Showing posts with label 'Rockstar'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Rockstar'. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Rockstar Get Sent Home?

Rockstar and Kaycee were on the block at the top of Thursday’s episode of Big Brother, and Rockstar was not giving up in her campaign to stay in the game. 

She reeled in Brett and had meetings with him to say that they could be in an alliance and that nobody would know. As deluded as Rockstar is, it made for good TV as she thought Brett had ditched his allies. 

In a sense, Brett was distancing himself from Level Six, so it was helping his game by showing that he could be easily pulled into another alliance. 

Rockstar then turned to Kaycee to say that Angela was the original target and that it would have been better just to keep her up there. 

What Rockstar did next was one of the funniest moments of the entire season. She said that with Angela being an “entitled little b–tch,” it was going to result in Kaycee being sent home at the eviction. 

Kaycee happily took this conversation to Angela and said that it was time to take all of the others out of the house. It’s embarrassing that Rockstar would name call just because she’s so terrible at the game. 

Angela, Tyler, and Kaycee are great at the game and are doing their best to work on lining up their targets for eviction. 

Going into the eviction, Rockstar thought the had Brett, Sam, and Scottie’s votes to stay in the game. Faysal’s vote was redundant because the hacker was always going to take him out of the pool of votes.

Before we got to the live vote, we learned that Haleigh and Faysal’s relationship is going from strength to strength as they shared their first kiss. 

Things took a surprising turn when Faysal broke the HOH bathroom sink, but there’s a clear connection between the two, and they need each other as they head into the final few weeks of the game. 

At the live vote, Kaycee brought up the all-girls alliance in an attempt to prove that Rockstar was just as sketchy as she was implying everyone else was.  

Meanwhile, Rockstar opted to throw the Tyler, Angela, Kaycee trio under the bus, but it sounded like she was jealous of their stance in the game more than anything. 

Rockstar was evicted by a vote of 5-1 and took it very well. Her interview was entertaining because she owned that she was not the best person at the game, and tried to figure out who voted to keep her. 

The next HOH competition kicked off, and it was titled “Glow and Flow.” The houseguests had to slide across the slippery slope to fill up a container with liquid. 

We never got to learn who won, but Faysal appeared to have an advantage early on. It would be great to see him win and save Haleigh. 

What are your thoughts on the latest eviction?

Who should win the game?

Hit the comments!

 Big Brother continues Sunday at 8/7c.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Anyone Believe Rockstar?!

Big Brother Season 20 may have had a slow start, but the drama and controversy is starting to kick off. 

We picked up with the HOH competition, and Angie was out for blood. She was mad at the fact that Brett lied about the hinky vote on her daughter’s birthday. 

Angie could not help but say she was targeting Brett. But things did not go her way, and she was actually first out of the competition. 

She cheered when Brett fell soon after, and if anything, it painted a target on her back. It came down to Tyler and Sam, and Tyler wanted to make a deal because he did not want everyone thinking they were working together. 

You know, Tyler has been controlling the vote for several weeks, and it’s hilarious that nobody has figured out he’s playing all sides of the house. 

Sam won the HOH and quickly laid down the law with her fellow houseguests. She said she wanted the room to herself, and that nobody would be up there with her. 

She then went on to say that she had already made her mind up who she was nominating and that she would not be holding meetings. 

It was a ballsy move but proved that Sam wanted a break from all of the scheming. 

After that, Rockstar went forward with her plan to get back at Brett. She chased him down with pots and pans and chanted about them working in an alliance together. 

The rest of the house laughed, but it was evident they were getting tired of all the screaming after it went on, and on. 

Kaitlyn then turned to Faysal for attention, and he did not want to give her time of day. He was worried that he was being played by two people close to him because the votes never go the way they are supposed to. 

Kaitlyn burst into tears for being put on blast, and Faisyal opened up about his lack of trust in many people in the house because he’s being played. 

The life coach subsequently concluded that Sam must have been the one to flip the two votes with her power, and everyone in her alliance seemingly got on board with it. 

Before we got to the nominations, there was a flashback as we got to see a heated argument between JC and Bayliegh. 

Bayliegh wanted to know whether JC is a dwarf. “I’m just a short guy,” he responded, but Bayliegh then asked if there was a difference between “a midget and a dwarf.”

JC then went into detail about how the word “midget” was offensive to him, and compared it to the N word. But the issue for Bayliegh was that JC said the full word. 

