Showing posts with label Braless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Braless. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kylie Jenner Goes Braless, Eats Pomegranate Seeds: Watch!

One a scale from Kylie Jenner"s pomegranate seeds to Bella Thorne"s burger, how healthy is your 19-year-old celebrity food photoshoot?

Actually, we kid. In part because there"s no need to pit these two teens against each other.

But in part because Kylie"s series of braless Snapchat videos seem more like humorous outtakes, as you can see in the video below.

But we should maybe clarify that when we say braless, we mean braless.

Kylie"s boobs can barely be contained in the best of circumstances.

And this brown dress seems design to flash cleavage and to move and shimmer as her body shakes.

(Which you can see plenty of in the video, when she keeps cracking up with laughter)

But it doesn"t seem to do anything to reign in her prodigious bust.

And it doesn"t exactly leave a lot to the imagination when her butt moves, either.

Kylie"s famously curvy butt puts others to shame. Nice try, Kendall.

Now, usually when celebrities do product placement over Instagram …

… And let"s not pretend that we don"t all know what this is. …

… They show the label on the packages.

Just like how you watch a movie and, like, two superheroes end up reducing the storefront of a Subway to rubble, but between a glimpse at the ingredients and a glimpse of the logo, you"re suddenly craving a footlong.

Well, it may be that, because of Kylie"s status or whatever, she doesn"t have to show the labels.

Plus, if this is a paid placement, does POM really need to advertise?

Like, I"ve never in my life eaten pomegranate seeds that weren"t either from a little POM container or directly, manually extracted from a pomegranate with my own juice-stained fingers.

Oh gosh, I"m doing Kylie"s job for her, aren"t I?


We do have to admit that it"s possible that Kylie just really loves pomegranate seeds.

She"s said in the past that she eats them multiple times per day.

They"re supposed to be super good for you in a number of ways, though we"re always leery of any of the promises of "superfoods."

Sometimes celebrities really just love food enough to share it.

Remember Iskra Lawrence"s favorite way to eat avocados?

But Kylie could also be, if not in so many words, asking for more free packages of pomegranate, or money to promote a specific brand.

Now that Kim"s moving in on the makeup business, a girl"s got to make a living.

Pomegranates generally bring three things to mind:

-Persephone eating pomegranate seeds in the underworld

-what a pain it is to pick the delicious seeds out of the fruit itself

-pomegranate vodka, or just drinks that combine pomegranate drinks with vodka

I mention that last one because Kylie will be 21 in 14 months.

Can you imagine what kinds of product endorsements she could do, on social media and otherwise, when she"s of drinking age?

Any liquor companies that sell pomegranate flavored drinks should start negotiating for that right now.

You only need to watch this video compilation to understand why:

Kylie jenner goes braless eats pomegranate seeds watch

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Selena Gomez Goes Braless in Little Black Dress (PHOTO)

Looks like the only support Selena Gomez is getting these days is from her bf, The Weeknd … based on the braless shots of her leaving dinner in NYC. They’re in town for his shows at Barclays Canter, but did dinner Tuesday night at…


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bella Thorne Goes Braless with Nipples Out in See-Through Top (PHOTO GALLERY)

Bella Thorne’s not one for laying low and hiding out … and that also goes for her nipples. The actress left the Peppermint Club in Weho Friday night in a sheer top with no bra … complemented by a pair of track pants. She also had her nipple…


Bella Thorne Goes Braless with Nipples Out in See-Through Top (PHOTO GALLERY)

Bella Thorne’s not one for laying low and hiding out … and that also goes for her nipples. The actress left the Peppermint Club in Weho Friday night in a sheer top with no bra … complemented by a pair of track pants. She also had her nipple…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Gloria Steinem Defends Bra-Less Emma Watson, There"s No Feminist Dress Code (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Feminists like Emma Watson can wear anything they f***ing want, according to the queen of feminists … Gloria Steinem. We got Gloria at LAX Thursday and asked about her pal, Emma Watson, getting feminist shamed for showing too much boob…


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Kendall Jenner Goes Braless To Show Off Nipple Rings, DUH

Last week, Kendall Jenner wrote about loving life without the restraint of a bra.

In a perfect world, I would agree with her.  However, I am not build like Kendall and therefore need to put the girls in bra jail every day.

What’s even more fun about going braless?  Showing off nipple rings, of course!

“[Jewelry designer] Jacquie Aiche made me a couple of pieces that are really sick, like a pair of angel wings,” Jenner wrote on her app.

“I think people are obsessed with the topic because it seems so unexpected of me.”

Yeah, we’re also getting kind of squirmy thinking about angel wing piercings sticking out of our nipples, but go on.

“My sisters were honestly shocked that I did it. I was going through a period in my life, having a rough time, being a rebel and was like ‘Let’s just do it,"” Kendall admitted.

The model’s younger sister, Kylie actually had hers pierced before Kendall.  However,  Kendall would like the record to show that it was her idea first.

“I wanted to get the piercing for so long before Kylie. She did hers and then everyone thought I copied her,” Kendall wrote.

Then…she heard about the pain.  Kylie apparently claimed that getting the nips pierced hurt like a bitch, but Kendall found out herself that Kylie was just being a chicken.

The whole experience “wasn’t that bad,” Kendall wrote.

“I guess I have a super high pain tolerance!”

Listen, everyone is free to pierce or ink whatever part of their body they want.  I just don’t want to hear about the awesome designs custom-made for your new hole.  It’s too much.

But as far as letting your boobs breathe, go cray.

“I think it’s cool and I really just don’t care!. It’s sexy, it’s comfortable, and I’m cool with my breasts,” Kendall wrote.

“That’s it!”

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bella Thorne Bounces Around Braless in New Instagram Video

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know that the "actress" (Apologies if you"re a fan, but we"re guessing most folks who are old enough to vote have never actually seen her in anything.) knows how to give her followers what they want.

Whether Bella is posting pictures of her butt or…posting other pictures of her butt, the girl is a social media treasure, and it seems like she has more followers every time we check in (which is more than we care to admit).

Today, Ms. Thorne decided to mix it up with not only a frontal view but also with a video that really showcases her screen presence.

And by "screen presence," we mean jiggliness.

We have no idea what exactly is going on here or why Bella chose to post this, but we don"t want to mess it up by asking.

As far as we can tell, she has this arrangement going on with her followers where she posts constant, racy pics and videos and no one ever questions it or wonders how she got to be famous.

We call it the Game of Thornes, and it"s not for the faint of heart.

So enjoy the video below, but remember – when you play the Game of Thornes, you win, or you get blocked by a hot chick on Instagram.

Bella thorne bounces around braless in new instagram video