Showing posts with label Nursery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nursery. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

Nursery Rhyme Prepares Children to Hide During School Shootings

This may send chills down your spine. It should.

A woman tweeted about a horrifying poem — written to a hauntingly familiar tune — that she saw posted on the wall of her child’s future classroom.

It’s to prepare for lockdowns in the event of a school shooting.


On Tuesday, June 5, Somerville Schools posted on Facebook:

“Tomorrow is Kindergarten Transition Day, when incoming Kindergarteners spend he day visiting their new school and learning about Kindergarten.”

That is not uncommon for schools, especially elementary schools that have any sort of partnership with specific pre-K programs or facilities.

Parents come in for a sort of open house experience. At some of these events, preschoolers who are soon to be rising kindergarteners are able to see and visualize their future.

Everything is so new when you are 4 or 5 years old, so being able to see a classroom in advance can make your future less daunting.

Unfortunately, the experience caused quite a fright for a parent after she saw this hanging in a classroom.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 01

To the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” or “The ABC Song,” or “Baa Baa Black Sheep,” read:

“Lockdown, lockdown, lock the door.”


“Shut the lights off, say no more.”

A chorus of children’s voices singing this sounds like the intro to a horror movie.

“Get behind the desk and hide. Wait until it’s safe inside.”

Holy f–k.

“Lockdown, lockdown, it’s all done. Now it’s time to have some fun.”


Some commenters tried to comment that this might be for tornado drills, too. But it is not. Tornado drills send children into hallways, and do not require turning off the lights or remaining silent.

This is to prepare children to hide and fear for their lives in the event of a shooting.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 02

Georgy Cohen, the mother who shared the image, which of course went viral as people saw it and blanched with horror, wrote:

“This should not be hanging in my soon-to-be-kindergartener’s classroom.”

Referring to her child as “Z,” which is a tasteful way of discussing your child in a public space, Cohen says:

“Yeah. They already do the drills in pre K. Z was excited about it as a game to see if you can stay quiet for ‘one whole minute."”

To children, death is usually an abstract concept. And it very much should be.

For parents and other adults, who can fully understand the creeping dread of a society that allows its most vulnerable citizens to be in so much danger on a daily basis, this really hits home.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 03

To be clear, she is not in any way condemning the school or the teacher who wrote the song.

“I’m only going to add one more comment to this:”

As you can imagine, her mentions on Twitter were blowing up.

“The school is doing exactly what they need to be doing, and I am glad for it.”

A rhyming song with a familiar tune is great for teaching children to remember simple instructions.

“My issue is with the political & cultural factors that brought us to this sad state.”

Yep. She specifically refers to America’s gun culture and the lack of political action.

“Please talk to your legislators about the need for gun reform.”

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 04

The tweet’s viral popularity was astonishing. This rhyme was a real shock to the system — which is good, because these horrors should never be normalized.

Many people who have a tweet blow up try to garner attention to a personal passion, such as their SoundCloud.

Cohen writes:

“So I don’t have a SoundCloud but I, like most of you, have congressional representatives I can call to advocate for gun reform Or we can support orgs like @Everytown and @SandyHook.”

That is sound advice.

The whole world has been horrified by these shootings. Regular folks and celebrities alike.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Nursery Rhyme Teaches Kids About School Shootings, Lockdowns

The mother of a 5-year-old girl is outraged by this nursery rhyme she found posted in the school her daughter might attend — a rhyme that teaches kids how to prepare for a mass shooting. Georgy Cohen shared this pic of the rhyme, which is going…


Nursery Rhyme Teaches Kids About School Shootings, Lockdowns

The mother of a 5-year-old girl is outraged by this nursery rhyme she found posted in the school her daughter might attend — a rhyme that teaches kids how to prepare for a mass shooting. Georgy Cohen shared this pic of the rhyme, which is going…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cardi B"s Nursery Gets Glamorous All-Metallic Treatment

Cardi B’s baby isn’t even born yet and already the kid’s got TWO shiny cribs. Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … Cardi’s people reached out to the baby boutique store Petit Tresor in Bev Hills and picked out a bunch of items for Cardi…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Kylie Jenner Stocked Stormi Webster"s Nursery with Organic, Eco-friendly Products

Kylie Jenner’s already one of those moms … who makes sure EVERYTHING for her baby is 100 percent natural, and good for Mother Earth, too. Sources tells us Stormi Webster’s nursery is stocked with thousands of dollars in organic, eco-friendly and…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Look at My Belly! And My Nursery!

Little People.

Big World.

Major life events happening for Audrey Roloff!

As loyal fans of this TLC reality show must be aware of by now, Audrey and husband Jeremy Roloff are expecting their first child.

It will be a little girl and she is due on August 31, 2017.

Just in case this wasn’t enough of a significant life change for the beloved couple, Audrey and Jeremy also moved into a new house several weeks ago.

They did so in order to be closer to their family in Oregon.

“We are officially homeowners!!!! What a day, week, and month it’s been,” the 25-year-old announced in late May, adding at the time:

“C-R-A-Z-Y. But today was move-in day, and we are thankful and excited for new beginnings… in more ways that one.”

We haven’t heard much about the new residence since this confirmation, although we do know the Roloffs have been renovating the home before moving in fully.

And now we have an update on just how far along those renovations are.

