Showing posts with label Nose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nose. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pro Skater Nyjah Huston Sued You Jumped Me And Broke My Nose!!!

Nyjah Huston jumped a guy at a house party and beat the man’s face so viciously he needed surgery to fix a broken nose … this according to a new lawsuit. 
According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Ryan Sheehy claims he was at a February 12, 2017 house party in Los Angeles ...
Pro Skater Nyjah Huston Sued You Jumped Me And Broke My Nose!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Laura Avila Moved to Hospice Care Following Botched Nose Job Procedure in Mexico

Laura Avila, the Dallas realtor who ended up in a coma after a botched nose job procedure in Mexico, has been moved to hospice care … TMZ has learned.  Laura’s attorney, Larry Friedman, tells TMZ … Laura’s family made the difficult…


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dallas Woman Left in Coma After Botched Nose Job Procedure in Mexico

A Dallas woman who went to Mexico for a nose job is now fighting for her life after the botched procedure put her in a coma … and may very well leave her as a vegetable. Real estate agent Laura Avila traveled to Ciudad Juarez last month to save…


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Yair Rodriguez Reveals Gnarly Injuries, Broken Nose, Busted Feet

Yair Rodriguez might’ve handed out the greatest knockout in UFC history … but he didn’t escape unscathed … ‘cause dude’s whole body is jacked up — from head to toe. Literally. Rodriguez — fresh off his INSANE last second KO of the…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: God, I Hope I Get a Nose Job Someday!

Khloe Kardashian has made it very clear at this point:

She will not be getting a new boyfriend.

The reality star has chosen to stick it out with Tristan Thompson, despite his penchant for just pounding any Instagram model who looks his way for even half a second.

However, Khloe has now made something else clear, much to the surprise of some of her fans:

She is very much in the market for a new nose.

In response to a photo Kardashian shared on her Instagram page late last week, a handful of followers wondered out loud (that is, through their computer screens) whether or not she had gone under a knife.

“Did she really get her nose done or just really fleeky contouring,” one wrote, actually prompting the following response from Khloe herself:

“One day I think I’ll get one because I think about it every day. But I’m scared so for now it’s all about contour.”

on the nose

Kardashian also said, perhaps jokingly, that her nose has changed shape since having daughter True in April.

In response to another remark about plastic surgery versus contouring, she wrote the following:

“Great contouring! We do go overboard but my nose spread during pregnancy so I’m just waiting for it to go back lol.”

We’re pretty sure she’s kidding, but some folks out there have taken that reply seriously.

For years and years, of course, the public has assumed that Kim Kardashian has gotten plastic surgery on her butt… Kourtney Kardashian on her stomach or boobs… and Kylie Jenner on her lips.

All these stars have denied those claims.

In the wake of Khloe’s honest response to her nose situation, many supporters flooded Khloe’s page with compliments.

They want her to know that she doesn’t need to change a single thing about herself.

“You’re gorgeous no need to have your nose done!” one wrote, as another chimed in with a similar sentiment:

“@khloekardashian you are beautiful just how you are.”

Khloe, however, doesn’t sound like she’s down on herself.

She’s always been pretty open about using a doctor to improve on one’s appearance.

Back in March of 2016, for example. Khloe expressed an interest in plastic surgery as well, getting all deep and profound with the magazine:

“I think plastic surgery should be viewed almost like makeup, because we’re all putting on a f-cking mask basically every day anyway,” she said back then, elaborating as follows:

“When you dye your hair, you’re changing who you are, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

“I think people should get plastic surgery or fillers or lasers or whatever if they want it – that should be your own personal decision.”

Elsewhere, Khloe ran into a bit of a controversy over the weekend.

The new captured herself and sister Kourtney using the R-word while trying to figure out how to connect their smartphones.

“Yes, you can, you f-cking retard,” Kourtney  was heard saying off-camera, to which Khloe answered;

“Are you f-cking retarded?”

She garnered backlash for using this term and apologized for it a day after the footage went viral.

“Ugh I hate that word! Why did I even say that? You are a million percent right and I actually greatly dislike when people use that word!” Khloe replied to a follower who called her out, concluding:

“I will do better! I am sorry! much love today.”


