Monday, August 14, 2017

Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden Celebrate 9 Months Together!

There was a time when birthdays and anniversaries were once-a-year events (hence the “anni-” part of the word), but we’re an increasingly impatient society, which means your social media feeds are probably clogged with photos of kids turning 6.25 years old and couples celebrating a full half-year together.

Modern Family star Ariel Winter loves her some social media, so it should come as no surprise that she’s fully on board with the micro-celebrating trend.

Ariel has been dating Levi Meaden for nine months, and she marked the occasion on Instagram this week, posting a photo of herself with Meaden and a giraffe named Stanley.

“[Nine] months starting off on a night shoot with Stanley,” Winter captioned the above photo.

Despite the fact that they’re still well short of the one-year mark, Ariel and Levi are speeding past the usual relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

In fact, some fans are concerned that they’re moving a little too fast.

Back in May, Ariel revealed that she lives with Levi, a fact that stunned many fans, as she and Meaden had been together a scant five months at the time.

That’s a whole lot of commitment for a 19-year-old.

Adding to fans’ concerns is the fact that Levi is considerably older than Ariel.

Meaden will turn 30 next month, and while an 11-year age difference isn’t too shocking in most cases, there’s something a bit unsettling about a teenage girl coupling up with what is very much a grown man.

There are some who are concerned that Ariel is incapable of being single, as she got involved with Meaden just weeks after breaking up with Laurent Claude Gaudette.

Of course, she’s at an age where she should be bouncing back from breakups with ease.

(Did we mention Ariel is only 19?)

In all likelihood, fans concerns are unfounded.

Ariel is young, it’s true, but working in Hollywood and becoming emancipated from her mother at a young age have both no doubt caused her to grow up fast.

Those close to the couple say Levi has best interests at heart and is in no way seeking to piggy-back on Ariel’s popularity.

So happy nine month anniversary, you too.

We’re sure you’ll let us know when you hit the one-year mark.
