Friday, July 20, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won HOH? Did Rockstar Get Revenge?

Last night’s episode of Big Brother sent Winston Hines out the door, but before we got to that Brett Robinson made up a lie that Angie “Rockstar” Langtry offered to keep him safe at the eviction. 

It set off a huge argument between the pair just as Winston was walking out the door.

The reason for that was Brett’s lie, coupled with the fact that the votes did not go the way Faysal, Kaitlyn, and Bayley expected, it looked like Rockstar had gone rogue. 

In reality, Brett pulled off the trick to conceal Tyler’s true vote (to keep Brett), and it successfully caused a whole lot of drama. 

The Head of Household competition played out live on the feeds, and it featured the houseguests holding on to a tree for dear life as they were hit with terrible weather, honey, and other crazy things. 

Angie dropped first and burst into tears as Scottie comforted her. She then sat down, and wished good luck to “everyone but Brett.”

Brett fell not long after, and Angie acted like a kid at an ice cream store. She cheered and essentially said, “In your face, bish.”

We kid about the last part, but you get what we mean. 

In the end, Sam emerged as the winner, meaning she is safe for the week. This is good news for Tyler because he’s generally the one pulling strings and Sam is his ride or die. 

After the competition, there was paranoia around the house as Kaitlyn, Faysal and Bayliegh wondered what happened with the votes. 

Kaitlyn then proceeded to through Angie under the bus, saying that she believes she flipped and that they should target her for eviction. 

However, Faysal and Bayliegh wondered whether Kaitlyn was the one to flip and was trying to conceal it. Haleigh offered up a theory: 

What if Sam had the power to flip two votes?

We can confirm, that was not the case, but what happened after Haleigh floated that idea will go down as one of the funniest moments on the feeds thus far. 

Kaitlyn claimed that her intuition told her that was the case. Yet, it was Haleigh that said it mere moments before. 

Will Kaitlyn ever give credit where credit’s due?

As for the nominations, Sam revealed that she has two people in mind, but she’s keeping it well under wraps. 

Okay then. That’s not so good for live feeders, but whatever, we’re sure she’ll open up to Tyler over the weekend. 

What are your thoughts on the latest round of spoilers?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS!
