Showing posts with label Bold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bold. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Meghan Markle Finally Speaks on Married Life, Makes Bold Statement About Prince Harry

Meghan Markle has made multiple appearances since becoming the Duchess of Sussex.

She’s even made her debut on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and has even established herself in British society to such an extent that she’s receiving backlash for her fashion choices.

So, yes, we have seen Markle ever since her monumental wedding to Prince Harry back on May 19.

But we haven’t really heard from Markle since this she officially became part of the Royal Family.

Not until now at least.

On Thursday afternoon, Markle enjoyed a walkabout in Chester, England, joining Queen Elizabeth II for her first solo engagement with the beloved monarch.

She carried herself very well, as you might expect, even prompting a number of smiles and laughs from the typically-stoic queen.

While speaking with residents gathered along the sidewalk, Markle also addressed her life as a newlywed, specifically giving folks her take on her very famous and handsome husband.

According to press on the scene, the new Duchess of Sussex referred Prince Harry as “best husband ever,” saying simply of being his wife:

“It’s wonderful.”

It is important to remember, of course, that Markle was once married to Trevor Engelson.

She split from him in 2013, but she actually does have a husband to whom she can compare Harry, making the above remark carry more weight.

Last weekend, the married twosome re-emerged in public together for the first time in a few weeks to join the queen at the annual Trooping the Colour ceremony.

As mentioned previously, this event marked Markle’s debut on the Buckingham Palace balcony.

We’ve since learned that Markle and Harry had been away from the spotlight because they found time to jet off to Africa for their honeymoon.

An insider has confirmed to E! News that the Royal Couple traveled into East Africa, to be accurate, and also visited more than two nations, where their activities included safaris and outdoor adventures, along with much-deserved rest and relaxation in the sun.

(We’re also guessing they had a lot of sex.)

“It was the perfect break and blend of their passions,” this E! source says. “Restorative and the perfect holiday before starting a very busy second half of 2018.”

Busy because Harry and Meghan will be making many public appearances?

Yes, we’re certain this is true.

But also busy because they’ll be preparing to be parents?

Indeed, questions about just when Markle will get pregnant have already started to circulate around the Internet.

We’re not about to add any pressure to the lives of these global stars, however. They only just got married!

We’ll just wish them all the best for a happy and healthy future and ask that they alert The Hollywood Gossip to any baby news prior to any other entertainment/gossip outlet.

We’d really appreciate it.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ex-"Dance Moms" Star Nia Sioux Cashing In On "Bold and the Beautiful"

Former “Dance Moms” star Nia Sioux’s crossover into scripted TV on “The Bold and the Beautiful” is keeping her pockets deep now that she’s no longer on the dance competition reality show. We got ahold of her minor’s contract for the soap opera…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle to Make "Bold Feminist Statement" at Royal Wedding (Report)

Well, folks, we’re just hours away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Predictions for what you can expect as the global media continues to foam at the mouth include:

Yet another rundown of how terrible Meghan’s family is; talking head-types pretending anyone actually watched the show Suits; and of course, painstaking second-by-second breakdowns of how the actual ceremony will play out, as though you’ve never seen a freakin’ wedding before.

To be fair, tomorrow’s ceremony is sure to be more interesting than royal weddings past, thanks largely to a last-minute curveball thrown by Meghan’s lame-ass dad.

As you may have heard, Thomas Markle will not be attending his daughter’s wedding for reasons that vary depending on whom you ask/believe.

The most likely explanation seems to be that Thomas is embarrassed that he was busted selling staged paparazzi photos to British media outlets, so he’s decided to make the situation worse by bailing on the wedding entirely.

The decision created quite a stir, as Thomas was supposed to symbolically give Meghan away before she joins Harry at the altar.

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before a suitable plan B emerged.

This morning it was reported that Prince Charles would walk Meghan down the aisle, but now it seems that’s only partially true.

CNN is now claiming that Meghan will “make a bold feminist statement” by proceeding down the first stretch of the aisle “unescorted.”

Of course, actual solitude is for peasants, and royals are never really alone, even when they’re “alone.”

So when CNN says “unescorted” they really mean Meghan will be joined by her bridesmaids and page boys, “with a senior church figure walking ahead.”

The Donald’s favorite news network also points out that Charles is no stranger to the task of walking blushing brides down the aisle.

In 2016, he escorted Alexandra Knatchbull during her wedding to Thomas Hooper – and who could forget the famed Knatchbull-Hooper wedding?

Just kidding, we have no idea who these people are.

Anyway, it’s cool that Meghan is using her time on the world’s biggest stage to make a statement that’s sure to inspire other young women.

But our favorite part of this story might be the fact that Harry’s grandfather, 96-year-old Prince Philip, will be in attendance less than two months after undergoing hip surgery.

We’re sure he’ll be there primarily to support his grandson and new granddaughter-in-law.

But we like to think he’s at least partially motivated by a desire to make Thomas Markle look like a little bitch.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Bold and the Beautiful" Star Winsor Harmon Arrested for Drunk in Public

This one’s bold, but it ain’t beautiful — Winsor Harmon was arrested after allegedly getting loaded in his car and peeing in front of a live audience … TMZ has learned.  Law enforcement sources tell us the famous soap star — who starred in…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Charlie Sheen -- The City of Cleveland Needs Me ... And Here"s My Bold Prediction!!! (VIDEO)

Charlie Sheen’s got your lock for Wednesday’s epic Game 7 of the World Series in Cleveland … and he’s hoping reviving Mr. ‘Wild Thing’ himself is enough juju to tip the scales. We got video of Ricky Vaughn on his private jet en route to C-Town…
