Showing posts with label Hurting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Canelo Alvarez Wants Floyd Mayweather Rematch, Stop Hurting Boxing!

Canelo Alvarez says he’s sick of watching Floyd Mayweather try to make fights that hurt the sport of boxing — like Conor and Khabib — and says if he really wants a challenge, LET’S REMATCH!  “He wants to continue hurting boxing by making…


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Violence and Vandalism Over Trump"s WoF Star Hurting Businesses

Donald Trump might claim he’s doing wonders for the U.S. economy, but that’s total BS when it comes to a couple businesses close to the Prez … ident’s Walk of Fame star. Employees from Forever 21 and American Eagle in Hollywood tell TMZ ……


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Rob Kardashian Refuses to Forgive Tristan Thompson for Hurting Khloe

Rob Kardashian isn’t willing to forgive or forget when it comes to Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe … and thinks his big sis can and should do better. Sources close to Rob tell TMZ … he’s still furious with Tristan, and regardless of the…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

"Love and Hip Hop" Prince Says Black Twitter is Hurting LGBTQ Rappers

Christopher “Prince” Michael Harty from “Love and Hip Hop Miami” is going off on Black Twitter for going off on LGBTQ rappers. We got Prince at Avalon Saturday in Hollywood and he doubled down on what he told Bleu Magazine recently … that the…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Briana DeJesus is Hurting Teen Mom 2 Ratings!

Folks, it’s looking more and more like Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus are in the midst of a full-blown feud.

And the situation just keeps getting more and more entertaining.

As you probably already know, Briana just joined the cast of Teen Mom 2 this season.

All of the original cast members were said to be skeptical of the new addition, fearing that adding a fifth mom would cut into their screen time or otherwise throw off the chemistry of a show that’s been going strong for eight seasons.

But it seems no one had quite as much cause for concern as Kailyn Lowry.

Even though TM2 is different from just about every reality show on TV in that the cast spends very little time together, Briana still found an opportunity to hit it off with Kailyn’s ex-husband.

Rumors that Javi and Briana are dating have been circulating for months now, and Javi even confirmed the news in a recent interview with People magazine.

But things got complicated just one day later, when Briana stated that she is not dating Javi during an interview with E! News.

So did the relationship fizzle in record time, or did Javi misread the situation entirely?

Or is something else going on here?

Was Briana just messing with Kailyn’s mind by pretending to be romantically involved with Javi?

Whatever the case, Briana and Kailyn are not exactly besties these days, and they’re no longer hiding their ill will toward another.

Briana fired the first shot on social media, basically reporting from the reunion show that all of the Teen Moms suck except for Jenelle.

Now, Kailyn is firing back, and hitting Briana where it really hurts–right in the ratings!

The shade-throwing began when a fan tweeted his theory about why Briana may have been added to the cast:

“They should be thanking Briana because if they had to get a 5th mom for the show ratings must have been down!”

Lowry was quick to pounce, firing back:

“Actually now that she’s on they went down lol. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” 

Damn, Kail.

Looks like the ball’s in Briana’s court now.

We’re sure she’s composing a quality trash-talk tweet at this moment.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Briana’s tumultous first season.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

UFC"s Derrick Lewis: Houston Needs This World Series, Still Hurting from Harvey

UFC star Derrick Lewis says an Astros World Series championship would be HUGE for Houston … ‘cause it’s exactly the boost his city needs after Hurricane Harvey. “We need the money,” Lewis told TMZ Sports. “All the bars and the…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kardashian Family Upset with Rob Over Posting Blac Chyna Naked Pics, You"re Hurting Your Child

Rob Kardashian has crossed the line by posting pics of Blac Chyna’s vagina on social media and the public back and forth between them is causing long-term damage to Dream … this is what the Kardashians are telling friends. We’re told the…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Kris Jenner: Quit Hurting My Feelings, You Trolls!

Poor Kris Jenner.

Sure, she has a beautiful home, a loving family, good health, good friends, and millions and millions of dollars.

She’s set for life, as are her children, her grandchildren … who even knows how many generations the Kardashian empire could last?

But despite all of that, she still has to deal with strangers on the internet saying mean things about her.

Is it a fair tradeoff?

It may seem like a dumb question — dealing with dumb comments on Instagram in exchange for fame and fortune? Yeah, that sounds fair

But according to Kris, dealing with those dumb comments is really, really hard.

The woman responsible for unleashing the Kardashians on us all did a podcast with the Hollywood Reporter this week, and she had a whole lot of feelings to share.

“There’s definitely a lot of bullies out there,” Kris complained. “The internet is a crazy place.”

You don’t say!

“There’s a lot of really miserable, unhappy, terrified, angry, bitter, nasty people out there that don’t have jobs or are hopeless or depressed and sad,” she said.

“And they can be a big, fat, important bully by going online and typing a really ugly statement to someone else that they’ve never even met before, that has feelings and a heart.”

“I’m a lot softer than you would imagine,” she added.

It’s a good thing she admitted it, because we never would have guessed the woman who used six negative adjectives in a row to describe people who’ve criticized her is sensitive.

Kris continued on with the anti-bully tirade, saying that “It stings sometimes when somebody says, ‘You’re so fat,’ or ‘You’re too old to be on social media,’ or ‘You look awful in that outfit."”

“Like, such silly, stupid things.”

“You’re going, ‘Really?’ I’ll call up Kim and go, ‘Do I look that bad in that picture? Do I look fat?"”

