Showing posts with label Cleaned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleaned. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mac Miller: Home Cleaned, Purged of All Drugs After Reported Overdose, Police Believe

On Friday, the world lost a great talent. Mac Miller passed away at 26 of an apparent drug overdose.

Police seem confident that Miller died of an overdose, but when they searched his home for drugs, they found almost nothing.

They believe that someone or several someone’s cleaned Miller’s home, removing all evidence of drug use, before they had a chance to investigate.

According to TMZ‘s law enforcement sources, Mac Miller’s home was swept for drugs, which were all removed in the immediate aftermath of Miller’s passing.

Police believe this for three reasons.

One, police were unable to find any drugs in the home of a man who is believed to have died from an overdose — a man who is known for substance abuse problems.

Two, police have apparently spoken to a number of people who were in Miller’s orbit, which apparently made them more certain that his home was “tidied.”

Three, they very reasonably have a hard time imagining that Miller removed all drugs from his home before his alleged overdose.

Not only did the police search fail to find drugs (for the most part), they also didn’t turn up any pill bottles or drug paraphernalia.

(Plenty of homes of people with no substance abuse problems have old pill bottles lying around at the back of a cabinet somewhere, so that’s definitely odd)

Apparently police did find a “tiny” amount of white powder.

It’s unknown who may have cleaned Miller’s home for him, though people were at his house on Thursday night as well as on Friday when someone called 9-1-1.

Police report that no one has said that they saw Miller alive after Thursday night.

It is entirely possible that someone thought that they were doing Miller or his loved ones a favor by scrubbing his house clean of evidence of his drug use.

For all that we know, he may have asked a friend to do just this if he ever overdosed.

Worst case scenario, however, he appears to have overdosed because of some flaw with the drugs in his possession, and someone took everything so that his death could not be traced to them.

We hope not, but that is precisely the reason that law enforcement needs to be able to look at all of the evidence when someone dies.

You might think that you’re doing someone a favor, but you may just leave their grieving loved ones with more questions and less closure.

Miller was found unresponsive in his Studio City home at around noon on Friday, September 7.

A friend called 9-1-1, asking for immediate assistance for a patient in cardiac arrest.

Tragically, Miller was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical responders. He had been scheduled for a video shoot later that very day.

Miller’s history of substance abuse was no secret. Earlier this year, Mac Miller’s DUI hit-and-run resulted in his arrest.

Years ago, Miller opened up about his substance abuse issues through music, admitting to an addiction to a combination of promethazine and codeine known as “purple drank.”

Mac Miller’s death is absolutely tragic. Unfortunately, the narrative that immediately followed his passing has also been heartbreaking.

Awful trolls blamed Ariana Grande for his death.

Suggesting that she should never have broken up with him, or at least not found happiness when she moved on, people actually sought to fault his ex.

In reality, Miller’s substance abuse problem was a huge factor in Ariana’s decision to break up with him in the first place.

The right narrative is that it’s tragic for such a talented young man to die at 26.

Addiction is almost certainly to blame.

We hope that investigators, even working without all of the evidence that they might like, will be able to provide closure to Miller’s family, friends, and fans.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mac Miller"s Home Cleaned After Drug OD, Sources Claim

Mac Miller’s house did not look like the backdrop for a drug binge … but that’s exactly what cops think went down. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, they only found a tiny amount of white powder when they searched the home for clues as to how Mac…


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky Cleaned Out in $1 Million Burglary

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky were cleaned out of all their jewelry — many of the pieces extremely sentimental and irreplaceable — and the burglars’ haul was north of a million dollars. Law enforcement and family sources tell TMZ, Wednesday’s…
