Friday, June 9, 2017

Ariel Winter Slams "Toxic" Mom: I"ll Wear What I Want!

Yesterday, we reported on a bizarre interview in which Ariel Winter’s mother criticized the clothing (or lack thereof) that her daughter sports in some of her most popular Instagram photos.

Ariel became legally emancipated from her mother back in 2012 after accusing her of verbal and physical abuse.

Needless to say, they’re not terribly close, and on the rare occasions when they have something to say to each other, they usually communicate through public channels.

“She needs to grow up. I would tell her to dress properly, be the beautiful person she is. I feel sad that she feels the need to expose herself when it’s not necessary,” Chrystal Workman told In Style when asked about Ariel’s racy selfies.

“Ariel is smart, beautiful and talented. She is a legitimate actress. She does not need to do this. She is beautiful with her clothes on.”

Clearly, one of those ironic statements in which the speaker exposes her lack of class while accusing another of lacking class.

Initially, it looked as though Ariel wouldn’t dignify her mother’s criticism with a response.

Last night, however, the 19-year-old fired back on Twitter, and not surprisingly, she’s no fan of Chrystal’s unsolicited critique.

“What’s sad is that you lie consistently,” Ariel tweeted.

“Also, why is it that you only choose to talk to me through the press? I’m doing just fine. Toxic.”

She didn’t call her mother out by name, but we think there’s little doubt as to who she’s referring to.

Ariel also defended her choice of attire on Instagram.

Seemingly provoked by her mother’s ignorant comments, she posted this meme yesterday:

Winter has long been a critic of body- and slut-shaming mentalities, and she’s publicly complained about being derided for the way she dresses.

So we suppose it’s not surprising that she would take particular offense when the derogatory remarks come not from some anonymous Instagram commenter, but from her own mother.

We’d like to say that after being on the receiving end of such a high-profile clap-back, Chrystal will likely keep her negative comments to herself going forward.

Sadly, Ariel’s mom has already demonstrated in the past that she has no qualms about making herself look like a jackass in public.
