Showing posts with label Feminist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feminist. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle to Make "Bold Feminist Statement" at Royal Wedding (Report)

Well, folks, we’re just hours away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Predictions for what you can expect as the global media continues to foam at the mouth include:

Yet another rundown of how terrible Meghan’s family is; talking head-types pretending anyone actually watched the show Suits; and of course, painstaking second-by-second breakdowns of how the actual ceremony will play out, as though you’ve never seen a freakin’ wedding before.

To be fair, tomorrow’s ceremony is sure to be more interesting than royal weddings past, thanks largely to a last-minute curveball thrown by Meghan’s lame-ass dad.

As you may have heard, Thomas Markle will not be attending his daughter’s wedding for reasons that vary depending on whom you ask/believe.

The most likely explanation seems to be that Thomas is embarrassed that he was busted selling staged paparazzi photos to British media outlets, so he’s decided to make the situation worse by bailing on the wedding entirely.

The decision created quite a stir, as Thomas was supposed to symbolically give Meghan away before she joins Harry at the altar.

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before a suitable plan B emerged.

This morning it was reported that Prince Charles would walk Meghan down the aisle, but now it seems that’s only partially true.

CNN is now claiming that Meghan will “make a bold feminist statement” by proceeding down the first stretch of the aisle “unescorted.”

Of course, actual solitude is for peasants, and royals are never really alone, even when they’re “alone.”

So when CNN says “unescorted” they really mean Meghan will be joined by her bridesmaids and page boys, “with a senior church figure walking ahead.”

The Donald’s favorite news network also points out that Charles is no stranger to the task of walking blushing brides down the aisle.

In 2016, he escorted Alexandra Knatchbull during her wedding to Thomas Hooper – and who could forget the famed Knatchbull-Hooper wedding?

Just kidding, we have no idea who these people are.

Anyway, it’s cool that Meghan is using her time on the world’s biggest stage to make a statement that’s sure to inspire other young women.

But our favorite part of this story might be the fact that Harry’s grandfather, 96-year-old Prince Philip, will be in attendance less than two months after undergoing hip surgery.

We’re sure he’ll be there primarily to support his grandson and new granddaughter-in-law.

But we like to think he’s at least partially motivated by a desire to make Thomas Markle look like a little bitch.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Donald Trump Tells Piers Morgan, "I Wouldn"t Say I"m a Feminist"

We pretty much already knew it, but now he’s come out and said it himself — Donald Trump is not a feminist. British news host Piers Morgan tweeted a quote from his recent interview with the Prez, in which Trump apparently says, “‘No, I…


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Gloria Allred"s Happy Prince Harry Landed a Feminist Role Model in Meghan Markle

Add Gloria Allred to the list of people pumped for another Royal Wedding in May … because she’s a huge Meghan Markle fan. The famed women’s rights attorney tells TMZ she’s stoked Prince Harry’s marrying a feminist, and hopes she’ll rub off on…


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Emma Watson: I Can Be a Feminist AND Have Boobs!

Emma Watson is a gift to this world that we don"t deserve. Not even a little bit.

She came to us so many years ago as the intelligent, courageous, nerdy but lovably Hermione Granger, and she hasn"t disappointed us once in all this time.

One of the most admirable things about Emma is that for the past couple of years, she"s been a loud and proud feminist — so much so that she"s spoken at the United Nations about feminist issues.

Her fight for women"s rights is actually one of the most notable things about her these days. So when she posed topless for Vanity Fair, some people felt the need to talk trash about her.

One journalist tweeted "Emma Watson: "Feminism, feminism… gender wage gap… why oh why am I not taken seriously… feminism… oh, and here are my tits!""

Because to some, Emma can"t be a feminist and have visible breasts at the same time.

Luckily, Emma has heard about the controversy surrounding the photo shoot, and she"s taking the time to speak out about it.

And what she has to say is simply delightful.

"Feminism is about giving women choice," she explained. "Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It"s about freedom, it"s about liberation, it"s about equality."

"I really don"t know what my tits have to do with it."

See Emma be her usual amazing self in the interview below:

Emma watson i can be a feminist and have boobs

Friday, March 3, 2017

Gloria Steinem Defends Bra-Less Emma Watson, There"s No Feminist Dress Code (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Feminists like Emma Watson can wear anything they f***ing want, according to the queen of feminists … Gloria Steinem. We got Gloria at LAX Thursday and asked about her pal, Emma Watson, getting feminist shamed for showing too much boob…


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Feminist Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted in Virtual Reality

Jordan Belamire has been sexually assaulted three times in her life, she says. Twice in real life, specifically, and once in virtual reality. 

Belamire (an alias) says she was playing a game, QuiVr, on her brother-in-law’s HTC Vive VR system when she was sexually assaulted.

She’s not saying she was assaulted in the room while playing the game, she’s claiming she was violated in the virtual world of the game.

VR Player

According to Belamire, she was shooting zombies with strangers in QuiVr’s multiplayer mode when another player began to rub her chest.