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Texas Woman Arrested for Biting Off Fellow Party Goer"s Nose

Attention, Florida Woman:

You suddenly are facing some stiff competition from Texas Woman, something that would have seemed unimaginable just a few days ago.

But then the following story hit…

According to an ABC affiliate in Texas, a woman named Jessica Collins was arrested last Wednesday night after she got very drunk at a party and then bit off a fellow attendee’s nose because she was asked to leave.

The incident took place in the town of Conroe, where authorities explain that Collins, a woman with whom she was staying and the neighbor of this second woman all went out to a bar.

Later, they continued their little party at the third woman’s house.

In the police report, this third woman is simply identified as “Tatiana.”

Once the trio were at Tatiana’s home, Collins reportedly asked for more alcohol.

But she was denied and then asked to leave, as Tatiana determined Collins had already had plenty to drink.

This, authorities say, is when Collins grew angry, beligerant and violent, attacking Tatiana and actually biting off her nose.

Tatiana said Collins grabbed her by the hair and tossed her to the ground and that it all happened too quickly for her to fight back.

“All I [can] remember is the taste of blood in my mouth,” Tatiana, told KTRK-TV, adding:

“I was screaming, like, ‘I don’t have a nose! I’m 28 years old and I don’t have a nose anymore!”

Tatiana added to ABC that she passed out numerous times and didn’t realize her nose was injured until she was in the ambulance.

This entire scenario may seem funny to some readers, but it’s actually quite sad and disturbing.

Tatiana needs plastic surgery, within two weeks if she wants her nose to look the same, but she does not have health insurance.

As a result, some friends have started a GoFundMe page; and it has already raised $ 17,000 to help Tatiana afford the procedure.

My friend was attacked by a mentally unstable person last week, when me friend asked her to leave her property, instead of leaving, the lady lunged at my friend, biting off her nose and swallowing it, reads the page, continuing:

Because of the missing piece was never recovered, my friend now needs reconstructive plastic surgery. But if she doesn’t have it within 2 weeks, the wound would start to heal and the surgery would be more complicated (according to the doctor).

Unfortunately, my friend doesn’t have medical insurance and the doctor is requesting payment upfront. The surgery costs $ 12,000, but there isn’t a price for the emotional and bodily damage my friend is enduring.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Collins, 41, has been charged with assault-bodily injury.

She was released on bond on Monday.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mike Tyson Accidentally Punched UFC Star Fabricio Werdum, "Almost Broke My Nose"

Things got a little TOO real on a Mike Tyson’s movie set — when the 51-year-old accidentally socked UFC star Fabricio Werdum with a REAL punch … and it almost shattered his nose!  Mike and Werdum were shooting a fight scene…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jill Duggar SHOCKS with Nose Piercing!

It’s barely been two weeks since Jill Duggar was spotted wearing pants, and she’s already flaunting another of the Duggar family’s strict rules.

(Good for her!)

This time, it’s something that might startle even a more mainstream family: a facial piercing!

The Duggar family is famous for their strict, fringe lifestyle.

They’re part of the “quiverfull” movement, believing that they need to produce as many offspring as possible to effectively serve as weapons against the “evils” of, you know, other people.

Jim Bob Duggar and his family believe that women are effectively the property of their fathers until they are married off to a suitable husband, who then controls her life.

Before marriage, the Duggars are only allowed to go courting with chaperones, and famously aren’t allowed to front hug before they tie the knot.

They’re diehard Christian fundamentalists who believe that society has been “corrupted” by non-Christian values.

Which is why they don’t really allow traditional entertainment in their homes. In many ways, their children are entirely dependent upon family and their likeminded religious community for socialization.

Which means that the children don’t really understand that there’s another way to live — not in anything more than an abstract way — until they’re older.

By then, they’re already thoroughly immersed in the Duggar way of life and might be afraid to change anything.

But we sometimes see little hints of rebellion from the Duggar girls.

For many monhts, now, Jinger Duggar has dared to wear pants. We don’t know that it’s technically a progressive move, since her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, allows it.

Vuolo famously stated that: “Jesus does not save people to make them wear skirts.”

That’s a very succinct theological view and it comes into total conflict with Jim Bob’s beliefs.

Much more recently, Jill Duggar’s been sporting pants. Outside of the Duggar family, that wouldn’t have been controversial since the dawn of the 20th Century. But it’s kind of a big deal.

