Showing posts with label BodyShamers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BodyShamers. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Paola Mayfield Claps Back as Body-Shamers Accuse Her of Being Too Sexy

90 Day Fiance star Paola Mayfield doesn’t let haters get her down.

She’s a fitness model who loves her body, and she’ll flaunt her baby bump in a bathtub if she sees fit.

But her new video has followers accusing her of posting “porn.”

As you are about to see, Paola Mayfield showed off the changes that her pregnancy is making to her body.

“Everything is growing so much,” she wrote in the caption. “And it is not only my belly.”

Pregnancy can have a drastic impact on your entire body.

“I thought it was going to be hard to see all of these changes,” Paola admits.

“But,” she continues. “To be honest I’ve been enjoying being pregnant.”

“I feel lucky and blessed to have such an amazing pregnancy,” she gushes.

This was the new footage of her that, as you’ll soon see, got her followers so riled up.

“I’ve been using the extra delicious calories to build muscle while working out,” she shares.

“But of course,” she admits. “I’ve gained weight.”

Paola then continues: “but to be honest that doesn’t bother me at all.”

It doesn’t bother her “because at the end I know how to get back to the way I was and I like it #noregrets.”

“The most important” thing, she notes. “Is that my little angel is growing strong and healthy.”

Even before the hateful trolls could fill up her mentions, Paola knew to head them off.

“*Before the #momshaming start with the blah blah blah comments,” she added as a note. “Let me tell you this.”

“No, I’m not worried what my kid’s friends will say about me when they see my photos or videos,” Paola affirms.

“That is way [too far] down the road for me to even worry about,” she explains.

“Plus,” she notes. “I haven’t even pushed this baby out yet lol!”

We hope that in the dozen or so years before baby Mayfield has friends with free reign on social media, society will view women more fairly.

Paola is a fitness model, and she says that pregnancy hasn’t altered her career goals.

“I’m not changing just because I’m pregnant or becoming a mom,” Paola affirms.

Good for her!

“I was proud before of who I am,” Paola writes. “And what I’ve done.”

“So,” Pao concludes. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

She is absolutely right, and has been just right all along. Sadly, not all of her followers see it that way.

As they have all along at Paola’s previous pregnancy pics and videos, mom-shamers and body-shamers crawled out of the woodwork.

“Have some respect for yourself!” demaned one hater. “You’re about to be a mother for God sakes!”

Sometimes, self-respect is loving your body instead of being ashamed of it.

“Maybe U should focus more on your marriage and baby rather than your body,” suggested another shamer.

Her marriage is fine and her baby is healthy.

Then another accused Pao of posting “porn” and insisted that she get “some self respect and modesty.”

Anyone who thinks that an innocuous Instagram video of a non-nude pregnant woman is “porn” has some truly alarming tastes.

There was nothing pornographic about Paola’s video.

She showed the cheeks of her butt, as she has done countless times before, both as a model and as a human being who goes to the beach.

There is of course nothing wrong with sex work, but Paola was not engaging in that.

She’s just showing her body in the mirror.

Some people won’t be satisfied until every woman dons a nun’s habit.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Paola Mayfield Skewers Body-Shamers With Bathtub Baby Bump Photo

90 Day Fiance star Paola Mayfield is pregnant with her first child. She and Russ are overjoyed.

Some of her more hateful followers have tried to body-shame her over her pregnancy, demanding that she cover up her baby bump.

Pao is hitting back with a photo of her wearing nothing at all — except rose petals.

Paola shared this stunning photo of her very naked, very pregnant body in a rose petal bath.

In the captions, she made it clear that this is how she has chosen to clap back at her body-shamers.

“People have asked me if I‘m ever going to wear more clothes,” Pao’s caption begins.

She continues: “my answer is… do rose petals count?”

Paola remains an absolute delight, just as she was when she wrecked the shamers who told her to stop exercising.

Paola has kept her fans updated on her pregnancy and her baby bump all along.

Her caption continues with a recommendation that others try a bath like hers.

“You too could benefit from this home spa,” Paola suggests.

She adds that her bath is “with rose petals, coconut milk, and sea salt bath.”