Virtually, but she says it was just as bad as the “real” thing.

“I’ve been groped in real life, once in a Starbucks in broad daylight. I know what it’s like to happen in person,” Belamire, 30, told CNN.

“The shock and disgust I felt was not too far off from that.”

Another user, BigBro442, had caught on that she was a woman because her mic streamed her voice through to the virtual world. 

Belamire yelled “Stop!” as BigBro442 grabbed her.

VR Playa

That only made the bad situation worse, she said, as “he chased me around, making grabbing and pinching motions near my chest.”

“Emboldened, he even shoved his hand toward my virtual crotch and began rubbing,” she wrote in a post that has gone viral online.

Not everyone is buying into her claim that this is assault.

“Please explain how someone can be assaulted in any form in VR. This seems to be someone whining just to whine,” said one commenter.

Belamire temporarily suspended her Twitter as a result. 

Saying she is “more disturbed by the backlash than the VR incident itself,” she says she rejects the idea that this is someone harmless.

“It’s not real, therefore it’s OK; this is the amoral substructure of gaming culture,” wrote sociologist and gaming critic Katherine Cross.

“This, more than anonymity, is the source of much gender and racial harassment on the internet,” she says in her essay, “Ethics for Cyborgs.”

Other women have described similar experiences in VR.

“I still tensed up and felt uncomfortable, and removing the headset didn’t take that feeling away,” says one gamer of her own harassment.

Indeed, Belamire told CNN that the hand that stroked her body felt “very lifelike. You can make the fingers move in really realistic ways.” 

No, it’s not the same thing as real life, but it has an impact, she says, and one that’s severe enough that it should be taken very seriously.

Some industry critics suggest that there needs to be a code of conduct in VR since its psychological effects are still new and unknown.

Do you agree that this problem needs real monitoring?

Or is this much ado about (sorry) virtually nothing?


Friday, July 29, 2016

Taylor Swift: SLAMMED as "Fake Feminist" By Troian Bellisario!

Sure, Trump vs. Hillary is the conflict on everyone’s mind these days, but let’s take a break from this historic election cycle to discuss another rivalry that few would’ve predicted a year ago:

The Taylor Swift vs. Kim Kardashian feud didn’t completely come out of nowhere.

After all, the beef between Taylor and Kim’s husband goes back to when Kanye stormed the stage at the 2009 VMAs.

Things heated up in recent weeks when ‘Ye dissed Taylor in his song “Famous.”

Kim got involved, posting what she claimed was proof that Taylor approved Kanye’s lyrics before the song was ever recorded.

Needless to say, the whole thing is a big mess.

Thankfully, we have Troian Bellisario to sort it out for us.

If you don’t watch Pretty Little Liars, you might think that Troian Bellisario is the new Dornish badass on Game of Thrones, but she’s actually an actress on the long-running Freeform series.

Troian attended the DNC this week, and for some reason, she was asked to pick a side in the Kimye-Taylor feud.

Surprisingly, she gave an insightful response to a profoundly dumb question:

“Oh god, I have such an aversion to the Kardashians because I literally don’t understand people’s obsession with them and I don’t want to accept them as our closest thing to a royal family, so I guess I would be Team Taylor Swift?” Troian said.

“However, I’m so appalled by what I consider to be her false feminism.”

Yep, she went there by questioning Taylor’s feminist credentials (as many have before her).

Then she doubled down, questioning Swift’s loyalty as a friend:

“It seems like [Taylor is] this person who’s like, ‘Sisterhood!’ and then she does nothing but tear down the women that were once her friends. So is it possible to just be, like… this is a two-party system that I don’t want to be a part of?

“Can I just say that? Can I say that I would choose the Green Party in this?”

Boom. Asked about celebrity feuds at a political convention, Bellisario pulled a mic-drop moment by bringing it back around to politics.

We look forward to a Jill Stein-like figure emerging in this feud.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kim Kardashian: You"re Not a Feminist If You Support Kanye, Piers Morgan Argues

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kanye West is once again stirring the pot with the release of his “Famous” music video.

The clip features nude wax statues of several celebs lying naked in bed next to West.

Despite the deliberate provocation and further cries for attention from Kanye in the form of “somebody sue me!” tweets, most of the famous figured in the clip (who range from Rihanna to George W. Bush) have simply shrugged off West’s latest “performance art” or failed to acknowledge it at all.

The women whose lifeless figures are lying on either side of Kanye in the video, his wifr Kim Kardashian and his longtime rival Taylor Swift, have received the most scrutiny in the wake of the video’s release, which was no doubt West’s intention.

Swift was the subject of a misogynistic tirade in the lyrics of West’s song, and in a recent piece for the Daily Mail journalist Piers Morgan argues that West should face criminal prosecution for using her likeness in what basically amounts to revenge porn: 

“This is abuse, pure and simple; an older man exposing a younger woman to public sexual humiliation,” Morgan writes.

“Taylor’s said to be ‘hurt and angry’ by the video, and who can blame her?

