Showing posts with label Meaden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meaden. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ariel Winter & Levi Meaden Flaunt Their Christmas PDA!

It’s been less than 14 months since Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden’s one-year anniversary, but that hasn’t stopped these two from looking super domestic.

They took pictures with a big ol’ tree. They took photos in matching Christmas onesies. And they took photos locking lips in front of their decorations.

‘Tis the season!

Ariel Winter’s always happy to celebrate the holidays.

Last October, we saw Ariel get into the Halloween spirit and out of her clothes. And that was before they dressed up in multiple different costumes.

So you can always count on Ariel to be seasonal … and, when it comes to her boyfriend, affectionate.

(Ariel and Levi’s PDA has been all over social media, folks)

As you can see, they didn’t need any mistletoe to put them in the kissing mood.

That photo was shared to Snapchat.

As sweet as their kiss in front of that dazzlingly decorated Christmas tree is, we’d like to point out a couple of things.

One, Ariel Winter’s red dress is both in a perfect seasonal color and gorgeous.

Two, they have so many presents around that tree. They’re not under the tree, they’re forming a small ocean around it.

That’s what Christmas is all about. (Well, okay, also spending time with your loved ones, we guess)

As you can see, Ariel and Levi didn’t limit their affections to formal attire.

These Christmas onesies look adorable and comfortable.

(That said, folks, no matter how cute your onesies might be, don’t pressure your family members into wearing them for anything more than just a photo op — some people find them confining, or too warm)

Clearly, Levi and Ariel were feeling romance along with holiday cheer.

But they weren’t the only ones who wore matching outfits:

Ariel captioned this photo:

“Kids are a struggle y’all. But Merry Christmas from our little dysfunctional family to yours!!!!”

That is so cute, you guys.

(The “kids” to whom she’s referring, in case you worry that you missed a huge story, are these dogs. Like most Millennials, Ariel refers to her dogs as her children)

We love how domestic Ariel and Levi are as a couple. We also love their “dysfunctional family” and the fact that Ariel feels comfortable enough in their easy domesticity to write that.

This is a big time in Ariel and Levi’s lives.

Modern Family, which feels like it’s gone on for decades, won’t last forever. But Ariel has grown from a child star into an adult hottie before the very eyes of viewers.

Levi, in the mean time, has entered Ariel’s life and, despite their age difference, they’ve found love and comfort in each other.

In the next Pacific Rim film, Levi Meaden might get his big break — because he’s in that movie in some capacity.

That should hopefully lay to rest the rumors that Levi Meaden is just Ariel Winter’s kept boy. He’s not, folks. He has his own acting career and everything.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden Celebrate One Year Together!

We all saw Ariel Winter get into the Halloween spirit … and out of most of her clothes. Halloween is a fun time, and she ended up pulling off a number of different costumed looks.

Well, now it’s November, and she’s celebrating something that’s a lot more special: her one-year anniversary with boyfriend Levi Meaden.

And what better way to mark one year together than with some steamy photos?

Admittedly, this couple has proven to be controversial for some fans.

For example, when Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden moved in together after only dating for six months, it caused a bit of a stir.

We should remember, though, that for celebrities concerned about privacy, moving in together has some added benefits that those of us who aren’t followed by cameras or creepy fans might not understand.

Plus, it’s not like Ariel Winter’s home doesn’t have plenty of room.

The disparity between the couple’s respective degrees of fame was another point of criticism, with haters even going so far as to suggest that Levi Meaden was Ariel Winter’s kept boy, with an allowance or even a salary. Ariel shut down that kind of rumor, hard.

Levi’s an actor, too. Not at her level, but he’s going to be in the new Pacific Rim movie. That’s exciting stuff.

Probably their biggest issue — as far as critics are concerned — is their age gap.

Ariel Winter is 19 and won’t turn 20 until 2018. Levi Meaden just turned 30 a couple of months ago.

Now, that’s a hefty age gap, even though Ariel was an adult when they started dating.