So, you might need a shower after such a bath if you really want to get clean.

Paola says that the bath is “perfect to keep my skin soft and my muscles relaxed.”

In case anyone had any doubts about who had taken the picture, she gives credit where credit is due.

“Thank you baby for my photo @russ_mayfield,” Paola writes.

In case it was not obvious, the photographer she tagged was none other than her husband, Russ Mayfield. His name’s right there.

Paola then tagged her post: “#momtobe #homespa #proudofmypregnantbody #90dayfiance #babybump”

She’s a fitness model and she’s proud of her body.

Paola is in no hurry to cover up her curves, even if one of them is just a baby bump.

Naturally, Paola’s body-shamers weren’t done trying to scold her into hiding her body.

“Eeeeww,” exclaimed a super mature critic. “Still seeking attention in most unflattering ways….”

“Save this type of photograph for your husband,” demanded another. “And only your husband. Nothing worse than a thirsty pregnant woman. I really want to like you.”

Really? In all of the things in the world, there’s nothing worse than a pregnant woman who’s unashamed of her body?

“Why the need to seek so much attention?” wrote another. “If you really were secure & didnt give a rats f–k you wouldn’t have to seek attention being half naked…just sayin.”

She’s a fitness model, she cares about keeping her fans updated, and she’s a reality star.

But Paola also has her genuine fans.

“I don’t think anything is wrong with you being naked and pregnant,” wrote one defender.

That person continued: “Those who are asking about you wearing clothes are probably jealous.”

“Who cares about clothes?” asked another. “Motherhood is beautiful and so are you!”

Another wasn’t technically a critic, but offered a very different sort of positive feedback: “Those tatas are getting huge!! I love it!!”


“Wow !!! I guess Russ has really lightened up,” commented another.

“Before he would have made a big fuss about you being in such a photo,” that person noted. “Now he not only allows it but hes the one taking the photo !!!”

Yes, it looks like Russ has gotten past at least some of his weird hangups about Paola’s job.

“Omg! All these babies,” wrote a commenter. “Yours, Karine with a rainbow baby, elizabeth, aziza.”

Those are all 90 Day Fiance stars with 90 Day Fiance babies.

“Giant baby boom on TLC,” the commenter continued. “Can’t wait to see them all lined up.”


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Emily Simpson Destroys Body-Shamers: It Is NEVER Okay to Call a Woman Fat!

Last year, Shannon Beador was working to lose weight to save her marriage. As we all know, that ended with a messy divorce.

Her new castmate, Emily Simpson, has been a target for vicious body-shaming by trolls who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Rather than rushing to appease her detractors, Emily is taking a stand for all women.

On Twitter, Emily Simpson posted an array of photos of herself.

“It’s never ok to call a woman fat, fatass, plus-size, etc,” she asserts in her tweet.

For the record, plus size is a fine label for someone to use on themselves, especially if they’re a model. It’s not a euphemism to be hurled at others.

Think of words like plus size or thicc like pregnant, where you don’t comment about it until the person you’re talking about describes themselves that way.

Emily, already bearing the brunt of body-shaming, says: “I will take the criticism and be the voice for all the women out there.”

Emily Simpson vs Body-Shamers on Twitter

Emily’s proud tweet continues.

She’s happy to take one for the team for those “that feel inadequate because they don’t fit someone’s ridiculous standard of beauty.”

“Be strong,” Emily advises her fans and followers who may be targeted by body-shamers. “Be proud. Be confident.”

Finally, Emily assures them: “I got you.”

It is always so, so nice to see a reality star use her celebrity status as a platform for a good cause.

In the captions beside a photo of her showing off her outrageous body in a velvet dress, Emily made a similar message.

“Love yourself,” Emily encourages her fans and followers. “Love your body.”

She says that the shape of a person’s body — or the size of it — should never discourage them from having confidence and enjoying their life.

“Always walk into a room and own it,” Emily suggests.

Emily explains how to do this, intructing: “Make eye contact. Hold your head high.”

Emily’s Instagram post continued with some encouraging words.

“Don’t let anyone make you feel inadequate because they are thinner than you,” Emily writes.