“If it was my daughter Kanye was violating in this disgraceful way, I’d be round his house now with the L.A.P.D

“(Perhaps Taylor’s new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston will have his own way of dealing with such a revolting slur?)”

Furthemore, he argues, Kim Kardashian should have her feminist card revoked for blindly supporting her controversial husband.

“‘She’s talented at being beautiful,’ you recently claimed about Kim,” Morgan writes.

“Only none of this is beautiful. It’s ugly; very, very ugly. And it makes further mockery of Kim’s claim to be some sort of feminist icon.”

Kanye is obviously not concerned about being sued by other artists.

But by hitting him where it hurts – he and his wife’s roles as important cultural icons – Morgan may have just delivered a crushing blow to the rapper’s ego.

Kim Kardashian: You"re Not a Feminist If You Support Kanye, Piers Morgan Argues

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kanye West is once again stirring the pot with the release of his “Famous” music video.

The clip features nude wax statues of several celebs lying naked in bed next to West.

Despite the deliberate provocation and further cries for attention from Kanye in the form of “somebody sue me!” tweets, most of the famous figured in the clip (who range from Rihanna to George W. Bush) have simply shrugged off West’s latest “performance art” or failed to acknowledge it at all.

The women whose lifeless figures are lying on either side of Kanye in the video, his wifr Kim Kardashian and his longtime rival Taylor Swift, have received the most scrutiny in the wake of the video’s release, which was no doubt West’s intention.

Swift was the subject of a misogynistic tirade in the lyrics of West’s song, and in a recent piece for the Daily Mail journalist Piers Morgan argues that West should face criminal prosecution for using her likeness in what basically amounts to revenge porn: 

“This is abuse, pure and simple; an older man exposing a younger woman to public sexual humiliation,” Morgan writes.

“Taylor’s said to be ‘hurt and angry’ by the video, and who can blame her?

“If it was my daughter Kanye was violating in this disgraceful way, I’d be round his house now with the L.A.P.D

“(Perhaps Taylor’s new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston will have his own way of dealing with such a revolting slur?)”

Furthemore, he argues, Kim Kardashian should have her feminist card revoked for blindly supporting her controversial husband.

“‘She’s talented at being beautiful,’ you recently claimed about Kim,” Morgan writes.

“Only none of this is beautiful. It’s ugly; very, very ugly. And it makes further mockery of Kim’s claim to be some sort of feminist icon.”

Kanye is obviously not concerned about being sued by other artists.

But by hitting him where it hurts – he and his wife’s roles as important cultural icons – Morgan may have just delivered a crushing blow to the rapper’s ego.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Demi Lovato Calls Out Taylor Swift as a Fake Feminist

Demi Lovato just called out Taylor Swift for making a $ 250,000 donation to Kesha.

For what possible reason? Allow us to explain…

Last week, a judge denied Kesha’s request to end her contract with Dr. Luke, a legal maneuver the singer had tried to make because she alleges the producer had been abusive toward her since she signed with him at the age of 18.

Among other accusations, Kesha says Dr. Luke forced drugs and alcohol on her and that she awoke one morning naked in the 42-year-old’s bed “sore and sick with no memory of how she got there.”

Kesha broke down in tears once the ruling was read aloud, while many celebrities showed support for her in court.

But Swift went ahead over the weekend and showed financial support to Kesha, donating a quarter million to her fellow singer to “help with any of her financial needs during this trying time,” according to Taylor’s rep.

Pretty amazing and generous, right?

Not necessarily, Lovato argues.

One of the most outspoken young stars in Hollywood, Lovato Tweeted that she was not “impressed” with Swift’s gesture and then explained why, essentially saying the money may be helpful to Kesha in some ways…

… but that Taylor isn’t using her platform to actually make a difference when it comes to women’s rights.

“Take something to Capitol Hill or actually speak out about something and then I’ll be impressed,” Lovato wrote.

Lovato then got into a back-and-forth with a Swift fan, further expounding on her position:

Not everyone has 250k to just give to people. Would love to but I didn’t grow up with money and def haven’t made as much as her.

“At least I speak up about sh-t that’s uncomfortable to talk about rather than trying to be politically correct 24/7.”

Wow. Damn. That’s a pretty harsh critique of Taylor Swift, wouldn’t you say?

Lovato continued, denying any sort of “rivalry” with the superstar, but also making it clear that she thinks Swift doesn’t do close to all she can to help with various causes.

“I just give more f-cks than other people and would rather start a dialogue ABOUT WOMEN COMING FORWARD ABOUT BEING RAPED than throw money at one person,” Lovato Tweeted, adding:

“I didn’t shade Taylor… I’m just tired of seeing women use ‘women empowerment’ and ‘feminism’ to further brands without actually being the ones that have the uncomfortable conversations.

“I get shade and I don’t give a f-ck because someone has to be the one to take it. At least I’m getting my hands dirty.”

Let’s be clear: Lovato absolutely DID just shade Taylor.

But the question is this: Does she deserve it?