Showing posts with label Nipple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nipple. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Tori Roloff Has Nipple Pain... and a Baby on the Way?!?

The Roloffs welcomed two babies into their world last year.

But fans of this famous family aren’t satisfied. 

They want more, and they’ll read into nearly any situation in order to get their hopes up that another may be on the way.

Consider how these Little People, Big World fans responded, for example, to a very simple caption Tori Roloff wrote on Instagram in January.

It accompanied a cute picture of her husband on the floor, goofing around with the couple’s son, and it said that Tori loved seeing how Zach played with their “kids.”

She used the plural instead of the singular and social media went bananas, inferring from this simple caption that Tori could be pregnant again.

We’re not kidding. See for yourself:

Tori, of course, only just gave birth to Jackson Kyle Roloff in May.

Crazier things have happened, but it would mark quite a fast turnaround if Zach and Tori really took the necessary steps (i.e. sex without protection) to have a baby this soon after becoming parents for the first time.

Nevertheless, fans are anxious.

They are curious.

They are strangely hopeful.

And that’s why they interpreted yet another social media message from Tori to mean that maybe a bun is on her lovable oven.

Late last week, Tori asked other mothers out there for some advice because she was experiencing nipple pain while breastfeeding.

This is not a totally uncommon problem, and it’s one to which sister-in-law Audrey Roloff can relate.

The question prompted many responses from parents, many of which alerted Tori to the possibility that she’s expecting once again.

Same replies include:

  • “Nipple pain… either he’s not latched good, or you’re pregnant again. Seen both happen, trust me.

  • ‘If it hurts to breastfeed at 9 months, you might want to take a pregnancy test, just saying.”

  • “I would try using a nipple shield for a little bit… it sounds like they might be cracked!”

This latter option is a condition known as “thrush.”

thanks from tori

Tori mentioned it in her gracious reply to all who left comments.

“You guys are so amazing, I feel like this was how social media is supposed to be used, mamas helping mamas,” Roloff wrote back, adding:

“Thank you for all of your advice.

“I think the pain is due to baby boy having six teeth. At least that’s what I’m going with… and praying it’s not thrush.”

It’s true: as previously documented, Jackson is a master at growing teeth.

 He really is getting so big so quickly. Where does the time go?!?

As for why Tori’s nipples hurt a lot these days?

We do not consider ourselves to be experts on the topic.

But she may have a diminished milk supply and Jackson is therefore forced to suck longer and harder, causing said pain.

She’s been at this consistently for nine months now, too, and there may just be a bit of soreness going on, something very simple and normal and temporary.

Or, heck, perhaps Tori really is pregnant. We have no idea.

But we’ll be the first site to let you know if this is the case… because we’ll be screaming so loudly in excitement that everyone on the Internet will hear us!


Friday, October 6, 2017

Ireland Baldwin Flaunts the Nipple During Malibu Photo Shoot

Ireland Baldwin has no support — no bra, no bikini top, no nothing — but the good news is she’s the new poster child for the “Free the Nipple” movement. Ireland hit up the beach in Malibu Thursday for a ridiculously hot photo shoot. The…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kim Kardashian Flaunts the Nipple in NYC, No Imagination Needed

Kim Kardashian’s a soldier … for the nipple revolution, and something tells us she won’t have a problem getting people to fall in line. Kim was leaving a clothing shop Tuesday in NYC wearing a see-through black blouse … putting everything on…


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Kendall Jenner Frees the Nipple in See-Through Red Blouse

Kendall Jenner’s a well-known supporter of the “Free the Nipple” movement — and on Sunday, she proved her advocacy yet again. The model was seen out Sunday in NYC in a barely there see-through red blouse, which put her assets on full display. …


Kendall Jenner Frees the Nipple in See-Through Red Blouse

Kendall Jenner’s a well-known supporter of the “Free the Nipple” movement — and on Sunday, she proved her advocacy yet again. The model was seen out Sunday in NYC in a barely there see-through red blouse, which put her assets on full display. …


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Bella Thorne Shows Nipple, Wears Captain"s Hat and See-Through Top in Hollywood

Bella Thorne’s not lost at sea — she’s exactly where she wants to be … and wearing the appropriate nipple-freeing attire. Bella channeled her inner David Lee Roth by rocking a captain’s hat and a flaming hot shirt out in Hollywood Saturday night…


Bella Thorne Shows Nipple, Wears Captain"s Hat and See-Through Top in Hollywood

Bella Thorne’s not lost at sea — she’s exactly where she wants to be … and wearing the appropriate nipple-freeing attire. Bella channeled her inner David Lee Roth by rocking a captain’s hat and a flaming hot shirt out in Hollywood Saturday night…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Accused of Photoshopping Herself So Hard She Gave Herself a Third Nipple

If you know who Kylie Jenner is, then you know she’s no stranger to switching things up when it comes to her appearance.

It’s pretty much the only reason anybody even talks about her.

