Thursday, January 12, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Accused of Photoshopping Herself So Hard She Gave Herself a Third Nipple

If you know who Kylie Jenner is, then you know she’s no stranger to switching things up when it comes to her appearance.

It’s pretty much the only reason anybody even talks about her.

The 19-year-old reality star changes her hair all the time, going from brown to blonde to turquoise to pink to “rose gold.”

She’s a makeup master, capable of making herself nearly unrecognizable with just a few (million) strokes of her brushes.

There’s also Kylie’s lip injections, which need no introduction.

Not to mention the mysterious way her ass and her breasts have grown recently to the point where they eclipse even Kim’s.

There’s no question that Kylie is something of a khameleon, and has been for some time now, but this latest photo of her …

… it’s hard to tell what’s even happening here:

So OK, there’s Kylie Jenner in a bikini, nothing new to see there.

Tyga ruins the whole picture by existing in it. Also totally normal.

But hold up, why does the beauty’s leg look so tiny?! It doesn’t even match the other leg! What a ridiculously awful Photoshop effort!

… Oh, wait. Upon closer inspection, the bottom part of her leg there is covered by Tyga’s, then by a shadow. That makes some sense.

But you know what doesn’t make sense, not even a little bit?

The fact that Kylie appears to have a third nipple, smack dab in the middle of her knee. Take a look above, see for yourself.

How did this happen?! Has the social media maven always had a third nipple located on her knee and we somehow never noticed?

Is it some kind of wart? Is something in the foreground there playing unfortunate tricks on our eyes in this unusual case?

Or did Kylie somehow Photoshop this photo so hard that a random nipple-esque growth appeared where it had no business being?

Let’s take to the Instagram comments to investigate.

“Photoshop fail,” one Internet sleuth hereby theorizes.

“Look at her leg and the third nipple on her knee.”

But another commenter argues in her defense, “cmon guys its probably just a bandaid peeling off on her knee 🙂 nobodys perfect lol.”

Another possibility, according to these sage folks on Instagram?

“That’s her herpes outbreak,” one commenter posited.

“That’s obviously her brain,” said another, amusingly.

Yet another person weighed in thusly: “But that knee doh.”

“She carried a bed bug all the way from calabasas lmaoo.”

Lmaoo indeed. Another of Jenner’s 83.3 million followers – this is seriously a mystery for the ages here – offered the following explanation:

“I’m pretty sure something’s just fallen onto her knee, like some of the food she’s eating so you all need to chill tf out.”

The most popular theory of all, however, appears to be that the unexplained thing on Kylie’s knee is actually … wait for this one …

A plant. Yes, we’re serious. An actual living thing.

“If you look closely,” a wise soul explains to the masses, “that ‘wart’ looking thing on her knee is actually part of a tree.”

To clarify what they’re saying, there’s also a degree to which the camera is embellishing this object somewhat:

“Lol it’s a plant in front of them in soft focus lol.”

So is it really a plant of some kind on Kylizzle? 

Or is it a bit of food or a band-aid or a bug?

Or is it possible that Kylie Jenner has gone all this time with a third nipple chilling right on her knee, right in front of us?

While we fixated on the other two for obvious reasons, has nip #3 been hiding in plain sight for a matter of years?

The world may never know, and perhaps some things in life are better left unexplained in the end … but we must ask:

What do you think, readers, and does this rank among the most ridiculous Photoshop fails / controversies in modern times?

Hit the comments below!
