Showing posts with label Photoshopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kim Zolciak SLAMS Accusations of Photoshopping Her Kids

Just last month, Kim Zolciak was accused of photoshopping the butt of her 4-year-old daughter. Yikes.

Now, after new photos have surfaced that appear to show her kids before and after being digitally altered, Kim is blasting the accusations.

Kim calls the accusation “sick,” but even some of her own fans are convinced that she’s doing it.

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop accusation

An Instagram accounts called @wigzncigs is dedicated to exposing Kim Zolciak as an alleged fraud.

And they may have hit the jackpot.

They shared what they say are before and after photos of two of Kim Zolciak’s very young children, Kaia and Kane.

Though the differences are almost imperceptible, it does appear that the photos were modified.

If you can’t see the changes to both Kaia and Kane with the side-by-side images, perhaps seeing the contrast like this will help:

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop kaia and kane gif

“Check out the before & after,” the non-fan page writes.

“Kaia’s waist was taken in and her legs were made thinner,” the caption reads. “Kane’s ear was also made smaller.”

It certainly appears that way.

But Kim, who has been accused of doctoring photos of her children in the past, took to social media to express her outrage — and a firm denial.

“People are f–kin SICK!!” Kim exclaims.

She demands in her tweet: “Get the f–k out here!!”

“No post was taken down,” she asserts about the “before” photos.

“And,” Kim continues. “No photo has been nor will ever be edited of my children!”

As for the accusations, Kim writes: “I will no longer stand for this bulls–t!”

This is not Kim’s first time being accused of this.

This Halloween photo of Kaia and Kane brought on accusations that she had digitally manipulated the curve of her daughter’s butt.

Kaia Biermann, for the record, is four years old.

The idea of a mother being so obsessed with appearances that she tries to make her extremely young children look more “perfect” is stomach-turning.

Is this really what’s happening?

Even some of Kim Zolciak’s own alleged fans seem to think so.

“I’d love to believe you,” tweeted one person. “But I’ve seen a video of your IG pic/story, and it’s CLEARLY photoshopped-there are before and after shots. Sad, really.”

Others were less gentle, tweeting: “The photo was 100% photoshopped lol.”

Kim had defenders who sided with her, but her critics encouraged them to look at what they say is evidence of digital manipulation.

“Obviously you people haven’t seen the before and after,” a tweeter wrote to Kim’s defenders. “You can preach happiness and acceptance and joy…but damn girl, actions speak louder than words!”

Other fans spoke openly of their hope that her husband, Kroy, will step in and stop her from tweaking any more photos.

As we mentioned, @wigzncigs is serious about taking down Kim Zolciak.

Their Instagram bio reads: “Exposing Kim Zolciak-Biermann and her family for the liars & frauds they are! Ask, Believe, Deceive.”

The bio also links to, of all things, a petition.

The petition aims to implore Andy Cohen to cancel Don’t Be Tardy, on the grounds that they don’t like Kim Zolciak and think she’s fake.

Our first thought was that someone has way too much time on their hands.

Our second thought was to half-jokingly wonder if NeNe Leakes is somehow behind this.

(She’s not, but it would be so funny if she were using her massive paycheck to bankroll people to roast Kim)

But on a more serious note, if this “evidence” is somehow being faked or simply a misunderstanding, we hope that Kim can clear it up.

If Kim really is rounding out the butt and shrinking the ears of her very young children, though, that is … super f–ked up.

It’s one thing to have body image issues with yourself. It’s another thing altogether to project that onto your own babies.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kim Zolciak: Photoshopping Her Four-Year-Old Daughter"s BUTT?!

It feels pretty safe to say that Kim Zolciak cares about her appearance.

And that’s fine, if that’s what you’re into.

She’s typically in a full face of makeup with her hair done, and we all know she’s very, very serious about her lip injections.

She also had a breast reduction recently — but remember, she’s always insisted she’s never gotten any plastic surgery on her face.

(Sure, Kim Zolciak of 2018 barely resembles Kim Zolciak of 2008, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it.)

There have even been some more controversial moments that have highlighted the importance she places on appearances — for example, she’s publicly encouraged her oldest daughter, Brielle Biermann, to get lip injections.

And a boob job, too, because why not?

All of her talk about Brielle’s body has been a little uncomfortable, but honestly, it doesn’t even touch this new thing.

Because if you can even believe it, a lot of people think that Kim edited a photo of her four-year-old daughter, Kaia.

