Showing posts with label Believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Believe. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

T.I. I Believe Breezy ... Until Evidence Shows Otherwise


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T.I. I Believe Breezy ... Until Evidence Shows Otherwise

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Yasiel Puig and Robert Woods Were Targeted In Burglaries, Cops Believe

There was nothing random about the burglaries at the homes of Yasiel Puig and Robert Woods — cops believe they were most likely targeted because they’re pro athletes who were PLAYING when the crooks struck.  TMZ Sports broke the stories ……


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Niecy Nash says Cosby Case Teaches Us Believe Trump, Kavanaugh Accusers Too

Niecy Nash says it’s great Bill Cosby finally got what he deserved, and there are some lessons to be learned from his case … lessons she thinks apply to President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. We got Niecy at LAX and got her take on…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Don Cheadle Says He Doesn"t Believe Serena Cartoonist, You Know It"s Racist!

Don Cheadle isn’t buying the Herald Sun’s explanation for its Serena Williams cartoon one bit … telling TMZ Sports the newspaper DEFINITELY knows the drawing is racist as hell. “I don’t believe them,” the ‘Avengers’ actor says. “They have their…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Mac Miller: Home Cleaned, Purged of All Drugs After Reported Overdose, Police Believe

On Friday, the world lost a great talent. Mac Miller passed away at 26 of an apparent drug overdose.

Police seem confident that Miller died of an overdose, but when they searched his home for drugs, they found almost nothing.

They believe that someone or several someone’s cleaned Miller’s home, removing all evidence of drug use, before they had a chance to investigate.

According to TMZ‘s law enforcement sources, Mac Miller’s home was swept for drugs, which were all removed in the immediate aftermath of Miller’s passing.

Police believe this for three reasons.

One, police were unable to find any drugs in the home of a man who is believed to have died from an overdose — a man who is known for substance abuse problems.

Two, police have apparently spoken to a number of people who were in Miller’s orbit, which apparently made them more certain that his home was “tidied.”

Three, they very reasonably have a hard time imagining that Miller removed all drugs from his home before his alleged overdose.

Not only did the police search fail to find drugs (for the most part), they also didn’t turn up any pill bottles or drug paraphernalia.

(Plenty of homes of people with no substance abuse problems have old pill bottles lying around at the back of a cabinet somewhere, so that’s definitely odd)

Apparently police did find a “tiny” amount of white powder.

It’s unknown who may have cleaned Miller’s home for him, though people were at his house on Thursday night as well as on Friday when someone called 9-1-1.

Police report that no one has said that they saw Miller alive after Thursday night.

It is entirely possible that someone thought that they were doing Miller or his loved ones a favor by scrubbing his house clean of evidence of his drug use.

For all that we know, he may have asked a friend to do just this if he ever overdosed.

Worst case scenario, however, he appears to have overdosed because of some flaw with the drugs in his possession, and someone took everything so that his death could not be traced to them.

We hope not, but that is precisely the reason that law enforcement needs to be able to look at all of the evidence when someone dies.

You might think that you’re doing someone a favor, but you may just leave their grieving loved ones with more questions and less closure.

Miller was found unresponsive in his Studio City home at around noon on Friday, September 7.

A friend called 9-1-1, asking for immediate assistance for a patient in cardiac arrest.

Tragically, Miller was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical responders. He had been scheduled for a video shoot later that very day.

Miller’s history of substance abuse was no secret. Earlier this year, Mac Miller’s DUI hit-and-run resulted in his arrest.

Years ago, Miller opened up about his substance abuse issues through music, admitting to an addiction to a combination of promethazine and codeine known as “purple drank.”

Mac Miller’s death is absolutely tragic. Unfortunately, the narrative that immediately followed his passing has also been heartbreaking.

Awful trolls blamed Ariana Grande for his death.

Suggesting that she should never have broken up with him, or at least not found happiness when she moved on, people actually sought to fault his ex.

In reality, Miller’s substance abuse problem was a huge factor in Ariana’s decision to break up with him in the first place.

The right narrative is that it’s tragic for such a talented young man to die at 26.

Addiction is almost certainly to blame.

We hope that investigators, even working without all of the evidence that they might like, will be able to provide closure to Miller’s family, friends, and fans.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: You Will Not BELIEVE How Much I Drank When I Relapsed!

Money can"t buy you class. Fortunately, money can buy you a second stint in rehab in case you fall off the wagon.

