Friday, June 3, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals Size of Her Waist: What Is It?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian shared a photo of her bare butt.

But that wasn’t the only body part this self-absorbed reality star decided to put on display for fans.

For multiple months now, Kardashian has obnoxiously kept followers apprised of her weight loss progress.

She has been determined to get herself back down to her pre-baby weight, which, as we’ve said non-stop, is totally fine and awesome if that’s what she wants to do.

Being so open about the mission, however, is far more annoying, because she makes it sound as if the goal is so darn hard to accomplish… despite her flexible schedule and giant bank account.

Moreover, the extreme focus on post-pregnancy weight loss is setting a bad example for other new mothers around the world.

Still, this hasn’t stopped Kardashian from posting actual pictures of her scale.

She’s down to 132 pounds, folks!

In order to mix it up, meanwhile, Kim went ahead and revealed the size of her waist in a Snapchat video on Thursday.

“26 W!!!” the mother of two wrote as a caption to the above photo of herself getting measured.

She also shared a long-distance self of her sleek stomach in the mirror:

kim faraway

Kardashian says she is 12 pounds away from her goal of weighing the same amount as she weighed in 2010.

She has been open about going on the Atkins diet to assist with this feat because she was paid a lot of money to shill for that diet.

And she’s been open for years about how she also uses a waist trainer because she gets paid a lot of money to name drop the type of waist trainer that she ridiculously straps on every now and then.

Do you sense a pattern here?

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has said that she weighed 190 pounds at the peak of her pregnancy with son Saint.

She wants to get all the way down to 120 pounds, which is what she clocked in at when she married Kanye West in 2014.