Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge: Tamra Claims Brooks Ayers Lied About Cancer

It might be the Real Housewives franchise’s longest friendship, and it is now OVER.

The Real Housewives of Orange County’s Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge have called finally ended their on-and-off again friendship.

We’ve heard this before—maybe a million times.  But this time, it might be for real.  Though we’ve heard that before too.

Just a few weeks ago, Tamra and Vicki were fighting because Tamra claimed that Brooks Ayers dumped Vicki.  That started (another) war between the two because Vicki said she kicked Brooks to the curb.

The most recent frenemy drama occurred after Vicki witnessed Tamra trash talking her (now ex) boyfriend, Brooks Ayers, on recent episodes of the show.

Ayers was diagnosed with cancer in October of last year. But Tamra conjured up the idea that Ayers was faking his diagnosis.

Of course, Vicki is super p*ssed.  According to an insider, “Vicki isn’t talking to Tamra and is vowing to cut her out of her life for good this time.”

“Vicki had been willing to give Tamra another chance after all of the divorce drama with ex-husband, Simon Barney, but this was the final straw.”

“Tamra went behind Vicki’s back for months betraying her confidence about Brooks’ cancer,” the source added.  “Even though Vicki and Brooks are no longer together, she can’t forgive Tamra for this ultimate betrayal.”

On Monday night’s episode, Judge came face-to-face with Gunvalson about Brooks.  Vicki warned Tamra, “If you’re my friend, you don’t talk about Brooks.”

Judge responded, “That’s not what a friend is.”  Vicki demanded that Tamra shouldn’t be discussing the sensitive issue with others.

Shannon Beador even jumped into the accusations by asking Vicki why Brooks didn’t use the cancer doctors she had recommended.

Gunvalson, exhausted of defending Brooks asked, “What does Brooks need to do: Die to prove everyone wrong?” 

After the drama of accusations, Vicki said she felt betrayed and saddened by the constant accusations of lying. She stated, “I’m trying to be as strong as I can be … when you’re a friend, you’re a friend. I don’t know how to end this, I just don’t.”

The insider also added, “There is no coming back for Vicki and Tamra. Their relationship was already on a very fragile ground, and this was the nail in the coffin.”

Tamra has been open about disliking Brooks.  In early September, she told fellow housewife Lizzie Rovsek that she didn’t approve of Brooks. In response, Vicki called Tamra a bitter, miserable individual.