Showing posts with label Simply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simply. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I"m Simply "Miserable" in My Marriage

Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell are currently in a great place.

Like, a REALLY great place:

The couple is expecting a baby!

But the Teen Mom OG stars had to overcome many obstacles to get here, most notably Catelynn"s struggle with her mental health and related trips to rehab.

On the October 15 episode of this MTV hit, Tyler seemed to hit rock bottom.

He opened way up about how he viewed his marriage and his romance, confessing some difficult feelings to his friends and to his wife.

Scroll down for a look at what Tyler once said about his relationship… in order to fully appreciate where it is now.

1. To Reiterate: All is Good Now!

Cate and tyler photo

Tyler and Catelynn announced their unexpected pregnancy in mid-September. They could not be more excited to welcome the little boy or girl into their world in March.

2. That is Now. What About Then?

After the taping

This episode of Teen Mom OG was taped many months ago. It centered on the couple sitting down for an appearance on Dr. Oz, before which Catelynn spoke to Dr. Mike Dow.

3. And What Did This Doctor Say?

A few words from tyler

He told the Catelynn that he was proud of her for opening up about her mental health issues to help eliminate the stigma against people who are suffering from similar problems. From there, Lowell admitted she was having trouble staying away from people who were NOT understanding her situation.

4. The Trolls are Everywhere

Catelynn at the salon

“I cant even go on Twitter right now,” she said. “People are ruthless, they think that I’m just running away from my problems or not wanting to be a mom. I’m not running away from my problems, I was fixing my problems and trying to get better so I could be a better mom.”

5. Baltierra Weighs In…

Tyler in therapy

Tyler told his wife – to her face – that he wanted her to take better stock of the influence her time in rehab took on him. He suggested she watch past Teen Mom OG episodes in order to see the toll her depression has had on their marriage.

6. The Bombshell Drops

Ty baltierra

Tyler then got brutally candid, saying on air: “I’m gonna be really very honest. I feel like I’m not too happy right now. I’m identifying that I feel pretty miserable.” He said this to his friends.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

President Trump Says He Simply Misspoke When Siding with Putin Over U.S. Intelligence

Donald Trump’s doing something a tad out of the ordinary for him — taking back a comment he made … but only after saying his message SHOULD have been obvious. The Prez just issued a clarification after siding with Vladimir Putin over the U.S.…


Monday, October 16, 2017

Mandy Moore Fights Back Against Body-Shamers, Is Simply the Best

Mandy Moore really does not get enough love, does she?

Sure, people have lost their minds over This is Us, and that’s great, but she’s been sharing her gifts with the world for nearly two decades now, and she deserves credit for that.

Credit, respect, and seriously, just so much love.

Remember that very first song she ever released, “Candy”? Or what about her work in classic movies like A Walk to Remember and Saved?

She also played Rapunzel in Tangled, so … yes, she’s pretty much an icon.

But hey, maybe you don’t have warm, fuzzy feelings of Mandy from way back then, or maybe you’ve never been a big Disney fan.

Maybe you haven’t caught an episode of This is Us and you’re just not feeling where all the love for this lady is coming from.

That’s OK.

Just sit back, relax, and allow us to tell you this magical story of the beautiful spirit and overwhelming greatness that is Mandy Moore.

All right, so last week, our girl here was on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and she shared a few photos while she was hanging out backstage — check one out above.

She looks great, just like she always does, but many, many people felt the need to comment on her body.

Specifically, on her weight.

“You are so skinny….” one person told her in the comments. “You almost disappear when you turn to the side.”

“You don’t even look like Mandy Moore anymore,” another person wrote, along with rude hashtags like “stop being plastic” and “used to be hot.”

A few people accused her of Photoshopping the pictures, but as one follower speculated, there’s “no Photoshop,” it’s just that she’s “sickly thin.”

Several people advised her to “eat more” — a few specified that she needed to eat burgers and/or biscuits.

It was a little overwhelming, the number of people who felt comfortable being so critical about her body.

And she definitely noticed them.

After the comments started rolling in, she edited the caption of her photo, which had previously just been a couple of lines about how excited she was to be on The Tonight Show.

“And ps: I am 5’10 and a size 6,” Mandy explained. “I have NEVER photoshopped pictures. That’s not what I’m about. If you’re going to be rude about people’s bodies, go elsewhere.”

Which is amazing enough all by itself, right?

But she gave another statement during an interview with Cosmopolitan.

“I guess I shouldn’t have said anything, but I didn’t Photoshop!” she told the magazine.

“I’m not some teeny tiny person and I don’t pride myself. Look, I like to take care of myself and I try to eat healthy and I work out, but I’m a tall girl with a real body.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never been accused of that before,” she went on, obviously a little rattled by all the body-shaming comments.

