Showing posts with label Piercing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piercing. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jill Duggar SHOCKS with Nose Piercing!

It’s barely been two weeks since Jill Duggar was spotted wearing pants, and she’s already flaunting another of the Duggar family’s strict rules.

(Good for her!)

This time, it’s something that might startle even a more mainstream family: a facial piercing!

The Duggar family is famous for their strict, fringe lifestyle.

They’re part of the “quiverfull” movement, believing that they need to produce as many offspring as possible to effectively serve as weapons against the “evils” of, you know, other people.

Jim Bob Duggar and his family believe that women are effectively the property of their fathers until they are married off to a suitable husband, who then controls her life.

Before marriage, the Duggars are only allowed to go courting with chaperones, and famously aren’t allowed to front hug before they tie the knot.

They’re diehard Christian fundamentalists who believe that society has been “corrupted” by non-Christian values.

Which is why they don’t really allow traditional entertainment in their homes. In many ways, their children are entirely dependent upon family and their likeminded religious community for socialization.

Which means that the children don’t really understand that there’s another way to live — not in anything more than an abstract way — until they’re older.

By then, they’re already thoroughly immersed in the Duggar way of life and might be afraid to change anything.

But we sometimes see little hints of rebellion from the Duggar girls.

For many monhts, now, Jinger Duggar has dared to wear pants. We don’t know that it’s technically a progressive move, since her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, allows it.

Vuolo famously stated that: “Jesus does not save people to make them wear skirts.”

That’s a very succinct theological view and it comes into total conflict with Jim Bob’s beliefs.

Much more recently, Jill Duggar’s been sporting pants. Outside of the Duggar family, that wouldn’t have been controversial since the dawn of the 20th Century. But it’s kind of a big deal.

But not as big of a deal as this:

That is not an unfortunate and strangely lustrous pimple on her nose.

That is a piercing.

Specifically, a stud.

Normally we’d be making a joke along the lines of: “When Michelle Duggar told you to go out there and get yourself a stud, this isn’t what she meant.”

But we cannot imagine Michelle Duggar saying anything of the sort, even in jest.

A nose piercing isn’t just out of the ordinary for the Duggars, it’s very likely forbidden.

The Duggar’s are opposed to body-modification like tattoos, what with one’s body being a temple and all of that.

We can’t think of a time that they’ve specifically railed against nose piercings, but the only piercings that we’ve ever seen on one of the Duggar girls has been their ears. And just the single spot, too.

Sometimes, nose rings are a sign of rebellion, particularly for people who have never gotten to make real choices before. But usually they’re just decoration, because it’s that person’s body and they can decorate it however they like.

As you can see from this sampling, fan reactions were mixed:

“Good girls going wild a nose peircing ????”


“Wow u have a nose ring??!!”

“LOVIN’ the nose ring!!!!!!”

“Leviticus 19:28, ‘Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord."”

“Love the nose stud! Glad you realized that you can wear jeans and have a piercing and still be a Christian.”

“Put those eyes back in your head before they run away from you!!! Stupid nose piercing. Did you use your grifting money to buy it? Tell your freeloading, grifter husband to get a job!!!”

We have to admit that, though we don’t agree with that last one, the jab at Derick made us chuckle. Especially since Derick Dillard was fired for his ongoing tirades against Jazz Jennings.

Anyway, good for Jill for decorating her face however she likes.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Kim Zolciak: Slammed for Piercing Daughter"s Ears!

Piercings: they’re ways of accessorizing, they’re ways of getting back at your parents, they’re questionable solutions to boredom, and they’re a way of showing society exactly who you are.

They’re also major milestones in the lives of many people who get them. And debate rages over how young is too young.

So when Kim documented her very, very young daughter getting her ears pierced, she definitely knew that she was going to get some backlash. Kim Zolciak has haters, after all.

Okay, first, we need to talk about ear-piercing and children.

There are two extremes.

One, the over-protective side, doesn’t think that girls should get their ears pierced until they’re tweens.

(Sometimes it even goes beyond that, but that’s getting into Duggar territory with side-hugs and courting, that’s … so fringe that it’s not relevant here).

