Showing posts with label Siding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siding. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2018

Rihanna: Siding with Chris Brown in Child Support Battle?!

Chris Brown is getting dragged to court by his ex because he’s a deadbeat dad, to absolutely no one’s surprise.

While Nia Guzman demands that he pay his fair share to support his daughter, Royalty, a shocking report claims that Chris has a surprising person in his corner.

Rihanna is allegedly heartbroken that Chris is getting dragged back into court.

Nia Guzman says that Chris owes her a lot of child support money for their little girl, Royalty. Chris strenuously objects.

An alleged inside source close to Rihanna tells HollywoodLife that Rihanna feels sorry for Chris Brown, if you can imagine.

“Rihanna’s heart goes out to Chris as he deals with his baby mama drama,” the source claims.

Apparently, she not only feels compassion for his plight — but confidence that he’s being a good dad.

To hear this insider tell it: “She has no doubts that Chris loves and supports his daughter.”

Loving and supporting someone is, for the record, not the same thing as meeting your court-ordered child support payments.

According to this report, Rihanna’s takeaway from their relationship is basically that Chris Brown is a family man who always does right by his loved ones.

“And Rihanna also knows from their time together that being a father was something he’s always wanted,” the insider declares.

Wanting something really bad always means that you’re responsible with it, right? Like teens and new cars, or little kids and puppies, or Chris Brown and women.

“And although she’s not involved in his life anymore,” the source claims. “From her perspective he’s been super devoted to his daughter Royalty.”

If she’s not in his life anymore … what possible perspective could she have? Unless she reads a lot of wholesome Chris Brown fanfiction.

To be clear, this alleged source isn’t going so far as to claim that Rihanna knows the facts of the case or, you know, any salient details.

“Rihanna has no idea what his child support agreement is though,” the insider admits.

But apparently that’s not important to her, the source says, “and she has no real interest in those details.”

“She does however, feel confident that Chris will do the right thing when it comes to supporting his daughter,” the insider asserts.

So … this report is claiming that Riri is Chris’ ideal character witness?

If Rihanna is really viewing Chris through rose-tinted glasses, Chris’ feelings are said to be even stronger.

“Not a day goes by without Chris thinking about Rihanna,” an insider tells HollywoodLife. “He still thinks she’s the most beautiful girl in the world and he truly believes that she’s the love of his life.”

First of all, he doesn’t think that Rihanna’s the most beautiful girl in the world. He knows. It’s a fact.

Chris tries to live his life without regrets,” the source reports. “But he can’t help wishing things had played out differently between him and Rihanna.”

We’ll say this much — there are some men who beat a woman’s face until it’s almost beyond recognition and don’t regret it. But regets don’t mean that Chris is a good dude.

Rihanna is many things. Savvy, beautiful, talented, gorgeous, funny, stunningly attractive, witty … the list goes on.

What she is not is a damn fool. A little more compassionate than is good for her? Sure. But she’s no fool.

We have an extremely difficult time believing that Rihanna imagines that Chris is some kindhearted family man. She knows better than most that he is not.

But we could absolutely believe that Riri has a friend who is s–tty enough to project their own nostalgia for Chris onto her and also blab about it to a tabloid.

We’re not saying that this is what happened, but … it’s certainly more plausible than Rihanna losing her mind.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

President Trump Says He Simply Misspoke When Siding with Putin Over U.S. Intelligence

Donald Trump’s doing something a tad out of the ordinary for him — taking back a comment he made … but only after saying his message SHOULD have been obvious. The Prez just issued a clarification after siding with Vladimir Putin over the U.S.…


Sen. Ed Markey Says President Trump Chose Himself Over U.S. by Siding with Putin

President Trump threw the U.S. under the bus by publicly taking Vladimir Putin’s word that Russia didn’t meddle in the 2016 election … so says Massachusetts’ U.S. senator. We got Sen. Ed Markey Monday in D.C. and he said Trump’s display in…


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Amber Rose: Siding With Kimye in Taylor Swift Feud?!

At this point, you’re probably well aware of the feud between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift and the many ways that it’s escalated over the course of the past week.

Things heated up when Kim basically called Taylor out as a liar by posting proof that Kanye West got her approval on some potentially offensive lyrics before recording his song “Famous.”

Celebrities took sides, and predictably, the many people that Taylor has shaded over the years sided with Kim and Kanye.

But it wasn’t just A-listers who entered the fray.

Even people who are only famous because they date and feud with famous people wanted in on the action.

Enter Amber Rose, who these days can be found doing her best Wendy Williams impression in the most desolate wastelands of basic cable.

To the surprise of many Amber has been defending Kanye on the grounds that – he feels bad after does stupid things?

We’re not really following her reasoning in the above clip (Especially since this is a guy who said he needed 30 showers after sleeping with her.), but at least she ends with a reference to Kanye liking fingers up his ass.

Anyway, it seems Amber has more shade in store for her new celebrity rival, Taylor.

“Amber wants to have Calvin Harris on her show to talk about Taylor Swift. She knows that he has major dirt on her and she would love to have him spill their secrets to her,” a source tells Radar Online.

“She reached out to Calvin’s people to work with them to get him on her show. He’s a loose cannon and his appearance could be ratings gold.”

With taking this one with several grains of salt, as Harris doesn’t really strike us as the “loose cannon” type.

And unfortunately for Amber, he already dealt with Taylor on Twitter.

Sounds like she’ll just have to keep sharing her detailed theories with her shrill, Wendy-esque audience.