Monday, September 18, 2017

Ariel Winter to Levi Meaden: Happy Birthday! Here"s a Butt!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you may feel that you know the actress pretty well.

After all, whether it’s bikini pics, or outrage over tabloid rumors, Ariel isn’t shy about sharing.

But something that doesn’t always come across in her posts is her irreverent sense of humor – a quality she clearly shares in common with her boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

Meaden celebrated his thirtieth birthday over the weekend, which kicked off a new round of fretting and pearl-clutching over Ariel and Levi’s age difference.

But the couple didn’t seem bothered by the deluge of concern-trolling.

In fact, they seemed more in love than ever over the course of a weekend that included a birthday blowout and a stop by the 2017 Emmy Awards.

(It’s easy to forget, since she’s more famous for her social media presence than her acting these days, but Ariel is still on Modern Family, soon to begin 479th season on ABC.)

Ariel didn’t leave the ceremony with any new hardware for her mantel, but the girl definitelty deserves Hostess of the Year honors for throwing a birthday party that made the Emmys look like a snooze-fest in comparison.

And how did she accomplish that?

With a whole lot of latex and one seriously suggestuve cake.

(Not trotting out Sean Spicer for a gag about all those times he tried to swindle the American people and undermine the foundations of our democracy probably helped, too. Take note, Emmy producers.)

First the dress.

Latex is apparently Ariel’s favorite fabric these days, and we’re certainly not complaining.

If she’s happy to sweat out late summer in LA in a dress made from recycled Trojans, we’re happy to enjoy the view.

As for the cake …

Remember what we said about Ariel’s irreverent sense of humor.

Yes, in the fashion of so many Millennials these days, Ariel invited her boyfriend to eat some ass.

She posted the above photo on Snapchat, with a caption reading:

“He likes the cake ;)”

Actually, he looks a little unsure about the cake.

But hey, he was probably the only person at the Emmys who could say he’d eaten an ass-shaped cake in the past 48 hours.

Don’t try to steal his thunder, Spicer! We’ll know you’re lying!
