Showing posts with label Teaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teaches. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Niecy Nash says Cosby Case Teaches Us Believe Trump, Kavanaugh Accusers Too

Niecy Nash says it’s great Bill Cosby finally got what he deserved, and there are some lessons to be learned from his case … lessons she thinks apply to President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. We got Niecy at LAX and got her take on…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jill Duggar Teaches Kids "God"s Plan For Sex" Education, Makes Derick Proud

Jill Duggar is under fire yet again, this time for teaching her young kids sex education, and for the material she’s chosen to do so.

Despite being fired from Counting On, Jill and husband Derick Dillard have stayed in the spotlight thanks to their social media presence.

Even Jim Bob wishes they wouldn’t.

The latest controversy involving the Family Dillard echoes, albeit less drastically, some of the views that led to TLC firing them.

As you can see below, Jill shared a picture on Instagram of the cover of a book that she’s reading to her two young children.

Her sons are 3 and 1, respectively.

Reading to little kids before they can fully comprehend the material is something we all do, but the book here is “The Story of Me.”

This publication appears to be a sex-education book designed with young children in mind … and a very Duggar one at that.

“Want to teach your kids about the [birds] and the [bees] before someone else does, but you don’t know where to start?” Jill asks.

“Someone [told us] about these books (4 book set) and we love them! Learn more on our *resources page* on our website!” 

Naturally, Jill is shilling for the book as some kind of promotional endeavor, but for once, that’s not where some fans have a problem.

The cover, which boasts the fact that it’s a Christian Book Award winner, proclaims that it will teach us “God’s Design for Sex.” 

The book’s description: “It’s never too early to begin giving your child a practical understanding of his or her unique, beautiful body.”

Nothing too polarizing there. But …

It also explains “why God designed it (your body) to be exactly the way it is.” A thinly-veiled dig at the transgender community?

Maybe not so veiled at all.

It discusses “the specialness of being made a boy or a girl” and “why God wants each baby to have a mommy and a daddy.”

Naturally, fans used to Derick’s social media rants against gay marriage and various transgender stars weren’t too surprised.

Derick has notably gone off on TLC’s Jazz Jennings, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, and the cast of Lost in Transition.

With this context, it’s no surprise that the couple’s surprising sex ed endeavors reopened old wounds with fresh criticism.

Hopefully, impressionable Israel and Sam get a lot out of the “proper names” and “realistic illustrations” of their anatomy.

It’s God’s design, after all.

The wisdom of teaching kids about intimacy at such a young age is debatable in and of itself, but these are the Dillards.

When it comes to indoctrinating the next transphobic and homophobic generation, you might as well start ‘em young?


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Justin Bieber Teaches Fiancee Hailey Baldwin To Golf

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have been engaged for a little over a week, but they’re already like an old, retired married couple … spending their free time golfing.  Bieber played golf instructor at a Top Golf Sunday in Alpharetta, GA,…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Nursery Rhyme Teaches Kids About School Shootings, Lockdowns

The mother of a 5-year-old girl is outraged by this nursery rhyme she found posted in the school her daughter might attend — a rhyme that teaches kids how to prepare for a mass shooting. Georgy Cohen shared this pic of the rhyme, which is going…


Nursery Rhyme Teaches Kids About School Shootings, Lockdowns

The mother of a 5-year-old girl is outraged by this nursery rhyme she found posted in the school her daughter might attend — a rhyme that teaches kids how to prepare for a mass shooting. Georgy Cohen shared this pic of the rhyme, which is going…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Jessica Biel Teaches 2-Year Old About Sex. But Should She?

Jessica Biel believes in being open and very honest with her young son.

And this belief system has now gotten the actress in trouble with some critics on the Internet.

Speaking at the 2018 MAKERS Conference on Tuesday, Biel sat on a panel with CEO of WCG and CEO of Evofem Biosciences Saundra Pelletier and ex-Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Elaine Welteroth.

At one point in their candid conversation, the topics turned to kids, sex and relationships.

“How do parents…pick up where sex education leaves off in the school system?” Welteroth asked the other two women, which prompted some interesting comments from Biel.

“In my household, I have a two and a half year old and we’re starting now,” the actress explained, referencing her husband (someone named Justin Timberlake) and their son, Silas.

She continued:

“We shower together, and [we say], ‘This is what I’ve got. This is what you’ve got.

“We just talk about it. I know it’s really young, but I really believe that if you start this early, there’s no shame.