That second scenario is exactly what happened to The Real Housewives of New York City star Luann de Lesseps.

Now, she"s revealing exactly how much she drank in one night when she unfortunately relapsed. And the details may shock you.

Luann de lesseps season 10 pic

Luann sat down with noted talk show villain Megyn Kelly to reveal exactly what prompted her return to rehab.

Like most people who abuse any kind of substance, she was self-medicating. In this case, to cope with a very unpleasant instance of the past haunting her.

See, her ex-husband Alexandre de Lesseps was suing her, accusing her of stealing from their children. And she found out about it in the worst way.

"I found out about this whole story," Luann told Megyn. "That I was getting sued, in the press."

"That was devastating," Luann explained. "I felt betrayed, I felt so hurt by that. I had my heart set on that house, my heart. I was devastated and I lost it."

Luann de lesseps is looking good

Luann told Megyn and also E! about how she coped with that heartbreak by drinking.

You can see her say this in the video that we"ve included.

"When I fell off the wagon," Luann says. "I mean, I think I had two watermelon martinis."

That doesn"t sound like much at all — but she was only just beginning.

"I had at least two bottles of rosé," Luann reveals. "And I got into a six-pack of beer in one night."

Despite all of that, Luann enjoyed herself at the time: "I mean, and I was still dancing in the kitchen in a bikini."

Luann de lesseps in cowboy hat

Luann knows that alcohol has a devastating impact on her health, her mental state, and even on her looks.

"At this point, I feel like I’m almost allergic to alcohol," Luann told Megyn.

Luann feels this way "ecause I can’t be like most normal people and have a glass or two of wine."

"I’m like, I’ll drink the whole bottle and then I’m looking, where can I get another bottle?"

Drinking a bottle at a time on its own isn"t necessarily a warning sign, but feeling like they then need more? That"s not healthy.

"It just doesn’t work for me," Luann says of cutting herself off. "I’m just not wired that way."

Luann de lesseps mug shot

Luann also spoke about how her life has been transformed by her sobriety.

"I have this whole new life now," Luann gushes.

This is why, even if she enjoys drinking when she does it, she wants to leave it as part of the past.

“I go to AA meetings, and I follow up my treatment now that I’m back from rehab," Luann says. "I take it very seriously."

It"s good that she takes it seriously. Luann was arrested for kicking a police officer last year. That could have ruined her whole life.

Luann de lesseps a selfie

Now, what Luann had to drink would leave some people passed out and sick.

Others could drink it without any memory loss or a hangover. Why? Because people"s bodies are different.

What makes drinking dangerous for Luann isn"t the amount, but the fact that she cannot stop. As she says, she can"t just have two drinks.

This is not uncommon in addictive behaviors. There are people who can gamble and stop, and there are others who lose control. 

That Luann realizes this about herself and treats alcohol as an allergy and is so honest and direct about confronting this tells us that she will hopefully be alright.

Luann de lesseps you will not believe how much i drank when i re

Monday, July 23, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Anyone Believe Rockstar?!

Big Brother Season 20 may have had a slow start, but the drama and controversy is starting to kick off. 

We picked up with the HOH competition, and Angie was out for blood. She was mad at the fact that Brett lied about the hinky vote on her daughter’s birthday. 

Angie could not help but say she was targeting Brett. But things did not go her way, and she was actually first out of the competition. 

She cheered when Brett fell soon after, and if anything, it painted a target on her back. It came down to Tyler and Sam, and Tyler wanted to make a deal because he did not want everyone thinking they were working together. 

You know, Tyler has been controlling the vote for several weeks, and it’s hilarious that nobody has figured out he’s playing all sides of the house. 

Sam won the HOH and quickly laid down the law with her fellow houseguests. She said she wanted the room to herself, and that nobody would be up there with her. 

She then went on to say that she had already made her mind up who she was nominating and that she would not be holding meetings. 

It was a ballsy move but proved that Sam wanted a break from all of the scheming. 

After that, Rockstar went forward with her plan to get back at Brett. She chased him down with pots and pans and chanted about them working in an alliance together. 

The rest of the house laughed, but it was evident they were getting tired of all the screaming after it went on, and on. 

Kaitlyn then turned to Faysal for attention, and he did not want to give her time of day. He was worried that he was being played by two people close to him because the votes never go the way they are supposed to. 

