Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Kim Kardashian Vilified as "Toxic and Terrible" for Ridiculous Lollipop Promotion

Kim Kardashian has promoted some very unsavory things over the years:

A waist trainer. A selfie light for one’s phone. Kanye West.

But a handful of social media users are in agreement that Kardashian reached a new low this week via her latest Instagram shill.

On Tuesday, Kim shared a photo of herself sucking on a lollipop.

Was this a way to promote the next Kim Kardashian sex tape? Or to bump up her follower count via a form of seduction?

Nope, neither of the above.

It was a way for Kim to promote a piece of candy that she claimed helped suppress one’s appetite.

We really wish we were kidding.

“You guys… @flattummyco just dropped a new product,” Kardashian wrote as a caption to the following image.

“They’re Appetite Suppressant Lollipops and they’re literally unreal.

“They’re giving the first 500 people on their website 15% OFF so if you want to get your hands on some… you need to do it quick! #suckit.”


Hopefully, we need not explain why this is just a disgusting thing for Kim to write.

For starters, the idea that sucking on a lollipop would suppress one’s appetite is sheer lunacy.

It may even even worse than claiming that cinching a waist trainer around one’s body will help one lose weight.

Second, even if this somehow did work as Kim and the company describe… WHAT THE EFF?!? You should absolutely never suppress your appetite!

Being hungry is your body’s way of saying it needs food and eating food is good for you!!!!!

Thankfully, enough people out there agreed with our assessment of this terrible ad campaign and product that Kim has actually deleted the post.

“Eating disorders are a very real issue for a lot of young people and to see Kim Kardashian actively encouraging her fans to develop an unhealthy relationship with food is terrifying and gravely concerning,” activist Liam Hackett Tweeted.

“You are setting the worst example to girls all over the world. No one should have to feel the need to suppress their appetite to fit to ridiculous beauty standards. So offended right now,” someone else wrote.

And then another:

“Completely irresponsible and a really sad message to be projecting. You can have a fit and healthy body without starving yourself and listening to your body when it needs food.”

Jameela Jamil, an actress on The Good Place and the founder of a social media campaign encourages men and women to focus on achievements other than looks and weight, really laid into Kim.

In response to this ad, she wrote:

No. F— off. No. You terrible and toxic influence on young girls.

I admire their mother’s branding capabilities, she is an exploitative but innovative genius, however this family makes me feel actual despair over what women are reduced to.

And also:

MAYBE don’t take appetite suppressors and eat enough to fuel your BRAIN and work hard and be successful. And to play with your kids.

And to have fun with your friends. And to have something to say about your life at the end, other than ‘I had a flat stomach.’

Amen, Jameela.

(On a related note, The Good Place is positively genius. You should watch it.)

We’ve railed against the Kardashians for years for this same reason.

The sisters continue to set awful examples after they give birth, for instance, by focusing so heavily and so publicly on their need to lose weight as quickly as possible.

Khloe is the latest sibling to bring this topic up again and again and again.

We really wish these stars would use their platform for the promotion of positive body issues, not of the cliche and unhealthy notion that all women must be as thin as humanly possible at all times.

We mean… a lollipop appetite suppressant?!?

WTH is the world coming to?
