Showing posts with label PRODUCTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRODUCTS. Show all posts

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Lamar Odom Wants to Get People "Healthy High" with Brand of Cannabis Products

Lamar Odom’s new lease on life since coming out of a coma has made him want to improve other people’s lives too … enter his cannabis company. We got the former NBA Champion at Five Star Juice in Torrance, CA Friday and talked to him about the…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Kylie Jenner Stocked Stormi Webster"s Nursery with Organic, Eco-friendly Products

Kylie Jenner’s already one of those moms … who makes sure EVERYTHING for her baby is 100 percent natural, and good for Mother Earth, too. Sources tells us Stormi Webster’s nursery is stocked with thousands of dollars in organic, eco-friendly and…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kris, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian Sued for $32 MILLION Over Beauty Products

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian and Kris Jenner are being sued by a guy who ran a beauty company who claims they screwed him out of a cut of the profits … and he wants as much as $ 32 MILLION. Here’s the backstory. John LaBonty was CEO…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Christina El Moussa Warns Beauty Campaign About Peddling Products in Her Name

Christina El Moussa’s pissed her good looks are being used to hawk an anti-aging product — she’s only 33, but she says the real issue is she never endorsed it … so now she’s threatening to sue. Christina’s name popped up in an online campaign…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Nordstrom Drops Ivanka Trump Products From Its Stores

Throughout Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, daughter Ivanka Trump was widely praised as a lone voice of reason and sanity in a crowd of power-hungry yes men.

Now that her father has been sworn into office and kicked off his agenda of state-sanctioned bigotry, however, many who were previously singing Ivanka’s praises are now bashing the 35-year-old for what they see as helping to normalize a number of dangerous ideals.

Prior to assuming the role of de facto first lady, Ivanka successfully cashed in on her name as a model and designer.

Now, however, it seems that her business interests have collided with her political ambitions in a damaging way.

The department store chain Nordstrom announced on Thursday that it’s bringing an end to its partnership with Ivanka, and will no longer carry her products in its stores or on its website.

The store insists that the decision is a result of the poor performance of Ivanka’s signature line of footwear, and is not motivated by her controversial political affiliations.

“We’ve said all along we make buying decisions based on performance,” Nordstrom said in a statement.

“In this case, based on the brand’s performance, we’ve decided not to buy it for this season.”

Despite the denial, it’s hard to believe that politics played no part in the decision.

Throughout the 2016 election, Nordstrom was repeatedly forced to disavow any ties to the Trump campaign.

“We hope that offering a vendor’s products isn’t misunderstood as us taking a political position,” the company wrote on Twitter on Nov. 2. “We’re not.”

Many believe that the decline in sales for Ivanka’s shoes was a direct result of the #GrabYourWallet movement, which encourages those who oppose Trump to boycott businesses and organizations with ties to the president and his family.

“Big news everyone. You did this. I am in awe,” movement co-founder Shannon Coulter tweeted yesterday, along with a link to an article about Nordstrom’s decision.

So while the retailer may claim that the decision to sever ties with Ivanka had nothing to do with her father, the declining popularity of her line of products was almost certainly the result of recent developments in the political arena.

And something tells us Ivanka may be experiencing more of this type of push-back in the years to come.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Barbara Corcoran -- GOLF PRODUCTS ARE LOSERS ... Stop Pitching Me That Crap! (VIDEO)

“Shark Tank” star Barbara Corcoran has a message for young entrepreneurs — GET OUT OF THE GOLF GAME!!! Barbara was out in NYC when we asked her to name the most OVER PITCHED idea she’s been asked to fund — and it took all of two seconds for her…


Barbara Corcoran -- GOLF PRODUCTS ARE LOSERS ... Stop Pitching Me That Crap! (VIDEO)

“Shark Tank” star Barbara Corcoran has a message for young entrepreneurs — GET OUT OF THE GOLF GAME!!! Barbara was out in NYC when we asked her to name the most OVER PITCHED idea she’s been asked to fund — and it took all of two seconds for her…