While you should never feel inadequate for other reasons, either, this post was specifically for folks who are targeted with fat-shaming and body-shaming.

“Self-confidence is the best outfit you can wear,” she says. She’s not wrong.

“So,” Emily suggests. “Own it and rock it.”

A few weeks ago, Emily was invited to work out with resident fitness nut and also general nut Tamra Judge.

Emily, who works and has three children, was less enthusiastic. She’s not accustomed to working out because she leads a busy life.

While all of the Real Housewives are, of course, real women, a lot of viewers may find Emily and her struggles — and her humble beginnings — more relatable.

Some of the other stars are older and have been living opulent lifestyles for decades.

Emily is a working mom, and that is bound to resonate with a lot of the show’s viewers.

Either way, it is wonderful to see her taking a stand for women everywhere.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Gigi Hadid Epicly Shames Her Body-Shamers

Body-shaming is always wrong. When it comes to body-shaming a gorgeous model like Gigi Hadid, it’s also absurd. (Well, it’s always absurd)

Gigi Hadid is fighting back after haters tried to attack her appearance at New York Fashion week, posting to Twitter about why her body looks the way that it does but telling people off for asking in the first place.

And she’s not mincing words.

Just recently, Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid posed naked together, which earned some … mixed reactions from folks who found it a little squicky. But this criticism is of a very different nature.

In a thread of tweets that has earned praise from fellow models Kendall Jenner and Chrissy Teigen, Gigi Hadid

“For those of you so determined to come up w why my body has changed over the years, you may not know that when I started @ 17 I was not yet diagnosed w/Hashimoto’s disease.”

Hashimoto’s thyroidism is an autoimmune disease, which as many as 5% of people face during their lives, and it’s much more common in women than in men. Long story short, it results in gradual shrinkage and destruction of the thyroid gland.

“Those of u who called me “too big for the industry” were seeing inflammation & water retention due to that.”

Hateful that she was referred to that way.

She continues to defend herself against body-shaming trolls in further tweets:

“Over the last few years I’ve been properly medicated to help symptoms including those, as well as extreme fatigue, metabolism issues, body’s ability to retain heat, etc … I was also part of a holistic medical trial that helped my thyroid levels balance out.”

Of course, though her shamers years ago thought that she was “too big,” contemporary haters feel that she’s the opposite.

“Although stress & excessive travel can also affect the body, I have always eaten the same, my body just handles it differently now that my health is better. I may be ‘too skinny’ for u, honestly this skinny isn’t what I want to be, but I feel healthier internally and (cont)”

She continues, reminding everyone that she’s 22 and her body is still changing.

“(cont) am still learning and growing with my body everyday, as everyone is.”

Finally, she puts her foot down.

“I will not further explain the way my body looks, just as anyone, with a body type that doesn’t suit ur ‘beauty’ expectation, shouldn’t have to. Not to judge others, but drugs are not my thing, stop putting me in that box just because u don’t understand the way my body has matured.”

Basically, she shouldn’t have to explain her gorgeous figure to anyone, whether she’s retaining water or not.

She expresses a plea for people to, you know, be less terrible.

“Please, as social media users & human beings in general, learn to have more empathy for others and know that you never really know the whole story. Use your energy to lift those that you admire rather than be cruel to those u don’t.”

That’s sound advice.

This is not the first time that Gigi Hadid has spoken of her medical condition. A little over a year ago, she told People:

“My metabolism actually changed like crazy this year. I have Hashimoto’s disease. It’s a thyroid disease, and it’s now been two years since taking the medication for it.”

Medication can really make a difference.

“It’s now been two years since taking the medication for it, so for the [Victoria’s Secret] show I didn’t want to lose any more weight.”

She has some goals for her own body.

“I just want to have muscles in the right place, and if my butt can get a little perkier, then that’s good.”

First of all, it’s awesome that Gigi smacked down her critics the way that she did.

This should also be inspirational to others who face body shaming.

Sure, most can’t relate to a supermodel who is gorgeous beyond reason. But if someone like Gigi Hadid’s appearance is getting picked apart, both by people who find her “too thin” or “too large,” that should tell people who face fat-shaming that trolls will never be satisfied.\

There’s nothing wrong with Gigi’s figure and there’s nothing wrong with anyone else’s, either.