It resulted in a big bust-up with Bayliegh leaving the situation. JC later managed to talk her around, and they bonded over the things that happened to them growing up. 

At the nomination ceremony, Sam nominated Haleigh and Kaitlyn for eviction, saying that the way they pursue the younger men in the house is “the opposite of female empowerment.”

Sam backed up her claim in the diary room, saying that she was tired of women taking “the easy way.”

What are your thoughts on this episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS!


Friday, July 20, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won HOH? Did Rockstar Get Revenge?

Last night’s episode of Big Brother sent Winston Hines out the door, but before we got to that Brett Robinson made up a lie that Angie “Rockstar” Langtry offered to keep him safe at the eviction. 

It set off a huge argument between the pair just as Winston was walking out the door.

The reason for that was Brett’s lie, coupled with the fact that the votes did not go the way Faysal, Kaitlyn, and Bayley expected, it looked like Rockstar had gone rogue. 

In reality, Brett pulled off the trick to conceal Tyler’s true vote (to keep Brett), and it successfully caused a whole lot of drama. 

The Head of Household competition played out live on the feeds, and it featured the houseguests holding on to a tree for dear life as they were hit with terrible weather, honey, and other crazy things. 

Angie dropped first and burst into tears as Scottie comforted her. She then sat down, and wished good luck to “everyone but Brett.”

Brett fell not long after, and Angie acted like a kid at an ice cream store. She cheered and essentially said, “In your face, bish.”

We kid about the last part, but you get what we mean. 

In the end, Sam emerged as the winner, meaning she is safe for the week. This is good news for Tyler because he’s generally the one pulling strings and Sam is his ride or die. 

After the competition, there was paranoia around the house as Kaitlyn, Faysal and Bayliegh wondered what happened with the votes. 

Kaitlyn then proceeded to through Angie under the bus, saying that she believes she flipped and that they should target her for eviction. 

However, Faysal and Bayliegh wondered whether Kaitlyn was the one to flip and was trying to conceal it. Haleigh offered up a theory: 

What if Sam had the power to flip two votes?

We can confirm, that was not the case, but what happened after Haleigh floated that idea will go down as one of the funniest moments on the feeds thus far. 

Kaitlyn claimed that her intuition told her that was the case. Yet, it was Haleigh that said it mere moments before. 

Will Kaitlyn ever give credit where credit’s due?

As for the nominations, Sam revealed that she has two people in mind, but she’s keeping it well under wraps. 

Okay then. That’s not so good for live feeders, but whatever, we’re sure she’ll open up to Tyler over the weekend. 

What are your thoughts on the latest round of spoilers?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bishop Curry Gets the Rockstar Treatment in NYC After Royal Wedding

Bishop Curry is getting major love in New York City after preaching about it at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding.  We got the bishop in NYC Tuesday, where he was making the media rounds after his powerful sermon, hypothesizing on a…


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Rockstar Pete Wentz Says Eagles" Carson Wentz Has His MVP Vote

Tom Brady? Russell Wilson? Nah … the NFL’s 2017 MVP trophy belongs to Eagles QB Carson Wentz — so says last-name bro Pete Wentz. We got the other celeb Wentz fresh off a trip to Philly — and the Fall Out Boy bassist told TMZ Sports his honorary…


Rockstar Pete Wentz Says Eagles" Carson Wentz Has His MVP Vote

Tom Brady? Russell Wilson? Nah … the NFL’s 2017 MVP trophy belongs to Eagles QB Carson Wentz — so says last-name bro Pete Wentz. We got the other celeb Wentz fresh off a trip to Philly — and the Fall Out Boy bassist told TMZ Sports his honorary…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Guess Who This Rockstar Turned Into!

Before this KISS fanatic was performing insane stunts for the camera, he was just another rockin’ kid with an air guitar growing up in Florida. Can you guess who he is?


Guess Who This Rockstar Turned Into!

Before this KISS fanatic was performing insane stunts for the camera, he was just another rockin’ kid with an air guitar growing up in Florida. Can you guess who he is?


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Post Malone Has a Hard Time Smashing a Guitar While Performing "Rockstar"

Post Malone quickly realized technique is everything if you wanna be a guitar-smashing rock star — but he was still able to live up to his own song title. Eventually. Post was doing a show Tuesday night in Fort Lauderdale, when he had Postmates…