Kaitlyn burst into tears for being put on blast, and Faisyal opened up about his lack of trust in many people in the house because he’s being played. 

The life coach subsequently concluded that Sam must have been the one to flip the two votes with her power, and everyone in her alliance seemingly got on board with it. 

Before we got to the nominations, there was a flashback as we got to see a heated argument between JC and Bayliegh. 

Bayliegh wanted to know whether JC is a dwarf. “I’m just a short guy,” he responded, but Bayliegh then asked if there was a difference between “a midget and a dwarf.”

JC then went into detail about how the word “midget” was offensive to him, and compared it to the N word. But the issue for Bayliegh was that JC said the full word. 

It resulted in a big bust-up with Bayliegh leaving the situation. JC later managed to talk her around, and they bonded over the things that happened to them growing up. 

At the nomination ceremony, Sam nominated Haleigh and Kaitlyn for eviction, saying that the way they pursue the younger men in the house is “the opposite of female empowerment.”

Sam backed up her claim in the diary room, saying that she was tired of women taking “the easy way.”

What are your thoughts on this episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS!


Monday, June 25, 2018

16 Conspiracies About the Kardashians People Actually Believe

Kim Kardashian and her famous sisters have been making headlines for years.

This is what happens when you star in a sex tape… give birth to many babies… and annoying shill for every product one can.

But Kim Kardashian and her famous sisters have also been making headlines for years for stories that are less factual than the examples listed above.

That is, the Kardashians and Jenners have been at the center of more rumors, innuendo and straight-up conspiracies than any family in recent memory.

Scroll down for a list of these sorts of stories that have actually made the rounds:

1. Khloe is O.J. Simpson’s Daughter!

Oj simpson khloe kardashian split

We’ve gotta start with the very best one first. There are multiple stories out there that STILL try to argue that O.J. Simpson is Khloe’s biological dad. The “evidence” behind this? Simpson was friends with Kris Jenner and Khloe is taller than her sisters. That is pretty much it.

2. The Kris Humphries/Kim Wedding Was a Hoax

Kim kardashian and kris humphries

Not stunning people believe this, considering Kim filed for divorce after 72 days. But think about this: If it was a previously-agreed-upon hoax, why would they split after 72 days? Wouldn’t they keep the marriage intact for a longer period of time… just to make this so-called hoax seem less obvious?

3. Kylie Was Kim’s Surrogate!

Kylie jenner chicago west kim kardashian

Kim and Kanye West welcomed baby number-three via a surrogate. And she happened to arrive right about the time that Kylie was due to give birth. So, naturally, Kylie had to have been her half-sister’s surrogate, right?!? (If only photos didn’t exist of both Chicago AND Stormi, huh?)

4. Kim Was Replaced by a Lookalike in the Family’s Calvin Klein Ads

White wonders

Speaking of surrogates… we have no clue why anyone thought this, but articles went up online that questions whether Kim herself is truly posing with her siblings above.

5. Blac Chyna Got Knocked Up by Rob Kardashian on Purpose!

Rob kardashian and blac chyna christmas snap

Well, on purpose in order to exploit the last name of her then-boyfriend and profit from her connections to the Kardashian for years to come.

6. Same for Tyga!

Tyga kylie jenner blond hair yeezy season four

Tyga is the father of Chyna’s first child AND dated Kylie for many years. Did he and his ex really conspire to both go out with members of this family in order to make serious bank off the relationships down the line? Yes, some believe.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon Get Engaged (You Won"t Believe Where!)

Bachelor in Paradise?

More like… No Longer a Paradise Because I Just Asked the Woman of My Dreams to Marry Me! In Paradise!

Indeed, while this reality show title would be way too long and would make very little sense in nearly every context, it would apply perfectly at the moment to Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon.

According to People Magazine (and the revealing photo below), Haibon popped the biggest question of his life to Iaconetti on Sunday.

And he did it in a way that was simultaneously romantic, public and very much planned ahead of time:

He proposed while filming Bachelor in Paradise Season 5.

In an image released by ABC, Haibon Haibon got down on one knee on the beach, opened up his ring case and allegedly stunned his bride-to-be, who reacted by placing her hands on her chest and throwing her head back in excitement.

Back in 2015, loyal fans of this reality series may recall, Iaconetti was devastated to be turned down by Haibon after seemingly getting close to him on Season 2 of this same series.