It’s sad that she had to say what she said, but we’re so glad that she did. Gigi Hadid, you’re doing amazing.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Mandy Moore Fights Back Against Body-Shamers, Is Simply the Best

Mandy Moore really does not get enough love, does she?

Sure, people have lost their minds over This is Us, and that’s great, but she’s been sharing her gifts with the world for nearly two decades now, and she deserves credit for that.

Credit, respect, and seriously, just so much love.

Remember that very first song she ever released, “Candy”? Or what about her work in classic movies like A Walk to Remember and Saved?

She also played Rapunzel in Tangled, so … yes, she’s pretty much an icon.

But hey, maybe you don’t have warm, fuzzy feelings of Mandy from way back then, or maybe you’ve never been a big Disney fan.

Maybe you haven’t caught an episode of This is Us and you’re just not feeling where all the love for this lady is coming from.

That’s OK.

Just sit back, relax, and allow us to tell you this magical story of the beautiful spirit and overwhelming greatness that is Mandy Moore.

All right, so last week, our girl here was on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and she shared a few photos while she was hanging out backstage — check one out above.

She looks great, just like she always does, but many, many people felt the need to comment on her body.

Specifically, on her weight.

“You are so skinny….” one person told her in the comments. “You almost disappear when you turn to the side.”

“You don’t even look like Mandy Moore anymore,” another person wrote, along with rude hashtags like “stop being plastic” and “used to be hot.”

A few people accused her of Photoshopping the pictures, but as one follower speculated, there’s “no Photoshop,” it’s just that she’s “sickly thin.”

Several people advised her to “eat more” — a few specified that she needed to eat burgers and/or biscuits.

It was a little overwhelming, the number of people who felt comfortable being so critical about her body.

And she definitely noticed them.

After the comments started rolling in, she edited the caption of her photo, which had previously just been a couple of lines about how excited she was to be on The Tonight Show.

“And ps: I am 5’10 and a size 6,” Mandy explained. “I have NEVER photoshopped pictures. That’s not what I’m about. If you’re going to be rude about people’s bodies, go elsewhere.”

Which is amazing enough all by itself, right?

But she gave another statement during an interview with Cosmopolitan.

“I guess I shouldn’t have said anything, but I didn’t Photoshop!” she told the magazine.

“I’m not some teeny tiny person and I don’t pride myself. Look, I like to take care of myself and I try to eat healthy and I work out, but I’m a tall girl with a real body.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never been accused of that before,” she went on, obviously a little rattled by all the body-shaming comments.

“I felt like I had to jump in and say something because we don’t need to be talking about people’s bodies. Not on my Instagram at least.”

She said that perhaps it would have been best not to comment at all, “but my fans were hurt and I also just wanted to be truthful.”

And we love you so much for it, girl.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Serena Williams: Thanks Mother, Slams Body-Shamers in Open Letter

On the first of September, Serena Williams gave birth to her first child — baby Alexis Olympia.

We’re confident that she’ll be as extraordinary as a parent as she is in every other aspect of her life, but Serena is clearly not so confident. Not yet.

To express her appreciation, Serena is thanking her mother for the amazing job that she did raising five children — and Serena’s taking the opportunity to slam her body-shamers.

In a post to Reddit, a site co-founded by her fiance and the father of her child, Serena Williams penned a beautiful open letter to her mother, Oracene Price.

Serena took a few swings at body-shamers, too.

“You are one of the strongest women I know. I was looking at my daughter (OMG, yes, I have a daughter) and she has my arms and legs!”

We love that, even as she writes this, Serena Williams can’t contain her excitement at being a mother.

“My exact same strong, muscular, powerful, sensational arms and body.”

That’s such a great description for Serena’s form.

But then it gets sad.

“I don’t know how I would react if she has to go through what I’ve gone through since I was a 15 year old and even to this day.”


It’s not a surprise to us — we’ve heard the hateful things said about the greatest athlete in the world.