But not as big of a deal as this:

That is not an unfortunate and strangely lustrous pimple on her nose.

That is a piercing.

Specifically, a stud.

Normally we’d be making a joke along the lines of: “When Michelle Duggar told you to go out there and get yourself a stud, this isn’t what she meant.”

But we cannot imagine Michelle Duggar saying anything of the sort, even in jest.

A nose piercing isn’t just out of the ordinary for the Duggars, it’s very likely forbidden.

The Duggar’s are opposed to body-modification like tattoos, what with one’s body being a temple and all of that.

We can’t think of a time that they’ve specifically railed against nose piercings, but the only piercings that we’ve ever seen on one of the Duggar girls has been their ears. And just the single spot, too.

Sometimes, nose rings are a sign of rebellion, particularly for people who have never gotten to make real choices before. But usually they’re just decoration, because it’s that person’s body and they can decorate it however they like.

As you can see from this sampling, fan reactions were mixed:

“Good girls going wild a nose peircing ????”


“Wow u have a nose ring??!!”

“LOVIN’ the nose ring!!!!!!”

“Leviticus 19:28, ‘Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord."”

“Love the nose stud! Glad you realized that you can wear jeans and have a piercing and still be a Christian.”

“Put those eyes back in your head before they run away from you!!! Stupid nose piercing. Did you use your grifting money to buy it? Tell your freeloading, grifter husband to get a job!!!”

We have to admit that, though we don’t agree with that last one, the jab at Derick made us chuckle. Especially since Derick Dillard was fired for his ongoing tirades against Jazz Jennings.

Anyway, good for Jill for decorating her face however she likes.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

"Walking Dead" Stuntman 911 Call: He Fell off Balcony, Bleeding from Nose and Head

The ‘Walking Dead’ stuntman who fell about 25 feet off a balcony was bleeding from his head and nose after the impact … this according to the 911 call. TMZ has obtained the audio … and the caller, an assistant director on set, says in the audio…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Human Ken Doll"s Nose Could FALL OFF on Botched!

Rodrigo Alves has undergone 51 cosmetic procedures and earned the nickname "The Human Ken Doll."

Whatever you might think of his personal choices, we can agree that Alves didn"t undergo all of these surgeries to come out looking like Lord Voldemort.

Unfortunately, as he learns in this appearance on Botched, that might end up being the case. Because his nose could atrophy and literally fall off of his face. Watch the video below!

Okay, so Rodrigo Alves is a British television personality.

He"s also probably exactly the sort of person who qualifies as a plastic surgery addict.

Like, we"re no experts, but … seriously.

That"s 51 elective procedures.

And apparently the last two procedures on his nose were so close together that they did some damage.

While Alves laments that his last rhinoplasty"s results were "perfect," it sounds like there was a serious complication.

And that"s why he"s on Botched.

Look, by its nature, Botched is full of horror stories.

That"s the show where we heard of Mama June"s terrible C-Section mishap.

There was a trans woman whose surgeon gave her unmanageably large breasts that she didn"t ask for.

Worst of all, one time Farrah Abraham was on Botched.

That memory still keeps us up at night.

But … we"re talking about a man"s nose turning black with atrophy and falling off like he"s a cartoon character.

The image is grotesque, but the risk sounds real.

When somebody"s face might pull a Sphinx if they make one more mistake with it, it"s not time to mince words.

"The issue is what we call the soft tissue envelope — that"s the skin," Dr. Nassif explains to a very worried Alves.

"So, by you having three surgeries within a period of 12-15 months, destroyed your tissue — the skin"s no good."

Just the thought of us makes our noses hurt in sympathy.

Up to a point.

Meanwhile, Alves himself notes that his friends never had problems but that he"s unlucky, so he keeps asking "why me."

Like … we know that the situation sucks, but maybe there are little kids floating on makeshift rafts to escape their war-torn homelands whose "why me?" questions carry a little more weight.

We"re not going to dive into deep theological questions of why bad things happen.

But we"re guessing that maybe Alves" friends spaced their surgeries out a little more.

"Your nose, on the inside … you have no airway," Dr. Nassif continues in the tone of carefully explaining to a student why their failure to show up to an exam resulted in such a bad final grade.

