Friday, February 9, 2018

Andrew Garfield: I May Bang a Dude Someday!

When it comes to sexuality, Andrew Garfield is just so gosh darn woke.

No, the Academy Award winner isn’t gay.

In fact, he’s never been with a man or really been attracted to men or had any desire to insert his penis into anything that isn’t a vagina.

But Garfield wants the world to know that he’s open to other openings!

In July of last year, the actor stirred up a bit of a controversy when he said he was “a gay man… without the physical act.”

What made him a gay man, if he didn’t engaged in any gay sex?

He watches a lot of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Garfield explained to Out Magazine, while adding that he might have an “awakening” someday and explore another “part of the garden.

In other words: heck, he may bang a dude at some point.

Who can ever say for certain?!?

In the latest issue of Out, Garfield reiterates this somewhat strange stance.

First, he acknowledges to the publication that his previous quote was misunderstood.

“I think part of what I was trying to say was about inclusion, and about that openness to my impulses.”

But then he basically goes ahead and says the same thing again.

“Up until this point, I’ve only been sexually attracted to women,” Garfield tells the magazine, trying to explain in further detail:

“My stance toward life, though, is that I always try to surrender to the mystery of not being in charge. I think most people – we’re intrinsically trying to control our experience here, and manage it, and put walls around what we are and who we are.

Garfield proceeds to use the kind of icky “garden” metaphor as he continues to ramble:

“I want to know as much of the garden as possible before I pass – I have an openness to any impulses that may arise within me at any time.

“But, if I were to identify, I would identify as heterosexual, and being someone who identifies that way, and who’s taking on this seminal role, my scariest thought was, ‘Am I allowed to do this?"”

The role to which Garfield is referring is Prior Walter in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America, a production that featured the star as a young New York resident living with AIDS.

He appeared in this role last summer in London and will soon reprise the role on Broadway.

The play centers on homosexuality and AIDS and related issues and Garfield is very proud to be associated with it.

“To be a part of transmitting all that feels like the most meaningful thing I could do with my life right now,” he says.

“I’m in a privileged position, and I want to keep listening, and learning as much as I possibly can. I want to be a part of the world spinning forward as much as anyone else.”

This is an admirable point of view.

This is really all Garfield should have said on the subject.

It’s great to support the LGBT community and it’s great that he wants to feel like he understands all sides of sexuality.

But he doesn’t. That’s just a fact.

There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to women and still believing in inclusiveness, in equal rights. There’s everything right about it in fact.

Garfield doesn’t need to go so far out of his way to pretend he relates to the gay community by pretending he’s part of the gay community.

Or could see himself being part of it someday.

That’s just an odd thing to say and it takes away from his overall point, leading to headlines such as the one above.

Don’t try so hard, Andy. We all know you’re one of the good ones already.