But it’s soul-crushing to hear Serena talk about it, especially in this context:

The context of being a mother who is thinking about what sort of life her daughter will lead.

“I’ve been called man because I appeared outwardly strong. It has been said that that I use drugs (No, I have always had far too much integrity to behave dishonestly in order to gain an advantage).”

Plenty of athletes use performance-enhancing drugs, but we’d never accuse Serena of it. It’s just not like her.

“It has been said I don’t belong in Women’s sports — that I belong in Men’s — because I look stronger than many other women do. (No, I just work hard and I was born with this badass body and proud of it).”

Sexism means that people degrade women by calling them men and degrade men by calling them women.

“But mom, I’m not sure how you did not go off on every single reporter, person, announcer and quite frankly, hater, who was too ignorant to understand the power of a black woman.”

When we talk about the hate that Serena has faced, we cannot pretend that it’s only about sexism.

Racism is also a tremendous factor.

But a lot of people are seemingly fine seeing a black man succeed in the world of sports, but shun a female athlete.

In terms of racism and sexism, Serena has faced the worst of both worlds — for all of her life.

“I am proud we were able to show them what some women look like. We don’t all look the same. We are curvy, strong, muscular, tall, small, just to name a few, and all the same: we are women and proud!”

She’s standing up for all women here. Because she’s wonderful.

And she’s clearly filled with love for her mother.

“You are so classy, I only wish I could take your lead. I am trying, though, and God is not done with me yet. I have a LONG way to go, but thank you.”

Hey, life is a journey. And we’ve already heard that Serena Williams is going to make a great mom.

“Thank you for being the role model I needed to endure all the hardships that I now regard as a challenges — ones that I enjoy. I hope to teach my baby Alexis Olympia the same, and have the same fortitude you have had.”

We’re sure that she will.

“Promise me, Mom, that you will continue to help. I’m not sure if I am as meek and strong as you are yet. I hope to get there one day. I love you dearly.”

She signs it:

“Your youngest of five, Serena.”

We know that a lot of this is going to resonate with a lot of people in different ways.

New parents who aren’t sure what they’re doing. Kids who aren’t sure how their parents did it. Women. Black women, in particular. Female athletes.

Serena Williams is an inspiration, on and off the court.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Body-Shamers with One Simple Tweet!

All of the Kardashians have dealt with shamers of some form or another, but it’s probably safe to say that none of them have faced as many body-shamers as Khloe Kardashian has.

Khloe’s reaction was to basically transform her body and her entire lifestyle. And hey, that’s totally one way to handle criticism.

Now Khloe’s getting body-shamed again … accused of hiding weight gain under baggy clothes. And Khloe’s hitting back hard at trolls.

Around a decade ago, Keeping Up With The Kardashians was in its first season.

Viewers were still wondering what to make of these super rich, strange, quirky celebrities.

Kim was already the face of the family, but Kylie and Kendall were just kids at the time.

And Khloe?

Well, Khloe was basically unrecognizable when compared to the Khloe we see today.

We don’t just mean her hair or how she wears her makeup or how she dresses.

Khloe Kardashian has some regrets about KUWTK, or at least about how she did things when the show first began.

At the time, she was getting inexpensive blowouts and was doing her own makeup.

(Remember: makeup to look right on camera is not the same as makeup to look right in your everyday life)

She wasn’t “fat” or whatever at the time, but Khloe looked very, very different.

She carried her weight differently and her body looked soft, certainly.

And, people being the way that they are, she was given hell for it and body-shamed constantly.

Different people respond to fat-shamers in different ways.

Others don’t respond at all.

(Some say that that’s taking the high road; others say that not responding simply allows people to continue with their bad behavior without being called out on it)

Khloe’s response, ultimately, was to completely transform herself.

Her hair is different. Her lips are different. Her makeup is different.

Most significantly, her body is different.

Khloe now snacks on very specific foods throughout the day in order to keep her metabolism going at all hours.

She also gets up at 6am every single day in order to exercise.

(She’s a millionaire! If I had even half of Khloe’s net worth, sure I’d exercise but you would not catch me awake before noon under any circumstances ever again in my life)

The result of Khloe’s dedication, which is totally her choice, is that she dropped a lot of weight and sculpted for herself the exact sort of figure that she wanted.