"And it"s short, so this is all scarred together."

Big yikes.

"And now, since you just had surgery three months ago, it"s going to scary again more. It"s in a healing phase."

Alves seems like he wants to protest, but the doctor keeps going.

"If you try to [do another procedure on] your skin now, while it"s healing, there"s a high possibility, that if you let one of these doctors touch your nose now, this will turn black and then die and fall off."

It"s pretty clear that the doctors, both Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif, are spelling it out for him to make sure that he gets it.

And they"re using dramatic language to do it, in almost a scared straight sort of effort.

But it sounds like it"s working.

It sure scared the crap out of us.

We hope that they can fix his nose, somehow.

At the very least, we hope that Alves will listen to the good doctors.

If not, he might end up playing the worst game of "got-your-nose" in world history.

Watch the video to see their exchange — and his nose — for yourself. The photos can"t do it justice.

Human ken dolls nose could fall off on botched

Friday, May 5, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Prison Nicknames Revealed, "Boom, Rokk Boy, Big Nose," Etc.

Aaron Hernandez went by a slew of nicknames during his time behind bars — including “AA,” “Chico,” and “Big Nose” … this according to official prison documents obtained by TMZ Sports.  Among the nicknames…  — Boom — Rokk Boy –…


Friday, November 18, 2016

20 Celebrity Nose Jobs You Simply Won"t Believe

Noses are such little things, really, but tiny nips and tucks can make huge differences! For some, a nose job can be a door opener.

For others, a nose job can be a total mess – even a career ender.

Sometimes, it"s obvious which is which. Other times, it"s a thin line, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, right?

In any case, here are 20 celebrity nose jobs you won"t believe!

1. Britney Spears

Britney spears

Britney Spears will always be a doll to us. Hers was subtle enough that few people probably noticed … or they were just too busy staring at that Catholic school girl skirt or skin tight spacesuit back in the day.

2. Michael Jackson

Michael jackson

Michael Jackson’s nose job is the most dramatic on the list. He might have blamed his skin lightening on a genetic condition, but there’s no denying his nose came from a knife.

3. Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee simpson

Ashlee Simpson’s nose job was quite dramatic! It changed the entire look of her face! Wonder how her nose job affected her voice?

4. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer aniston

Jennifer Aniston had a nose job to shed her father’s schnoz. It happened early enough in her career that her new nose is the only nose we know.

5. Blake Lively

Blake lively

Blake Lively has never confirmed or denied that she went over the knife, but let’s just say Gossip Girl would’ve had a field day on her blog with before-and-after photos like this.

6. Tom Cruise

Tom cruise

Tom Cruise had a nose job early on in his career. Oddly enough he waited until he was in his 40s for braces. Rumor has it Katie Holmes also had a nose job so maybe that’s what Suri will get for her Sweet Sixteen.

View Slideshow

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Gushes Over Boob Job, Nose Job: Look at Me Now!

Any time we watch The Big Bang Theory online or on television, we laugh at the actions of Kaley Cuoco.

She cracks us up on that CBS sitcom!

Similarly, any time we listen to Cuoco speak, we nod in approval of her openness and her honesty.

Once again, for example, the beautiful actress has talked candidly about her history of plastic surgery.

“Years ago I had my nose done,” Cuoco tells the magazine for its December 2016 issue.

And she doesn’t stop there, adding:

“And my boobs – best thing I ever did. Recently, I had a filler in a line in my neck I’ve had since I was 12. As much as you want to love your inner self… I’m sorry, you also want to look good.”

Cuoco has never been one to hold back her opinions, even when they get her in trouble.

Remember when Cincinnati Zoo officials were forced to shoot and kill a gorilla named Harambe after a toddler fell into his habitat and onlookers feared for the child’s safety? 

She argued that the gorilla was clearly holding the young boy’s hand and said this was “another senseless horrendous animal being killed over people not using their brains.”

As she expected, Cuoco received a lot of backlash for this point of view.

She may also receive some for her plastic surgery admission, but she doesn’t care.

Kaley makes it clear that she isn’t changing how she looks for anyone but herself.

“I don’t think you should do it for a man or anyone else,” she says to Women’s Health. “But if it makes you feel confident, that’s amazing.”

Moreover, it’s not as if Cuoco doesn’t work very hard on her figure. She doesn’t let a knife do all the work.