But the stars remained close and Haibon eventually came to the same realization Ashley had before him:

They were soulmates!

“I never felt like it was over between us after Paradise, which is why I said we’re still going to be friends,” Jared said during a YouTube video of the couple’s love story, which they titled “The Story of Us.”

“Like, it just didn’t feel over,” he added in this lengthy and often-mocked piece of footage.

Haibon also admitted in this video that Ashley dating some other dude is what gave him the “kick in the ass” he needed to see what was in front of him this entire time.

Watch the video here:

“Bachelor Nation hasn’t seen so many of the important details that make up our story,” the couple says in this video, adding:

“[We] thought there was no better way to explain to the people who have followed our love lives for over three years than by filming our own episode of The Story of Us.”

Back during their first run on Bachelor in Paradise, there was chatter that Haibon and Iaconetti had sex, which would have been the first time for the latter enjoying such an experience.

It might explain what has drawn Ashley to Jared with such intensity over the years if this rumor is accurate.

“There’s just this undeniable, magnetic force between the two of us that just is indescribable,” Haibon told People Magazine at the annual Nylon Young Hollywood Party last mont, adding at the time:

“Love conquered.”

And then there was this from Iaconetti, said to Bachelor alum Ben Higgins during iHeartRadio’s The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast:

“”He is my person. He is my soul mate.”

What else ise there to say?

Congrats to the very, very happy couple!


Monday, June 4, 2018

Jazz Jennings Previews Upcoming Surgery: "I Can"t Believe I’m Gonna Have A Vagina!"

Forgive the rather obvious pun, but…

… Jazz Jennings is rather jazzed about her upcoming surgery.

(We’re very sorry, but the terrible play on words was just sitting right there, you know?)

The TLC reality star, who anchors a series titled “I Am Jazz,” used her personal YouTube account late last week to preview a rather giant procedure currently scheduled for June 26.

It will officially, technically, medically turn her from a male to a female.

“I am so looking forward to it. I have been ready for this my entire life,” the transgender 17-year says in her video, speaking, of course, about gender reassignment.

This has been a major theme on her aforementioned series, which debuted in July of 2015.

In this same video, Jennings explains that she has decided to be open about the surgery in hopes that it will educate people both inside and outside of the transgender community.

And she’s very explicit in talking about what it will entail.

“I’m gonna have new genitalia,” she says. “Like penis to vagina! That’s some serious sh-t, y’all! I can’t believe I’m gonna have a vagina!”

Jennings has long been an advocate in the LGBT community.

She has found herself in the headlines over the past few months because Derick Dillard, who appeared on Counting On but who has since been fired by TLC, has often mocked and slammed Jennings for the way she lives her life.

“I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child,” Dillard randomly said last fall, adding at the time:

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

Jennings never invited this sort of critique and is certainly not interested in Dillard’s pity.

She’s living her best life, thank you very much!

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” Dillard previously said, piling on an entire community of people by adding:

“‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”


But, hey, if Jazz can take the high road and basically ignore Dillard throughout this nonsense, so can we.

We’ll just focus on her latest video and the surgery about which she can’t stop talking.

“I have been looking forward [to the surgery] forever,” Jazz told us. “Even at a young age, I knew.”

She also says she’s excited for the procedure – but, as you might expect, also a bit frightened.

“Because I started the [testosterone] blockers so early that I never went through puberty…basically the blockers block testosterone in my body so I don’t develop as a male and get a beard, a mustache, a deep voice,” Jennings says.

“That’s why I’ve been able to be so feminine. Because of that, it caused me to be so suppressed that I didn’t have growth in ‘that’ region.”

In conclusion, Jazz goes over what’s about to happen in pretty fascinating detail, even if it may gross out some folks out there:

“Because there was a lack of tissue [down there] they didn’t have enough material to construct the entire vagina, so they’re using a special procedure where they extract my peritoneal lining.

“It’s regenerative, so it will regrow and what not.

“They take that out laparoscopically through my belly button or whatever. They use that and harvest that and use that to make the vaginal canal.

“It’s better because it looks like real vagina tissue and it feels more like real vagina tissue.”

Science, huh?

Pretty amazing.

