Monday, February 22, 2016

Demi Lovato Calls Out Taylor Swift as a Fake Feminist

Demi Lovato just called out Taylor Swift for making a $ 250,000 donation to Kesha.

For what possible reason? Allow us to explain…

Last week, a judge denied Kesha’s request to end her contract with Dr. Luke, a legal maneuver the singer had tried to make because she alleges the producer had been abusive toward her since she signed with him at the age of 18.

Among other accusations, Kesha says Dr. Luke forced drugs and alcohol on her and that she awoke one morning naked in the 42-year-old’s bed “sore and sick with no memory of how she got there.”

Kesha broke down in tears once the ruling was read aloud, while many celebrities showed support for her in court.

But Swift went ahead over the weekend and showed financial support to Kesha, donating a quarter million to her fellow singer to “help with any of her financial needs during this trying time,” according to Taylor’s rep.

Pretty amazing and generous, right?

Not necessarily, Lovato argues.

One of the most outspoken young stars in Hollywood, Lovato Tweeted that she was not “impressed” with Swift’s gesture and then explained why, essentially saying the money may be helpful to Kesha in some ways…

… but that Taylor isn’t using her platform to actually make a difference when it comes to women’s rights.

“Take something to Capitol Hill or actually speak out about something and then I’ll be impressed,” Lovato wrote.

Lovato then got into a back-and-forth with a Swift fan, further expounding on her position:

Not everyone has 250k to just give to people. Would love to but I didn’t grow up with money and def haven’t made as much as her.

“At least I speak up about sh-t that’s uncomfortable to talk about rather than trying to be politically correct 24/7.”

Wow. Damn. That’s a pretty harsh critique of Taylor Swift, wouldn’t you say?

Lovato continued, denying any sort of “rivalry” with the superstar, but also making it clear that she thinks Swift doesn’t do close to all she can to help with various causes.

“I just give more f-cks than other people and would rather start a dialogue ABOUT WOMEN COMING FORWARD ABOUT BEING RAPED than throw money at one person,” Lovato Tweeted, adding:

“I didn’t shade Taylor… I’m just tired of seeing women use ‘women empowerment’ and ‘feminism’ to further brands without actually being the ones that have the uncomfortable conversations.

“I get shade and I don’t give a f-ck because someone has to be the one to take it. At least I’m getting my hands dirty.”

Let’s be clear: Lovato absolutely DID just shade Taylor.

But the question is this: Does she deserve it?