Here’s the picture of Kaia with her twin, Kane:

“Have you ever seen a cuter duo?” Kim asked in her caption.

And it’s true, they are pretty cute, but that’s not the only thing people are noticing about the photo.

If you look at Kaia specifically here, you may be able to see some telltale signs of poor Photoshopping.

Or you could just check out another version of the photo that Brielle shared in her Instagram story:

If you look back and forth between the two images, you can see that in Kim’s photo, Kaia’s nose is smaller.

But — and this is honestly, truly wild — her butt is bigger.

It just is, guys.

You can even see the background all altered in Kim’s photo where she enlarged her kid’s backside.

And, as you may have guessed, Kim’s Instagram followers were not having this, not one bit.

“You’re genuinely sick to edit your daughter’s body,” one person told her. “You obviously have issues with body image, don’t perpetuate them on your baby girl.”

Someone else pointed out “You can see the bend in the wall from where you were EDITING a photo of your children who are perfect on their own. Your daughter is going to be so messed up in the head because of you.”

So, so many people said that Kim is “disgusting” for this, and many thought the editing was very clear.

One of her followers wrote that she has “serious, deep seated issues,” and another advised that she shouldn’t “edit your insecurities onto children.”

A particularly disturbed Instagram user told Kim that her daughter “is a beautiful little girl just the way she is,” and that “it’s disturbing to see what you altered in this photo vs. the original.”

“What kind of message are you trying to send? It’s very concerning behavior.”

And honestly, it really is.

Because whatever you want to say about Kim, whether you love her or hate her or are perhaps just indifferent to her, it’s obvious that her photo of her children is edited.

Maybe it was some kind of mistake, maybe she was trying to do some different kind of editing and this just happened.

But that’s the thing — this happened.

Whether it was intentional or not, Kim’s four-year-old daughter’s butt got edited to look bigger in this photo.

And that is simply not OK.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tori Spelling Gets Busted Photoshopping Body Positivity Swimsuit Pic

The acronym SMDH was basically invented for Tori Spelling.

The actress-turned-reality-star-turned-punchline has had the whole world shaking its damn head for at least the past decade, and it doesn’t seem like she’s planning to quit embarrassing herself anytime soon.

As you may already know, Tori welcomed her fifth child recently, and as you can see from the photo above, she’s been proudly flaunting her post-baby bump on social media!

Well, actually, “proud” might be a bit of a strong word, as Tori photoshopped that pic within an inch of its life before she posted it.

“After having my 5th baby I have to admit my body didn’t bounce back the way it did with the first 4!” she captioned the image.

“But I’ve been working at it and eating and playing to live my best life and I feel like it’s showing. Back in a one piece minus the coverup or shorts,” she added.

“[Dean] makes me feel great about myself no matter what weight I’m at. And I’m finally loving seeing my hard work start to pay off! Thanks Body! We got this!”

Yes, the woman uses some top-notch bait when she goes fishing for compliments, but unfortunately for her, the sycophants just weren’t biting today.

Instagram users were quick to point out that the image had been heavily retouched.

And then Tori confirmed their suspicions by deleting the post entirely.

She then called the paparazzi to her house (unless you’re the sort of person who actually believes the paps just show up to Tori Spelling’s backyard on random weekday afternoons) and had them snap photos of her at flattering angles in the same swimsuit.

We suppose the objective was to … prove the haters wrong?

Seems like the best way to do that would’ve been to not delete the original pic.

Some fans have grappled with the issue of whether they should laugh at Tori for this debacle or feel sorry for her.

That’s a question that you’ll have to answer for yourself, but there are a few things to consider while you mull it over:

Tori recently launched a pyramid scheme with the intention of conning her own fans out of their money.

Tori has racked up millions in debt, and those who know her best say she has no intention of paying it back and is still spending compulsively.

Tori might have invented a mistress and pretended her husband had an affair just to make herself more sympathetic for a reality show.

Suddenly the swimsuit situation is seeming pretty damn funny, no?


Monday, June 11, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Accused of Photoshopping Bikini Pics

Say what you will about Kailyn Lowry, the Teen Mom 2 star is nothing if not straightforward.

Kail certainly has her share of critics, but no one has accused of her being dishonest to her fans — until now, that is.

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Kail is currently on an epic tour of Europe.

She posted the above photo of herself on a cruise ship over the weekend, and we think it’s safe to say she’s living her best life.

“A smile is the best make up any girl could wear,” Kail captioned the photo.

It’s not easy to be negative about a young, hardworking single mom treating herself to a vacation and posting the pics on social media.

But because we’re living in the darkest timeline, IG users found occasion to talk a whole lot of trash.

The most common criticism had to do with Kail’s appearance, but this wasn’t the usual generic body-shaming from repugnant trolls.

No, these haters came equipped with a very specific complaint — they believe Kail photoshopped her pics, but is passing them off as un-retouched.

Kail was having none of that, and she promptly delivered a stern warning:

“If y’all don’t get off my ass on IG y’all can catch the block button,” Lowry wrote.

“I didn’t photoshop my photos. But if i wanted to I f–kng will.”

Fortunately, as always, Kail’s critics were vastly outnumbered by her supporters:

“I can’t believe all the negative girl bashing on here! Girls are supposed lift one another up, not break each other down! It’s so sad,” wrote one follower.

“I don’t understand why anyone thinks this is photoshopped,” another commented.

“Kail idk why you even waste your time and energy responding to hater. Who cares brush that off.”

She added:

You’re famous and it’s the Internet. There will always be a bad comment at some point. No point replying to badness or illogical nonsense.”

A third counter-balanced the insults by offering up some effusive praise:

“You are a gem, I love your confidence, and I think you look great! Looove that swimsuit and I love your curves,” 

Fortunately, it seems Kail isn’t particularly bothered by the criticism.

She’s been called the most hated Teen Mom, but even if that’s true (it probably isn’t), she has something that Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham do not — loyal fans.

We’re sure it stings to have strangers hurl such personal insults at your every social media post.

But maybe those feelings are likely overwhelmed by the pride and connection when feels when an army of supporters comes to your defense.

Or maybe we’re just putting a positive spin on a crappy situation in order to make social media feel somewhat tolerable.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kail’s courage in the face of constant criticism.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian: People Are Photoshopping My Butt to Make It Look Worse!

If you know literally anything about her, you know that Kim Kardashian’s butt is the most famous in the world.

Hell, at this point, it’s basically a star in its own right.

And like all celebrities, the first of the famous Kardashian asses has seen plenty of ups and downs over the course of its enviable career.

But like legend it is, Kim’s butt carries on through both good times and bad.

If the famous ‘donk hit its peak back when Kim starred in her sex tape with Ray J, then its valley may have come last month, courtesy of some unflattering bikini photos.

Really, there was nothing all that surprising about the pics, especially when one considers that Kim is a 36-year-old mother of two who, like the rest of us, is still emerging from a months-long food coma in early May.

Mrs. Kardashian-West is obviously no stranger to public criticism, but it seems like she was genuinely hurt by the online smack talk that took place when candid bikini photos of Kim in Mexico went public.

Kim appeared on The View yesterday, and while far more dramatic recent developments in her lfie took centerstage, the reality star took time to address her latest butt-related controversy:

“I saw these awful photos of myself when I was on a trip in Mexico and people were Photoshopping them and sharpening them,” she told the show’s panel of hosts.

“I definitely was not in my best shape. I hadn’t worked out in about 12 weeks, I’d had two surgeries on my uterus. We documented that on the show.”

Yes, Kim cops to not being in the best shape of her life on the trip, but also claims that several unnamed media outlets re-touched the images to make them look “way worse.”

We may never know for sure if that was really the case.

But if it was, Kim deserves neverending props.

Like we said, she less than two years out from giving birth to her second child, and stuck in that awkward part of the year where you’re expected to wear summery attire, but your body and brain are still in winter mode.

If that’s what she looks like after people have edited her pics to make her look worse, then Kim’s butt truly is the eighth wonder of the world.

It should really be on postcards and currency.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Slammed For Photoshopping Thigh Gap!

Kylie Jenner is one of the most popular people on Instagram, which means her every selfie is scrutinized in a way that few of us could ever really imagine.

Fortunately for Kylizzle, most of the comments on her pics are just teens trying to get other teens to follow them back, so she doesn’t receive much in the way of criticism – even when she’s guilty of some obvious re-touching.

Yes, Kylie Photoshop controversies are nothing new, but for the most part, her followers don’t seem to mind.

After all, they’re far more interested in the ways in which Kylie enhances herself in real life.

(Kylie’s lips remain high on the list of Instagram’s biggest obsessions – along with pretty much every other part of her body.)

But sometimes, Kylie’s manipulation of her own form is so blatant that even the biggest Ky-Hards can’t ignore the deception.

Recently, some fans have noticed that Kylie appears to have taken steps to slim down her famous figure in some of her photos.

It’s an unusual approach for the model, who in the past, has been busted adding curves to her naturally slender frame.

Some fans have come to Kylie’s defense, claiming that the 19-year-old may have simply lost some weight in recent weeks.

Others, however, insist that Kylie has simply taken to altering her pics before posting, adding, they claim, a “thigh gap” by narrowing her legs.

Fortunately, it’s 2017, which means instead of debating these things to death, we can have an expert settle the matter for us!

Enter Photoshop specialist Alan Barry.

Barry analyzed some of Kylie’s photos recently and weighed in on whether or not she’s guilty of retouching.

“It is my professional opinion that areas of the image have been manipulated in Photoshop or some other image editing software,” he tells Radar Online.

“I have illustrated the image areas that I believe have been altered.”

“There are a number of places where it appears that straight lines have been created (legs, torso, left arm),” Barry adds.

“It appears that there is an attempt to reduce the volume of her face in the area of the cheeks. All detail of her chest, including her collar bones have been all but obliterated. The fingers of the right hand appear to have been altered as well.”

So there you have it.

Kylie occasionally makes relatively minor alterations to her selfies.

You’re stunned, we know.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Under Fire AGAIN for Photoshopping Pics!

Kylie Jenner just can’t leave well enough alone.

We know that by looking at her lips, her hair, her entire body, if some reports are to be believed.

And as we’re learning now, she can’t even seem to bear sharing a photo on social media without messing with it a bit first.

A couple of weeks ago, Kylie posted a photo on Instagram, and it looked a bit … off.

A curtain to her side was bent in a way that didn’t really make sense, and coincidentally the morphed bit was right next to her waist, leading many people to believe she’d manipulated the photo to make herself look thinner.

Which is dumb for a number of reasons — she’s already very thin, and she has millions and millions of dedicated followers who would surely notice a bad Photoshop job.

She got a lot of criticism for the photo, but now, it’s happening again.

Oh, Kylie …

That’s Kylie with her best friend, Jordyn Woods, crossing her arms because she’s cold or something, not to emphasize her breasts.

But for this photo, people aren’t looking at Kylie’s boobs, at least not right away.

Because the eye can’t help but drift to that strange bit of floor between Jordyn’s legs.

Is that just the pattern of the floor, it just has that one curve? And Jordyn just happens to have her weirdly thin leg right next to that curve?

It’s a little hard to believe.

And Kylie’s sassiest fans aren’t believing it at all.

“The floor has more curves that Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian,” one person wrote.

Another asked “I didn’t know the ground was supposed to curve like that?”

One helpful fan told Kylie “LOL LEARN HOW TO USE PHOTOSHOP,” and another kind soul wrote “Girl you need to delete this!!! They are draggin you.”

But she hasn’t deleted the photo — and if we look back to a report that was released after the last Photoshop scandal, it may be because her feelings are just too hurt.

As a source explained at the time, the Photoshop accusations make her feel like people are calling her “ugly,” like she needs to edit photos to look good.

And while Kylie isn’t the subject of editing in this new photo, it likely still bothers her.

“Those kinds of accusations can hurt her brand, her image and her income if people think she’s a fake,” the source said.

If she’s truly bothered by all this, then there’s a simple solution: stop Photoshopping pics.

And if she’s not, then she needs to stop posing with flooring or curtains or any other items that look so unnatural.

It’s really not that difficult.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kim Kardashian to Haters: Stop Photoshopping Me!

Kim Kardashian is not impressed with people who alter her pictures to change her appearance. 

In fact, she’s decided that the best method is to call out the trolls and prove the pictures are fake. 

Yes, she’s now hitting out at the haters. 

The picture in question was obviously edited. The hair she had looked like something from a corpse, or something.

And the skin was edited to make it look like there were spots all over her face.

If anything the pictures set out to show just how well Kim has reacted to fame. 

Have a look at the apparent before/after picture below. 

The very notion that people would believe the one on the left to be real is laughable. It looks like someone has tried to create an older version of the star on The Sims. 

It’s that bad. 

“Wait, who has seen this? The pic on the left is photoshopped,” Kardashian captioned. 

“Not my hair, eyebrows or glasses.”

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star knew online haters would not take her word for it without solid proof. 

That’s why she then uploaded the original picture that was completely different. 

“Not much better, but this is the pic they photoshopped.”

Kim sure seemed to be laughing the whole thing off, but she did feel the need to debunk the theory that she used to be an old woman. 

Kardashian has been relatively quiet on social media over the last few months. Her silence was brought on by her being held at gunpoint in Paris. 

KUWTK recently caught up to those events, and it’s clear she was shaken up badly about the whole incident. 

It has been reported that she still has nightmares about the night the attack happened. 

What do you think about all of this?


Friday, February 17, 2017

Ariel Winter Busted Photoshopping Bikini Pics Again!

Even if you’ve never seen a single episode of Modern Family, you’re probably familiar with actress Ariel Winter.

The 19-year-old has a massive online following that belies her claim to fame as part of the massive ensemble cast of a dinosaur sitcom currently lumbering into its 478th season.

The reason for that, of course, is that Ariel has huge boobs, and she’s not shy about showing them off on Instagram.

Ariel’s bikini pics are the stuff of legend, and they rack up so many likes you’d think they were produced by Beyonce. 

But to paraphrase Spider-Man’s dead uncle, with great boob selfies comes great scrutiny, and given the level of pervy obsession devoted to Winter’s pics, it’s not surprising that her fans are quick to notice if anything is amiss.

Currently, Ariel is in Mexico, celebrating Valentine’s week with her new boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

She posted this pic, presumably in case anyone was concerned that she and Levi are having anything other than the best time ever:

At first, there appears to be nothing unusual about the photo, aside from the fact that this intimate moment took place while a third person was in the room snapping photos.

But Ariel has 2.9 million followers, many of whom look at her pics very, very closely.

So perhaps it was only a matter of time before one of them noticed the warped door frame in the background on the left side of the pic.

Yes, it appears that Ariel indulged in some re-touching.

It’s not the first time Winter had been caught photoshopping her pics, but every time it seems to piss off her fans, and we guess it’s not hard to see why.

Ariel touts herself as a paragon of self-acceptance and body positivity.

She’s defended her frequent bikini pics as acts of feminist empowerment.

She receives more positive feedback from a single selfie than most young people receive in their entire lives.

So if she feels the need to retouch her photos before she posts them, it sends something of a mixed message to her many fans and followers.

Strangely, Ariel never addressed these photoshop mini-controversies when they arise.

We’re sure she could win some of that goodwill back by simply saying:

“Hey, everyone feels a little insecure sometimes. I’ll try to be more honest with you guys in the future.”

Or just post another boob selfie.

The Internet has a short memory.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Accused of Photoshopping Herself So Hard She Gave Herself a Third Nipple

If you know who Kylie Jenner is, then you know she’s no stranger to switching things up when it comes to her appearance.

It’s pretty much the only reason anybody even talks about her.

The 19-year-old reality star changes her hair all the time, going from brown to blonde to turquoise to pink to “rose gold.”

She’s a makeup master, capable of making herself nearly unrecognizable with just a few (million) strokes of her brushes.

There’s also Kylie’s lip injections, which need no introduction.

Not to mention the mysterious way her ass and her breasts have grown recently to the point where they eclipse even Kim’s.

There’s no question that Kylie is something of a khameleon, and has been for some time now, but this latest photo of her …

… it’s hard to tell what’s even happening here:

So OK, there’s Kylie Jenner in a bikini, nothing new to see there.

Tyga ruins the whole picture by existing in it. Also totally normal.

But hold up, why does the beauty’s leg look so tiny?! It doesn’t even match the other leg! What a ridiculously awful Photoshop effort!

… Oh, wait. Upon closer inspection, the bottom part of her leg there is covered by Tyga’s, then by a shadow. That makes some sense.

But you know what doesn’t make sense, not even a little bit?

The fact that Kylie appears to have a third nipple, smack dab in the middle of her knee. Take a look above, see for yourself.

How did this happen?! Has the social media maven always had a third nipple located on her knee and we somehow never noticed?

Is it some kind of wart? Is something in the foreground there playing unfortunate tricks on our eyes in this unusual case?

Or did Kylie somehow Photoshop this photo so hard that a random nipple-esque growth appeared where it had no business being?

Let’s take to the Instagram comments to investigate.

“Photoshop fail,” one Internet sleuth hereby theorizes.

“Look at her leg and the third nipple on her knee.”

But another commenter argues in her defense, “cmon guys its probably just a bandaid peeling off on her knee 🙂 nobodys perfect lol.”

Another possibility, according to these sage folks on Instagram?

“That’s her herpes outbreak,” one commenter posited.

“That’s obviously her brain,” said another, amusingly.

Yet another person weighed in thusly: “But that knee doh.”

“She carried a bed bug all the way from calabasas lmaoo.”

Lmaoo indeed. Another of Jenner’s 83.3 million followers – this is seriously a mystery for the ages here – offered the following explanation:

“I’m pretty sure something’s just fallen onto her knee, like some of the food she’s eating so you all need to chill tf out.”

The most popular theory of all, however, appears to be that the unexplained thing on Kylie’s knee is actually … wait for this one …

A plant. Yes, we’re serious. An actual living thing.

“If you look closely,” a wise soul explains to the masses, “that ‘wart’ looking thing on her knee is actually part of a tree.”

To clarify what they’re saying, there’s also a degree to which the camera is embellishing this object somewhat:

“Lol it’s a plant in front of them in soft focus lol.”

So is it really a plant of some kind on Kylizzle? 

Or is it a bit of food or a band-aid or a bug?

Or is it possible that Kylie Jenner has gone all this time with a third nipple chilling right on her knee, right in front of us?

While we fixated on the other two for obvious reasons, has nip #3 been hiding in plain sight for a matter of years?

The world may never know, and perhaps some things in life are better left unexplained in the end … but we must ask:

What do you think, readers, and does this rank among the most ridiculous Photoshop fails / controversies in modern times?

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Adam Lind: BUSTED Photoshopping Nude Selfies!

At this point, Adam Lind nude photos are nothing new.

In fact graphic sexual images of Lind seem to surface online about once a week. 

Even though they’re usually found on his social media accounts, it’s not uncommon for Lind to blame someone else for the fact that his racy selfies were “leaked” online.

But now we may have evidence that the worst baby daddy in Teen Mom history has not only been posting the pics himself, he’s been altering them so that he’ll appear, ahem…bigger.

The folks at Radar Online had a Photoshop expert examine several photos posted by Lind in order to determine if the father of two is giving fans a false impression of his musculature.

Apparently, there’s one area in particular that Lind is seriously insecure about, as he seems obsessed with making it appear.

Oh, get your minds of the gutter, people!

We’re talking about his forearms, of course.

Yes, expert Barry Allen says that in several photos it looks as though Lind has taken great pains to make his forearms look wider and more muscular.

“It’s possible he was trying to pull out his forearm to make it look bigger,” Allen says.

“Wood trim starts in one place and ends somewhere else. These photographs are extremely suspicious given the complete mismatch in those lines.”

Allen added that Lind favors angles that make his torso appear slimmer, and in some cases he’s inconsistent with his alterations.

“In one picture, his forearm looks tiny,” Allen says. “What happened here? In the other picture your arm was like Popeye the Sailor!”

Sounds like Lind is as bad at Photoshop as he is at being a dad.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive his many, many lowlights. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Scheana Marie: Caught Photoshopping Bikini Photo on Instagram!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then you probably know Scheana Marie Shay as one of the more sane and trustworthy members of the SUR staff.

But at the end of the day, she still works in what might be the world’s most superficial restaurant, where there’s so much pressure to be hot at all times that servers and hostesses sometimes have to go the extra mile to get a leg up on the competition.

Scheana’s currently on vacation in Hawaii with her husband, Michael, and she posted the above photo, which has raised two important questions:

  1. Who still takes Hydroxycut? and

  2. What the hell happened to her left leg?

Unless she had a run-in with a shark that she’s not telling us about, Scheana has done some serious body modifying here, and we’re not talking about that dumb Almost Famous tattoo on her forearm.

Scheana, of course, is no stranger to controversy:

There’s her secret porn past. There’s her controversial response to her husband’s drug problem.

And of course, there’s the scandal that brought her to the spotlight in the first place – sleeping with Eddie Cibrian while he was still married to Brandi Glanville.

But this is the first time Mrs. Shay been busted ‘shopping her own pics.

Like all of the the ladies at SUR, Scheana openly admits to using Botox and every other artificial beauty enhancer on the market, so we doubt she’ll be terribly humiliated by this.

Frankly, if that dumb ink on her arm doesn’t embarrass her, we’re pretty sure nothing will. #ItsAllHappening