The reason that these parents usually have is either that earrings are valuable and a child needs to show responsibility before she can get her ears pierced …

… OR that pierced ears are “grown up” and would somehow be inappropriate on, say, a 9-year-old.

The responsibility thing, we totally get. The “they’re too grown-up” thing, not so much.

They’re jewelry, not sexy underwear or whatever. They shouldn’t have to wait until they’re teenagers.

The other extreme gets the ears of babies pierced.

And … that’s wrong. Sure, ear piercings are totally reversible, but unless it’s medically necessary, don’t poke holes in babies. That should not be a radical statement.

But Kim Zolciak makes it very clear that her 3-year-old daughter, Kaia, is not a baby anymore.

Kim Zolciak shared a video on Snapchat and provided narration.

“The time has come for Kaia to get her ears pierced.”

Don’t worry, folks — this is something that Kaia wants.

“She has begged me for two years.”

Waiting for those two years was the right choice, we think. 

“The time has come. Brielle and Ariana both had their ears pierced at like three weeks.”

Okay, that is wrong, absolutely. No three-week-old is begging to have pierced ears, or capable of understanding the concept.

(Again, don’t poke holes in babies unless it’s medically necessary)

We’re glad that Kim has wisened up for Kaia.

Kim Zolciak continues her narration … somehow making it all about her.

(But you know, it’s normal for people to talk about themselves when they’re narrating)

“I cried my eyes out, so pray for me.”

That’s no surprise — Kim Zolciak couldn’t handle Kash going to kindergarten.

Apparently, milestones get her very, very emotional.

As the ear-piercing concludes, Kim shares that her emotional distress had some physical symptoms.

“My stomach is so upset!”

It’s actually cute that she got so worked up.

And she heaped praise on Kaia for keeping cool throughout.

“Your mom’s crying and you’re not. You’re such a toughie!”

Kim Zolciak probably put this on Snapchat, instead of Instagram, because she didn’t want her Instagram page flooded with hateful comments. (That doesn’t stop trolls, but it can thin them out a little)

Kaia looks so cute!

And she clearly has the wherewithal to make a decision like that.

Maybe some folks would disagree, but pierced ears are totally reversible. And if Kaia’s been asking for this for two years … more power to her.

We, uh, hope she took her mom out for ice cream afterwards. Since Kim was so brave.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Celebrity Piercing Artist Accuses Actor of Sexual Battery on United Flight ... He Denies It

A body piercing artist to the stars made a citizen’s arrest against an actor whom she claims sexually assaulted her on a United flight — something he vigorously denies. Stephanie Anders says she was flying back from her best friend’s funeral last…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bella Hadid -- Victoria Missed This Secret ... Butt, Boobs & My Piercing (PHOTO GALLERY)

If you thought Bella Hadid looked awesome at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, you’re right — but it gets even better without all the fancy lingerie.  Hadid is featured on the cover of PAPER Mag’s Outspoken issue, and to…


Monday, September 21, 2015

Kendall Jenner CONFIRMS Nipple Piercing! Attributes Rebellious Act To A "Rough" Period In Her Life

There you have it, folks!

As speculated, Kendall Jenner has officially confirmed that indeed her nipple is pierced! But the reason behind it may not be what you think…

Related: 5 Times We Almost Saw Kendall’s Nipples During GQ Shoot!

The 19-year-old supermodel admitted to the new addition at the launch of her new Estée Lauder fragrance Modern Muse Le Rouge at Macy’s in New York City, sharing:

“I was going through a period in my life, having a rough time, being a rebel and was like ‘Let’s just do it."”

A little change now and then never hurt anyone! But… ouch!

Although she doesn’t say exactly what was going on in her personal life, we can take a few guesses!

Kendall went on to share that the experience wasn’t as painful as she thought!

“[I was] so terrified, I’m laying on the bed like ‘Why am I doing this.’ Honestly, it hurt, but wasn’t as bad as everyone made it seem and maybe because everyone hyped it up and I thought it would be really, really bad. Then it wasn’t as bad as I expected.”

Well… that’s good! At least she’s honest!

[Image via AP Images.]