The 19-year-old reality star changes her hair all the time, going from brown to blonde to turquoise to pink to “rose gold.”

She’s a makeup master, capable of making herself nearly unrecognizable with just a few (million) strokes of her brushes.

There’s also Kylie’s lip injections, which need no introduction.

Not to mention the mysterious way her ass and her breasts have grown recently to the point where they eclipse even Kim’s.

There’s no question that Kylie is something of a khameleon, and has been for some time now, but this latest photo of her …

… it’s hard to tell what’s even happening here:

So OK, there’s Kylie Jenner in a bikini, nothing new to see there.

Tyga ruins the whole picture by existing in it. Also totally normal.

But hold up, why does the beauty’s leg look so tiny?! It doesn’t even match the other leg! What a ridiculously awful Photoshop effort!

… Oh, wait. Upon closer inspection, the bottom part of her leg there is covered by Tyga’s, then by a shadow. That makes some sense.

But you know what doesn’t make sense, not even a little bit?

The fact that Kylie appears to have a third nipple, smack dab in the middle of her knee. Take a look above, see for yourself.

How did this happen?! Has the social media maven always had a third nipple located on her knee and we somehow never noticed?

Is it some kind of wart? Is something in the foreground there playing unfortunate tricks on our eyes in this unusual case?

Or did Kylie somehow Photoshop this photo so hard that a random nipple-esque growth appeared where it had no business being?

Let’s take to the Instagram comments to investigate.

“Photoshop fail,” one Internet sleuth hereby theorizes.

“Look at her leg and the third nipple on her knee.”

But another commenter argues in her defense, “cmon guys its probably just a bandaid peeling off on her knee 🙂 nobodys perfect lol.”

Another possibility, according to these sage folks on Instagram?

“That’s her herpes outbreak,” one commenter posited.

“That’s obviously her brain,” said another, amusingly.

Yet another person weighed in thusly: “But that knee doh.”

“She carried a bed bug all the way from calabasas lmaoo.”

Lmaoo indeed. Another of Jenner’s 83.3 million followers – this is seriously a mystery for the ages here – offered the following explanation:

“I’m pretty sure something’s just fallen onto her knee, like some of the food she’s eating so you all need to chill tf out.”

The most popular theory of all, however, appears to be that the unexplained thing on Kylie’s knee is actually … wait for this one …

A plant. Yes, we’re serious. An actual living thing.

“If you look closely,” a wise soul explains to the masses, “that ‘wart’ looking thing on her knee is actually part of a tree.”

To clarify what they’re saying, there’s also a degree to which the camera is embellishing this object somewhat:

“Lol it’s a plant in front of them in soft focus lol.”

So is it really a plant of some kind on Kylizzle? 

Or is it a bit of food or a band-aid or a bug?

Or is it possible that Kylie Jenner has gone all this time with a third nipple chilling right on her knee, right in front of us?

While we fixated on the other two for obvious reasons, has nip #3 been hiding in plain sight for a matter of years?

The world may never know, and perhaps some things in life are better left unexplained in the end … but we must ask:

What do you think, readers, and does this rank among the most ridiculous Photoshop fails / controversies in modern times?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Kendall Jenner Goes Braless To Show Off Nipple Rings, DUH

Last week, Kendall Jenner wrote about loving life without the restraint of a bra.

In a perfect world, I would agree with her.  However, I am not build like Kendall and therefore need to put the girls in bra jail every day.

What’s even more fun about going braless?  Showing off nipple rings, of course!

“[Jewelry designer] Jacquie Aiche made me a couple of pieces that are really sick, like a pair of angel wings,” Jenner wrote on her app.

“I think people are obsessed with the topic because it seems so unexpected of me.”

Yeah, we’re also getting kind of squirmy thinking about angel wing piercings sticking out of our nipples, but go on.

“My sisters were honestly shocked that I did it. I was going through a period in my life, having a rough time, being a rebel and was like ‘Let’s just do it,"” Kendall admitted.

The model’s younger sister, Kylie actually had hers pierced before Kendall.  However,  Kendall would like the record to show that it was her idea first.

“I wanted to get the piercing for so long before Kylie. She did hers and then everyone thought I copied her,” Kendall wrote.

Then…she heard about the pain.  Kylie apparently claimed that getting the nips pierced hurt like a bitch, but Kendall found out herself that Kylie was just being a chicken.

The whole experience “wasn’t that bad,” Kendall wrote.

“I guess I have a super high pain tolerance!”

Listen, everyone is free to pierce or ink whatever part of their body they want.  I just don’t want to hear about the awesome designs custom-made for your new hole.  It’s too much.

But as far as letting your boobs breathe, go cray.

“I think it’s cool and I really just don’t care!. It’s sexy, it’s comfortable, and I’m cool with my breasts,” Kendall wrote.

“That’s it!”

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Kylie Jenner Exposes Kendall"s NIPPLE RING at Coachella: WATCH!