See the well-sculpted abdominal muscles in the photo above, for example?

“I’ve cried numerous times in yoga [to get those],” she says, laughing: “The best part is, I’m sweating so bad no one can tell.”

When not at the gym or on set, Cuoco is almost always riding horses. It’s her biggest passion in life – and it’s how she met boyfriend Karl Cook.

“Literally, we bumped arms at a horse show,” she explains. “We each said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry’ – and everything changed. I looked at him and he looked at me…”

How romantic!

Having previously questioned whether or not she would ever be capable of love again after a painful divorce, Cuoco now says her relationship has once again established her faith in “the sanctity of marriage.”

And not just married!

Cuoco says she would “absolutely” consider exchanging vows again at some point in the future.

Furthermore, she’s even thinking about the possibility of starting a family, explaining, “I’m meant to be a mom.”

She’d have such beautiful kids, too! We really hope this happens for her.

Why do we love Kaley Cuoco so much? Click around above and find out!


Thursday, May 19, 2016

31 Million People Have Watched This Nose Twerk to Rihanna

We don"t know what inspires certain people to do certain thing.

But in the following case, we don"t really care.

That"s because video below featured a girl who has painted the body of a woman on her nose and who is having this body Twerk along to Rihanna"s smash hit "Work." 

Confused? Intrigued? Confused AND intrigued?

You aren"t alone, if so, considering this footage has been Liked over 31 million times on Facebook.

Yes, 31 MILLION times. And counting!

The 35-second long video features the unidentified girl and her rather impressive depiction Rihanna on her nose.

Using the sides of this body part to showcase the singer"s thighs, the girl is able to mimic a rear end"s twerking movements with her index finger and tip of her nose.

It"s weird. But it"s also sort of hypnotic.

Twerking was, like, a huge thing back in 2014. 

Its popularity has since cooled off, but perhaps this girl is on to the next phase of Twerking. The Nose Twerk!

See for yourself:

Girl twerks nose to rihanna reigns over the internet

31 Million People Have Watched This Nose Twerk to Rihanna

We don"t know what inspires certain people to do certain thing.

But in the following case, we don"t really care.

That"s because video below featured a girl who has painted the body of a woman on her nose and who is having this body Twerk along to Rihanna"s smash hit "Work." 

Confused? Intrigued? Confused AND intrigued?

You aren"t alone, if so, considering this footage has been Liked over 31 million times on Facebook.

Yes, 31 MILLION times. And counting!

The 35-second long video features the unidentified girl and her rather impressive depiction Rihanna on her nose.

Using the sides of this body part to showcase the singer"s thighs, the girl is able to mimic a rear end"s twerking movements with her index finger and tip of her nose.

It"s weird. But it"s also sort of hypnotic.

Twerking was, like, a huge thing back in 2014. 

Its popularity has since cooled off, but perhaps this girl is on to the next phase of Twerking. The Nose Twerk!

See for yourself:

Girl twerks nose to rihanna reigns over the internet

Friday, April 15, 2016

Human Ken Doll"s Nose Job Might Eat Away at His Face: REPORT

If you"re in the middle of dinner, you may want to set it aside while you read this.

A man who spent more than $ 500,000 in plastic surgery to look like a Ken doll (no, not Justin Jedlica) is in the hospital due to complications from a nose job, which is severely threatening his health.

Rodrigo Alves, who has undergone 42 elective surgeries to emulate Barbie"s boyfriend, has treated his body like a madcap lab experiment and it is now rejecting his new nose.

"I had nose reconstruction three months ago and it appears the new cartilage has been rejected by my body," he said, according to Daily Mail.

He calls his situation "frightening" and says that he can"t breathe because of a blockage caused by the infection.

"A horrible hole has appeared in my nostril and the infection is eating my nose and I"ve been warned if it is not stopped it could eat into my face," said Alves.

He is suffering from necrosis, a condition in which the flesh basically dies. If the infection escalates, it could turn to gangrene and he could face losing his nose.

The 32-year-old is originally from Brazil, but now lives in London. He was traveling in Spain when he noticed the hole in his nose and wound up in the hospital in Malaga.