We wish Jazz Jennings the best of luck.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

D.A. Believe Nicole Eggert, But Scott Baio Won"t be Prosecuted for Sexual Assault

Scott Baio will not be prosecuted for allegedly sexually assaulting Nicole Eggert during the run of “Charles in Charge,” but we’ve learned the D.A. found her credible. Sources familiar with the case tell us on Wednesday Nicole met the L.A. County…


D.A. Believe Nicole Eggert, But Scott Baio Won"t be Prosecuted for Sexual Assault

Scott Baio will not be prosecuted for allegedly sexually assaulting Nicole Eggert during the run of “Charles in Charge,” but we’ve learned the D.A. found her credible. Sources familiar with the case tell us on Wednesday Nicole met the L.A. County…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Emily Ratajkowski: I Don"t Want to Believe That My Husband is Cheating

Emily Ratajkowski is known for her outspoken feminism, her modeling work, her acting career, and for her gorgeous looks. She has a lot of fans.

So of course word got back to her when her new husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard, was spotted looking cozy with her friend … and not wearing his ring.

Ratajkowski is reportedly not cool with it. At all.

Just over two months ago, Ratajkowski stunned fans and friends alike when she married Sebastian Bear-McClard after only one month of dating.

But people were even more surprised when Sebastian was spotted out and about with his wife’s friend, Suki Waterhouse.

The two seemed extremely cozy despite being in public.

His arm was over her shoulder, and their faces seemed nose-to-nose at times.

More significantly, there was no sign that Sebastian was wearing his ring.


HollywoodLife reports that Emily Ratajkowski is furious that her new husband seems to be straying — and with her good friend, no less.

“Emily and Suki are friends but that doesn’t mean she’s cool with this.”

“Suki was getting way too close to her man. Emily read her the riot act as soon as she saw … she was furious with Suki.”

Everyone wants their friends to get along with their spouse, but … only up to a point.

The source says that Emily set Sebastian straight,t oo.

“And Sebastian didn’t escape her anger, he got an earful too.”

We can only imagine.

To be clear, this source says that she doesn’t actually think that Sebastian’s been cheating.

“Emily doesn’t think anything is actually going on between them.”

This is apparently more of a matter of making her look bad through an awkward public display that leaves her answering questions that she’d rather not be receiving in the first place.

“But she’s mad at them for making her look bad.”

Image matters, folks. Plus, many believe that men should restrain themselves to some degree after they get married.

“It’s just embarrassing and really disrespectful.”

When the story of what looked like extramarital PDA first surfaced, some wondered if Emily and Sebastian had silently split.

It wouldn’t be the biggest surprise to many fans.

Some are still recovering from their shock that the two tied the knot in the first place.

Again, they were only ever dating for about a month before they decided to get married. Which is … surprising. It’s not necessarily nuts, but some people considered it to be a bad idea.

Also, one doesn’t have to peruse Sebastian’s social media for long to find that his posts even just a couple of years ago were decidedly … not woke.

So it’s very easy for people to imagine these two finding that their differences cannot be reconciled.

While it’s good to hear that Emily didn’t jump to conclusions about her husband’s behavior with her friend … this isn’t confirmed.

it is unlikely that she’s going to make a public statement, totally unprompted, clearing her husband of any suspicion of stepping out on her or clearing her friend of betraying her trust.

If she and Sebastian do end up splitting, then we might expect one or both of them to make a statement in an interview, or perhaps on social media.

We might not understand why they raced to the altar, but we of course wish them the best.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Harry Styles: Fans Believe He Just Came Out as Bisexual

Harry Styles" sexuality has long been the subject of speculation. Fans have even speculated that Harry and Louis were lovers during their One Direction days.

Now, fans believe that his new song lyrics show that he"s just come out.

Is Harry Styles bisexual? Is "Medicine" a new bisexual anthem?

Harry styles at dunkirk premiere

As you can see in the video below, Harry Styles has a new song, titled "Medicine."

That song contains the lyrics: "The boys and the girls are here/ I mess around with him/ And I’m OK with it."

While song lyrics aren"t always literal or personal, many fans immediately latched onto that line, hailing "Medicine" as a bisexual anthem and wondering if this is Harry"s way of coming out to his fans.

Though Harry has yet to release this new song, he played it for fans, where it got recorded and shared on social media.

(Which is why you can, of course, see and hear that performance below)

Harry styles in red

Twitter, which has almost since its inception been obsessed with One Direction"s various members, lost its collective mind with excitement.

"This is the new bi anthem, thank you harry styles."

Other bisexuals were grateful for a song whose lyrics spoke to them coming from such a mainstream source.

