Showing posts with label Otherwise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otherwise. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

T.I. I Believe Breezy ... Until Evidence Shows Otherwise


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T.I. I Believe Breezy ... Until Evidence Shows Otherwise

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Kim & Kanye A New Surrogate for Baby No. 4 ... Prior Surrogate Otherwise Occupied

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have gone with a different surrogate to deliver their new baby — but it ain’t because they didn’t like the last one … she was simply unavailable.
Sources close to the couple tell TMZ … Kim and Kanye hired a new woman to carry...
Kim & Kanye A New Surrogate for Baby No. 4 ... Prior Surrogate Otherwise Occupied

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sylvester Stallone Reported Dead; Actor Claims Otherwise

According to a number of social media accounts out there, Sylvester Stallone is dead.

The veteran actor has passed away from prostate cancer, one Twitter user has alleged, writing online that Stallone kept his illness a “secret” for as long as possible…

… but, in the end, was unable to “beat” the terrible disease.

Along with this claim, the same Twitter user included photos of Stallone seemingly going bald, presumably from chemotherapy.

Here’s the thing, however:

Stallone has come out and shot down this allegation, responding on his own Twitter page that he is, in fact, alive.

Sharing the initial report, along with the aforementioned pictures, Stallone wrote the following as a message he REALLY hopes can make its way around the Internet quickly:

Please ignore this stupidity… Alive and well and happy and healthy… Still punching!


We’re pretty sure the Creed sequel is filming at the moment, which may explain why Stallone is missing most of his hair in those disturbing snapshots.

Even if they are not from the star reprising his iconic role of Rocky Balboa, they may be taken from a different role Stallone is shooting for the big screen.

Or perhaps Stallone’s hair really is falling out.

The important point to remember here is that Sylvester Stallone is alive.

In case you don’t believe Sly himself, the actor’s younger brother, Frank Stallone, also took to social media to slam this hurtful gossip.

He didn’t really see the humor in the death hoax.

“Rumors that my brother is dead are false,” wrote Frank, adding:

“What kind of sick demented cruel mind thinks of things like this to post? People like this are mentally deranged and don’t deserve a place in society.”

We agree.

Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time a rumor about Stallone’s demise has surfaced online.

In September of 2016, talk of Stallone having been found dead at his Los Angeles home circulated all over Facebook.

We’re just happy neither of these claims proved to be accurate.

For one thing, we don’t wish death of anyone.

For another, we’re psyched for Creed 2.

And for another, if Stallone can’t throw on some stars-and-strips shorts and defeat a steroid-using Russian boxer who killed his best friend… there’s no hope at all to solve this latest version of the Cold War.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Anne Hathaway Throws Clear Shade at the Kardashians, Then Claims Otherwise

Come on, Anne Hathaway. 

Stick by your hateful guns, will ya?

On Monday, the Oscar-winning actress shared a version of a popular meme on Instagram, one that urges people to be different “in a world of Kardashians.”

In this case, Hathaway wrote “In a world of Kardashians … Be a Helena Bonham Carter.”

She included with the message a photo of the the veteran actress with her signature messy hair in a ponytail, her hands clutching a plain coffee mug.

“(Red) Queen,” Hathaway captioned the picture, referring to Carter’s Alice Through the Looking Glass character.

The two stars portray sisters in the brand new fantasy film. 

The Instagram post was met with some harsh backlash from Internet users who thought Hathaway was tearing down other women.

Which she clearly was. But who cares? What if those other women deserve it?

Isn’t it sexist to argue that one woman can’t make fun of another woman… just because they are women?

“Really Anne? You don’t have to put other people down to bring someone up,” one Instagram user wrote as an example of the criticism.

Wilting under these negative words, Hathaway deleted the original message and then shared a new one. It reads:

shade thrown


Like we said above: come on, Anne Hathaway!

There was no “unintentional shade” thrown at the Keeping Up with the Kardashians stars here.

That was some very intentional shade thrown. You wrote that the world is full of people like these reality stars and that folks should aim higher.

You were implying that the Kardashians are focused on the superficial and that there’s more to life than being famous and showing a lot of skin.

That’s a good message! That’s empowering to women! Why take it back and/or claim you didn’t mean it in the first place?

It’s not like you’d be alone in hating on these sisters. See what we mean below: