Showing posts with label Hathaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hathaway. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2018

"Wicked Tuna" Star William Hathaway Dead at 36 ... After Car Crash

William “Willbilly” Hathaway — a featured cast member on National Geographic’s “Wicked Tuna” — has died after he was involved in a fatal car crash over the weekend.
According to local reports, Hathaway died Saturday in Salisbury, Maryland after he...
"Wicked Tuna" Star William Hathaway Dead at 36 ... After Car Crash

"Wicked Tuna" Star William Hathaway Dead at 36 ... After Car Crash

William “Willbilly” Hathaway — a featured cast member on National Geographic’s “Wicked Tuna” — has died after he was involved in a fatal car crash over the weekend.
According to local reports, Hathaway died Saturday in Salisbury, Maryland after he...
"Wicked Tuna" Star William Hathaway Dead at 36 ... After Car Crash

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Anne Hathaway at the 2018 Met Gala

Anne Hathaway at the 2018 Met Gala


Anne Hathaway at the 2018 Met Gala

Anne Hathaway at the 2018 Met Gala


Monday, November 27, 2017

Anne Hathaway Buys Connecticut Home for $2.79 Million

Anne Hathaway was in the Thanksgiving spirit last week because she went old-school colonial. The Oscar-winning actress closed on a beautiful 5 bed, 5.5 bath Westport, Connecticut house. The 4,561 sq. ft. house — built in 1920 — features a…


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Anne Hathaway Gets Free Fancy Feast Thanks To "Ocean"s Eight"

Anne Hathaway’s role in “Ocean’s Eight” is literally putting food on the table … because movie producers just picked up a pricey dinner tab for the actress. Hathaway and hubby Adam Shulman hit up Philippe Chow in NYC Friday night and unknown to…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Anne Hathaway Empowers Women with Positive Body Image Message

Anne Hathaway is officially the anti-Kim Kardashian.

Because she hasn’t starred in a sex tape? No.

Well… yes.

But the real reason we’re making this point is because Hathaway just shared an important message with women around the world.

And it’s the sort of thing Kardashian would never, ever, ever, ever, EVER say.

The Oscar winner, who gave birth to her first child in March, shared a photo on her social media account this week of a pair of cut-up denim jeans.

For what possible reason?!?

Allow her to explain…


“There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or ever),” she wrote, adding:

“There is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight (if you want to lose it at all).”

We can’t help but stop here and bring up Kardashian once again by asking:

Can you imagine her sending along the same message?

Kim has spent nearly every social media post since she gave birth talking about how she ABSOLUTELY NEEDS to shed her baby weight.

Is it alright for a new mother to have this goal? To want to feel better about her figure? Of course.

But it’s not alright for someone as influential as Kim Kardashian (it’s depressing, but true) to make it seem like such a priority.

It sets a very poor example.

Hathaway, meanwhile, is taking the opposite approach.

“There is no shame in finally breaking down and making your own jean shorts because last summer’s are just too dang short for this summer’s thighs,” the mother of one explained  of the above picture.

“Bodies change. Bodies grow. Bodies shrink. It’s all love (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.)”

Thank you, Anne! Preach on!

Back in May, Hathaway threw a bit of shade at Kim Kardashian as well.

At the time, the actress shared a version of a popular meme on Instagram, one that urged folks to be different “in a world of Kardashians.”

She added “In a world of Kardashians … Be a Helena Bonham Carter” to the meme.

In other words: in a world where people without character or talent can be so famous, try to be someone who has character and talent.

Hathaway welcomed her son Jonathan Rosebanks with husband Adam Shulman (pictured below) in March.

We hope the little guy appreciates his awesome mother.

With one Instagram post, Hathaway just empowered women more than Kim Kardashian ever has.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Anne Hathaway Throws Clear Shade at the Kardashians, Then Claims Otherwise

Come on, Anne Hathaway. 

Stick by your hateful guns, will ya?

On Monday, the Oscar-winning actress shared a version of a popular meme on Instagram, one that urges people to be different “in a world of Kardashians.”

In this case, Hathaway wrote “In a world of Kardashians … Be a Helena Bonham Carter.”

She included with the message a photo of the the veteran actress with her signature messy hair in a ponytail, her hands clutching a plain coffee mug.

“(Red) Queen,” Hathaway captioned the picture, referring to Carter’s Alice Through the Looking Glass character.

The two stars portray sisters in the brand new fantasy film. 

The Instagram post was met with some harsh backlash from Internet users who thought Hathaway was tearing down other women.

Which she clearly was. But who cares? What if those other women deserve it?

Isn’t it sexist to argue that one woman can’t make fun of another woman… just because they are women?

“Really Anne? You don’t have to put other people down to bring someone up,” one Instagram user wrote as an example of the criticism.

Wilting under these negative words, Hathaway deleted the original message and then shared a new one. It reads:

shade thrown


Like we said above: come on, Anne Hathaway!

There was no “unintentional shade” thrown at the Keeping Up with the Kardashians stars here.

That was some very intentional shade thrown. You wrote that the world is full of people like these reality stars and that folks should aim higher.

You were implying that the Kardashians are focused on the superficial and that there’s more to life than being famous and showing a lot of skin.

That’s a good message! That’s empowering to women! Why take it back and/or claim you didn’t mean it in the first place?

It’s not like you’d be alone in hating on these sisters. See what we mean below:

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Anne Hathaway Gives Birth to a Boy!

Anne Hathaway may have won an Oscar for her role in Les Miserables.

But the actress has no reason to be miserable at the moment. Quite the opposite, in fact.

We’d have to imagine Hathaway is walking on sunshine… because she just gave birth to her first child!

In news broken by E!, Hathaway and husband Adam Shulman welcomed a precious boy named Jonathan Rosebanks Shulman into the world on March 24.

The blessed event took place in Los Angeles.

“The baby is extremely healthy and is surrounded by friends and family in L.A.,” an insider says. “Anne and Adam are ecstatic to be parents.”

Going way back to an interview with Vogue in 2013, the Oscar winner was very open about her hopes and dreams of starting a family someday.

“Oh, my God. I want to be a mother, and I anticipate loving my children quite fiercely,” she said.

“I think about it all the time, though it’s a silly thing to think about because the kind of mother I’ll be depends on the kind of children I have. I can’t wait to meet them.”

And now she finally has! Hooray!

We send our best wishes to Hathaway, to Baby Hathaway and to all the new famous mothers in 2016!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Anne Hathaway: Give Jennifer Lawrence a Break, People!

Former “It Girl” Anne Hathaway has taken to Facebook to defend newly-fallen “It Girl” Jennifer Lawrence.

Earlier this week, the Joy actress was criticized for scolding a journalist over staring at his phone during an interview with her after she won the award for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical.

The internet got collectively pissed, deeming J. Law rude and out of line because the reporter was clearly foreign and may have been consulting his phone to translate the question.

Today, Anne Hathaway swooped in to offer her thoughts on the controversy, writing:

“Dear the Internet,

It’s become pretty clear that the Jennifer Lawrence ‘scolding’ was taken out of context and that she was dryly joking with a journalist who was indeed using his phone to take photos of her.” 

But the Les Miserables actress may have been calling attention to a larger issue.

“Let’s not continue the sad but common practice of building people – especially women- up just to viciously tear them down when we perceive them to have misstepped. Jennifer is a beautiful, talented, wildly successful, popular, FOUR TIME OSCAR NOMINATED young woman. Please let us not punish her for these things. Sincerely, A J-Law fan ‪#‎supportstrongwomen‬ ‪#‎imwithher‬ ‪#‎whycantwegiveloveonemorechance‬”

The day after the Globes, Mic ran an article entitled “We Have Reached Peak Jennifer Lawrence,” which basically declared Jen’s “It Girl” status as so over.

Meaning, after a few years as America’s favorite cool girl for acting quirky, down-to-earth and relatable, J. Law was now a universally-hated bitch due to this one faux pas – even though she may not be to blame.

“None of this is Lawrence’s fault,” opined the author, Kevin O’Keeffe. “This is how Hollywood works. Actresses are hot one second and annoying the next. Anne Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet can empathize.”

We can only imagine Anne jumped out of her easy chair and responded with a resounding, “YES!!! Finally, somebody understands me!”

Now maybe Annie and Jenny could grab Gwynnie and have a sleepover in which they eat Kit Kats Kourtney Kardashian-style and reminisce about the good ol’ days when they got one million faves on Twitter for posting “Good morning.”

And maybe, just maybe, we can try and give these ladies a break.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Anne Hathaway Effs Over Paparazzi with Pregnant Bikini Photo

Anne Hathaway is pregnant with her first child.

But while the actress has gained a lot of weight while growing a person inside of her womb, she has not lose her sense of humor.

Or her sense of vengeance.

The Oscar-winning beauty, who announced her pregnancy late November, shared a bikini photo on her Instagram account over the weekend after spotting paparazzi members taking snapshots of her during a recent vacation.

She figured she’d give away her beach body for free instead of permitting them to make a few bucks off of it by acting like pathetic stalkers.

“Happy 2016 to my beautiful Instafriends!” Hathaway wrote as a caption, explaining why this photo now exists online:

“So, posting a bikini pic is a little out of character for me, but just now while I was at the beach I noticed I was being photographed.

“I figure if this kind of photo is going to be out in the world it should at least be an image that makes me happy (and be one that was taken with my consent. And with a filter.”

Hathaway closed the caption with a smiley face emoji, along with a wish for fans and friends to enjoy “love, light and blessings for the year ahead!”

We wish the very same to you, Anne.

And we can’t wait to meet your precious bundle of joy!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Anne Hathaway: Pregnant With First Baby!

According to a report from E! News, Anne Hathaway is expecting her first child!

“Anne is in her second trimester and feeling great!” said a rep for the 33-year-old in a statement issued today.

The news comes on the heels of rumors that Hathaway was planning to adopt after having difficulty conceiving.

Hathaway married actor Adam Shulman in 2012. In the years since, rumors that Hathaway is pregnant have surfaced every few months.

The actress has spoken openly about her desire to start a family in the past:

“I want to be a mother, and I anticipate loving my children quite fiercely,” Anne said in an interview back in 2013.

“I think about it all the time, though it’s a silly thing to think about because the kind of mother I’ll be depends on the kind of children I have. I can’t wait to meet them.” 

Hathaway has stated that she’s known she wanted to be a mother since she was in high school.

Though the couple has yet to confirm the news, sources say Anne and Adam are ecstatic about their forthcoming bundle of joy.

Fittingly, Hathaway’s next project is an remake of the 1964 family classic Mary Poppins.