Monday, August 14, 2017

Jennifer Aniston to Body-Shamers: WTH is Wrong With You?

Jennifer Aniston tries.

She really does.

She tries so very hard to ignore the gossip that often surrounds her, blocking out the haters and the absurd notion that she and Brad Pitt are still any kind of thing.

But she can’t always do it.

And we don’t blame her. Not one bit.

About a year ago, if you’ll recall, Aniston admitted she was “fed up” with all the pregnancy speculation and all the talk about her body, her family and her love life.

“I’m fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body-shaming that occurs daily,” Aniston wrote last summer, to nearly universal praise.

She added at the time:

“If I am some kind of symbol to some people out there, then clearly I am an example of the lens through which we, as a society, view our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, female friends and colleagues.

“The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing.”

Amen, right?

Fast forward 13 months and Aniston has a similar message to send.

“I don’t think it’s getting much better. I think the problem is the tabloids and the gossip columns taking the human body and putting it in a category,” Aniston recently told Vogue.

“They’re either fat-shaming, or body-shaming, or childless-shaming.”

And Aniston has received it all.

Like practically every female star in Hollywood, she’s been criticized for her weight and, perhaps more than any female star in Hollywood, she’s been slammed for not having kids.

“It’s a weird obsession that people have and I don’t understand exactly why they need to take people who are out there to entertain you, and rip them apart and bully them?” Aniston continued.

Why do people care about the state of her womb? She has no idea.

She also wishes those same people would realize they have no idea what’s truly going on with someone else.

“I couldn’t hear this narrative anymore about being pregnant or not pregnant; you have no idea what is going on personally in our lives and why that is or is not happening and it feels,” she says.

“In my own brain, I’ve shifted my perspective, so who gives a shit?!?

Making it very clear why husband Justin Theroux loves her so much, Aniston concludes with some words of wisdom for other women.

But they famous or not.

“If you’re going to walk out and have your nipples showing, or your belly is a little bloated, or you’re not at the weight you want to be…

“You are perfect no matter what you are and no matter where you are and who cares!”

It needs to be said again, doesn’t it?