But they’re both adults and they make each other happy, so we don’t think that there’s anything predatory going on.

Honestly? A lot of this couple’s haters seem to just be men who wish that they were the ones dating Ariel Winter. Dream on.

Ariel Winter posted this sweet photo on November 12th.

Admittedly, you don’t normally think of couples getting professional photos done when they’re just dating. Especially for just a year.

In fact, you usually just hear about couples getting professional photos done for their engagement and then for their wedding.

(Unless they’re taking some private, erotic photos and hire a discreet professional)

The Modern Family star included this caption as a tribute to their relationship:

“Happy 1 year anniversary my love. I’m the luckiest girl in the entire world.”

That’s some pretty obligatory gushing, but it’s super sweet.

“Thank you for being the incredible man you are, and for making me the happiest I could’ve ever imagined.”

Ariel Winter had a disturbing, upsetting childhood so we’re so glad that she’s found her bliss.

“Here’s to many, many more. I love you. [heart emoji]”

Before you call her out for thinking that she’s found “the one” at 19, know that even though the odds of that are low (statistically), it happens.

(Two couples I know who were dating when we ate lunch together in high school went on to get married in their twenties, after college. It happens)

“P.S. your crazy butt is the only one who could ever make me agree to jumping off a cliff at a waterfall soooo yeah. I love you.”

That postscript gives us a little context for this lovely photo, which Ariel also shared.

Levi shared those photos, too — and the one that we have up top, as a bonus.

Obviously, he also posted a moving tribute for their one-year dating anniversary:

“I can’t believe it’s been a year.”

Well, he’s 30, so with more than one-third more life experience than Ariel, he would literally perceive the passage of time as going faster than she does.

(We all do; that’s why an hour felt like “forever” as a little kid and now, if you have to leave in an hour, you feel like that’s not enough time to start doing anything — we view time subjectively in proportion to how much life we’ve experienced)

“We’ve had adventures. Gotten dolled up countless times. And traveled through 3 continents together. I never imagined I’d be this happy.”

That almost sounds like an exhausting amount of “adventuring” for one year, but traveling the world is different when you’re in love.

And now for the gushing:

“I love you more than anything! Happy anniversary Peanut Butter!!!!”

Not every nickname has a story to go with it, but we’d love to know if there’s one for Ariel.

Honestly, good for these two lovebirds, you know?

We hope that Levi’s role in the new Pacific Rim serves him well. He probably won’t be front-and-center with John Boyega, but it could be a real career boost.

That said … sometimes, when a couple’s dynamic changes because the less famous member of the relationship’s career takes off, it can upset the balance that they had and lead to a breakup.

That’s not hypothetical. It appears that Chris Pratt’s success ruined his marriage to Anna Faris. It was, at least, a factor.

But for right now, we can all just be happy for Ariel and Levi and the place where they are in their lives.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Ariel Winter to Levi Meaden: Happy Birthday! Here"s a Butt!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you may feel that you know the actress pretty well.

After all, whether it’s bikini pics, or outrage over tabloid rumors, Ariel isn’t shy about sharing.

But something that doesn’t always come across in her posts is her irreverent sense of humor – a quality she clearly shares in common with her boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

Meaden celebrated his thirtieth birthday over the weekend, which kicked off a new round of fretting and pearl-clutching over Ariel and Levi’s age difference.

But the couple didn’t seem bothered by the deluge of concern-trolling.

In fact, they seemed more in love than ever over the course of a weekend that included a birthday blowout and a stop by the 2017 Emmy Awards.

(It’s easy to forget, since she’s more famous for her social media presence than her acting these days, but Ariel is still on Modern Family, soon to begin 479th season on ABC.)

Ariel didn’t leave the ceremony with any new hardware for her mantel, but the girl definitelty deserves Hostess of the Year honors for throwing a birthday party that made the Emmys look like a snooze-fest in comparison.

And how did she accomplish that?

With a whole lot of latex and one seriously suggestuve cake.

