims to life. No prisoners. But we do become victims and prisoners to the people we choose to surround ourselves with.

We tend to become content, passive and blind within our relationships. Whether it be a family member, business partner, friend or a lover. Out of comfort and possibly fear. The unknown will leave you stuck in a bad situation.

Choosing comfort over your own happiness.

Kardashian then concluded with:

Letting go is self-love. Letting go means putting yourself first instead of holding on to that negative space you don’t deserve. Nobody deserves.

Removing toxic people from your life is only allowing room for a positive flow to elevate your mind, body and soul. Not everyone who started with you will finish with you.

Be OK with that. ‘God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.

Khloe split from James Harden several weeks ago and has been spending a lot of time with estranged husband Lamar Odom.

The two do not appear to be back together, however.

Who is the “toxic” person or persons Kardashian is referencing with this diatribe?

Your guess is as good as ours.

But Kris Jenner has shown complete support for her daughter, sharing Khloe’s entire message and including as a caption:

“God helps those who help themselves.” #repost @khloekardashian #proudmama #love #choosehappiness.”