“I don’t want to tell him, ‘Keep your private parts,’ and this and that. It’s a beautiful thing. You have it and mine is different and it’s cool, man.

“We have to respect ourselves and respect each other.”

Biel also said that she and Timberlake don’t sugar coat the names of their private parts with any silly terms for the sake of their child.

They went him to understand how everything works and what everything is really called.

“I think I still go back to this idea that it doesn’t have to be so serious,” Biel said of sex education, adding:

“If you want to laugh and say vagina and laugh or say penis or whatever, well do it! Laugh and get it out, get the giggles out and then ask the real question that you know you have.

“I think that’s always what happened to me when I was young… you could barely get past the giggles to ask the real question, which was a really probably important question that as a young person you needed to know.”

It’s a fair point.

If parents are not open with their children about this topic, the kids may very well try to find out certain answers on their own.

And it’s not hard to imagine this going very poorly.

However, some trolls out there are aghast that Biel would go anywhere near the subject of sex with her two-year old son.

She’s being called “stupid” and “disgusting” and lots of other mean words.

To wit:

gross comments

As if these remarks weren’t cruel enough, someone else suggested Biel and Timberlake should not even be allowed to have children.

For real:

gross comments

It’s a pretty interesting debate, right?

Not whether Jessica and Justin ought to be parents. That’s unfair, close-minded and downright absurd.

But at what age do you talk sex with your kids? At what age do you give them an idea of what’s going on with their bodies and how they came into the world?

Is Biel being a responsible mother here?

Or is she getting too far ahead of things with young and impressionable Silas?


Friday, January 26, 2018

Chris Hemsworth Teaches 3-Year-Old Sons to Surf

Chris Hemsworth’s mini-me caught a clean wave Down Under worthy of a standing O. Thor and his wife, Elsa Pataky, took their 3-year-old twin sons, Sasha and Tristan, to Byron Bay in Australia for surfing lessons. Sasha wasted no time…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Alec Baldwin Teaches Boy Donald Trump Impersonation and It"s SO FANTASTIC!!! (VIDEO)

Alec Baldwin’s got his Donald Trump replacement lined up if ‘SNL’ ever needs one … and he’s just great, so great!!! Alec teaches a young boy his hilarious impression of the prez. The kid — a kid reporter, we think — scored when he got Alec…


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Khloe Teaches Kim a Lesson About Love

With all due respect (sort of), Kim Kardashian does not exactly comprehend the concept of marriage.

She"s currently on her third husband and one of her marriages lasted a grand total of 72 days.

So Khloe Kardashian does her best to set her sister straight in the following sneak peek at Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11.

It all starts with Kim giving Khloe props for seemingly being over Lamar Odom… finally.

"I feel like you finally are done," Kim tells Khloe. "You"re way closer to being over it, where before I thought you were so into it. I was like, ‘Oh God, here we go.""

It"s very safe to assume that this scripted scene took place long before Odom fell unconscious at a brothel in Las Vegas, an incident which has changed the dynamic between him and Khloe.

For legal/medical purposes, they have even called off their divorce.

But even before she had to care for her estranged husband, Khloe continued to care about him.

That"s what love and marriage is all about.

That"s what Kim doesn"t seem to get.

"You mistake my kindness for me going back with someone," Khloe replies her to Kim.

"You don"t marry someone and then you could cut them out of your life that easily. I care about Lamar so I want the best for him. I want the best for his well-being."

Let no one now argue over why Khloe is our favorite family member.

Check out the following scene and then go watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online if you need to remain current on all family happenings.

Khloe kardashian teaches kim kardashian a lesson about love

Friday, September 18, 2015

Farrah Abraham Teaches Sex Ed on Celebrity Big Brother

Remember yesterday when Farrah Abraham humped Jenna Jameson on Celebrity Big Brother?

Well, if you thought for a second that that would be the end of her gross shenanigans, then apparently you don"t know Farrah.

In the clip above, Farrah teaches an impromptu sex ed class by using a banana to demonstrate 

We won"t get into the irony of a woman who"s most famous for getting knocked up as a teen and having paid, unprotected sex on camera lecturing others about safe sex, but we imagine this scene is the producers" idea of a joke.

This all might seem pretty tame for a woman who 69"ed a porn star and threatened to kill her housemates just in the past week, but what really makes this clip worth watching is the voice.

We"ll never understand why Farrah chose a creepy, childlike whisper voice for her demonstration, but we know that we"ll never look at a banana the same way again.

Farrah abraham teaches sex ed on celebrity big brother