"When you listen to Harry Styl​es new song "Medicine" and your bi heart explodes a lil (a lot)." That tweet was followed by multiple heart emojis.

Other Twitter uses expressed their appreciation for the song using hyperbole.

"My kids won’t be getting cough drops or flu shots they’ll just get harry styles’ unreleased masterpiece medicine on a loop until they feel better."

Some interpreted those lyrics as Harry himself coming out as bisexual.

"Harry Styles: I’m bi / Literally everyone: we been knew."

And others still pointed out other parts of the song that they believe (since the lyrics have not been released) also indicate a bisexual singer.

"HE DEFINITELY SAYS ‘I’ll treat you like a gentleman’ at 0:24 YOU CAN"T CHANGE MY MIND."

Note that "you can"t change my mind" is a reference to a meme that is currently all the rage on social media.

Harry styles album cover

If this is the intended meaning of "Medicine," it could certainly work as a bisexual anthem.

The most famous bisexual anthem right now would have to be "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers.

"Mr. Brightside" describes in its lyrics a pining, heartbroken individual who is enviously imagining a specific man and woman hook up. The lyrics do not at any point indicate which party the singer desires and which party the singer envies.

That ambiguity allows listeners to put themselves in the singer"s shoes whether they"re attracted to men, women, or both. In fact, some argue that perhaps the singer would rather join both objects of his affection.

It"s also worth noting that Katy Perry"s "I Kissed a Girl" works as a bi anthem.

Initially, of course, the song was dismissed as being less about bisexuality than it is about how women can kiss each other experimentally and be sexualized by men, often without people making assumptions about their sexuality.

But later, people realized that the line "taste of her cherry chapstick" may refer to cherry chapstick being lesbian slang for a clitoris.

If that"s the case, then that song takes a very different meaning that goes well beyond the image of two college girls making out at a party.

9 bisexual celebrities

This wouldn"t even be the first time that lyrics hinted at Harry Styles being bisexual.

Taylor Swift"s song from 1989, "Style," is not subtle about which ex boyfriend it references — the name, fans say, says it all.

That song also contains the lyric: "You"ve got that James Dean daydream look in your eye."

While, on the surface, this could be a reference to Harry"s eyes and acting talent reminding Taylor of the also famously handsome actor, James Dean.

But … James Dean is now famous for having been bisexual and for having been frustrated by his inability to come out.

Some wondered when Taylor"s album came out if she was hinting that her ex was something other than straight.

Harry styles at the airport

Ultimately, however, if we"re going to excoriate cowardly singers for swapping pronouns when they cover songs (to avoid sounding like they"re singing about the same gender), we as a society might need to also not make assumptions about original lyrics.

Perhaps Harry Styles intended "Medicine" to be his coming out song. If so, that"s wonderful, and good for him.

But perhaps fans should enjoy the song — which can certainly function as a bi anthem — but not take it as a personal confession.

If Harry Styles is intending to come out, let him do that in prose, not in lyrics.

And let him be the one who decides his own label. Each person is the author of their own identity.

Here"s the video taken from the crowd:

Harry styles fans believe he just came out as bisexual

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Tyron Woodley: I Believe Jon Jones, He Ain"t a Cheater

At least one big UFC star believes Jon Jones … with Tyron Woodley saying he DOESN’T think the embattled MMA fighter intentionally took steroids before UFC 214.  Jones has suggested an enemy may have slipped anabolic steroids into his workout…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Jim Bob Duggar: I Can"t Believe Jana Is Still Single!

Last week, Jana Duggar celebrated her birthday.

Along with her twin brother, John David, Jana turned 28–not a milestone age, but a very big deal to Duggar fans, nonetheless.

Unfortunately for Jana, her birthday is a subject of fascination for reasons that aren’t entirely celebratory,

Jana is still single, which is a fact that seems to astonish many fans of her famous family.

John David is unattached as well, but as a man, his love life–or lack thereof–is not as heavily scrutinized.

Women in the Duggar family are taught from a young age that procreation is their primary reason for being.

Several of Jana’s younger sisters have already married and started families of their own, which is one of the reasons that fans are baffled by the fact that Jana remains childless.

It’s an unexpected situation, to be sure, and while there are many rumored reasons circulating around social media, it seems Jim Bob is just as baffled as anyone else when it comes to why Jana is still single.