Alves addressed his calamity on Instagram with the following message:

"It is very unfortunate that it has happen but like I always say like with any surgery there is a risk …At least I get in trouble on my own expenses and I don"t blame my doctors or anyone else.. 

"[Sh*t] happens and I just have to be strong. #chinup and wait few more months until I can have another rhinoplasty only because #ican

"I know now you think wow this Rodrigo guy is crazy … No I m not crazy just got big balls personality and I know what I want and I go for it simple as that."


Human ken dolls nose job might eat away at his face report

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Kate Middleton Accused of Having TWO Nose Jobs

Now I can’t stop scrutinizing her photos.

Never in a million years would I have assumed that the Duchess of Cambridge went under the knife, but an alleged source claims that Her Royal Highness has had not one, but two nose jobs.

“The first was a graduation present to herself in 2005,” the source told OK! Magazine.  The second surgery was done to make “adjustments” to the first one.

Not only that, but Catherine (so says this source) had a breast augmentation after having her two children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. 

Eh, I don’t know if I believe this.  

Flipping through the archives, I don’t see a visible difference in the way her nose looks in 2005 vs present day, and even the years in between.  There are some public figures who look like they got work done, but in this case, I’m going to have to call foul.

Yes, Catherine underwent a makeover when she married Prince William, but it doesn’t look like things went further than an improved blowout or heavier eyeliner.  Her nose more or less looks the same as it did ten years ago.

As for a boob job, she’s probably only recently stopped breast-feeding Princess Charlotte, so I can’t imagine she’d put her esthetic needs before those of her child.

Flip through the gallery below and determine for yourself whether or not the Duchess of Cambridge had work done.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Justin Bieber New Nose Ring: Love It or Hate It??

Justin Bieber fans may or may not love this news.

The controversial pop star just poked a hole in his perfectly angelic face with a new nose piercing. 

Luckily it’s on the side, not in the septum, so he doesn’t look like a tortured bull getting ready to charge a crimson flag.

Biebs posted the photo above to Instagram, forgoing a caption and letting his visage speak for itself.

However, this is actually the second pic the singer shared.

In the first pic, which was later deleted, the nose ring is displayed in a far more prominent fashion – and on the other side of his face.

Someone obviously did a 180-degree image flip.

Justin’s look has become increasingly edgy over the past couple years.

He keeps adding more tats and his hair has gone from adorably mussy to clean-cut to this now bleached-and-fried, overgrown broom that rests atop his scalp.

Funny, because he wasn’t even a Disney star.

But he was a child star, and when child stars turn of legal age (and oftentimes before), an internal alarm goes off, alerting them to shed their wholesome image and prove to the world that THEY ARE GROWN AND CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT!!!

It’s true, he IS an adult, and he’s even kinda-sorta started to act like one of late, save for the whole getting-kicked-out-of-Mexican-ruins-for-dropping-trou bit earlier this year.

But if the rumors of Kourtney Kardashian being pregnant with his child have any validity to them, the Biebs better start acting like a real grown up real fast.

Kourt just got rid of one man-child slash baby-daddy when she kicked Scott Disick to the curb last year.

We’re pretty sure (read: we hope like hell) she’s not looking for a new one.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kylie Jenner Rocks Nose Ring, Exposes Butt on Instagram

With the insane number of selfies she posts, it can’t be easy for Kylie Jenner to keep things fresh and interesting for her 40 million Instagram followers.

Fortunately, Kylie has something most 18-year-olds don’t – frequent access to the world’s top stylists and photographers.

Kylizzle posted some new pics from her recent Elle Canada photoshoot today, and as you can see, she’s trying something new.

No, we’re not talking about Kylie’s exposed butt. We’ve seen that plenty of times before. 

We’re talking about the nose ring, which is probably a clip-on, but still had to hurt.

The heavy piece of nostril bling calls attention to just how huge Kylie’s lips are these days, as we imagine most people who rock nose rings don’t have to worry about getting lipstick on the thing. 

Of course, most nose ring enthusiasts are probably still mourning the loss of CBGB, not posing for photoshoots in Hollywood. 

Maybe Kylie is trying to take the look mainstream. If so, we hope any kids who want to follow her lead will do the right thing and have their noses professionally pierced in a clean environment.

We don’t need a repeat of the carnage from the Kylie Jenner lip challenge. We’re still trying to get over that one.