“I felt like I had to jump in and say something because we don’t need to be talking about people’s bodies. Not on my Instagram at least.”

She said that perhaps it would have been best not to comment at all, “but my fans were hurt and I also just wanted to be truthful.”

And we love you so much for it, girl.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Recap: When Baby Daddies Simply Suck...

On Teen Mom 2 Monday night, Kailyn Lowry offered Leah Messer a few words of collegiate wisdom.

Elsewhere, Briana DeJesus basically showed her baby daddy the back of her hand… while Kailyn opened up about her new baby’s father, the mysterious Chris Lopez.

Ready for a rundown of the biggest moments and storylines? Let’s do this!

DeJesus actually met with an adoption agency to learn more information about the process. She wasn’t messing around.

However, ex-boyfriend Luis remained totally and completely against the idea, even wanting to get back together with her despite his sleeping with another woman.

“I think what’s best for my child is to be with her parents,” he said simply, adding that he doesn’t believe what he did was bad enough for Briana to be taking such “drastic measures.”

That’s not really for him to decide at this point, though, is it?

He forfeited his right to have any real say when he slipped his penis inside another female’s vagina. So argued Briana, basically.

“You’ve got to stop being selfish for a little bit,” she said. “You’re the one that f-cked up.”

Luis didn’t exactly help his case with his desperate acts of trying to win her back, either.

For Jenelle Evans, though, her stress had nothing to do with any lying former lovers.

She was somewhat of a mess trying to balance life with a new baby, a recent engagement and major move to a new house.

All she really wanted to do was hit the gym in order to sweat away her concerns, but she had no time to herself. She complained about this situation to fiance David Eason, who took it personally – for some reason.

Don’t f-cking be mad about it all day,” Eason yelled before storming out of his car at one point, which didn’t make Jenelle feel much better.

(Note to men everywhere: Just listen sometimes. That’s all your woman wants. Just listen, guys.)

“I’m mad about the way my body looks,” Evans later confessed.

Like Briana, Lowry was also dealing with baby daddy issues, specifically the fact that Chris Lopez apparently “hates people.”

And like Jenelle, she was overwhelmed with her children, slacking on school and making her guidance counselor concerned as a result.

Kailyn also admitted to not getting very much of support from Chris, who she said “comes around when he wants to.”

“I’m going to graduate and I’m going to help myself,” she told her counselor and then she started to get serious about school again, nailing her final project, which made her very, very happy.

Last week on Teen Mom 2, Chelsea DeBoer discovered that ex-lover Adam Lind had tested positive for methamphetamines.

This week, she was worried that his parents might not be taking their required supervision of her daughter as seriously as they should be – and also that Aubree might be exposed to some truly negative things while she visited her father.

The last thing you want is to give your child a drug-addicted father,” she said. “I don’t want her in the house.”

When Aubree returned from her weekend with her grandparents, she didn’t really give her mother much insight into what was said, which concerned Chelsea. 

Finally, Kailyn offered Leah some advice about succeeding in school.

“This is something you want to do and you have to do for yourself,” Lowry told her co-star. “We’re going to literally defy all the statistics.”

Messer later went to her advisor about her chaotic workload and sadly broke down in front of him about her children and how she’s the first person in her family to go to college.

“I’m not dropping out or anything, I just want to be successful,” she said. 


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Audrey Roloff Maternity Photos: Simply. Stunning.

Just a few weeks before welcoming her daughter into the world, Audrey Roloff continues to celebrate her impending motherhood in gorgeous fashion.

Earlier this month, the Little People, Big World star was feted by her loved ones at beautiful baby shower.

And now Audrey has posed with husband Jeremy for a stunning professional maternity shoot, one snapped primary in a daisy field.

Why did the couple choose this location?

Audrey excitedly explained on her blog:

“Before Jer and I started dating, we [enjoyed] this particularly memorable perfect summer day picking warm berries and walking alongside the train tracks through the daisy fields.

“It was the day that Jeremy began calling me “Daisy Braids” – a nickname that he continued to call me throughout our dating relationship, letter writing, and into our marriage.

“That day was the day that our love multiplied.”

How sweet, right?

But Audrey Roloff is known for being all profound and emotional and sentimental and honest, so trust us when we say…

… it’s about to get even sweeter!

“Every year, when the wild daisy fields bloom, it reminds me of the summer we fell in love,” Audrey adds in the blog entry that features many more photos from this shoot.

She continues:

“And every year, I am more in love with this man that God has given me. Today, our love continues to multiply in more ways than one.”

Audrey and Jeremy got married in 2014 and announced in February that they’re expecting their first child.

They are keeping the name a secret, but have revealed that the little one will be a girl. She’s due on August 31.

Along with the messages about her husband and their relationship, Audrey included a prayer for her impending baby as part of her blog post.