Welp, shut it down. We"ve now seen all the nips of the Kardashian-Jenner sisters. That"s all, folks. Fin.

And it"s all thanks to Kylie Jenner. Of course.

We all know Kylie and Kendall Jenner are partying at Coachella this weekend, because it"s all the frack over social media.

Kylie"s been Snapchatting her entire experience, and part of yesterday"s documentary included a full-screen shot of her sister"s nipple.

In the video below, we see a wide shot Kylie took of Kendall, who shunned a top and instead opted for a see-through lace bralette, because it"s Coachella and you can get away with that sort of thing.

But then Kylie zooma-zoom-zoom-zooms in to give us an extreme close-up of the nip, and behold! There is a nipple ring.

We don"t know when Kendall got the piercing, but we were first introduced to it when she pranced around topless last month in front of Kim Kardashian. We didn"t actually catch a glimpse of the hardware, but Kim called it out.

There was a time when we thought Kendall was one of the more modest among the sisters, but I guess those were the good ol" days.

If you want to see the other sister"s nips, we"ve got those, too:

And there you have it. The komplete kollection. Enjoy.


Kylie jenner exposes kendalls nipple ring at coachella watch

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kendall Jenner Prances Around Topless, Shows Nipple Ring to Kim: WATCH

In a new video for Vogue, Kendall Jenner attempts to convey her hectic life as a model during New York Fashion Week, and we don"t feel sorry for her at all.

In the vid, Kendall hangs out in her huge hotel suite, goofs around with Gigi Hadid, takes a bubble bath and tries on garments that cost more than my monthly rent. 

In one scene, Kendall struts around a dressing room with her boobs out for no apparent reason (maybe trying to emulate Gigi"s recent nip slip?), only to be interrupted by big sister Kim Kardashian, wielding bags of McDonald"s.

"You brought me McDonald"s!" squeals Kendall, who bestows a big topless hug upon her sister.

However, Kim is focused on her little sister"s new jewelry.

"I had no idea you had a nipple ring," Kim tells her.

Kendall digs into the fast food while Kim says something about putting clothes on, but then sees the irony.

"I"m one to talk because I"m always naked," she says.

"I"m extremely comfortable," confesses still-topless Kendall. "Which kind of scares me because there"s a lot of people around."

Well, DUH. What"s the point of being naked unless there are scores of witnesses who can see and share it? Right, Kim?

Kendall learned from the best.

Side note: Not only does Kendall chow down on Mickey D"s in this video, she eats pancakes as well, which is just irritating because why must models always pretend they eat junk food just like we do – but manage to stay rail thin?

Just tell us you consume nothing but vodka martinis plus three peas a day and make us all feel a little better, mmkay?


Kendall jenner prances around topless shows nipple ring to kim

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Kendall Jenner Shows Off Nipple Piercings with Insane "Shirt"

Kendall Jenner stepped out this week wearing what looks like a bed sheet – of the see through variety, and boy did we see through it alright.

While this is not the first sighting of Kendall Jenner"s nipple piercing, it is the most up close and personal look at the model we"ve had yet.

Seriously. This puts even Kylie Jenner to shame.

Maybe not to shame, but it"s on that level, given Kendall"s midriff, hole-ridden t-shirt and lack of bra, all guaranteeing where our eyes wander.

Why wear a bra if you look like this – and want others to look AT this – we suppose? Though it kind of looks as though that thing has got to hurt.

Don"t you think, people? At least a little bit?

Perhaps we"re overthinking this. She"s free to take it out anytime she damn well wishes, so we"ll assume she"s happy with it and be happy too.

It"s Kendall"s world, and the rest of us are just living in it, but damned if she doesn"t make it more enjoyable to be in the presence of greatness.

Nicely played, KJ. Very nicely played.

Kendall jenner shows off nipple piercings with insane shirt

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kendall Jenner CONFIRMS Nipple Piercing! Attributes Rebellious Act To A "Rough" Period In Her Life

There you have it, folks!

As speculated, Kendall Jenner has officially confirmed that indeed her nipple is pierced! But the reason behind it may not be what you think…

Related: 5 Times We Almost Saw Kendall’s Nipples During GQ Shoot!

The 19-year-old supermodel admitted to the new addition at the launch of her new Estée Lauder fragrance Modern Muse Le Rouge at Macy’s in New York City, sharing:

“I was going through a period in my life, having a rough time, being a rebel and was like ‘Let’s just do it."”

A little change now and then never hurt anyone! But… ouch!

Although she doesn’t say exactly what was going on in her personal life, we can take a few guesses!

Kendall went on to share that the experience wasn’t as painful as she thought!

“[I was] so terrified, I’m laying on the bed like ‘Why am I doing this.’ Honestly, it hurt, but wasn’t as bad as everyone made it seem and maybe because everyone hyped it up and I thought it would be really, really bad. Then it wasn’t as bad as I expected.”

Well… that’s good! At least she’s honest!

[Image via AP Images.]