Showing posts with label Someday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Someday. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: God, I Hope I Get a Nose Job Someday!

Khloe Kardashian has made it very clear at this point:

She will not be getting a new boyfriend.

The reality star has chosen to stick it out with Tristan Thompson, despite his penchant for just pounding any Instagram model who looks his way for even half a second.

However, Khloe has now made something else clear, much to the surprise of some of her fans:

She is very much in the market for a new nose.

In response to a photo Kardashian shared on her Instagram page late last week, a handful of followers wondered out loud (that is, through their computer screens) whether or not she had gone under a knife.

“Did she really get her nose done or just really fleeky contouring,” one wrote, actually prompting the following response from Khloe herself:

“One day I think I’ll get one because I think about it every day. But I’m scared so for now it’s all about contour.”

on the nose

Kardashian also said, perhaps jokingly, that her nose has changed shape since having daughter True in April.

In response to another remark about plastic surgery versus contouring, she wrote the following:

“Great contouring! We do go overboard but my nose spread during pregnancy so I’m just waiting for it to go back lol.”

We’re pretty sure she’s kidding, but some folks out there have taken that reply seriously.

For years and years, of course, the public has assumed that Kim Kardashian has gotten plastic surgery on her butt… Kourtney Kardashian on her stomach or boobs… and Kylie Jenner on her lips.

All these stars have denied those claims.

In the wake of Khloe’s honest response to her nose situation, many supporters flooded Khloe’s page with compliments.

They want her to know that she doesn’t need to change a single thing about herself.

“You’re gorgeous no need to have your nose done!” one wrote, as another chimed in with a similar sentiment:

“@khloekardashian you are beautiful just how you are.”

Khloe, however, doesn’t sound like she’s down on herself.

She’s always been pretty open about using a doctor to improve on one’s appearance.

Back in March of 2016, for example. Khloe expressed an interest in plastic surgery as well, getting all deep and profound with the magazine:

“I think plastic surgery should be viewed almost like makeup, because we’re all putting on a f-cking mask basically every day anyway,” she said back then, elaborating as follows:

“When you dye your hair, you’re changing who you are, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

“I think people should get plastic surgery or fillers or lasers or whatever if they want it – that should be your own personal decision.”

Elsewhere, Khloe ran into a bit of a controversy over the weekend.

The new captured herself and sister Kourtney using the R-word while trying to figure out how to connect their smartphones.

“Yes, you can, you f-cking retard,” Kourtney  was heard saying off-camera, to which Khloe answered;

“Are you f-cking retarded?”

She garnered backlash for using this term and apologized for it a day after the footage went viral.

“Ugh I hate that word! Why did I even say that? You are a million percent right and I actually greatly dislike when people use that word!” Khloe replied to a follower who called her out, concluding:

“I will do better! I am sorry! much love today.”


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hulk Hogan Says He"s Not Coming Back to WWE at WrestleMania 34, "Maybe Someday"

Hulk Hogan and the WWE might be in talks, but Hulk tells TMZ Sports Hulkamania will NOT be running wild at WrestleMania 34, brother!!! We got the Hulkster touching down at LAX … and he immediately shut down the rumors of…


Hulk Hogan Says He"s Not Coming Back to WWE at WrestleMania 34, "Maybe Someday"

Hulk Hogan and the WWE might be in talks, but Hulk tells TMZ Sports Hulkamania will NOT be running wild at WrestleMania 34, brother!!! We got the Hulkster touching down at LAX … and he immediately shut down the rumors of…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Andrew Garfield: I May Bang a Dude Someday!

When it comes to sexuality, Andrew Garfield is just so gosh darn woke.

No, the Academy Award winner isn’t gay.

In fact, he’s never been with a man or really been attracted to men or had any desire to insert his penis into anything that isn’t a vagina.

But Garfield wants the world to know that he’s open to other openings!

In July of last year, the actor stirred up a bit of a controversy when he said he was “a gay man… without the physical act.”

What made him a gay man, if he didn’t engaged in any gay sex?

He watches a lot of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Garfield explained to Out Magazine, while adding that he might have an “awakening” someday and explore another “part of the garden.

In other words: heck, he may bang a dude at some point.

Who can ever say for certain?!?

In the latest issue of Out, Garfield reiterates this somewhat strange stance.

First, he acknowledges to the publication that his previous quote was misunderstood.

“I think part of what I was trying to say was about inclusion, and about that openness to my impulses.”

But then he basically goes ahead and says the same thing again.

“Up until this point, I’ve only been sexually attracted to women,” Garfield tells the magazine, trying to explain in further detail:

“My stance toward life, though, is that I always try to surrender to the mystery of not being in charge. I think most people – we’re intrinsically trying to control our experience here, and manage it, and put walls around what we are and who we are.

Garfield proceeds to use the kind of icky “garden” metaphor as he continues to ramble:

“I want to know as much of the garden as possible before I pass – I have an openness to any impulses that may arise within me at any time.

“But, if I were to identify, I would identify as heterosexual, and being someone who identifies that way, and who’s taking on this seminal role, my scariest thought was, ‘Am I allowed to do this?"”

The role to which Garfield is referring is Prior Walter in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America, a production that featured the star as a young New York resident living with AIDS.

He appeared in this role last summer in London and will soon reprise the role on Broadway.

The play centers on homosexuality and AIDS and related issues and Garfield is very proud to be associated with it.

“To be a part of transmitting all that feels like the most meaningful thing I could do with my life right now,” he says.

“I’m in a privileged position, and I want to keep listening, and learning as much as I possibly can. I want to be a part of the world spinning forward as much as anyone else.”

This is an admirable point of view.

This is really all Garfield should have said on the subject.

It’s great to support the LGBT community and it’s great that he wants to feel like he understands all sides of sexuality.

But he doesn’t. That’s just a fact.

There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to women and still believing in inclusiveness, in equal rights. There’s everything right about it in fact.

Garfield doesn’t need to go so far out of his way to pretend he relates to the gay community by pretending he’s part of the gay community.

Or could see himself being part of it someday.

That’s just an odd thing to say and it takes away from his overall point, leading to headlines such as the one above.

Don’t try so hard, Andy. We all know you’re one of the good ones already.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris: Totally Getting Married!!! (Someday)

Earlier this week, we reported that Calvin Harris had been hanging out with Taylor Swift’s mom, which lead to speculation that the Scottish DJ was asking Mrs. Swift for her daughter’s hand in marriage.

Now, sources have confirmed that Taylor and Calvin are getting married! Maybe. Someday. If they feel like it. Take it away, source:

“No breakup is going to happen,” the insider tells Hollywood Life. “No engagement is imminent, but they have told each other that it ends with them and they will get married.”

Yes, Taylor and Calvin are not engaged, but like many a middle school couple pawing at each other under the bleachers before them, they’ve assured one another that they’re on a one-way trip to Marriage & Babies Town.

But that’s later. For right now, Taylor has finished up her tour, and she and Calvin are looking forward to some sexy time:

“They want to make up for lost time,” says the source. “The two want to spend a week in bed together because they’ve really missed being a couple, and really missed their intimacy with one another.”

Once they’re finished making blonde, blue-eyed, platinum-selling babies, Taylor and Calvin are apparently planning on hanging out with Selena Gomez and Niall Horan who (according to this same anonymous insider) are totally a couple!

“Taylor would love to go on a double date with Selena and Niall,” says the source. “It’s just a matter of time. She’s really excited and happy for them.”

We’re beginning to think the source has just been reading Taylor’s dream journal, but whatevs. We like this version of reality.