It reads in part:

Lord, I pray that our baby girl would be born into this world blameless and innocent, a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, where she would shine as a light in this world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ she may be proud that she did not run in vain or labor in vain.

Lord, I submit this daughter of ours to you, may we raise her and love her in a way that is pleasing to you. In Jesus holy name, Amen.

Little People, Big World is currently on hiatus, but it will return with new episodes this fall.

Just like the previous season featured many storylines centered on Zach and Tori Roloff preparing for parenthood, viewers can expect that the upcoming season will center on Audrey and Jeremy going through similar experiences as their loved ones.

We can’t wait to meet their baby girl and we wish these reality stars nothing but the best in the final stages of Audrey’s pregnancy

You better get some sleep in, guys, because it will be hard to come by in a couple months!


Friday, November 18, 2016

20 Celebrity Nose Jobs You Simply Won"t Believe

Noses are such little things, really, but tiny nips and tucks can make huge differences! For some, a nose job can be a door opener.

For others, a nose job can be a total mess – even a career ender.

Sometimes, it"s obvious which is which. Other times, it"s a thin line, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, right?

In any case, here are 20 celebrity nose jobs you won"t believe!

1. Britney Spears

Britney spears

Britney Spears will always be a doll to us. Hers was subtle enough that few people probably noticed … or they were just too busy staring at that Catholic school girl skirt or skin tight spacesuit back in the day.

2. Michael Jackson

Michael jackson

Michael Jackson’s nose job is the most dramatic on the list. He might have blamed his skin lightening on a genetic condition, but there’s no denying his nose came from a knife.

3. Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee simpson

Ashlee Simpson’s nose job was quite dramatic! It changed the entire look of her face! Wonder how her nose job affected her voice?

4. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer aniston

Jennifer Aniston had a nose job to shed her father’s schnoz. It happened early enough in her career that her new nose is the only nose we know.

5. Blake Lively

Blake lively

Blake Lively has never confirmed or denied that she went over the knife, but let’s just say Gossip Girl would’ve had a field day on her blog with before-and-after photos like this.

6. Tom Cruise

Tom cruise

Tom Cruise had a nose job early on in his career. Oddly enough he waited until he was in his 40s for braces. Rumor has it Katie Holmes also had a nose job so maybe that’s what Suri will get for her Sweet Sixteen.

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Friday, August 19, 2016

19 Celebrities Who Are Simply Huge Liars

Oops, their bad!

The following celebrities haven"t just misled the public on a few occasions. They"ve been caught telling monumental, HUGE lies!

These lies were so bold, one almost has to admire them for their audacity. Almost, that is.

See what we mean below…

1. Ryan Lochte

Ryan lochte

Ryan Lochte claimed he was held up and robbed at gunpoint during the Rio Olympics. He failed to mention that he actually vandalized a gas station bathroom and the person holding the gun was a security guard who was trying to control Lochte and his teammates.

2. Brian Williams

Brian williams

Brian Williams was paid to deliver the news for NBC. But he delivered lies about his experience in Iraq when telling viewers in January of 2015 that a helicopter he was riding in many years earlier had been shot down. It hadn’t been.

3. Steve Rannazzisi

Steve rannazzisi

Steve Rannazzisi claimed in 2009 that he narrowly escaped death while inside one of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2011. But… nope. He wasn’t there at all.

4. Bill Clinton

Bill clinton

Clinton once said he did not have sex with “that woman,” Monica Lewinsky, back when he was President and she was an intern. He later had to admit that his penis was in her mouth on more than one occasion.

5. Lance Armstrong

Lance armstrong

Remember all those years that Armstrong spend VEHEMENTLY denying that he ever took performance enhancing drugs? He finally came clean and admitted to it all during an interview with Oprah.

6. Brandy


In 2002, Brandy stunned fans when she announced she was pregnant … and had secretly gotten hitched to producer Robert Smith in 2001. The couple then starred on the reality show Brandy: Special Delivery, which tracked the birth of daughter Sy’rai in summer 2002. A year later, the couple announced its separation, but Smith waited another year to reveal that the two were never actually married; they faked it to protect the artist’s image.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Youth Football Team Simply Must "Whip" in Middle of Game

We don"t mean to be hyperbolic, but this may be the greatest video ever posted to the Internet.

It features the Milford Mighty Mites, a team comprised of very young football players who were recently scrimmaging at halftime of a varsity high school game.

That is, until Silento"s hit song "Watch Me Whip" came over the loud speakers and various Mighty Mites just couldn"t help themselves.

They stopped in their tracks, they ignored the action around them and they just started doing the now-iconic dance.

It really may be the funniest thing we"ve ever witnessed on the World Wide Web and it"s officially our favorite version ever of this dance… no offense to this totally awesome mother and daughter.

Milford mighty mites watch them whip