Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Awesome Woman to Body-Shamers: My Hot Husband Loves Me! Eff You!

We don’t know your name, Instagram user @a_body_positive_jazzy.

But we’d like to give you a standing ovation.

Late last week, this aspiring plus-size model shared a photo of herself in a bikini.

She’s walking along the beach in the image, holding hands with her very good looking husband and laughing the laugh of someone who is both comfortable and in love.

With both herself and the well-defined man at her side.

In a lengthy caption written below the romantic snapshot, Jazzy (we’re just gonna call her Jazzy from now on, okay?) gushed over her husband and used their relationship as a way to shoot down all haters, shamers and critics.

“Over the years this man has loved every curve, every roll, and every stretch mark on my body. I never understood why,” Jazzy wrote, asking:

“How could he love something that isn’t ‘perfect?"”

Her husband was “born fit,” Jazzy writes. She readily admits that she was not.

“I don’t have a flat stomach, I jiggle when I walk. Hell, if I run up the stairs too fast my body claps (lmao)!

“But now I see I do have the ‘perfect’ body."”

Every roll, every curve, and every stretch mark is put on me just perfect to make both of us happy! I love my body, and I finally see why he does too.”

blogger pic

Pretty amazing, huh?

Awfully inspiring, isn’t it?

The photo has been Liked over 60,000 times on Instagram and the positive comments have been rolling in for days.

“Love this!! You are beautiful!!! My husband is the same loves every inch of me. And you are in inspiration to myself and so many others,” Instagram user wrote.

Added another individual:

“Such a beautiful story and beautiful woman. This helps me love my body more.”

Jazzy describes herself as a body-positive advocate and acknowledged that a few hateful comments have been sprinkled in with the helpful ones.

One user slammed her as a “fat” woman who was promoting being physically unfit, for example.

But she responded to this accusation by sharing the following picture…

… and writing the following caption to it:

To all the haters out there that have been talking about me as if I’m just fat, unhealthy, and not doing nothing about it!

Even though I owe you NO type of explanation! I wanted to share with y’all proof that I do go to they gym and I am very healthy!!!

Now to the men and women that are body positive along side of me, just because we love our bodies doesn’t mean we can’t take care of our bodies!

Loving yourself does not mean that you just let yourself go. When you love yourself truly you want to take care of your body.

Good eating habits and exercise are key to staying healthy and hey if that results in weight loss that’s ok and if it doesn’t that’s ok too.

It’s not about being skinny or being fat it’s about being healthy.


Allow us to close with a few more words from Jazzy.

This is what she wrote as a message to accompany an Instagram selfie just posted on Tuesday:

In my life I have always battled myself. Judging myself on what I look like and how I act. Never letting myself get out of my comfort zone because I didn’t want to be criticized anymore then I had already been.

Now that I am feeling more confident in my body I can see that I have been my own worst enemy in life.

I have been so hard on myself I have held myself back from so many opportunities and experiences I could have enjoyed this far. 

Sometimes the hardest thing to compete with is yourself! We have to stop putting ourselves down and holding ourselves back! There is a beautiful world that we should be enjoying instead of hiding from it.

Stop competing with yourself!!

It’s safe to say we have a new Internet hero.