Now, Khloe’s body is just about legendary. She’s known for her booty almost as much as Kim is.

If that’s what she wants, good for her.

If you’ll recall, Amy Schumer said that she felt betrayed by Khloe’s weight loss. That wasn’t really called for, since it’s Khloe’s body and she can have it be as large or small as she likes.

Well, fastforward to “modern times,” when Khloe still has that body and booty that she works so hard to maintain.

The other day, she was spotted wearing loose-fitting clothing while out and about.

Specifically, she was described as wearing a loose, black, long-sleeved shirt and some black sweatpants.

(And some fuzzy slippers)

Haters immediately decided to accuse Khloe of trying to hide weight gain by wearing loose-fitting clothing.

(Weight gain from fat or weight gain from pregnancy — both rumors are out there)

Khloe could have ignored it. She also could have posted a new selfie to remind people of exactly what her body looks like these days.

Instead, Khloe tweeted out an explanation for exactly why she was dressed that way.

“So rude of people to say I’m getting fat because I wore baggy clothes to get laser hair removal. It’s called being comfortable people.”

First of all, we’re huge advocates of dressing comfortably.

(I, personally, am the sworn enemy of all pants)

Second of all, she shouldn’t have had to explain that away, you know?

The size of her flesh prison doesn’t feel like it’s our business. Certainly not while she’s out running errands, at least.

Thirdly, though, the fact that she was going to get laser hair-removal — you know, a procedure to remove her laser hairs — really explains it all.

If you’re getting a procedure where you’ll need to take off your clothes, you don’t want to be in a form-fitting, glam outfit.

Now, she shouldn’t have to divulge information like that, but it sure helps to put her outfit choice in context.

(Though we’re kind of surprised that Khloe didn’t get all of her laser hair-removal done years and years ago)


Friday, August 18, 2017

Plus Size Instagram Model Rocks a Crop Top, Fights Back Against Body-Shamers!

People are just the worst.

It’s been proven time and time again, and at this point, we have absolutely no reason to question it.

People can be cruel, insensitive, heartless, and many of them go out of their way to hurt others.

And while there are many stories that that little intro could preface, today it’s going to go along with the story of a plus size Instagram model named Noonie Regardless.

Noonie, as you can see in the photo above, is absolutely gorgeous.

She’s also really into body positivity, and in inspiring others to love themselves, no matter what size they may be.

Just for an example of the kind of good this woman is doing, let’s take a glance at the powerful message she shared along with that cute picture up there.

“Growing up I used to be the skinniest,” Noonie began. “I ate so much but never would gain weight.”

That all changed about the time she began the second grade, when “I began to get bigger and when I say big I mean big. I was already wearing a size XL in shirts and a 20 in women pants.”

She wrote that she used to hate herself for the way she looked, and that even though she was kind to others, she would still get teased.

Eventually she began playing volleyball, which helped her lose some weight, and as she began to get older she finally began to love herself.

Until, that is, “I seen on social media how the IG famous girls looked so small and beautiful or thick and beautiful and then there was me.”

“I had no big boobs to show, no big butt to show, all I had was thighs and hops. My stomach still was overflowed and I wanted to look like the girls on IG.”

So she got herself some detox teas and began working out vigorously, “and I thought to myself months later, why are you trying to be someone you’re not, why can’t you accept who you are and love you.”

And finally she found a middle ground. How wonderful, right?

“Moral of the story is if you’re struggling with loving yourself step back and point out the things you love about yourself and start accepting you as a person,” she concluded.

“Is it easy? F-CK NO! But I promise you once you love who you are and accept who you are you will feel like the baddest bitch walking and not a not a negative goblin can stop you.”

It’s a lovely message, right?

But then those negative goblins she was talking about saw the photo and did things like this:

“Leave the bralette and crop top wearing to us skinny girls,” some miserable soul wrote above Noonie’s cute picture, along with the vomiting emoji and the whale emoji.

Humanity is doomed, isn’t it?

There are people out there who can see that photo, see that personal, uplifting message she wrote, and then turn her into a body-shaming meme.