(Not trotting out Sean Spicer for a gag about all those times he tried to swindle the American people and undermine the foundations of our democracy probably helped, too. Take note, Emmy producers.)

First the dress.

Latex is apparently Ariel’s favorite fabric these days, and we’re certainly not complaining.

If she’s happy to sweat out late summer in LA in a dress made from recycled Trojans, we’re happy to enjoy the view.

As for the cake …

Remember what we said about Ariel’s irreverent sense of humor.

Yes, in the fashion of so many Millennials these days, Ariel invited her boyfriend to eat some ass.

She posted the above photo on Snapchat, with a caption reading:

“He likes the cake ;)”

Actually, he looks a little unsure about the cake.

But hey, he was probably the only person at the Emmys who could say he’d eaten an ass-shaped cake in the past 48 hours.

Don’t try to steal his thunder, Spicer! We’ll know you’re lying!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ariel Winter Pens Open Letter to Levi Meaden On His 30th Birthday

Ariel Winter is 19.

Her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, turns 30 today.

That may not sound like such a big deal, but the age difference between Ariel and Levi has been a source of controversy pretty much from the time their relationship started.

There are two ways for a public figure to handle such a controversy.

Ariel could do like Kylie Jenner and Tyga and avoid commenting on her relationship whenever possible.

Or she could get right in front of it and declare her love for her older boyfriend boldly and proudly.

Based on her latest Instagram post, we’re guessing Ms. Winter prefers the latter strategy.

Ariel posted the photo below to her Instagram p[age today to mark the occasion of Levi’s birthday.

She captioned it with a lengthy tribute to the actor:

“Happy 30th my love,” Ariel writes.

“Every single second I spend with you I fall more in love. I couldn’t be more grateful to be your partner in crime. You are the most incredible man, and I love you more than absolutely anything.”

In case there’s any lingering doubt that Ariel is in this relationship for the long haul, she concluded:

“I can’t wait to celebrate you Here’s to many, many more birthdays together.”

Meaden also took to social media to thank Winter for spending the day with him:

“Amazing birthday thanks to this one!!! Just old movies, us and the dogs. A perfect day!!!” he wrote.

Look, from the time Ariel and Levi started dating, fans have been throwing shade about the creepiness of a 30-year-old dude dating a teenager.

But we’d like to address the truly important issue here:

Why the hell are these two wearing Seahawks jerseys.

This is the reason officials have to clear the tumbleweed off the field at Rams and Chargers games!

You guys are like three years late for the Seahawks bandwagon!

You might be thinking, Well maybe one of them is from Seattle originally.

Well, we did our research, Argumentative Hypothetical Reader!

Ariel was born in LA, and she’s lived there her whole life.

Levi is from freakin’ Canada, which means he should be cheering the Saskatchewan Roughriders on to their fifth Grey Cup, or some sh-t.

Ya know, we were initially okay with this relationship, but if Levi is gonna be this much of a bad influence on Ariel, we simply can’t sign off on it.

Also, Levi – you’re 30, bro. No jerseys unless you’re going to the game.

We hope you wanted an unhinged rant for your birthday.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden Celebrate 9 Months Together!

There was a time when birthdays and anniversaries were once-a-year events (hence the “anni-” part of the word), but we’re an increasingly impatient society, which means your social media feeds are probably clogged with photos of kids turning 6.25 years old and couples celebrating a full half-year together.

Modern Family star Ariel Winter loves her some social media, so it should come as no surprise that she’s fully on board with the micro-celebrating trend.

Ariel has been dating Levi Meaden for nine months, and she marked the occasion on Instagram this week, posting a photo of herself with Meaden and a giraffe named Stanley.

“[Nine] months starting off on a night shoot with Stanley,” Winter captioned the above photo.

Despite the fact that they’re still well short of the one-year mark, Ariel and Levi are speeding past the usual relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

In fact, some fans are concerned that they’re moving a little too fast.

Back in May, Ariel revealed that she lives with Levi, a fact that stunned many fans, as she and Meaden had been together a scant five months at the time.

