Friday, January 15, 2016

Anne Hathaway: Give Jennifer Lawrence a Break, People!

Former “It Girl” Anne Hathaway has taken to Facebook to defend newly-fallen “It Girl” Jennifer Lawrence.

Earlier this week, the Joy actress was criticized for scolding a journalist over staring at his phone during an interview with her after she won the award for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical.

The internet got collectively pissed, deeming J. Law rude and out of line because the reporter was clearly foreign and may have been consulting his phone to translate the question.

Today, Anne Hathaway swooped in to offer her thoughts on the controversy, writing:

“Dear the Internet,

It’s become pretty clear that the Jennifer Lawrence ‘scolding’ was taken out of context and that she was dryly joking with a journalist who was indeed using his phone to take photos of her.” 

But the Les Miserables actress may have been calling attention to a larger issue.

“Let’s not continue the sad but common practice of building people – especially women- up just to viciously tear them down when we perceive them to have misstepped. Jennifer is a beautiful, talented, wildly successful, popular, FOUR TIME OSCAR NOMINATED young woman. Please let us not punish her for these things. Sincerely, A J-Law fan ‪#‎supportstrongwomen‬ ‪#‎imwithher‬ ‪#‎whycantwegiveloveonemorechance‬”

The day after the Globes, Mic ran an article entitled “We Have Reached Peak Jennifer Lawrence,” which basically declared Jen’s “It Girl” status as so over.

Meaning, after a few years as America’s favorite cool girl for acting quirky, down-to-earth and relatable, J. Law was now a universally-hated bitch due to this one faux pas – even though she may not be to blame.

“None of this is Lawrence’s fault,” opined the author, Kevin O’Keeffe. “This is how Hollywood works. Actresses are hot one second and annoying the next. Anne Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet can empathize.”

We can only imagine Anne jumped out of her easy chair and responded with a resounding, “YES!!! Finally, somebody understands me!”

Now maybe Annie and Jenny could grab Gwynnie and have a sleepover in which they eat Kit Kats Kourtney Kardashian-style and reminisce about the good ol’ days when they got one million faves on Twitter for posting “Good morning.”

And maybe, just maybe, we can try and give these ladies a break.