It hurts, it really does.

Enough people made similar memes, or circulated this one, that Noonie heard about it, and she reposted it herself.

And her response was just glorious.

“No I don’t have the flat stomach to flex in a crop top/bralette but I have a muffin top to do so,” she explained.

“I don’t know why people still body shame at this point. It’s quite pointless if you ask me.”

Get ‘em, girl!

“You don’t have to be skinny to rock a crop top or bralette,” she said — and you know she’s telling the truth.

“To my ladies with stomachs wear whatever the hell you want and make everybody feel uncomfortable. As women we have to learn to build each other up instead of trying to break each other down.”

A novel idea, at this point, it seems.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Jennifer Aniston to Body-Shamers: WTH is Wrong With You?

Jennifer Aniston tries.

She really does.

She tries so very hard to ignore the gossip that often surrounds her, blocking out the haters and the absurd notion that she and Brad Pitt are still any kind of thing.

But she can’t always do it.

And we don’t blame her. Not one bit.

About a year ago, if you’ll recall, Aniston admitted she was “fed up” with all the pregnancy speculation and all the talk about her body, her family and her love life.

“I’m fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body-shaming that occurs daily,” Aniston wrote last summer, to nearly universal praise.

She added at the time:

“If I am some kind of symbol to some people out there, then clearly I am an example of the lens through which we, as a society, view our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, female friends and colleagues.

“The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing.”

Amen, right?

Fast forward 13 months and Aniston has a similar message to send.

“I don’t think it’s getting much better. I think the problem is the tabloids and the gossip columns taking the human body and putting it in a category,” Aniston recently told Vogue.

“They’re either fat-shaming, or body-shaming, or childless-shaming.”

And Aniston has received it all.

Like practically every female star in Hollywood, she’s been criticized for her weight and, perhaps more than any female star in Hollywood, she’s been slammed for not having kids.

“It’s a weird obsession that people have and I don’t understand exactly why they need to take people who are out there to entertain you, and rip them apart and bully them?” Aniston continued.

Why do people care about the state of her womb? She has no idea.

She also wishes those same people would realize they have no idea what’s truly going on with someone else.

“I couldn’t hear this narrative anymore about being pregnant or not pregnant; you have no idea what is going on personally in our lives and why that is or is not happening and it feels,” she says.

“In my own brain, I’ve shifted my perspective, so who gives a shit?!?

Making it very clear why husband Justin Theroux loves her so much, Aniston concludes with some words of wisdom for other women.

But they famous or not.

“If you’re going to walk out and have your nipples showing, or your belly is a little bloated, or you’re not at the weight you want to be…

“You are perfect no matter what you are and no matter where you are and who cares!”

It needs to be said again, doesn’t it?



Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Awesome Woman to Body-Shamers: My Hot Husband Loves Me! Eff You!

We don’t know your name, Instagram user @a_body_positive_jazzy.

But we’d like to give you a standing ovation.

Late last week, this aspiring plus-size model shared a photo of herself in a bikini.

She’s walking along the beach in the image, holding hands with her very good looking husband and laughing the laugh of someone who is both comfortable and in love.

With both herself and the well-defined man at her side.

In a lengthy caption written below the romantic snapshot, Jazzy (we’re just gonna call her Jazzy from now on, okay?) gushed over her husband and used their relationship as a way to shoot down all haters, shamers and critics.

“Over the years this man has loved every curve, every roll, and every stretch mark on my body. I never understood why,” Jazzy wrote, asking:

“How could he love something that isn’t ‘perfect?"”

Her husband was “born fit,” Jazzy writes. She readily admits that she was not.

“I don’t have a flat stomach, I jiggle when I walk. Hell, if I run up the stairs too fast my body claps (lmao)!

“But now I see I do have the ‘perfect’ body."”

Every roll, every curve, and every stretch mark is put on me just perfect to make both of us happy! I love my body, and I finally see why he does too.”

blogger pic

Pretty amazing, huh?

Awfully inspiring, isn’t it?

The photo has been Liked over 60,000 times on Instagram and the positive comments have been rolling in for days.