That’s a whole lot of commitment for a 19-year-old.

Adding to fans’ concerns is the fact that Levi is considerably older than Ariel.

Meaden will turn 30 next month, and while an 11-year age difference isn’t too shocking in most cases, there’s something a bit unsettling about a teenage girl coupling up with what is very much a grown man.

There are some who are concerned that Ariel is incapable of being single, as she got involved with Meaden just weeks after breaking up with Laurent Claude Gaudette.

Of course, she’s at an age where she should be bouncing back from breakups with ease.

(Did we mention Ariel is only 19?)

In all likelihood, fans concerns are unfounded.

Ariel is young, it’s true, but working in Hollywood and becoming emancipated from her mother at a young age have both no doubt caused her to grow up fast.

Those close to the couple say Levi has best interests at heart and is in no way seeking to piggy-back on Ariel’s popularity.

So happy nine month anniversary, you too.

We’re sure you’ll let us know when you hit the one-year mark.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Ariel Winter, Thong Bikini Cozy Up to Levi Meaden

Actress and social media standout Ariel Winter took to her Instagram yesterday to share one of her famous PDA pics with Levi Meaden.

She is not wearing a lot of clothing in it.

Yes, the 19-year-old Modern Family cast member can be seen above, kissing her boyfriend on their recent trip to Vancouver, Canada.

Who took this pic for the star, we cannot say.

What we can say is that they had quite a view, as we do now, of Ariel Winter rocking the tiniest, blue thong bikini and her new red hair.

Oh, to be behind the camera at that moment.

(Or to be Levi Meaden for that matter.)

“Had the best time in Vancouver with my babe, but also with amazing new friends. Super lucky,” Winter captioned the above image.

“Also… those wreck beach stairs though!!!!!!!”

As we reported earlier this month, Ariel Winter and Levi moved in together, and she told Jimmy Kimmel that there are many perks to this.

“My boyfriend and I live together, and he cooks. I can’t cook at all. He takes care of all that handy stuff, he’s great, he does all that.”

“I can bake a pie occasionally. Pumpkin and apple,” she said.

“I baked those two the other day … they were edible.”

Hey, girl has to post smoking hot selfies and respond to haters’ Photoshop claims all day. She doesn’t have time to spend in the kitchen.

We kid, but not really. Gotta stick to what you love (acting, yourself) and what you’re good at (acting, singing, posting pictures of yourself).

Of course, while most of Winter’s ardent fans are happy for her because she’s happy, there remains a segment that’s critical of Levi.

This is still the Internet, after all. Ariel’s own followers have a field day picking apart photos like the one above because of blurry legs.

Legs, people. Are we really that bored and eager to knock celebs down a peg that we focus on that and not what a goddess she is?

In any case, the fact that Ariel and Levi have only been dating for seven months, and that she’s 19 and he’s 30, have some fans worried.

Ten years isn’t that big of an age gap … if the younger half of the couple is, say, 29. But at 19, it’s enough to raise red flags for some.

Life in the spotlight forces young people to grow up more quickly, though, and for better or worse, Winter says she’s up to the challenge.

Winter told Kimme in that same interview that her ABC cast mates have been treating her a contemporary, not a kid, for a while now:

“They definitely treat me like I’m an adult now,” she said, or at least like someone who’s most of the way there at this point.

“We started on the show when we were 10 or 11 years old and running around with Nerf Guns and now we’re all semi-adults.”

As for how Meaden feels about the fact that his next birthday is the big 3-0 and his girlfriend is calling herself a “semi” adult?

Maybe it gives him pause, but by all accounts, Ariel is a mature young woman, and based on these pics, we doubt he’s giving her back.

Kylie Jenner and Tyga, these two aren’t.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Ariel Winter House Hunting with Boyfriend Levi Meaden (PHOTO + GALLERY)

Ariel Winter and her boyfriend pulled up their house-hunting pants — at least he did — and hit up several pads around L.A. this week. Ariel and 29-year-old actor Levi Meaden checked out a place in Sherman Oaks together. The 5 bed, 6…


Ariel Winter, Giant Boobs Move In With Boyfriend Levi Meaden

It’s a sad day for the Internet’s most delusional pervs.