We’d say there’s a good chance Kris is referring to that recent photo she shared of herself in a bra and leggings promoting that good ol’ Flat Tummy Tea.

You know, the one where everyone slammed her for editing the picture and for daring to pose in such little clothing at 61 years old.

Kris also said that “The most hurtful thing is when people will say, ‘Oh, you’re just managing your kids — you’re getting money from your children’ or your family or whatever.”

“I’m thinking, ‘Well, hell yeah!’ I mean, I’m trying to create a business here, and nobody has their best interest like I do.”

She insisted that “We all love working together and we love our situation. Why don’t you go worry about your own situation and go get a job yourself?”

OK, so there are a few things that need to happen here with Kris.

One, she needs to stop assuming that all Kardashian haters are unemployed. Plenty of hardworking citizens dedicate their free time to K-bashing.

Some people even bash them professionally, which is honestly a pretty sweet gig.

Two, she needs to realize that none of this is that serious.

Three, of course she works hard managing her children — she knows it, and rational people who have observed the family know it.

Four, Kris is a beautiful woman, plastic surgery or not, Photoshop or not, it doesn’t matter.

So what if some kid on Instagram thinks she needs to cover up, or if she comes across some tweet that implies that she’s mostly plastic?

Dang, Kris, just get off the internet for a while and find solace in your 2.3 million dollar bed or whatever.

Life’s just not that bad.


Friday, April 7, 2017

The Kim Kardashian-Donald Trump Connection: Is the President Hurting Her Brand?

Last night, Donald Trump took to the airwaves to announce that the US had launched 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield in response to chemical attacks ordered by Bashar al-Assad.

It was a frightening moment that – like so much of Trump’s presidency – was made downright surreal by the background of the man at the helm.

As Trump addressed the media from his lavish home in Palm Beach, Florida, it felt almost impossible to reconcile the idea that the same man who “fired” celebrities on a reality show just a few short years ago was now in the position to fire missiles in the Middle East.

Trump was born into wealth, and he first caught the public’s attention by plastering his name all over prime pieces of Manhattan real estate, but it’s difficult to imagine that he could have launched a successful political career without his media presence.

It was The Apprentice that introduced Trump to a new generation, and it was his appearances on SNL and his controversial interview with Jimmy Fallon that humanized him during his bid for the White House.

Without TV, Trump likely would have had a much more difficult time endearing himself to an American populace that mostly viewed him as the achetypal callous billionaire.

Of course, he’s not the first public figure to use reality television to win over the American public.

At first glance, it may not seem that Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian have much in common aside from outsized egos and penchants for self-promotion.

But while Kim will almost certainly never enter the political arena (even 21st century America has its limits), she and the Donald have experienced surprisingly similar career trajectories.

Back in 2007, it seemed Kim would never be known as anything other than the star of a popular sex tape.

Like Trump, Kim was reviled as a clueless child of privilege, held up as an example of what can happen when a society rewards vanity and disregards talent.

And like Trump, she used reality television to craft an image that was more to her liking.

These days, however, both Kardashian and Trump are experiencing major public image crises, and that may not be entirely coincidental.

Trump is experiencing historically low approval ratings, while Kim is struggling to save Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the reality show that made her a household name and that is now on the verge of cancelation.

When the show’s thirteenth season debuted last month, E! network execs were reportedly expecting its biggest ratings to date, thanks to highly-publicized events such as Kim being robbed at gunpoint and her husband, Kanye West, entering a mental health facility.

But the viewers didn’t tune in like they were supposed to, and some believe that Trump-induced drama fatigue is part of the problem.

A piece published today by The Huffington Post questions if there’s any room for the Kardashians in Trump’s America.

After all, the family thrived on guilty pleasure escapism and now serves as a reminder of what can happen when a society becomes overly obsessed with fame for the sake of fame.

HuffPo is far from the first to make the Trump-Kardashian connection, and comedian Chelsea Handler once went so far as to say she blames Kim and company for Trump’s election:

“They were treating him as an entertainer first. It was a reality show. We’ve turned into a reality show. I blame the Kardashians, personally; the beginning of the end was the Kardashians,” Handler said.

“The way these people have blown up and don’t go away — it’s surreal. Everyone is for sale.”

Handler was referring to the Kard clan’s broader cultural impact, but it’s worth noting that they also played a more direct role in the 2016 election.

Trump commented on Caitlyn Jenner’s support of Ted Cruz during the GOP primaries.

The president met with Kanye West during his shadowy transition to the White House.

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner both voiced support for Hillary Clinton during the election, and it’s been rumored that West’s fondness for Trump sparked a period of marital discord.

Obviously, it’s absurd to blame Trump’s election on the Kardashians, but there’s no denying that the family contributed to a culture in which a former reality star could be viewed as a viable presidential candidate.

Now, in a twist of irony that would be better suited to scripted television, Trump seems to be having a quantifiably negative impact on the Kardashian brand.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Uma Thurman"s Custody War Testimony, Toxic Relationship Hurting Child (PHOTO)

Uma Thurman’s relationship with her ex-fiance is so toxic they shouldn’t be in the same room together with their daughter … according to a court-ordered psychologist. Uma and Arpad Busson were in court Friday for their custody war over 4-year-old…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Brad Pitt -- Angelina Jolie"s Hurting Our Kids ... Moves to Seal Custody Documents

Brad Pitt is going to court to keep his custody war with Angelina Jolie private, and sources connected with Brad say his motivation is to thwart her from further damaging their children by airing their dirty laundry in public. Sources connected…
