Showing posts with label Effs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Effs. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

Anne Hathaway Effs Over Paparazzi with Pregnant Bikini Photo

Anne Hathaway is pregnant with her first child.

But while the actress has gained a lot of weight while growing a person inside of her womb, she has not lose her sense of humor.

Or her sense of vengeance.

The Oscar-winning beauty, who announced her pregnancy late November, shared a bikini photo on her Instagram account over the weekend after spotting paparazzi members taking snapshots of her during a recent vacation.

She figured she’d give away her beach body for free instead of permitting them to make a few bucks off of it by acting like pathetic stalkers.

“Happy 2016 to my beautiful Instafriends!” Hathaway wrote as a caption, explaining why this photo now exists online:

“So, posting a bikini pic is a little out of character for me, but just now while I was at the beach I noticed I was being photographed.

“I figure if this kind of photo is going to be out in the world it should at least be an image that makes me happy (and be one that was taken with my consent. And with a filter.”

Hathaway closed the caption with a smiley face emoji, along with a wish for fans and friends to enjoy “love, light and blessings for the year ahead!”

We wish the very same to you, Anne.

And we can’t wait to meet your precious bundle of joy!