“Love this!! You are beautiful!!! My husband is the same loves every inch of me. And you are in inspiration to myself and so many others,” Instagram user wrote.

Added another individual:

“Such a beautiful story and beautiful woman. This helps me love my body more.”

Jazzy describes herself as a body-positive advocate and acknowledged that a few hateful comments have been sprinkled in with the helpful ones.

One user slammed her as a “fat” woman who was promoting being physically unfit, for example.

But she responded to this accusation by sharing the following picture…

… and writing the following caption to it:

To all the haters out there that have been talking about me as if I’m just fat, unhealthy, and not doing nothing about it!

Even though I owe you NO type of explanation! I wanted to share with y’all proof that I do go to they gym and I am very healthy!!!

Now to the men and women that are body positive along side of me, just because we love our bodies doesn’t mean we can’t take care of our bodies!

Loving yourself does not mean that you just let yourself go. When you love yourself truly you want to take care of your body.

Good eating habits and exercise are key to staying healthy and hey if that results in weight loss that’s ok and if it doesn’t that’s ok too.

It’s not about being skinny or being fat it’s about being healthy.


Allow us to close with a few more words from Jazzy.

This is what she wrote as a message to accompany an Instagram selfie just posted on Tuesday:

In my life I have always battled myself. Judging myself on what I look like and how I act. Never letting myself get out of my comfort zone because I didn’t want to be criticized anymore then I had already been.

Now that I am feeling more confident in my body I can see that I have been my own worst enemy in life.

I have been so hard on myself I have held myself back from so many opportunities and experiences I could have enjoyed this far. 

Sometimes the hardest thing to compete with is yourself! We have to stop putting ourselves down and holding ourselves back! There is a beautiful world that we should be enjoying instead of hiding from it.

Stop competing with yourself!!

It’s safe to say we have a new Internet hero.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Rihanna Hilariously Claps Back at Body-Shamers with Gucci Mane Meme!

Forget every politician you’ve ever loved or hated — memes are the real great communicators.

And that’s exactly how Rihanna’s seen fit to respond to body-shaming. With a meme.

Bless her, honestly.

Rihanna’s kind of amazing.

Her music is wonderful and she’s a stellar performer.

… Though Tom Holland did recently one-up her performance of Umbrella. But that’s no insult to her.

Unfortunately, like all female celebrities and most female humans, she’s subject to body-shaming.

Part of it’s standard misogyny familiar to many women, part of it’s her celebrity status meaning that all eyes are on her.

Some people just can’t resist wondering if she’s pregnant if the wind so much as makes her top billow out in front.

So, as you can imagine, these same people had a field day when she showed up wearing an outfit that could have covered two Rihannas.

That’s a baggy outfit, sure.

Baggy enough that, in addition to an infamous “Is Rihanna going to make being fat the hot new trend?” article, pregnancy rumors resurfaced with gusto.

But if every time that people wore baggy clothes, it meant a pregnancy, we’d live in a world of perpetual, universal pregnancy.

And no small number of “medical miracles,” since there’s no shortage of cisgender men who favor loose-fitting clothes.

Well, Rihanna finally clapped back.

She’s known for being pretty savvy about social media and memes in particular — so she’s in way less of a celebrity bubble than most.

Gucci Meme

Now, this meme isn’t exactly body-positive.

Or nice to Gucci Mane.

Or nice to overweight people in general, if we’re being honest.

But she didn’t invent it — she’s just using it to communicate. 

Her point? It’s a little ambiguous, since memes have a lot to do with context.

But we think that part of it is poking fun at the people who are obsessed with her body size.

Another part is just the meme’s straightforward meaning — that even if she were fat, she’d still be Rihanna.

Any of her real fans will still adore her.

She’s not gonna care about the haters either way.

Perhaps, even more to the point, it was an indirect way of saying that yes, she’s seen that nasty Barstool Sports article floating around.

This is exactly how we’d expect her to respond: coyly and with a meme.

Remember, this is the woman who’s currently planning to do a film with Lupita Nyong’o based on a popular Tumblr post.

Rihanna’s an artist of the people, and she knows how to speak their language.