We’ve known for quite some time that Ariel Winter is dating Levi Meaden, but no doubt many of the Modern Family actress’ 3.2 million Instagram followers were hoping it wouldn’t work out.

Well, we have bad news for basement dwellers were hoping for a chance to get up close and personal with social media’s most famous boobs.

It seems Ariel and Levi have taken their relationship to the next level and are now living together.

Ariel revealed the arrangement during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night:

“I bought my own house last year, which is really exciting for me,” the actress told Kimmel.

“My boyfriend and I live together, and he cooks. I can’t cook at all. He takes care of all that handy stuff and he’s great. I can bake a pie occasionally.”

We doubt the revelation that Ariel doesn’t know her way around the kitchen did much to dampen the enthusiasm of her most ardent fans.

While the response online has been mostly congratulatory, some fans (particularly those who are creepily protective of the actress) seem concerned by the fact that Ariel and Levi have only been dating for seven months.

Adding to the complexity of the situation is the fact that Ariel is only 19, while Levi will turn 30 this year.

Ten years isn’t a massive age gap, but it’s a lot for someone as young as Ariel.

But sometimes the spotlight forces young people to grow up more quickly.

Winter told Kimmel last night that her Modern Family cast mates have been treating her as a “semi-adult” for a while now:

“They definitely treat me like an adult now,” Winter said.

“We started on the show when we were 10 or 11 years old and running around with Nerf Guns and now we’re all semi-adults.”

We imagine you must cringe a little when you’re creeping up on the big 3-0 and your girlfriend cops to not being a full-fledged adult.

But hey, by all accounts, Ariel has a good head on her shoulders.

For every Kylie and Tyga situation, there must be a situation where this sort of thing works out, right?


Monday, November 28, 2016

Levi Meaden: Totally Making Out with Ariel Winter!

Ariel Winter is very open about her body on Instagram.

Like, VERY open about her body on Instagram.

Considering that the Modern Family star is only 18 years old, we’ve probably seen far too much of her already.

But Winter has been far less revealing when it comes to Levi Meaden, only giving fans the occasional glimpse of her new boyfriend on social media over the past few weeks.

We know Meaden has seen Winter in her bra, but… well… who has not seen Ariel Winter in her bra at this point?!?

On Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, however, Winter and Meaden were seen kissing in the rain after visiting the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

This public spit swap turned their relationship from nearly-confirmed rumor to very hot reality.

Winter then shared a couple SnapChat videos of her and Meaden that explained how their date went awry that afternoon.

“We came to LACMA to see the Guillermo de Toro exhibit and it was closed and now it’s pouring rain and we’re stuck in it and we parked far,” the actress said.

It looks like she and her man found a way to keep themselves occupied and entertained, however.

And, for once, this didn’t involve Winter Twerking or even wearing a bikini!

Meaden’s rep, faced with mounting evidence that made it impossible for him to say otherwise, confirmed to E! News Sunday night that the two are seeing each other.

Winter and Meaden were first seen looking cozy together at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and InStyle’s pre-2017 Golden Globe Awards party at the Catch LA restaurant.

The latter is a Canadian actor who you may recognize from his role on The CW’s The 100.

He has also appeared on AMC’s The Killing and SyFy’s Aftermath.

Along with a recent vacation in Cabo San Lucus two weeks ago, Winter and Meaden broke break with each other and some friends last week.

Or they broke turkey, we should say.

How do we know for certain?

Because Nickelodeon actor Jack Griffo shared an Instagram story post showing the couple at his “family dinner Friendsgiving,” writing, “That’s my girl w/ her man.”

So there you have it.

Will Winter and Meaden last? Both are attractive and are in the same business, so they have at least one interest in common.

Anything is possible!