“4 more weeks until we get to meet our precious baby girl!” Audrey penned as a caption to the first photo in this post, adding on Monday:

“Our house is still unfinished and most of our stuff is still boxed up in the garage… but I was able get a few cute things from @wayfair for the baby room in time!”

Giving followers their first glimpse at her pending daughter’s nursery, Audrey said she simply “could not resist with that little sheepy rocker,” labeling it the “cutest thing ever” and concluding:

“Can’t wait to ACTUALLY move in to our new home (hopefully soon) and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Defintely starting to have a strong urge to settle.”

We can only imagine.

It has to be VERY stressful to be pregnant and also be slowly moving into a house that’s under a remodel.

Perhaps this stress explains why Audrey and Jeremy recently got into an argument.

A simple fight between a husband and a wife would not typically be noteworthy.

But Audrey talked openly this week about disagreeing with Jeremy and offered some advice to other couples who have been through similar back-and-forths.

“We come from different backgrounds, upbringings, parenting, spending habits, theologies, so we are bound to have conflict,” wrote Roloff on Instagram, adding of her and Jeremy:

“It’s not a matter of if we will fight, but when and how.”

How very true and helpful.

Little People, Big World is currently on hiatus, but Season 14 will air this fall and focus a great deal on Audrey’s pregnancy, along with her eventual child birth.

We can’t meet to meet her daughter!


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Baby Roloff: Go Inside Jackson"s Nursery!!!!!!

As previously reported in exciting detail, Tori and Zach Roloff are first-time parents.

The Little People, Big World players welcomed a son named Jackson into the world on May 12, providing us with a couple adorable photos at the time and writing:

"Baby and mother are doing great and Jackson is already mastered holding daddy’s fingers and snuggling with mom! He is adorable and Tori and I are loving being parents."

The new mother added on Instagram that she"s already "in love" with her little one.

Now, in a fun new video shared by TLC, the reality stars are here to give fans of their series a tour of their child"s nursery.

With Tori holding the camera and Zach rocking out in a chair for the most part, the twosome (who got married in July of 2015) give us a glimpse at little Jackson"s crib… a unique set of sheets inside said crib .. and also a special stuffed animal who will be keeping an eye over the baby while he sleeps.

The animal is a dog and he"s a tribute to the canine Tori and Zach tragically lost to cancer a few months ago.

This sad death was chronicled on last week"s new episode of Little People, Big World.

“He was my best friend,” Tori cried to the cameras at the time. “I just wish I had that back.”

Zach was afraid back in March, upon Sully"s passing, that the stress of this incident would have a negative effect on his wife"s pregnancy.

But Tori is healthy and Jackson is adorable and everyone seems to be doing well these days.

For more on what transpired last Tuesday night, we urge you to watch Little People, Big World online.

And for an enjoyable look around Jackson"s bedroom, we urge you to click PLAY on the vide below.

Baby roloff go inside jacksons nursery

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mother Makes Like Ninja, Slithers Out of Nursery

Caryn Morris just spoke for every other on the planet.

Without saying a word.

A resident of South Africa, Morris and her husband were hosting a dinner party when Caryn was tasked with putting their 15-month old son to bed.

But the child knew people were outside his room and he "would stand up and moan" every time Caryn tried to leave, the poor parent explained to The Times Live.

So Caryn was left with no choice but to make like a NAVY Seal, dropping to the group and slinking away on her back.

She explained her reasoning and her actions as follows:

“I decided to sit on the floor next to the cot so he could see me. He then just lay there with his eyes a little bit open. I lay back and noticed he didn’t flinch or move or try and get out the cot.

"I slithered a little bit and he still remained on his side.

"Before I knew‚ I made it out the door and he hadn’t moved. I was too nervous to go back in the room to see if his eyes were open.”

Caryn"s husband put the video of this impressive achievement on Facebook… and it has been viewed over FOURTEEN MILLION times.

Watch to see why:

Mother makes like ninja slithers out of nursery

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

See Prince George"s First Nursery School Pics!

“Hello plebs.  Your future king is here to learn how to lead you towards greatness.”

This is the imagined first scene of His Royal Highness, Prince George of Cambridge as he greets his subjects at the Westacre Montessori School Nursery in Norfolk, England.

The Duchess of Cambridge, an amateur photographer, shot a photo of her son on his first day of school.

“The Duke and Duchess have released 2 photos to mark Prince George’s first day at Westacre Montessori School nursery,” Kensington Palace tweeted on January 6th.

George wore a navy blue quilted barn coat, lined in plaid, and carried a light blue back pack (likely stuffed with toys, snacks and photos of mum and dad).

In the second photo, George pointed at a colorful mural as he made his way into class.

Back in December the palace issued a press release confirming that the heir to the British throne was enrolled in nursery school near the family’s Anmer Hall home, about 120 miles from London.

“We are looking forward to welcoming George to our nursery where he will get the same special experience as all of our children,” Westacre said in a statement.

The decision to raise George and his younger sister, Charlotte in Norfolk doesn’t come as a surprise to royal watchers.  

William and Catherine consider Anmer Hall to be their “primary residence,” as if offers more privacy than their “official” home at Kensington Palace in London.

The Duke is currently working as a co-pilot with the East Anglia Air Ambulance; he balances this job with his royal responsibilities.