Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jill Duggar Teaches Kids "God"s Plan For Sex" Education, Makes Derick Proud

Jill Duggar is under fire yet again, this time for teaching her young kids sex education, and for the material she’s chosen to do so.

Despite being fired from Counting On, Jill and husband Derick Dillard have stayed in the spotlight thanks to their social media presence.

Even Jim Bob wishes they wouldn’t.

The latest controversy involving the Family Dillard echoes, albeit less drastically, some of the views that led to TLC firing them.

As you can see below, Jill shared a picture on Instagram of the cover of a book that she’s reading to her two young children.

Her sons are 3 and 1, respectively.

Reading to little kids before they can fully comprehend the material is something we all do, but the book here is “The Story of Me.”

This publication appears to be a sex-education book designed with young children in mind … and a very Duggar one at that.

“Want to teach your kids about the [birds] and the [bees] before someone else does, but you don’t know where to start?” Jill asks.

“Someone [told us] about these books (4 book set) and we love them! Learn more on our *resources page* on our website!” 

Naturally, Jill is shilling for the book as some kind of promotional endeavor, but for once, that’s not where some fans have a problem.

The cover, which boasts the fact that it’s a Christian Book Award winner, proclaims that it will teach us “God’s Design for Sex.” 

The book’s description: “It’s never too early to begin giving your child a practical understanding of his or her unique, beautiful body.”

Nothing too polarizing there. But …

It also explains “why God designed it (your body) to be exactly the way it is.” A thinly-veiled dig at the transgender community?

Maybe not so veiled at all.

It discusses “the specialness of being made a boy or a girl” and “why God wants each baby to have a mommy and a daddy.”

Naturally, fans used to Derick’s social media rants against gay marriage and various transgender stars weren’t too surprised.

Derick has notably gone off on TLC’s Jazz Jennings, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, and the cast of Lost in Transition.

With this context, it’s no surprise that the couple’s surprising sex ed endeavors reopened old wounds with fresh criticism.

Hopefully, impressionable Israel and Sam get a lot out of the “proper names” and “realistic illustrations” of their anatomy.

It’s God’s design, after all.

The wisdom of teaching kids about intimacy at such a young age is debatable in and of itself, but these are the Dillards.

When it comes to indoctrinating the next transphobic and homophobic generation, you might as well start ‘em young?


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Josie Duggar: Fans Show Concern For 8-Year-Old"s Education

Josie Duggar is the youngest of her parents’ 19 children, and some fans are worried that her needs are being overlooked.

Their concerns were prompted by a photo that’s been making its way across social media this week.

“Look who finished the whole grade! #teacherlife #bestlife,” the pic was captioned.

The source of the photo is unknown, but as In Touch Weekly reports, it’s believed to have originated on the Instagram page of Laurie DeMasie, a longtime friend of Jana Duggar.

The image has been shared numerous times on Reddit’s Duggar-focused message boards.

Unfortunately, the reason for its popularity among Duggar fans has little to do with pride in Josie’s accomplishments, and much to do with concerns that she’s not progressing at the same rate as her peers.

Many commenters on Reddit feel the page of schoolwork that Josie’s displaying may be evidence of a developmental disability.

“Oh no, looking at this photo and the page in that book feels awkward because I teach kids Josie’s age,” one user remarked.

“I feel it’s reasonable to think that she might have special education needs. If so, the Duggars won’t know how to change the education curriculum to suit Josie’s needs.”

The Duggars homeschool their children, and some feel that that practice, combined with the size of the family and Jim Bob and Michelle’s distrust of modern medical testing could lead to some of their children “slipping through the cracks.”

“I worry that JB and Michelle probably are ignorant of education difficulties like Dyslexia (very common, very easily helped if managed properly), and instead having one of their strange IBLP beliefs about ‘curing’ needs like that,” the commenter continued.

One fan suggested that additional cause for concern might be found in Jim Bob and Michelle’s 2011 memoir:

“I think they mentioned in the book JB had Dyslexia,” writes the Reddit user.

Another commenter expressed her belief that even if Josie is suffering from a learning disorder, her parents are primarily to blame for her lack of progress:

“Yeah, it is possible that she has some kind of learning disability or cognitive delay to at least partially explain this,” another user added.

“That said though, my friend teaches Grade 2, so her oldest students might be Josie’s age, and from what she has told me even her most delayed student (who has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) is doing work that is harder than this.”

She added that the same controversial homeschool curriculum that “worked” for the older Duggar children may prove insufficient to Josie’s needs:

“It might be a combination of Josie having extra difficulties, and neither the Duggars nor any of their tutors knowing how to teach special ed, but we don’t know for sure, and every child is different.” 

It’s unlikely that the Duggars will ever comment on this matter themselves.

But clearly, fans are hoping Josie’s parents will do everything in their power to find whatever help she needs.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Melissa Gilbert Slams Education Secretary Betsy DeVos as "Moron"

Melissa Gilbert wants people to know how she really feels about Betsy DeVos, who, for starters .. Melissa considers a total embarrassment to their home state. And, that’s the nicest thing she said. The former “Little House on the Prairie”…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Charles Barkley Praises NCAA, "Black Kids Getting Free Education"

Charles Barkley says college basketball is still GREAT because it helps black kids get a free college education — and he dismisses the NCAA recruiting scandals as a few bad apples.  “The NCAA has some issues,” Barkley told Adam Glynn in NYC…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Eagles Star Chris Long Donating 2017 NFL Salary to Youth Education

Eagles star Chris Long is droppin’ a fat stack of cash on youth education in America … pledging his entire 2017 NFL base salary — an even $ 1 MIL — to various initiatives. Long just announced that his last 10 game checks will go to 4…


Friday, February 10, 2017

Education Sec. Betsy DeVos Gets Shamed, "Game of Thrones" Style (VIDEO)

Education Sec. Betsy DeVos had a loud, angry face-to-face clash with protesters … which sounded like a recreation of a famous “Game of Thrones” scene. DeVos, in only her 2nd fully day on the job, was attempting to visit Jefferson Academy in…


Education Sec. Betsy DeVos Gets Shamed, "Game of Thrones" Style (VIDEO)

Education Sec. Betsy DeVos had a loud, angry face-to-face clash with protesters … which sounded like a recreation of a famous “Game of Thrones” scene. DeVos, in only her 2nd fully day on the job, was attempting to visit Jefferson Academy in…
