Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Florida Man Calls 911 Over Size of Clams at Restaurant

Let’s give Florida Man credit in the following story:

At least this time he didn’t throw an alligator through a Wendy’s drive-thru window.

But he did cause a different sort of stink at a different kind of restaurant.


As documented by The New York Post, Nelson Agosto ordered a seafood meal at Crabby’s Seafood Shack in Stuart, Florida a few days ago… only to create a major raucous when the food arrived.

According to the incident report of what transpired, an employee warned Agosto about the size of the clams before he placed his order, yet he still insisted on including them in his dinner.

Fair enough.

A man is certainly entitled to eat some small clams if he so desires.

After the 51-year-old received his food, however, he whined to the manager about the exact issue the waiter had discussed: the less-than-ideal size of the clams in his meal.

“He was complaining that the clams he was eating were so small, he didn’t want to pay for them,” police spokesman Sgt. Brian Bossio said last week, per local news outlets.

misuse badge

The establishment responded to Agosto’s complaints by giving him another order of clams, free of charge, but this still did not satisfy the patron.

So he called 911.

In the emergency call transcript released by the police department, Agosto tells the dispatcher: “I ordered something, and it was extremely so small.”

The operator calmly replied that this wasn’t an appropriate reason to dial 911 and gave him the number for the non-emergency line.

Shortly afterward, Agosto called 911 twice more to complain about the clams, claiming he “couldn’t get through” to the alternative line given to him by the dispatcher.

When police responded to Agosto’s calls, he explained he called 911 because he forgot the non-emergency phone number after the first call, according to King 5.

small clam

Eventually, police officers arrested Agosto via summons on a misdemeanor charge of misusing 911.

“It was an arrest, but the officer did not take the guy to jail,” Bossio told a reporter.

We suppose he didn’t really deserve to spend time behind bars for this act.

But he definitely should be banned from ever eating seafood, like, ever again.

In Agosto’s’ defense, too, this wasn’t the dumbest act ever committed by a Florida resident.

Click below to see his competition:
