Thursday, May 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Under Fire AGAIN for Photoshopping Pics!

Kylie Jenner just can’t leave well enough alone.

We know that by looking at her lips, her hair, her entire body, if some reports are to be believed.

And as we’re learning now, she can’t even seem to bear sharing a photo on social media without messing with it a bit first.

A couple of weeks ago, Kylie posted a photo on Instagram, and it looked a bit … off.

A curtain to her side was bent in a way that didn’t really make sense, and coincidentally the morphed bit was right next to her waist, leading many people to believe she’d manipulated the photo to make herself look thinner.

Which is dumb for a number of reasons — she’s already very thin, and she has millions and millions of dedicated followers who would surely notice a bad Photoshop job.

She got a lot of criticism for the photo, but now, it’s happening again.

Oh, Kylie …

That’s Kylie with her best friend, Jordyn Woods, crossing her arms because she’s cold or something, not to emphasize her breasts.

But for this photo, people aren’t looking at Kylie’s boobs, at least not right away.

Because the eye can’t help but drift to that strange bit of floor between Jordyn’s legs.

Is that just the pattern of the floor, it just has that one curve? And Jordyn just happens to have her weirdly thin leg right next to that curve?

It’s a little hard to believe.

And Kylie’s sassiest fans aren’t believing it at all.

“The floor has more curves that Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian,” one person wrote.

Another asked “I didn’t know the ground was supposed to curve like that?”

One helpful fan told Kylie “LOL LEARN HOW TO USE PHOTOSHOP,” and another kind soul wrote “Girl you need to delete this!!! They are draggin you.”

But she hasn’t deleted the photo — and if we look back to a report that was released after the last Photoshop scandal, it may be because her feelings are just too hurt.

As a source explained at the time, the Photoshop accusations make her feel like people are calling her “ugly,” like she needs to edit photos to look good.

And while Kylie isn’t the subject of editing in this new photo, it likely still bothers her.

“Those kinds of accusations can hurt her brand, her image and her income if people think she’s a fake,” the source said.

If she’s truly bothered by all this, then there’s a simple solution: stop Photoshopping pics.

And if she’s not, then she needs to stop posing with flooring or curtains or any other items that look so unnatural.

It’s really not that difficult.