Over the weekend, Jim Bob appeared at an event organized by the Institute for Basic Life Principles in Kilsyth South Baptist Church in Kilsyth South, Victoria.

Amateur video from the event shows the Duggar patriarch uncomfortably joking about Jana’s refusal to marry.

“And Jana is–actually, back in the U.S., it’s her birthday,” Jim Bob says in video of the speech.

“Jana is 28-years-old and still single, so she’s still praying about the one.”

On Reddit, most Duggar fans were quick to defend Jim Bob’s sense of humor.

“I wasn’t there but I assumed it was just a dad joke. He makes a lot of them especially on the old episodes of the original show,” commented one user.

“Women have a biological clock. Men generally don’t. It’s more notable for a woman to be single and childless after a certain age. This is not unique to the Duggars,” wrote another.

At least one fan, however, was quick to point out the insensitivity of Jim Bob’s remarks:

“What I do wonder is–what’s Jim Bob’s angle with that joke? Is it just a standard-issue dorky dad joke that he’s too oblivious to realize could be seen as hurtful?” the Redditor wrote.

“Does he know it’s a sensitive subject, so he’s trying to diffuse it with humor? Is ol’ JB a little salty that lovely, talented Jana isn’t playing along with the real Duggar family business: marrying off its children for profit?”

We may never know just what’s going on in Jim Bob’s head–and that’s probably a good thing.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Teen Mom Salaries: You Won"t Believe How Rich This Cast Is!

Teen Mom: OG and Teen Mom 2 are among the most popular series in MTV"s storied history.

The stars may not enjoy the same universal name recognition as Snooki or The Situation, but their fans are an intensely devoted bunch with appetitse for every detail of the women"s personal lives.

So it should come as no surprise that there"s considerable interest in just how much the Teen Moms get paid.

Of course, given their many side projects and business ventures, the amount that each cast member pulls in varies wildly from one to the next … but suffice it to say, they"re all doing very well.

Here"s a breakdown of just how much each mom is earning these days:


1. Catelynn Lowell: $ 25,000 per episode

Catelynn lowell at mtv vmas

Catelynn is earning the standard rate for stars of the original series. And while she has a few other revenue streams in place, she’s not on her 24/7 grind like some of her co-stars.

2. Clothing By Cate

Catelynn lowell on the reunion

Catelynn and husband Tyler Baltierra recently launched a children’s clothing line. The venture is too new to determine if it will be profitable or not.

3. Amber Portwood: $ 25,000 per episode

Amber portwood a photo

Amber also pulls in $ 25,000 for just a few days work on TM:OG. Unlike Catelynn, however, she puts a lot of time into her side businesses.

4. Hard Times For Haute

Amber portwood and matt baier on the red carpet

Amber launched her “online boutique” Forever Haute with the help of then-fiance Matt Baier. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that the business is faring much better than the relationship. Rumors that Haute is out of business appear to be premature, but multiple insiders have confirmed the site has yet to turn a profit.

5. Maci Bookout: $ 25,000 per episode

Maci bookout at bridal fashion show

Some reality shows pay their more popular cast members a bit extra. Not Teen Mom: OG, however, which keeps the salaries consistent across the board.

6. Off the Bookout

Maci bookout interview with mtv uk

Unlike some of her other cast members, Maci doesn’t seem to have much time for side projects. With three kids to raise and an increasingly problematic ex, we suppose that’s no surprise. Besides, no matter how hard she hustles, Maci could never hope to out-earn TM:OG’s wealthiest star…

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Tennessee: We Don"t Believe Greg Schiano Protected Jerry Sandusky

The University of Tennessee says they found no evidence that Greg Schiano helped cover up child rape during his time at Penn State … but they’re still not explaining why they backed out of hiring him as the Vols head football coach.  FYI,…


Tennessee: We Don"t Believe Greg Schiano Protected Jerry Sandusky

The University of Tennessee says they found no evidence that Greg Schiano helped cover up child rape during his time at Penn State … but they’re still not explaining why they backed out of hiring him as the Vols head football coach.  FYI,…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blac Chyna About to Get Grilled Over Car Crash ... Lawyer Doesn"t Believe Her Alibi

Blac Chyna’s gonna have to jog her memory when she finally sits down and gets grilled about a 2-year-old car crash involving her BMW … because the victim’s lawyer thinks she’s lying. Jon Teller, the attorney for one of the women involved in the…
